/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "base/str.hh" #include "base/misc.hh" #include "cpu/testers/rubytest/RubyTester.hh" #include "mem/protocol/CacheMsg.hh" #include "mem/protocol/Protocol.hh" #include "mem/protocol/Protocol.hh" #include "mem/ruby/buffers/MessageBuffer.hh" #include "mem/ruby/common/Global.hh" #include "mem/ruby/common/SubBlock.hh" #include "mem/ruby/libruby.hh" #include "mem/ruby/profiler/Profiler.hh" #include "mem/ruby/recorder/Tracer.hh" #include "mem/ruby/slicc_interface/AbstractController.hh" #include "mem/ruby/system/CacheMemory.hh" #include "mem/ruby/system/Sequencer.hh" #include "mem/ruby/system/System.hh" #include "mem/packet.hh" #include "params/RubySequencer.hh" using namespace std; Sequencer * RubySequencerParams::create() { return new Sequencer(this); } Sequencer::Sequencer(const Params *p) : RubyPort(p), deadlockCheckEvent(this) { m_store_waiting_on_load_cycles = 0; m_store_waiting_on_store_cycles = 0; m_load_waiting_on_store_cycles = 0; m_load_waiting_on_load_cycles = 0; m_outstanding_count = 0; m_max_outstanding_requests = 0; m_deadlock_threshold = 0; m_instCache_ptr = NULL; m_dataCache_ptr = NULL; m_instCache_ptr = p->icache; m_dataCache_ptr = p->dcache; m_max_outstanding_requests = p->max_outstanding_requests; m_deadlock_threshold = p->deadlock_threshold; m_usingRubyTester = p->using_ruby_tester; assert(m_max_outstanding_requests > 0); assert(m_deadlock_threshold > 0); assert(m_instCache_ptr != NULL); assert(m_dataCache_ptr != NULL); } Sequencer::~Sequencer() { } void Sequencer::wakeup() { // Check for deadlock of any of the requests Time current_time = g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime(); // Check across all outstanding requests int total_outstanding = 0; RequestTable::iterator read = m_readRequestTable.begin(); RequestTable::iterator read_end = m_readRequestTable.end(); for (; read != read_end; ++read) { SequencerRequest* request = read->second; if (current_time - request->issue_time < m_deadlock_threshold) continue; panic("Possible Deadlock detected. Aborting!\n" "version: %d request.paddr: %d m_readRequestTable: %d " "current time: %u issue_time: %d difference: %d\n", m_version, request->ruby_request.paddr, m_readRequestTable.size(), current_time, request->issue_time, current_time - request->issue_time); } RequestTable::iterator write = m_writeRequestTable.begin(); RequestTable::iterator write_end = m_writeRequestTable.end(); for (; write != write_end; ++write) { SequencerRequest* request = write->second; if (current_time - request->issue_time < m_deadlock_threshold) continue; panic("Possible Deadlock detected. Aborting!\n" "version: %d request.paddr: %d m_writeRequestTable: %d " "current time: %u issue_time: %d difference: %d\n", m_version, request->ruby_request.paddr, m_writeRequestTable.size(), current_time, request->issue_time, current_time - request->issue_time); } total_outstanding += m_writeRequestTable.size(); total_outstanding += m_readRequestTable.size(); assert(m_outstanding_count == total_outstanding); if (m_outstanding_count > 0) { // If there are still outstanding requests, keep checking schedule(deadlockCheckEvent, m_deadlock_threshold * g_eventQueue_ptr->getClock() + curTick()); } } void Sequencer::printStats(ostream & out) const { out << "Sequencer: " << m_name << endl << " store_waiting_on_load_cycles: " << m_store_waiting_on_load_cycles << endl << " store_waiting_on_store_cycles: " << m_store_waiting_on_store_cycles << endl << " load_waiting_on_load_cycles: " << m_load_waiting_on_load_cycles << endl << " load_waiting_on_store_cycles: " << m_load_waiting_on_store_cycles << endl; } void Sequencer::printProgress(ostream& out) const { #if 0 int total_demand = 0; out << "Sequencer Stats Version " << m_version << endl; out << "Current time = " << g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime() << endl; out << "---------------" << endl; out << "outstanding requests" << endl; out << "proc " << m_Read << " version Requests = " << m_readRequestTable.size() << endl; // print the request table RequestTable::iterator read = m_readRequestTable.begin(); RequestTable::iterator read_end = m_readRequestTable.end(); for (; read != read_end; ++read) { SequencerRequest* request = read->second; out << "\tRequest[ " << i << " ] = " << request->type << " Address " << rkeys[i] << " Posted " << request->issue_time << " PF " << PrefetchBit_No << endl; total_demand++; } out << "proc " << m_version << " Write Requests = " << m_writeRequestTable.size << endl; // print the request table RequestTable::iterator write = m_writeRequestTable.begin(); RequestTable::iterator write_end = m_writeRequestTable.end(); for (; write != write_end; ++write) { SequencerRequest* request = write->second; out << "\tRequest[ " << i << " ] = " << request.getType() << " Address " << wkeys[i] << " Posted " << request.getTime() << " PF " << request.getPrefetch() << endl; if (request.getPrefetch() == PrefetchBit_No) { total_demand++; } } out << endl; out << "Total Number Outstanding: " << m_outstanding_count << endl << "Total Number Demand : " << total_demand << endl << "Total Number Prefetches : " << m_outstanding_count - total_demand << endl << endl << endl; #endif } void Sequencer::printConfig(ostream& out) const { out << "Seqeuncer config: " << m_name << endl << " controller: " << m_controller->getName() << endl << " version: " << m_version << endl << " max_outstanding_requests: " << m_max_outstanding_requests << endl << " deadlock_threshold: " << m_deadlock_threshold << endl; } // Insert the request on the correct request table. Return true if // the entry was already present. bool Sequencer::insertRequest(SequencerRequest* request) { int total_outstanding = m_writeRequestTable.size() + m_readRequestTable.size(); assert(m_outstanding_count == total_outstanding); // See if we should schedule a deadlock check if (deadlockCheckEvent.scheduled() == false) { schedule(deadlockCheckEvent, m_deadlock_threshold + curTick()); } Address line_addr(request->ruby_request.paddr); line_addr.makeLineAddress(); if ((request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_ST) || (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_RMW_Read) || (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_RMW_Write) || (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_Load_Linked) || (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_Store_Conditional) || (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_Locked_RMW_Read) || (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_Locked_RMW_Write)) { pair<RequestTable::iterator, bool> r = m_writeRequestTable.insert(RequestTable::value_type(line_addr, 0)); bool success = r.second; RequestTable::iterator i = r.first; if (!success) { i->second = request; // return true; // drh5: isn't this an error? do you lose the initial request? assert(0); } i->second = request; m_outstanding_count++; } else { pair<RequestTable::iterator, bool> r = m_readRequestTable.insert(RequestTable::value_type(line_addr, 0)); bool success = r.second; RequestTable::iterator i = r.first; if (!success) { i->second = request; // return true; // drh5: isn't this an error? do you lose the initial request? assert(0); } i->second = request; m_outstanding_count++; } g_system_ptr->getProfiler()->sequencerRequests(m_outstanding_count); total_outstanding = m_writeRequestTable.size() + m_readRequestTable.size(); assert(m_outstanding_count == total_outstanding); return false; } void Sequencer::markRemoved() { m_outstanding_count--; assert(m_outstanding_count == m_writeRequestTable.size() + m_readRequestTable.size()); } void Sequencer::removeRequest(SequencerRequest* srequest) { assert(m_outstanding_count == m_writeRequestTable.size() + m_readRequestTable.size()); const RubyRequest & ruby_request = srequest->ruby_request; Address line_addr(ruby_request.paddr); line_addr.makeLineAddress(); if ((ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_ST) || (ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_RMW_Read) || (ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_RMW_Write) || (ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_Load_Linked) || (ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_Store_Conditional) || (ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_Locked_RMW_Read) || (ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_Locked_RMW_Write)) { m_writeRequestTable.erase(line_addr); } else { m_readRequestTable.erase(line_addr); } markRemoved(); } bool Sequencer::handleLlsc(const Address& address, SequencerRequest* request) { // // The success flag indicates whether the LLSC operation was successful. // LL ops will always succeed, but SC may fail if the cache line is no // longer locked. // bool success = true; if (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_Store_Conditional) { if (!m_dataCache_ptr->isLocked(address, m_version)) { // // For failed SC requests, indicate the failure to the cpu by // setting the extra data to zero. // request->ruby_request.pkt->req->setExtraData(0); success = false; } else { // // For successful SC requests, indicate the success to the cpu by // setting the extra data to one. // request->ruby_request.pkt->req->setExtraData(1); } // // Independent of success, all SC operations must clear the lock // m_dataCache_ptr->clearLocked(address); } else if (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_Load_Linked) { // // Note: To fully follow Alpha LLSC semantics, should the LL clear any // previously locked cache lines? // m_dataCache_ptr->setLocked(address, m_version); } else if (m_dataCache_ptr->isLocked(address, m_version)) { // // Normal writes should clear the locked address // m_dataCache_ptr->clearLocked(address); } return success; } void Sequencer::writeCallback(const Address& address, DataBlock& data) { writeCallback(address, GenericMachineType_NULL, data); } void Sequencer::writeCallback(const Address& address, GenericMachineType mach, DataBlock& data) { writeCallback(address, mach, data, 0, 0, 0); } void Sequencer::writeCallback(const Address& address, GenericMachineType mach, DataBlock& data, Time initialRequestTime, Time forwardRequestTime, Time firstResponseTime) { assert(address == line_address(address)); assert(m_writeRequestTable.count(line_address(address))); RequestTable::iterator i = m_writeRequestTable.find(address); assert(i != m_writeRequestTable.end()); SequencerRequest* request = i->second; m_writeRequestTable.erase(i); markRemoved(); assert((request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_ST) || (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_RMW_Read) || (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_RMW_Write) || (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_Load_Linked) || (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_Store_Conditional) || (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_Locked_RMW_Read) || (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_Locked_RMW_Write)); // // For Alpha, properly handle LL, SC, and write requests with respect to // locked cache blocks. // bool success = handleLlsc(address, request); if (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_Locked_RMW_Read) { m_controller->blockOnQueue(address, m_mandatory_q_ptr); } else if (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_Locked_RMW_Write) { m_controller->unblock(address); } hitCallback(request, mach, data, success, initialRequestTime, forwardRequestTime, firstResponseTime); } void Sequencer::readCallback(const Address& address, DataBlock& data) { readCallback(address, GenericMachineType_NULL, data); } void Sequencer::readCallback(const Address& address, GenericMachineType mach, DataBlock& data) { readCallback(address, mach, data, 0, 0, 0); } void Sequencer::readCallback(const Address& address, GenericMachineType mach, DataBlock& data, Time initialRequestTime, Time forwardRequestTime, Time firstResponseTime) { assert(address == line_address(address)); assert(m_readRequestTable.count(line_address(address))); RequestTable::iterator i = m_readRequestTable.find(address); assert(i != m_readRequestTable.end()); SequencerRequest* request = i->second; m_readRequestTable.erase(i); markRemoved(); assert((request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_LD) || (request->ruby_request.type == RubyRequestType_IFETCH)); hitCallback(request, mach, data, true, initialRequestTime, forwardRequestTime, firstResponseTime); } void