/* * Copyright (c) 1999 by Mark Hill and David Wood for the Wisconsin * Multifacet Project. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * ##HEADER## * * This software is furnished under a license and may be used and * copied only in accordance with the terms of such license and the * inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any * other copies thereof or any derivative works may not be provided or * otherwise made available to any other persons. Title to and * ownership of the software is retained by Mark Hill and David Wood. * Any use of this software must include the above copyright notice. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". THE LICENSOR MAKES NO * WARRANTIES ABOUT ITS CORRECTNESS OR PERFORMANCE. * */ /* * Description: see RaceyPseudoThread.h */ #include "mem/ruby/tester/RaceyPseudoThread.hh" #include "mem/ruby/config/RubyConfig.hh" #include "mem/ruby/tester/RaceyDriver.hh" #include "gzstream.hh" RaceyPseudoThread::RaceyPseudoThread(NodeID id, RaceyDriver& driver) : m_driver(driver), m_proc_id(id) { resetIC(); // IC contains the committed instruction number m_last_progress = 0; m_done = false; m_stop = 0; m_driver.eventQueue->scheduleEvent(this, 1); } RaceyPseudoThread::~RaceyPseudoThread() { } void RaceyPseudoThread::checkForDeadlock() { Time current_time = m_driver.eventQueue->getTime(); if(!m_done && (current_time - m_last_progress) > g_DEADLOCK_THRESHOLD) { WARN_EXPR(m_proc_id); WARN_EXPR(m_ic_counter); WARN_EXPR(m_last_progress); ERROR_MSG("Deadlock detected."); } } void RaceyPseudoThread::performCallback(int proc, Address address, uint8_t * data ) { assert(proc == m_proc_id); DEBUG_EXPR(TESTER_COMP, LowPrio, proc); DEBUG_EXPR(TESTER_COMP, LowPrio, address); m_last_progress = m_driver.eventQueue->getTime(); if(m_read) { int b0, b1, b2, b3; b0 = data[0]; b0 <<= 0; b1 = data[1]; b1 <<= 8; b2 = data[2]; b2 <<= 16; b3 = data[3]; b3 <<= 24; m_value = b0 | b1 | b2 | b3; } else { char b0, b1, b2, b3; b0 = (m_value>>0)&0xFF; data[0] = b0; b1 = (m_value>>8)&0xFF; data[1] = b1; b2 = (m_value>>16)&0xFF; data[2] = b2; b3 = (m_value>>24)&0xFF; data[3] = b3; } // schedule wakeup for next requests in next cycle m_driver.eventQueue->scheduleEvent(this, 1); // new instruction m_ic_counter++; } void RaceyPseudoThread::wakeup() { // for debug if(m_stop != 0) { cout << m_proc_id << " " << m_stop << ((m_read)? " read ":" written ") << m_value; if(0) cout << " [" << m_driver.eventQueue->getTime() << "]"; cout << endl; } assert(!m_done); // Note, this function can not have ANY local variable! switch(m_stop) { case 0: break; case 1: goto L1; case 2: goto L2; case 3: goto L3; case 4: goto L4; case 5: goto L5; case 6: goto L6; case 7: goto L7; case 8: goto L8; case 9: goto L9; case 10: goto L10; default: WARN_EXPR(m_stop); ERROR_MSG("RaceyPseudoThread: Bad context point!"); } // // initialization // if(m_proc_id == 0) { for(m_looper = 0; m_looper < m_driver.m_num_procs; m_looper++) { store_sig(m_looper, m_looper+1); m_stop = 6; return; L6: {}; } for(m_looper = 0; m_looper < M_ELEM; m_looper++) { store_m(m_looper, M_ELEM-m_looper); m_stop = 7; return; L7: {}; } // init done m_initialized = true; } else { // other processors if(!m_driver.Thread0Initialized()) { // wait for processors 0 m_driver.eventQueue->scheduleEvent(this, 