/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2013 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ machine(MachineType:Directory, "Token protocol") : DirectoryMemory * directory; int l2_select_num_bits; Cycles directory_latency := 5; bool distributed_persistent := "True"; Cycles fixed_timeout_latency := 100; Cycles reissue_wakeup_latency := 10; Cycles to_memory_controller_latency := 1; // Message Queues from dir to other controllers / network MessageBuffer * dmaResponseFromDir, network="To", virtual_network="5", vnet_type="response"; MessageBuffer * responseFromDir, network="To", virtual_network="4", vnet_type="response"; MessageBuffer * persistentFromDir, network="To", virtual_network="3", vnet_type="persistent"; MessageBuffer * requestFromDir, network="To", virtual_network="1", vnet_type="request"; // Message Queues to dir from other controllers / network MessageBuffer * responseToDir, network="From", virtual_network="4", vnet_type="response"; MessageBuffer * persistentToDir, network="From", virtual_network="3", vnet_type="persistent"; MessageBuffer * requestToDir, network="From", virtual_network="2", vnet_type="request"; MessageBuffer * dmaRequestToDir, network="From", virtual_network="0", vnet_type="request"; MessageBuffer * responseFromMemory; { // STATES state_declaration(State, desc="Directory states", default="Directory_State_O") { // Base states O, AccessPermission:Read_Only, desc="Owner, memory has valid data, but not necessarily all the tokens"; NO, AccessPermission:Maybe_Stale, desc="Not Owner"; L, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Locked"; // Memory wait states - can block all messages including persistent requests O_W, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="transitioning to Owner, waiting for memory write"; L_O_W, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="transitioning to Locked, waiting for memory read, could eventually return to O"; L_NO_W, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="transitioning to Locked, waiting for memory read, eventually return to NO"; DR_L_W, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="transitioning to Locked underneath a DMA read, waiting for memory data"; DW_L_W, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="transitioning to Locked underneath a DMA write, waiting for memory ack"; NO_W, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="transitioning to Not Owner, waiting for memory read"; O_DW_W, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="transitioning to Owner, waiting for memory before DMA ack"; O_DR_W, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="transitioning to Owner, waiting for memory before DMA data"; // DMA request transient states - must respond to persistent requests O_DW, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="issued GETX for DMA write, waiting for all tokens"; NO_DW, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="issued GETX for DMA write, waiting for all tokens"; NO_DR, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="issued GETS for DMA read, waiting for data"; // DMA request in progress - competing with a CPU persistent request DW_L, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="issued GETX for DMA write, CPU persistent request must complete first"; DR_L, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="issued GETS for DMA read, CPU persistent request must complete first"; } // Events enumeration(Event, desc="Directory events") { GETX, desc="A GETX arrives"; GETS, desc="A GETS arrives"; Lockdown, desc="A lockdown request arrives"; Unlockdown, desc="An un-lockdown request arrives"; Own_Lock_or_Unlock, desc="own lock or unlock"; Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens, desc="own lock or unlock with tokens"; Data_Owner, desc="Data arrive"; Data_All_Tokens, desc="Data and all tokens"; Ack_Owner, desc="Owner token arrived without data because it was clean"; Ack_Owner_All_Tokens, desc="All tokens including owner arrived without data because it was clean"; Tokens, desc="Tokens arrive"; Ack_All_Tokens, desc="All_Tokens arrive"; Request_Timeout, desc="A DMA request has timed out"; // Memory Controller Memory_Data, desc="Fetched data from memory arrives"; Memory_Ack, desc="Writeback Ack from memory arrives"; // DMA requests DMA_READ, desc="A DMA Read memory request"; DMA_WRITE, desc="A DMA Write memory request"; DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens, desc="A DMA Write memory request, directory has all tokens"; } // TYPES // DirectoryEntry structure(Entry, desc="...", interface="AbstractCacheEntry", main="false") { State DirectoryState, desc="Directory state"; int Tokens, default="max_tokens()", desc="Number of tokens for the line we're holding"; // The following state is provided to allow for bandwidth // efficient directory-like operation. However all of this state // is 'soft state' that does not need to