# Copyright (c) 2009 The Hewlett-Packard Development Company # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Authors: Nathan Binkert from ply import lex, yacc import re t_ignore = '\t ' # C or C++ comment (ignore) def t_c_comment(t): r'/\*(.|\n)*?\*/' t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count('\n') def t_cpp_comment(t): r'//.*' pass # Define a rule so we can track line numbers def t_newline(t): r'\n+' t.lexer.lineno += len(t.value) reserved = { 'global' : 'GLOBAL', 'machine' : 'MACHINE', 'in_port' : 'IN_PORT', 'out_port' : 'OUT_PORT', 'action' : 'ACTION', 'transition' : 'TRANS', 'structure' : 'STRUCT', 'external_type' : 'EXTERN_TYPE', 'enumeration' : 'ENUM', 'peek' : 'PEEK', 'enqueue' : 'ENQUEUE', 'copy_head' : 'COPY_HEAD', 'check_allocate' : 'CHECK_ALLOCATE', 'check_stop_slots' : 'CHECK_STOP_SLOTS', 'if' : 'IF', 'else' : 'ELSE', 'return' : 'RETURN', 'THIS' : 'THIS', 'CHIP' : 'CHIP', 'void' : 'VOID', } literals = ':[]{}(),=' tokens = [ 'EQ', 'NE', 'LT', 'GT', 'LE', 'GE', 'LEFTSHIFT', 'RIGHTSHIFT', 'NOT', 'AND', 'OR', 'PLUS', 'DASH', 'STAR', 'SLASH', 'DOUBLE_COLON', 'SEMICOLON', 'ASSIGN', 'DOT', 'IDENT', 'LIT_BOOL', 'FLOATNUMBER', 'NUMBER', 'STRING' ] tokens += reserved.values() t_EQ = r'==' t_NE = r'!=' t_LT = r'<' t_GT = r'>' t_LE = r'<=' t_GE = r'>=' t_LEFTSHIFT = r'<<' t_RIGHTSHIFT = r'>>' t_NOT = r'!' t_AND = r'&&' t_OR = r'\|\|' t_PLUS = r'\+' t_DASH = r'-' t_STAR = r'\*' t_SLASH = r'/' t_DOUBLE_COLON = r'::' t_SEMICOLON = r';' t_ASSIGN = r':=' t_DOT = r'\.' class TokenError(Exception): pass class ParseError(Exception): pass def t_error(t): raise TokenError("Illegal character", t) def t_IDENT(t): r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*' if t.value == 'true': t.type = 'LIT_BOOL' t.value = True return t if t.value == 'false': t.type = 'LIT_BOOL' t.value = False return t t.type = reserved.get(t.value, 'IDENT') # Check for reserved words return t def t_FLOATNUMBER(t): '[0-9]+[.][0-9]+' try: t.value = float(t.value) except ValueError: raise TokenError("Illegal float", t) return t def t_NUMBER(t): r'[0-9]+' try: t.value = int(t.value) except ValueError: raise TokenError("Illegal number", t) return t def t_STRING1(t): r'\"[^"\n]*\"' t.type = 'STRING' return t def t_STRING2(t): r"\'[^'\n]*\'" t.type = 'STRING' return t def p_file(p): "file : decl_l" p[0] = [ x for x in p[1] if x is not None ] def p_error(t): raise ParseError(t) def p_empty(p): "empty :" pass def p_decl_l(p): "decl_l : decls" p[0] = p[1] def p_decls(p): """decls : decl decls | empty""" if len(p) == 3: p[0] = [ p[1] ] + p[2] elif len(p) == 2: p[0] = [] def p_decl(p): """decl : d_machine | d_action | d_in_port | d_out_port | t_trans | d_extern | d_global | d_struct | d_enum | d_object | d_func_decl | d_func_def""" p[0] = p[1] def p_d_machine(p): "d_machine : MACHINE '(' ident pair_l ')' '{' decl_l '}'" decls = [ x for x in p[7] if x is not None ] p[0] = Machine(p[3], decls) def p_d_action(p): "d_action : ACTION '(' ident pair_l ')' statement_l" p[0] = Action(p[3]) def p_d_in_port(p): "d_in_port : IN_PORT '(' ident ',' type ',' var pair_l ')' statement_l" p[0] = InPort(p[3]) def p_d_out_port(p): "d_out_port : OUT_PORT '(' ident ',' type ',' var pair_l ')' SEMICOLON" p[0] = OutPort(p[3]) def p_t_trans(p): """t_trans : TRANS '(' ident_l ',' ident_l ',' ident pair_l ')' ident_l | TRANS '(' ident_l ',' ident_l pair_l ')' ident_l""" p[0] = Transition("transition") def p_d_extern(p): """d_extern : EXTERN_TYPE '(' type pair_l ')' SEMICOLON | EXTERN_TYPE '(' type pair_l ')' '{' type_methods '}'""" p[0] = Extern(p[3]) def p_d_global(p): "d_global : GLOBAL '(' type pair_l ')' '{' type_members '}'" p[0] = Global(p[3]) def p_d_struct(p): "d_struct : STRUCT '(' type pair_l ')' '{' type_members '}'" p[0] = Struct(p[3]) def p_d_enum(p): "d_enum : ENUM '(' type pair_l ')' '{' type_enums '}'" p[0] = Enum(p[3]) def p_d_object(p): "d_object : type ident pair_l SEMICOLON" p[0] = Object(p[2]) def p_d_func_decl(p): """d_func_decl : void ident '(' param_l ')' pair_l SEMICOLON | type ident '(' param_l ')' pair_l SEMICOLON""" pass def p_d_func_def(p): """d_func_def : void ident '(' param_l ')' pair_l statement_l | type ident '(' param_l ')' pair_l statement_l""" p[0] = Function(p[2]) # Type fields def p_type_members(p): """type_members : type_member type_members | empty""" pass def p_type_member(p): """type_member : type ident pair_l SEMICOLON | type ident ASSIGN expr SEMICOLON""" pass # Methods def p_type_methods(p): """type_methods : type_method type_methods | empty""" pass def p_type_method(p): "type_method : type_or_void ident '(' type_l ')' pair_l SEMICOLON" pass # Enum fields def p_type_enums(p): """type_enums : type_enum type_enums | empty""" pass def p_type_enum(p): "type_enum : ident pair_l SEMICOLON" pass # Type def p_type_l(p): """type_l : types | empty""" pass def p_types(p): """types : type ',' types | type""" pass def p_type(p): "type : ident" p[0] = p[1] def p_void(p): "void : VOID" p[0] = None def p_type_or_void(p): """type_or_void : type | void""" p[0] = p[1] # Formal Param def p_param_l(p): """param_l : params | empty""" pass def p_params(p): """params : param ',' params | param""" pass def p_param(p): "param : type ident" pass # Idents and lists def p_ident(p): "ident : IDENT" p[0] = p[1] def p_ident_l(p): """ident_l : '{' idents '}' | ident""" p[0] = p[1] def p_idents(p): """idents : ident SEMICOLON idents | ident ',' idents | ident idents | empty""" pass # Pair and pair lists def p_pair_l(p): """pair_l : ',' pairs | empty""" if len(p) == 3: p[0] = p[2] elif len(p) == 2: p[0] = None def p_pairs(p): """pairs : pair ',' pairs | pair""" if len(p) == 4: p[3].append(p[1]) p[0] = p[3] elif len(p) == 2: p[0] = [ p[1] ] def p_pair(p): """pair : ident '=' STRING | ident '=' ident | STRING""" if len(p) == 4: p[0] = p[1], p[3] elif len(p) == 2: p[0] = "short", p[1] # Below are the rules for action descriptions def p_statement_l(p): "statement_l : '{' statements '}'" pass def p_statements(p): """statements : statement statements | empty""" pass def p_expr_l(p): """expr_l : expr ',' expr_l | expr | empty""" pass def p_statement(p): """statement : expr SEMICOLON | expr ASSIGN expr SEMICOLON | ENQUEUE '(' var ',' type pair_l ')' statement_l | PEEK '(' var ',' type ')' statement_l | COPY_HEAD '(' var ',' var pair_l ')' SEMICOLON | CHECK_ALLOCATE '(' var ')' SEMICOLON | CHECK_STOP_SLOTS '(' var ',' STRING ',' STRING ')' SEMICOLON | if_statement | RETURN expr SEMICOLON""" pass def p_if_statement(p): """if_statement : IF '(' expr ')' statement_l ELSE statement_l | IF '(' expr ')' statement_l | IF '(' expr ')' statement_l ELSE if_statement""" pass def p_expr(p): """expr : var | literal | enumeration | ident '(' expr_l ')' | THIS DOT var '[' expr ']' DOT var DOT ident '(' expr_l ')' | THIS DOT var '[' expr ']' DOT var DOT ident | CHIP '[' expr ']' DOT var '[' expr ']' DOT var DOT ident '(' expr_l ')' | CHIP '[' expr ']' DOT var '[' expr ']' DOT var DOT ident | expr DOT ident | expr DOT ident '(' expr_l ')' | type DOUBLE_COLON ident '(' expr_l ')' | expr '[' expr_l ']' | expr STAR expr | expr SLASH expr | expr PLUS expr | expr DASH expr | expr LT expr | expr GT expr | expr LE expr | expr GE expr | expr EQ expr | expr NE expr | expr AND expr | expr OR expr | NOT expr | expr RIGHTSHIFT expr | expr LEFTSHIFT expr | '(' expr ')'""" pass def p_literal(p): """literal : STRING | NUMBER | FLOATNUMBER | LIT_BOOL""" pass def p_enumeration(p): "enumeration : ident ':' ident" pass def p_var(p): "var : ident" pass lex.lex() yacc.yacc(write_tables=0) slicc_generated_cc = set([ 'AccessModeType.cc', 'AccessPermission.cc', 'AccessType.cc', 'AllocationStrategy.cc', 'CacheMsg.cc', 'CacheRequestType.cc', 'Chip.cc', 'CoherenceRequestType.cc', 'DetermGETXGeneratorStatus.cc', 'DetermInvGeneratorStatus.cc', 'DetermSeriesGETSGeneratorStatus.cc', 'GenericMachineType.cc', 'GenericRequestType.cc', 'LinkType.cc', 'LockStatus.cc', 'MachineType.cc', 'MaskPredictorIndex.cc', 'MaskPredictorTraining.cc', 'MaskPredictorType.cc', 'MemoryMsg.cc', 'MemoryRequestType.cc', 'MessageSizeType.cc', 'PrefetchBit.cc', 'Protocol.cc', 'RequestGeneratorStatus.cc', 'SearchMechanism.cc', 'SequencerStatus.cc', 'SpecifiedGeneratorType.cc', 'TesterStatus.cc', 'TopologyType.cc', 'TransientRequestType.cc', 'TransitionResult.cc']) slicc_generated_hh = set([ 'AccessType.hh', 'AccessModeType.hh', 'AccessPermission.hh', 'AllocationStrategy.hh', 'CacheMsg.hh', 'CacheRequestType.hh', 'Chip.hh', 'CoherenceRequestType.hh', 'DetermGETXGeneratorStatus.hh', 'DetermInvGeneratorStatus.hh', 'DetermSeriesGETSGeneratorStatus.hh', 'GenericMachineType.hh', 'GenericRequestType.hh', 'LinkType.hh', 'LockStatus.hh', 'MachineType.hh', 'MaskPredictorIndex.hh', 'MaskPredictorTraining.hh', 'MaskPredictorType.hh', 'MemoryMsg.hh', 'MemoryRequestType.hh', 'MessageSizeType.hh', 'PrefetchBit.hh', 'Protocol.hh', 'RequestGeneratorStatus.hh', 'SearchMechanism.hh', 'SequencerStatus.hh', 'SpecifiedGeneratorType.hh', 'TesterStatus.hh', 'TopologyType.hh', 'TransientRequestType.hh', 'TransitionResult.hh', 'Types.hh', 'protocol_name.hh' ]) class Machine(object): def __init__(self, name, decls): self.name = name self.decls = decls def add(self, hh, cc): hh.add('%s_Controller.hh' % self.name) hh.add('%s_Profiler.hh' % self.name) cc.add('%s_Controller.cc' % self.name) cc.add('%s_Profiler.cc' % self.name) cc.add('%s_Transitions.cc' % self.name) cc.add('%s_Wakeup.cc' % self.name) for decl in self.decls: decl.add(hh, cc, self.name) class Declaration(object): hh = False cc = False def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def add(self, hh, cc, name=None): #print '>>>', type(self).__name__, self.name if name: name += '_' else: name = "" if self.hh: hh.add('%s%s.hh' % (name, self.name)) if self.cc: cc.add('%s%s.cc' % (name, self.name)) class Action(Declaration): pass class InPort(Declaration): pass class OutPort(Declaration): pass class Transition(Declaration): pass class Extern(Declaration): pass class Global(Declaration): pass class Struct(Declaration): hh = True cc = True class Enum(Declaration): hh = True cc = True class Object(Declaration): pass class Function(Declaration): cc = True def scan(filenames): hh = slicc_generated_hh.copy() cc = slicc_generated_cc.copy() for filename in filenames: lex.lexer.lineno = 1 try: results = yacc.parse(file(filename, 'r').read()) except (TokenError, ParseError), e: raise type(e), tuple([filename] + [ i for i in e ]) for result in results: result.add(hh, cc) return list(hh), list(cc)