Sequencer::hitCallback(SequencerRequest* srequest, GenericMachineType mach, DataBlock& data, bool success, Time initialRequestTime, Time forwardRequestTime, Time firstResponseTime) { const RubyRequest & ruby_request = srequest->ruby_request; Address request_address(ruby_request.paddr); Address request_line_address(ruby_request.paddr); request_line_address.makeLineAddress(); RubyRequestType type = ruby_request.type; Time issued_time = srequest->issue_time; // Set this cache entry to the most recently used if (type == RubyRequestType_IFETCH) { if (m_instCache_ptr->isTagPresent(request_line_address)) m_instCache_ptr->setMRU(request_line_address); } else { if (m_dataCache_ptr->isTagPresent(request_line_address)) m_dataCache_ptr->setMRU(request_line_address); } assert(g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime() >= issued_time); Time miss_latency = g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime() - issued_time; // Profile the miss latency for all non-zero demand misses if (miss_latency != 0) { g_system_ptr->getProfiler()->missLatency(miss_latency, type, mach); if (mach == GenericMachineType_L1Cache_wCC) { g_system_ptr->getProfiler()->missLatencyWcc(issued_time, initialRequestTime, forwardRequestTime, firstResponseTime, g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime()); } if (mach == GenericMachineType_Directory) { g_system_ptr->getProfiler()->missLatencyDir(issued_time, initialRequestTime, forwardRequestTime, firstResponseTime, g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime()); } DPRINTFR(ProtocolTrace, "%7s %3s %10s%20s %6s>%-6s %s %d cycles\n", g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime(), m_version, "Seq", success ? "Done" : "SC_Failed", "", "", Address(ruby_request.paddr), miss_latency); } #if 0 if (request.getPrefetch() == PrefetchBit_Yes) { return; // Ignore the prefetch } #endif // update the data if (ruby_request.data != NULL) { if ((type == RubyRequestType_LD) || (type == RubyRequestType_IFETCH) || (type == RubyRequestType_RMW_Read) || (type == RubyRequestType_Locked_RMW_Read) || (type == RubyRequestType_Load_Linked)) { memcpy(ruby_request.data, data.getData(request_address.getOffset(), ruby_request.len), ruby_request.len); } else { data.setData(ruby_request.data, request_address.getOffset(), ruby_request.len); } } else { DPRINTF(MemoryAccess, "WARNING. Data not transfered from Ruby to M5 for type %s\n", RubyRequestType_to_string(type)); } // If using the RubyTester, update the RubyTester sender state's // subBlock with the recieved data. The tester will later access // this state. // Note: RubyPort will access it's sender state before the // RubyTester. if (m_usingRubyTester) { RubyPort::SenderState *requestSenderState = safe_cast<RubyPort::SenderState*>(ruby_request.pkt->senderState); RubyTester::SenderState* testerSenderState = safe_cast<RubyTester::SenderState*>(requestSenderState->saved); testerSenderState->subBlock->mergeFrom(data); } ruby_hit_callback(ruby_request.pkt); delete srequest; } // Returns true if the sequencer already has a load or store outstanding RequestStatus Sequencer::getRequestStatus(const RubyRequest& request) { bool is_outstanding_store = !!m_writeRequestTable.count(line_address(Address(request.paddr))); bool is_outstanding_load = !!m_readRequestTable.count(line_address(Address(request.paddr))); if (is_outstanding_store) { if ((request.type == RubyRequestType_LD) || (request.type == RubyRequestType_IFETCH) || (request.type == RubyRequestType_RMW_Read)) { m_store_waiting_on_load_cycles++; } else { m_store_waiting_on_store_cycles++; } return RequestStatus_Aliased; } else if (is_outstanding_load) { if ((request.type == RubyRequestType_ST) || (request.type == RubyRequestType_RMW_Write)) { m_load_waiting_on_store_cycles++; } else { m_load_waiting_on_load_cycles++; } return RequestStatus_Aliased; } if (m_outstanding_count >= m_max_outstanding_requests) { return RequestStatus_BufferFull; } return RequestStatus_Ready; } bool Sequencer::empty() const { return m_writeRequestTable.empty() && m_readRequestTable.empty(); } RequestStatus Sequencer::makeRequest(const RubyRequest &request) { assert(Address(request.paddr).getOffset() + request.len <= RubySystem::getBlockSizeBytes()); RequestStatus status = getRequestStatus(request); if (status != RequestStatus_Ready) return status; SequencerRequest *srequest = new SequencerRequest(request, g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime()); bool found = insertRequest(srequest); if (found) { panic("Sequencer::makeRequest should never be called if the " "request is already outstanding\n"); return RequestStatus_NULL; } issueRequest(request); // TODO: issue hardware prefetches here return RequestStatus_Issued; } void Sequencer::issueRequest(const RubyRequest& request) { // TODO: get rid of CacheMsg, CacheRequestType, and // AccessModeTYpe, & have SLICC use RubyRequest and subtypes // natively CacheRequestType ctype; switch(request.type) { case RubyRequestType_IFETCH: ctype = CacheRequestType_IFETCH; break; case RubyRequestType_LD: ctype = CacheRequestType_LD; break; case RubyRequestType_ST: case RubyRequestType_RMW_Read: case RubyRequestType_RMW_Write: // // x86 locked instructions are translated to store cache coherence // requests because these requests should always be treated as read // exclusive operations and should leverage any migratory sharing // optimization built into the protocol. // case RubyRequestType_Locked_RMW_Read: case RubyRequestType_Locked_RMW_Write: ctype = CacheRequestType_ST; break; // // Alpha LL/SC instructions need to be handled carefully by the cache // coherence protocol to ensure they follow the proper semantics. In // particular, by identifying the operations as atomic, the protocol // should understand that migratory sharing optimizations should not be // performed (i.e. a load between the LL and SC should not steal away // exclusive permission). // case RubyRequestType_Load_Linked: case RubyRequestType_Store_Conditional: ctype = CacheRequestType_ATOMIC; break; default: assert(0); } AccessModeType amtype; switch(request.access_mode){ case RubyAccessMode_User: amtype = AccessModeType_UserMode; break; case RubyAccessMode_Supervisor: amtype = AccessModeType_SupervisorMode; break; case RubyAccessMode_Device: amtype = AccessModeType_UserMode; break; default: assert(0); } Address line_addr(request.paddr); line_addr.makeLineAddress(); CacheMsg *msg = new CacheMsg(line_addr, Address(request.paddr), ctype, Address(request.pc), amtype, request.len, PrefetchBit_No, request.proc_id); DPRINTFR(ProtocolTrace, "%7s %3s %10s%20s %6s>%-6s %s %s\n", g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime(), m_version, "Seq", "Begin", "", "", Address(request.paddr), RubyRequestType_to_string(request.type)); Time latency = 0; // initialzed to an null value if (request.type == RubyRequestType_IFETCH) latency = m_instCache_ptr->getLatency(); else latency = m_dataCache_ptr->getLatency(); // Send the message to the cache controller assert(latency > 0); assert(m_mandatory_q_ptr != NULL); m_mandatory_q_ptr->enqueue(msg, latency); } #if 0 bool Sequencer::tryCacheAccess(const Address& addr, CacheRequestType type, AccessModeType access_mode, int size, DataBlock*& data_ptr) { CacheMemory *cache = (type == CacheRequestType_IFETCH) ? m_instCache_ptr : m_dataCache_ptr; return cache->tryCacheAccess(line_address(addr), type, data_ptr); } #endif template <class KEY, class VALUE> std::ostream & operator<<(ostream &out, const m5::hash_map<KEY, VALUE> &map) { typename m5::hash_map<KEY, VALUE>::const_iterator i = map.begin(); typename m5::hash_map<KEY, VALUE>::const_iterator end = map.end(); out << "["; for (; i != end; ++i) out << " " << i->first << "=" << i->second; out << " ]"; return out; } void Sequencer::print(ostream& out) const { out << "[Sequencer: " << m_version << ", outstanding requests: " << m_outstanding_count << ", read request table: " << m_readRequestTable << ", write request table: " << m_writeRequestTable << "]"; } // this can be called from setState whenever coherence permissions are // upgraded when invoked, coherence violations will be checked for the // given block void Sequencer::checkCoherence(const Address& addr) { #ifdef CHECK_COHERENCE g_system_ptr->checkGlobalCoherenceInvariant(addr); #endif }