be correct (as long as // you're eventually willing to resort to broadcast.) Set Owner, desc="Probable Owner of the line. More accurately, the set of processors who need to see a GetS or GetO. We use a Set for convenience, but only one bit is set at a time."; Set Sharers, desc="Probable sharers of the line. More accurately, the set of processors who need to see a GetX"; } structure(PersistentTable, external="yes") { void persistentRequestLock(Addr, MachineID, AccessType); void persistentRequestUnlock(Addr, MachineID); bool okToIssueStarving(Addr, MachineID); MachineID findSmallest(Addr); AccessType typeOfSmallest(Addr); void markEntries(Addr); bool isLocked(Addr); int countStarvingForAddress(Addr); int countReadStarvingForAddress(Addr); } // TBE entries for DMA requests structure(TBE, desc="TBE entries for outstanding DMA requests") { Addr PhysicalAddress, desc="physical address"; State TBEState, desc="Transient State"; DataBlock DataBlk, desc="Current view of the associated address range"; int Len, desc="..."; MachineID DmaRequestor, desc="DMA requestor"; bool WentPersistent, desc="Did the DMA request require a persistent request"; } structure(TBETable, external="yes") { TBE lookup(Addr); void allocate(Addr); void deallocate(Addr); bool isPresent(Addr); } // ** OBJECTS ** PersistentTable persistentTable; TimerTable reissueTimerTable; TBETable TBEs, template="", constructor="m_number_of_TBEs"; bool starving, default="false"; int l2_select_low_bit, default="RubySystem::getBlockSizeBits()"; Tick clockEdge(); Tick clockEdge(Cycles c); Tick cyclesToTicks(Cycles c); void set_tbe(TBE b); void unset_tbe(); MachineID mapAddressToMachine(Addr addr, MachineType mtype); Entry getDirectoryEntry(Addr addr), return_by_pointer="yes" { Entry dir_entry := static_cast(Entry, "pointer", directory[addr]); if (is_valid(dir_entry)) { return dir_entry; } dir_entry := static_cast(Entry, "pointer", directory.allocate(addr, new Entry)); return dir_entry; } State getState(TBE tbe, Addr addr) { if (is_valid(tbe)) { return tbe.TBEState; } else { return getDirectoryEntry(addr).DirectoryState; } } void setState(TBE tbe, Addr addr, State state) { if (is_valid(tbe)) { tbe.TBEState := state; } getDirectoryEntry(addr).DirectoryState := state; if (state == State:L || state == State:DW_L || state == State:DR_L) { assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Tokens == 0); } // We have one or zero owners assert((getDirectoryEntry(addr).Owner.count() == 0) || (getDirectoryEntry(addr).Owner.count() == 1)); // Make sure the token count is in range assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Tokens >= 0); assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Tokens <= max_tokens()); if (state == State:O || state == State:O_W || state == State:O_DW) { assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Tokens >= 1); // Must have at least one token // assert(getDirectoryEntry(addr).Tokens >= (max_tokens() / 2)); // Only mostly true; this might not always hold } } AccessPermission getAccessPermission(Addr addr) { TBE tbe := TBEs[addr]; if(is_valid(tbe)) { return Directory_State_to_permission(tbe.TBEState); } if (directory.isPresent(addr)) { DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", Directory_State_to_permission(getDirectoryEntry(addr).DirectoryState)); return Directory_State_to_permission(getDirectoryEntry(addr).DirectoryState); } DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "AccessPermission_NotPresent\n"); return AccessPermission:NotPresent; } void setAccessPermission(Addr addr, State state) { getDirectoryEntry(addr).changePermission(Directory_State_to_permission(state)); } bool okToIssueStarving(Addr addr, MachineID machinID) { return persistentTable.okToIssueStarving(addr, machineID); } void markPersistentEntries(Addr addr) { persistentTable.markEntries(addr); } void functionalRead(Addr addr, Packet *pkt) { TBE tbe := TBEs[addr]; if(is_valid(tbe)) { testAndRead(addr, tbe.DataBlk, pkt); } else { functionalMemoryRead(pkt); } } int functionalWrite(Addr addr, Packet *pkt) { int num_functional_writes := 0; TBE tbe := TBEs[addr]; if(is_valid(tbe)) { num_functional_writes := num_functional_writes + testAndWrite(addr, tbe.DataBlk, pkt); } num_functional_writes := num_functional_writes + functionalMemoryWrite(pkt); return num_functional_writes; } // ** OUT_PORTS ** out_port(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, responseFromDir); out_port(persistentNetwork_out, PersistentMsg, persistentFromDir); out_port(requestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, requestFromDir); out_port(dmaResponseNetwork_out, DMAResponseMsg, dmaResponseFromDir); // ** IN_PORTS ** // off-chip memory request/response is done in_port(memQueue_in, MemoryMsg, responseFromMemory) { if (memQueue_in.isReady(clockEdge())) { peek(memQueue_in, MemoryMsg) { if (in_msg.Type == MemoryRequestType:MEMORY_READ) { trigger(Event:Memory_Data, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == MemoryRequestType:MEMORY_WB) { trigger(Event:Memory_Ack, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } else { DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", in_msg.Type); error("Invalid message"); } } } } // Reissue Timer in_port(reissueTimerTable_in, Addr, reissueTimerTable) { Tick current_time := clockEdge(); if (reissueTimerTable_in.isReady(current_time)) { Addr addr := reissueTimerTable.nextAddress(); trigger(Event:Request_Timeout, addr, TBEs.lookup(addr)); } } in_port(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg, responseToDir) { if (responseNetwork_in.isReady(clockEdge())) { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { assert(in_msg.Destination.isElement(machineID)); if (getDirectoryEntry(in_msg.addr).Tokens + in_msg.Tokens == max_tokens()) { if ((in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:DATA_OWNER) || (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:DATA_SHARED)) { trigger(Event:Data_All_Tokens, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:ACK_OWNER) { trigger(Event:Ack_Owner_All_Tokens, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:ACK) { trigger(Event:Ack_All_Tokens, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } else { DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", in_msg.Type); error("Invalid message"); } } else { if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:DATA_OWNER) { trigger(Event:Data_Owner, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } else if ((in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:ACK) || (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:DATA_SHARED)) { trigger(Event:Tokens, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:ACK_OWNER) { trigger(Event:Ack_Owner, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } else { DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", in_msg.Type); error("Invalid message"); } } } } } in_port(persistentNetwork_in, PersistentMsg, persistentToDir) { if (persistentNetwork_in.isReady(clockEdge())) { peek(persistentNetwork_in, PersistentMsg) { assert(in_msg.Destination.isElement(machineID)); if (distributed_persistent) { // Apply the lockdown or unlockdown message to the table if (in_msg.Type == PersistentRequestType:GETX_PERSISTENT) { persistentTable.persistentRequestLock(in_msg.addr, in_msg.Requestor, AccessType:Write); } else if (in_msg.Type == PersistentRequestType:GETS_PERSISTENT) { persistentTable.persistentRequestLock(in_msg.addr, in_msg.Requestor, AccessType:Read); } else if (in_msg.Type == PersistentRequestType:DEACTIVATE_PERSISTENT) { persistentTable.persistentRequestUnlock(in_msg.addr, in_msg.Requestor); } else { error("Invalid message"); } // React to the message based on the current state of the table if (persistentTable.isLocked(in_msg.addr)) { if (persistentTable.findSmallest(in_msg.addr) == machineID) { if (getDirectoryEntry(in_msg.addr).Tokens > 0) { trigger(Event:Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } else { trigger(Event:Own_Lock_or_Unlock, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } } else { // locked trigger(Event:Lockdown, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } } else { // unlocked trigger(Event:Unlockdown, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } } else { if (persistentTable.findSmallest(in_msg.addr) == machineID) { if (getDirectoryEntry(in_msg.addr).Tokens > 0) { trigger(Event:Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } else { trigger(Event:Own_Lock_or_Unlock, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } } else if (in_msg.Type == PersistentRequestType:GETX_PERSISTENT) { // locked trigger(Event:Lockdown, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == PersistentRequestType:GETS_PERSISTENT) { // locked trigger(Event:Lockdown, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == PersistentRequestType:DEACTIVATE_PERSISTENT) { // unlocked trigger(Event:Unlockdown, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } else { error("Invalid message"); } } } } } in_port(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg, requestToDir) { if (requestNetwork_in.isReady(clockEdge())) { peek(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { assert(in_msg.Destination.isElement(machineID)); if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:GETS) { trigger(Event:GETS, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:GETX) { trigger(Event:GETX, in_msg.addr, TBEs[in_msg.addr]); } else { error("Invalid message"); } } } } in_port(dmaRequestQueue_in, DMARequestMsg, dmaRequestToDir) { if (dmaRequestQueue_in.isReady(clockEdge())) { peek(dmaRequestQueue_in, DMARequestMsg) { if (in_msg.Type == DMARequestType:READ) { trigger(Event:DMA_READ, in_msg.LineAddress, TBEs[in_msg.LineAddress]); } else if (in_msg.Type == DMARequestType:WRITE) { if (getDirectoryEntry(in_msg.LineAddress).Tokens == max_tokens()) { trigger(Event:DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens, in_msg.LineAddress, TBEs[in_msg.LineAddress]); } else { trigger(Event:DMA_WRITE, in_msg.LineAddress, TBEs[in_msg.LineAddress]); } } else { error("Invalid message"); } } } } // Actions action(a_sendTokens, "a", desc="Send tokens to requestor") { // Only send a message if we have tokens to send if (getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens > 0) { peek(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, directory_latency) {// FIXME? out_msg.addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:ACK; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor); out_msg.Tokens := getDirectoryEntry(in_msg.addr).Tokens; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Control; } } getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens := 0; } } action(px_tryIssuingPersistentGETXRequest, "px", desc="...") { if (okToIssueStarving(address, machineID) && (starving == false)) { enqueue(persistentNetwork_out, PersistentMsg, 1) { out_msg.addr := address; out_msg.Type := PersistentRequestType:GETX_PERSISTENT; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; out_msg.Destination.broadcast(MachineType:L1Cache); // // Currently the configuration system limits the system to only one // chip. Therefore, if we assume one shared L2 cache, then only one // pertinent L2 cache exist. // //out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(getAllPertinentL2Banks(address)); out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache, l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0))); out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToMachine(address, MachineType:Directory)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Persistent_Control; out_msg.Prefetch := PrefetchBit:No; out_msg.AccessMode := RubyAccessMode:Supervisor; } markPersistentEntries(address); starving := true; tbe.WentPersistent := true; // Do not schedule a wakeup, a persistent requests will always complete } else { // We'd like to issue a persistent request, but are not allowed // to issue a P.R. right now. This, we do not increment the // IssueCount. // Set a wakeup timer reissueTimerTable.set(address, clockEdge(reissue_wakeup_latency)); } } action(bw_broadcastWrite, "bw", desc="Broadcast GETX if we need tokens") { peek(dmaRequestQueue_in, DMARequestMsg) { // // Assser that we only send message if we don't already have all the tokens // assert(getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens != max_tokens()); enqueue(requestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, 1) { out_msg.addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GETX; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; // // Since only one chip, assuming all L1 caches are local // out_msg.Destination.broadcast(MachineType:L1Cache); out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache, l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0))); out_msg.RetryNum := 0; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Broadcast_Control; out_msg.Prefetch := PrefetchBit:No; out_msg.AccessMode := RubyAccessMode:Supervisor; } } } action(ps_tryIssuingPersistentGETSRequest, "ps", desc="...") { if (okToIssueStarving(address, machineID) && (starving == false)) { enqueue(persistentNetwork_out, PersistentMsg, 1) { out_msg.addr := address; out_msg.Type := PersistentRequestType:GETS_PERSISTENT; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; out_msg.Destination.broadcast(MachineType:L1Cache); // // Currently the configuration system limits the system to only one // chip. Therefore, if we assume one shared L2 cache, then only one // pertinent L2 cache exist. // //out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(getAllPertinentL2Banks(address)); out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache, l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0))); out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToMachine(address, MachineType:Directory)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Persistent_Control; out_msg.Prefetch := PrefetchBit:No; out_msg.AccessMode := RubyAccessMode:Supervisor; } markPersistentEntries(address); starving := true; tbe.WentPersistent := true; // Do not schedule a wakeup, a persistent requests will always complete } else { // We'd like to issue a persistent request, but are not allowed // to issue a P.R. right now. This, we do not increment the // IssueCount. // Set a wakeup timer reissueTimerTable.set(address, clockEdge(reissue_wakeup_latency)); } } action(br_broadcastRead, "br", desc="Broadcast GETS for data") { peek(dmaRequestQueue_in, DMARequestMsg) { enqueue(requestNetwork_out, RequestMsg, 1) { out_msg.addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GETS; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; // // Since only one chip, assuming all L1 caches are local // out_msg.Destination.broadcast(MachineType:L1Cache); out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache, l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0))); out_msg.RetryNum := 0; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Broadcast_Control; out_msg.Prefetch := PrefetchBit:No; out_msg.AccessMode := RubyAccessMode:Supervisor; } } } action(aa_sendTokensToStarver, "\a", desc="Send tokens to starver") { // Only send a message if we have tokens to send if (getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens > 0) { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, directory_latency) {// FIXME? out_msg.addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:ACK; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(persistentTable.findSmallest(address)); out_msg.Tokens := getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Control; } getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens := 0; } } action(d_sendMemoryDataWithAllTokens, "d", desc="Send data and tokens to requestor") { peek(memQueue_in, MemoryMsg) { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, 1) { out_msg.addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA_OWNER; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.OriginalRequestorMachId); assert(getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens > 0); out_msg.Tokens := getDirectoryEntry(in_msg.addr).Tokens; out_msg.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; out_msg.Dirty := false; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } } getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens := 0; } action(dd_sendMemDataToStarver, "\d", desc="Send data and tokens to starver") { peek(memQueue_in, MemoryMsg) { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, 1) { out_msg.addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA_OWNER; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(persistentTable.findSmallest(address)); assert(getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens > 0); out_msg.Tokens := getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens; out_msg.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; out_msg.Dirty := false; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } } getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens := 0; } action(de_sendTbeDataToStarver, "de", desc="Send data and tokens to starver") { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, 1) { out_msg.addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA_OWNER; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(persistentTable.findSmallest(address)); assert(getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens > 0); out_msg.Tokens := getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens; out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk; out_msg.Dirty := false; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens := 0; } action(qf_queueMemoryFetchRequest, "qf", desc="Queue off-chip fetch request") { peek(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) { queueMemoryRead(in_msg.Requestor, address, to_memory_controller_latency); } } action(qp_queueMemoryForPersistent, "qp", desc="Queue off-chip fetch request") { queueMemoryRead(persistentTable.findSmallest(address), address, to_memory_controller_latency); } action(fd_memoryDma, "fd", desc="Queue off-chip fetch request") { peek(dmaRequestQueue_in, DMARequestMsg) { queueMemoryRead(in_msg.Requestor, address, to_memory_controller_latency); } } action(lq_queueMemoryWbRequest, "lq", desc="Write data to memory") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { queueMemoryWrite(in_msg.Sender, address, to_memory_controller_latency, in_msg.DataBlk); } } action(ld_queueMemoryDmaWriteFromTbe, "ld", desc="Write DMA data to memory") { queueMemoryWritePartial(tbe.DmaRequestor, address, to_memory_controller_latency, tbe.DataBlk, tbe.Len); } action(lr_queueMemoryDmaReadWriteback, "lr", desc="Write DMA data from read to memory") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { queueMemoryWrite(machineID, address, to_memory_controller_latency, in_msg.DataBlk); } } action(vd_allocateDmaRequestInTBE, "vd", desc="Record Data in TBE") { peek(dmaRequestQueue_in, DMARequestMsg) { TBEs.allocate(address); set_tbe(TBEs[address]); tbe.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; tbe.PhysicalAddress := in_msg.PhysicalAddress; tbe.Len := in_msg.Len; tbe.DmaRequestor := in_msg.Requestor; tbe.WentPersistent := false; } } action(s_deallocateTBE, "s", desc="Deallocate TBE") { if (tbe.WentPersistent) { assert(starving); enqueue(persistentNetwork_out, PersistentMsg, 1) { out_msg.addr := address; out_msg.Type := PersistentRequestType:DEACTIVATE_PERSISTENT; out_msg.Requestor := machineID; out_msg.Destination.broadcast(MachineType:L1Cache); // // Currently the configuration system limits the system to only one // chip. Therefore, if we assume one shared L2 cache, then only one // pertinent L2 cache exist. // //out_msg.Destination.addNetDest(getAllPertinentL2Banks(address)); out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache, l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0))); out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToMachine(address, MachineType:Directory)); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Persistent_Control; } starving := false; } TBEs.deallocate(address); unset_tbe(); } action(rd_recordDataInTbe, "rd", desc="Record data in TBE") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { DataBlock DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk; tbe.