1); return; } } cout << "Thread " << m_proc_id << " started in parallel phase" << endl; // // main thread body // for(m_looper = 0 ; m_looper < m_driver.m_tester_length; m_looper++) { /* m_value = */ load_sig(m_proc_id); m_stop = 1; return; L1: {}; m_num = m_value; m_index1 = m_num%M_ELEM; /* m_value = */ load_m(m_index1); m_stop = 2; return; L2: {}; m_num = mix(m_num, m_value); m_index2 = m_num%M_ELEM; /* m_value = */ load_m(m_index2); m_stop = 3; return; L3: {}; m_num = mix(m_num, m_value); store_m(m_index2, m_num); m_stop = 4; return; L4: {}; store_sig(m_proc_id, m_num); m_stop = 5; return; L5: {}; } // end for // // compute final sig // if(m_proc_id == 0) { // wait for other threads while (m_driver.runningThreads() > 1) { m_driver.registerThread0Wakeup(); m_stop = 10; return; L10: {}; } /* m_value = */ load_sig(0); m_stop = 8; return; L8: {}; m_final_sig = m_value; for(m_looper = 1; m_looper < m_driver.m_num_procs; m_looper++) { /* m_value = */ load_sig(m_looper); m_stop = 9; return; L9: {}; m_final_sig = mix(m_value, m_final_sig); } } // processors 0 // done m_driver.joinThread(); m_done = true; } void RaceyPseudoThread::load_sig(unsigned index) { cout << m_proc_id << " : load_sig " << index << endl; m_read = true; // timestamp, threadid, action, and logical address are used only by transactional memory, should be augmented uint8_t * read_data = new uint8_t[4]; char name [] = "Sequencer_"; char port_name [13]; sprintf(port_name, "%s%d", name, m_proc_id); // pc is zero, problem? int64_t request_id = libruby_issue_request(libruby_get_port_by_name(port_name), RubyRequest(sig(index), read_data, 4, 0, RubyRequestType_LD, RubyAccessMode_User)); ASSERT(m_driver.requests.find(request_id) == m_driver.requests.end()); struct address_data request_data; request_data.address = Address(sig(index)); request_data.data = read_data; m_driver.requests.insert(make_pair(request_id, make_pair(m_proc_id, request_data))); /*sequencer()->makeRequest(CacheMsg(Address(sig(index)), Address(sig(index)), CacheRequestType_LD, Address(physical_address_t(1)), AccessModeType_UserMode, 4, PrefetchBit_No, 0, Address(0), 0, 0 , false)); */ } void RaceyPseudoThread::load_m(unsigned index) { // cout << m_proc_id << " : load_m " << index << endl; m_read = true; uint8_t * read_data = new uint8_t[4]; char name [] = "Sequencer_"; char port_name [13]; sprintf(port_name, "%s%d", name, m_proc_id); // pc is zero, problem? int64_t request_id = libruby_issue_request(libruby_get_port_by_name(port_name), RubyRequest(m(index), read_data, 4, 0, RubyRequestType_LD, RubyAccessMode_User)); ASSERT(m_driver.requests.find(request_id) == m_driver.requests.end()); struct address_data request_data; request_data.address = Address(m(index)); request_data.data = read_data; m_driver.requests.insert(make_pair(request_id, make_pair(m_proc_id, request_data))); /*sequencer()->makeRequest(CacheMsg(Address(m(index)), Address(m(index)), CacheRequestType_LD, Address(physical_address_t(1)), AccessModeType_UserMode, 4, PrefetchBit_No, 0, Address(0), 0, 0, false)); */ } void RaceyPseudoThread::store_sig(unsigned index, unsigned value) { cout << m_proc_id << " : store_sig " << index << " " << value << endl; m_read = false; m_value = value; uint8_t * write_data = new uint8_t[4]; uint8_t * read_data = new