/* * Copyright (c) 2012 ARM Limited * All rights reserved. * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Copyright (c) 2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Ali Saidi * Andreas Hansson */ #ifndef __MEM_TPORT_HH__ #define __MEM_TPORT_HH__ /** * @file * * Declaration of SimpleTimingPort. */ #include <list> #include <string> #include "mem/port.hh" #include "sim/eventq.hh" /** * A simple port for interfacing objects that basically have only * functional memory behavior (e.g. I/O devices) to the memory system. * Both timing and functional accesses are implemented in terms of * atomic accesses. A derived port class thus only needs to provide * recvAtomic() to support all memory access modes. * * The tricky part is handling recvTiming(), where the response must * be scheduled separately via a later call to sendTiming(). This * feature is handled by scheduling an internal event that calls * sendTiming() after a delay, and optionally rescheduling the * response if it is nacked. */ class SimpleTimingPort : public Port { protected: /** A deferred packet, buffered to transmit later. */ class DeferredPacket { public: Tick tick; ///< The tick when the packet is ready to transmit PacketPtr pkt; ///< Pointer to the packet to transmit DeferredPacket(Tick t, PacketPtr p) : tick(t), pkt(p) {} }; typedef std::list<DeferredPacket> DeferredPacketList; typedef std::list<DeferredPacket>::iterator DeferredPacketIterator; /** A list of outgoing timing response packets that haven't been * serviced yet. */ DeferredPacketList transmitList; /** Label to use for print request packets label stack. */ const std::string label; /** This function attempts to send deferred packets. Scheduled to * be called in the future via SendEvent. */ void processSendEvent(); /** * This class is used to implemented sendTiming() with a delay. When * a delay is requested a the event is scheduled if it isn't already. * When the event time expires it attempts to send the packet. * If it cannot, the packet sent when recvRetry() is called. **/ EventWrapper<SimpleTimingPort, &SimpleTimingPort::processSendEvent> sendEvent; /** If we need to drain, keep the drain event around until we're done * here.*/ Event *drainEvent; /** Remember whether we're awaiting a retry from the bus. */ bool waitingOnRetry; /** Check whether we have a packet ready to go on the transmit list. */ bool deferredPacketReady() { return !transmitList.empty() && transmitList.front().tick <= curTick(); } Tick deferredPacketReadyTime() { return transmitList.empty() ? MaxTick : transmitList.front().tick; } /** * Schedule a send even if not already waiting for a retry. If the * requested time is before an already scheduled send event it * will be rescheduled. * * @param when */ void schedSendEvent(Tick when); /** Schedule a sendTiming() event to be called in the future. * @param pkt packet to send * @param absolute time (in ticks) to send packet */ void schedSendTiming(PacketPtr pkt, Tick when); /** Attempt to send the packet at the head of the deferred packet * list. Caller must guarantee that the deferred packet list is * non-empty and that the head packet is scheduled for curTick() (or * earlier). */ virtual void sendDeferredPacket(); /** * Attempt to send the packet at the front of the transmit list, * and set waitingOnRetry accordingly. The packet is temporarily * taken off the list, but put back at the front if not * successfully sent. */ void trySendTiming(); /** * Based on the transmit list, or the provided time, schedule a * send event if there are packets to send. If we are idle and * asked to drain then do so. * * @param time an alternative time for the next send event */ void scheduleSend(Tick time = MaxTick); /** This function is notification that the device should attempt to send a * packet again. */ virtual void recvRetry(); /** Implemented using recvAtomic(). */ void recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt); /** Implemented using recvAtomic(). */ bool recvTiming(PacketPtr pkt); /** * Simple ports are generally used as slave ports (i.e. the * respond to requests) and thus do not expect to receive any * range changes (as the neighbouring port has a master role and * do not have any address ranges. A subclass can override the * default behaviuor if needed. */ virtual void recvRangeChange() { } public: SimpleTimingPort(const std::string &_name, MemObject *_owner, const std::string _label = "SimpleTimingPort"); ~SimpleTimingPort(); /** Check the list of buffered packets against the supplied * functional request. */ bool checkFunctional(PacketPtr pkt); /** Hook for draining timing accesses from the system. The * associated SimObject's drain() functions should be implemented * something like this when this class is used: \code PioDevice::drain(Event *de) { unsigned int count; count = SimpleTimingPort->drain(de); if (count) changeState(Draining); else changeState(Drained); return count; } \endcode */ unsigned int drain(Event *de); }; #endif // __MEM_TPORT_HH__