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; tbe.DataBlk.copyPartial(DataBlk, getOffset(tbe.PhysicalAddress), tbe.Len); } } action(f_incrementTokens, "f", desc="Increment the number of tokens we're tracking") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { assert(in_msg.Tokens >= 1); getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens := getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens + in_msg.Tokens; } } action(aat_assertAllTokens, "aat", desc="assert that we have all tokens") { assert(getDirectoryEntry(address).Tokens == max_tokens()); } action(j_popIncomingRequestQueue, "j", desc="Pop incoming request queue") { requestNetwork_in.dequeue(clockEdge()); } action(z_recycleRequest, "z", desc="Recycle the request queue") { requestNetwork_in.recycle(clockEdge(), cyclesToTicks(recycle_latency)); } action(k_popIncomingResponseQueue, "k", desc="Pop incoming response queue") { responseNetwork_in.dequeue(clockEdge()); } action(kz_recycleResponse, "kz", desc="Recycle incoming response queue") { responseNetwork_in.recycle(clockEdge(), cyclesToTicks(recycle_latency)); } action(l_popIncomingPersistentQueue, "l", desc="Pop incoming persistent queue") { persistentNetwork_in.dequeue(clockEdge()); } action(p_popDmaRequestQueue, "pd", desc="pop dma request queue") { dmaRequestQueue_in.dequeue(clockEdge()); } action(y_recycleDmaRequestQueue, "y", desc="recycle dma request queue") { dmaRequestQueue_in.recycle(clockEdge(), cyclesToTicks(recycle_latency)); } action(l_popMemQueue, "q", desc="Pop off-chip request queue") { memQueue_in.dequeue(clockEdge()); } action(r_bounceResponse, "r", desc="Bounce response to starving processor") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, 1) { out_msg.addr := address; out_msg.Type := in_msg.Type; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(persistentTable.findSmallest(address)); out_msg.Tokens := in_msg.Tokens; out_msg.MessageSize := in_msg.MessageSize; out_msg.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; out_msg.Dirty := in_msg.Dirty; } } } action(rs_resetScheduleTimeout, "rs", desc="Reschedule Schedule Timeout") { // // currently only support a fixed timeout latency // if (reissueTimerTable.isSet(address)) { reissueTimerTable.unset(address); reissueTimerTable.set(address, clockEdge(fixed_timeout_latency)); } } action(st_scheduleTimeout, "st", desc="Schedule Timeout") { // // currently only support a fixed timeout latency // reissueTimerTable.set(address, clockEdge(fixed_timeout_latency)); } action(ut_unsetReissueTimer, "ut", desc="Unset reissue timer.") { if (reissueTimerTable.isSet(address)) { reissueTimerTable.unset(address); } } action(bd_bounceDatalessOwnerToken, "bd", desc="Bounce clean owner token to starving processor") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { assert(in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:ACK_OWNER); assert(in_msg.Dirty == false); assert(in_msg.MessageSize == MessageSizeType:Writeback_Control); // Bounce the message, but "re-associate" the data and the owner // token. In essence we're converting an ACK_OWNER message to a // DATA_OWNER message, keeping the number of tokens the same. enqueue(responseNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, 1) { out_msg.addr := address; out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA_OWNER; out_msg.Sender := machineID; out_msg.Destination.add(persistentTable.findSmallest(address)); out_msg.Tokens := in_msg.Tokens; out_msg.Dirty := in_msg.Dirty; out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } } } action(da_sendDmaAck, "da", desc="Send Ack to DMA controller") { enqueue(dmaResponseNetwork_out, DMAResponseMsg, 1) { out_msg.PhysicalAddress := address; out_msg.LineAddress := address; out_msg.Type := DMAResponseType:ACK; out_msg.Destination.add(tbe.DmaRequestor); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Control; } } action(dm_sendMemoryDataToDma, "dm", desc="Send Data to DMA controller from memory") { peek(memQueue_in, MemoryMsg) { enqueue(dmaResponseNetwork_out, DMAResponseMsg, 1) { out_msg.PhysicalAddress := address; out_msg.LineAddress := address; out_msg.Type := DMAResponseType:DATA; // // we send the entire data block and rely on the dma controller to // split it up if need be // out_msg.