uint8_t[4]; memcpy(write_data, &value, 4); char name [] = "Sequencer_"; char port_name [13]; sprintf(port_name, "%s%d", name, m_proc_id); // pc is zero, problem? int64_t request_id = libruby_issue_request(libruby_get_port_by_name(port_name), RubyRequest(sig(index), write_data, 4, 0, RubyRequestType_ST, RubyAccessMode_User)); //int64_t request_id = libruby_issue_request(libruby_get_port_by_name(port_name), RubyRequest(sig(index), read_data, 4, 0, RubyRequestType_RMW_Read, RubyAccessMode_User)); //int64_t request_id = libruby_issue_request(libruby_get_port_by_name(port_name), RubyRequest(sig(index), write_data, 4, 0, RubyRequestType_RMW_Write, RubyAccessMode_User)); ASSERT(m_driver.requests.find(request_id) == m_driver.requests.end()); struct address_data request_data; request_data.address = Address(sig(index)); request_data.data = write_data; m_driver.requests.insert(make_pair(request_id, make_pair(m_proc_id, request_data))); /*sequencer()->makeRequest(CacheMsg(Address(sig(index)), Address(sig(index)), CacheRequestType_ST, Address(physical_address_t(1)), AccessModeType_UserMode, 4, PrefetchBit_No, 0, Address(0), 0, 0, false)); */ } void RaceyPseudoThread::store_m(unsigned index, unsigned value) { //cout << m_proc_id << " : store_m " << index << endl; m_read = false; m_value = value; uint8_t * write_data = new uint8_t[4]; uint8_t * read_data = new uint8_t[4]; memcpy(write_data, &value, 4); char name [] = "Sequencer_"; char port_name [13]; sprintf(port_name, "%s%d", name, m_proc_id); // pc is zero, problem? int64_t request_id = libruby_issue_request(libruby_get_port_by_name(port_name), RubyRequest(m(index), write_data, 4, 0, RubyRequestType_ST, RubyAccessMode_User)); //int64_t request_id = libruby_issue_request(libruby_get_port_by_name(port_name), RubyRequest(m(index), read_data, 4, 0, RubyRequestType_RMW_Read, RubyAccessMode_User)); //int64_t request_id = libruby_issue_request(libruby_get_port_by_name(port_name), RubyRequest(m(index), write_data, 4, 0, RubyRequestType_RMW_Write, RubyAccessMode_User)); ASSERT(m_driver.requests.find(request_id) == m_driver.requests.end()); struct address_data request_data; request_data.address = Address(m(index)); request_data.data = write_data; m_driver.requests.insert(make_pair(request_id, make_pair(m_proc_id, request_data))); /*sequencer()->makeRequest(CacheMsg(Address(m(index)), Address(m(index)), CacheRequestType_ST, Address(physical_address_t(1)), AccessModeType_UserMode, 4, PrefetchBit_No, 0, Address(0), 0, 0, false)); */ } // Save and Load context of a thread void RaceyPseudoThread::saveCPUStates(string filename) { ogzstream out(filename.c_str()); out.write((char*)&m_looper, sizeof(int)); out.write((char*)&m_num, sizeof(unsigned)); out.write((char*)&m_index1, sizeof(unsigned)); out.write((char*)&m_index2, sizeof(unsigned)); out.write((char*)&m_stop, sizeof(unsigned)); out.close(); } void RaceyPseudoThread::loadCPUStates(string filename) { igzstream out(filename.c_str()); out.read((char*)&m_looper, sizeof(int)); out.read((char*)&m_num, sizeof(unsigned)); out.read((char*)&m_index1, sizeof(unsigned)); out.read((char*)&m_index2, sizeof(unsigned)); out.read((char*)&m_stop, sizeof(unsigned)); out.close(); } void RaceyPseudoThread::print(ostream& out) const { out << "[Racey Pseudo Thread: " << m_proc_id << "]" << endl; }