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; out_msg.Destination.add(tbe.DmaRequestor); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } } } action(dd_sendDmaData, "dd", desc="Send Data to DMA controller") { peek(responseNetwork_in, ResponseMsg) { enqueue(dmaResponseNetwork_out, DMAResponseMsg, 1) { out_msg.PhysicalAddress := address; out_msg.LineAddress := address; out_msg.Type := DMAResponseType:DATA; // // we send the entire data block and rely on the dma controller to // split it up if need be // out_msg.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk; out_msg.Destination.add(tbe.DmaRequestor); out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data; } } } // TRANSITIONS // // Trans. from base state O // the directory has valid data // transition(O, GETX, NO_W) { qf_queueMemoryFetchRequest; j_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(O, DMA_WRITE, O_DW) { vd_allocateDmaRequestInTBE; bw_broadcastWrite; st_scheduleTimeout; p_popDmaRequestQueue; } transition(O, DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens, O_DW_W) { vd_allocateDmaRequestInTBE; ld_queueMemoryDmaWriteFromTbe; p_popDmaRequestQueue; } transition(O, GETS, NO_W) { qf_queueMemoryFetchRequest; j_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(O, DMA_READ, O_DR_W) { vd_allocateDmaRequestInTBE; fd_memoryDma; st_scheduleTimeout; p_popDmaRequestQueue; } transition(O, Lockdown, L_O_W) { qp_queueMemoryForPersistent; l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } transition(O, {Tokens, Ack_All_Tokens}) { f_incrementTokens; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(O, {Data_Owner, Data_All_Tokens}) { f_incrementTokens; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition({O, NO}, Unlockdown) { l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } // // transitioning to Owner, waiting for memory before DMA ack // All other events should recycle/stall // transition(O_DR_W, Memory_Data, O) { dm_sendMemoryDataToDma; ut_unsetReissueTimer; s_deallocateTBE; l_popMemQueue; } // // issued GETX for DMA write, waiting for all tokens // transition(O_DW, Request_Timeout) { ut_unsetReissueTimer; px_tryIssuingPersistentGETXRequest; } transition(O_DW, Tokens) { f_incrementTokens; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(O_DW, Data_Owner) { f_incrementTokens; rd_recordDataInTbe; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(O_DW, Ack_Owner) { f_incrementTokens; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(O_DW, Lockdown, DW_L) { de_sendTbeDataToStarver; l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } transition({NO_DW, O_DW}, Data_All_Tokens, O_DW_W) { f_incrementTokens; rd_recordDataInTbe; ld_queueMemoryDmaWriteFromTbe; ut_unsetReissueTimer; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(O_DW, Ack_All_Tokens, O_DW_W) { f_incrementTokens; ld_queueMemoryDmaWriteFromTbe; ut_unsetReissueTimer; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(O_DW, Ack_Owner_All_Tokens, O_DW_W) { f_incrementTokens; ld_queueMemoryDmaWriteFromTbe; ut_unsetReissueTimer; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(O_DW_W, Memory_Ack, O) { da_sendDmaAck; s_deallocateTBE; l_popMemQueue; } // // Trans. from NO // The direcotry does not have valid data, but may have some tokens // transition(NO, GETX) { a_sendTokens; j_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(NO, DMA_WRITE, NO_DW) { vd_allocateDmaRequestInTBE; bw_broadcastWrite; st_scheduleTimeout; p_popDmaRequestQueue; } transition(NO, GETS) { j_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition(NO, DMA_READ, NO_DR) { vd_allocateDmaRequestInTBE; br_broadcastRead; st_scheduleTimeout; p_popDmaRequestQueue; } transition(NO, Lockdown, L) { aa_sendTokensToStarver; l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } transition(NO, {Data_Owner, Data_All_Tokens}, O_W) { f_incrementTokens; lq_queueMemoryWbRequest; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(NO, {Ack_Owner, Ack_Owner_All_Tokens}, O) { f_incrementTokens; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(NO, Tokens) { f_incrementTokens; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(NO_W, Memory_Data, NO) { d_sendMemoryDataWithAllTokens; l_popMemQueue; } // Trans. from NO_DW transition(NO_DW, Request_Timeout) { ut_unsetReissueTimer; px_tryIssuingPersistentGETXRequest; } transition(NO_DW, Lockdown, DW_L) { aa_sendTokensToStarver; l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } // Note: NO_DW, Data_All_Tokens transition is combined with O_DW // Note: NO_DW should not receive the action Ack_All_Tokens because the // directory does not have valid data transition(NO_DW, Data_Owner, O_DW) { f_incrementTokens; rd_recordDataInTbe; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition({NO_DW, NO_DR}, Tokens) { f_incrementTokens; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } // Trans. from NO_DR transition(NO_DR, Request_Timeout) { ut_unsetReissueTimer; ps_tryIssuingPersistentGETSRequest; } transition(NO_DR, Lockdown, DR_L) { aa_sendTokensToStarver; l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } transition(NO_DR, {Data_Owner, Data_All_Tokens}, O_W) { f_incrementTokens; dd_sendDmaData; lr_queueMemoryDmaReadWriteback; ut_unsetReissueTimer; s_deallocateTBE; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } // Trans. from L transition({L, DW_L, DR_L}, {GETX, GETS}) { j_popIncomingRequestQueue; } transition({L, DW_L, DR_L, L_O_W, L_NO_W, DR_L_W, DW_L_W}, Lockdown) { l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } // // Received data for lockdown blocks // For blocks with outstanding dma requests to them // ...we could change this to write the data to memory and send it cleanly // ...we could also proactively complete our DMA requests // However, to keep my mind from spinning out-of-control, we won't for now :) // transition({DW_L, DR_L, L}, {Data_Owner, Data_All_Tokens}) { r_bounceResponse; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition({DW_L, DR_L, L}, Tokens) { r_bounceResponse; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition({DW_L, DR_L}, {Ack_Owner_All_Tokens, Ack_Owner}) { bd_bounceDatalessOwnerToken; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L, {Ack_Owner_All_Tokens, Ack_Owner}, L_O_W) { f_incrementTokens; qp_queueMemoryForPersistent; k_popIncomingResponseQueue; } transition(L, {Unlockdown, Own_Lock_or_Unlock}, NO) { l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } transition(L, Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens, O) { l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } transition({L_NO_W, L_O_W}, Memory_Data, L) { dd_sendMemDataToStarver; l_popMemQueue; } transition(L_O_W, Memory_Ack) { qp_queueMemoryForPersistent; l_popMemQueue; } transition(L_O_W, {Unlockdown, Own_Lock_or_Unlock, Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens}, O_W) { l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } transition(L_NO_W, {Unlockdown, Own_Lock_or_Unlock, Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens}, NO_W) { l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } transition(DR_L_W, Memory_Data, DR_L) { dd_sendMemDataToStarver; l_popMemQueue; } transition(DW_L_W, Memory_Ack, L) { aat_assertAllTokens; da_sendDmaAck; s_deallocateTBE; dd_sendMemDataToStarver; l_popMemQueue; } transition(DW_L, {Unlockdown, Own_Lock_or_Unlock, Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens}, NO_DW) { l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } transition(DR_L_W, {Unlockdown, Own_Lock_or_Unlock, Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens}, O_DR_W) { l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } transition(DW_L_W, {Unlockdown, Own_Lock_or_Unlock, Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens}, O_DW_W) { l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } transition({DW_L, DR_L_W, DW_L_W}, Request_Timeout) { ut_unsetReissueTimer; px_tryIssuingPersistentGETXRequest; } transition(DR_L, {Unlockdown, Own_Lock_or_Unlock, Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens}, NO_DR) { l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } transition(DR_L, Request_Timeout) { ut_unsetReissueTimer; ps_tryIssuingPersistentGETSRequest; } // // The O_W + Memory_Data > O transistion is confusing, but it can happen if a // presistent request is issued and resolve before memory returns with data // transition(O_W, {Memory_Ack, Memory_Data}, O) { l_popMemQueue; } transition({O, NO}, {Own_Lock_or_Unlock, Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens}) { l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } // Blocked states transition({NO_W, O_W, L_O_W, L_NO_W, DR_L_W, DW_L_W, O_DW_W, O_DR_W, O_DW, NO_DW, NO_DR}, {GETX, GETS}) { z_recycleRequest; } transition({NO_W, O_W, L_O_W, L_NO_W, DR_L_W, DW_L_W, O_DW_W, O_DR_W, O_DW, NO_DW, NO_DR, L, DW_L, DR_L}, {DMA_READ, DMA_WRITE, DMA_WRITE_All_Tokens}) { y_recycleDmaRequestQueue; } transition({NO_W, O_W, L_O_W, L_NO_W, DR_L_W, DW_L_W, O_DW_W, O_DR_W}, {Data_Owner, Ack_Owner, Tokens, Data_All_Tokens, Ack_All_Tokens}) { kz_recycleResponse; } // // If we receive a request timeout while waiting for memory, it is likely that // the request will be satisfied and issuing a presistent request will do us // no good. Just wait. // transition({O_DW_W, O_DR_W}, Request_Timeout) { rs_resetScheduleTimeout; } transition(NO_W, Lockdown, L_NO_W) { l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } transition(O_W, Lockdown, L_O_W) { l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } transition(O_DR_W, Lockdown, DR_L_W) { l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } transition(O_DW_W, Lockdown, DW_L_W) { l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } transition({NO_W, O_W, O_DR_W, O_DW_W, O_DW, NO_DR, NO_DW}, {Unlockdown, Own_Lock_or_Unlock, Own_Lock_or_Unlock_Tokens}) { l_popIncomingPersistentQueue; } }