from m5 import build_env
from m5.config import *
from BaseCPU import BaseCPU

class DerivOzoneCPU(BaseCPU):
    type = 'DerivOzoneCPU'

    numThreads = Param.Unsigned("number of HW thread contexts")

    checker = Param.BaseCPU("Checker CPU")

    icache_port = Port("Instruction Port")
    dcache_port = Port("Data Port")

    width = Param.Unsigned("Width")
    frontEndWidth = Param.Unsigned("Front end width")
    backEndWidth = Param.Unsigned("Back end width")
    backEndSquashLatency = Param.Unsigned("Back end squash latency")
    backEndLatency = Param.Unsigned("Back end latency")
    maxInstBufferSize = Param.Unsigned("Maximum instruction buffer size")
    maxOutstandingMemOps = Param.Unsigned("Maximum number of outstanding memory operations")
    decodeToFetchDelay = Param.Unsigned("Decode to fetch delay")
    renameToFetchDelay = Param.Unsigned("Rename to fetch delay")
    iewToFetchDelay = Param.Unsigned("Issue/Execute/Writeback to fetch "
    commitToFetchDelay = Param.Unsigned("Commit to fetch delay")
    fetchWidth = Param.Unsigned("Fetch width")

    renameToDecodeDelay = Param.Unsigned("Rename to decode delay")
    iewToDecodeDelay = Param.Unsigned("Issue/Execute/Writeback to decode "
    commitToDecodeDelay = Param.Unsigned("Commit to decode delay")
    fetchToDecodeDelay = Param.Unsigned("Fetch to decode delay")
    decodeWidth = Param.Unsigned("Decode width")

    iewToRenameDelay = Param.Unsigned("Issue/Execute/Writeback to rename "
    commitToRenameDelay = Param.Unsigned("Commit to rename delay")
    decodeToRenameDelay = Param.Unsigned("Decode to rename delay")
    renameWidth = Param.Unsigned("Rename width")

    commitToIEWDelay = Param.Unsigned("Commit to "
               "Issue/Execute/Writeback delay")
    renameToIEWDelay = Param.Unsigned("Rename to "
               "Issue/Execute/Writeback delay")
    issueToExecuteDelay = Param.Unsigned("Issue to execute delay (internal "
              "to the IEW stage)")
    issueWidth = Param.Unsigned("Issue width")
    executeWidth = Param.Unsigned("Execute width")
    executeIntWidth = Param.Unsigned("Integer execute width")
    executeFloatWidth = Param.Unsigned("Floating point execute width")
    executeBranchWidth = Param.Unsigned("Branch execute width")
    executeMemoryWidth = Param.Unsigned("Memory execute width")

    iewToCommitDelay = Param.Unsigned("Issue/Execute/Writeback to commit "
    renameToROBDelay = Param.Unsigned("Rename to reorder buffer delay")
    commitWidth = Param.Unsigned("Commit width")
    squashWidth = Param.Unsigned("Squash width")

    predType = Param.String("Type of branch predictor ('local', 'tournament')")
    localPredictorSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of local predictor")
    localCtrBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits per counter")
    localHistoryTableSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of local history table")
    localHistoryBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits for the local history")
    globalPredictorSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of global predictor")
    globalCtrBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits per counter")
    globalHistoryBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits of history")
    choicePredictorSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of choice predictor")
    choiceCtrBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits of choice counters")

    BTBEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of BTB entries")
    BTBTagSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of the BTB tags, in bits")

    RASSize = Param.Unsigned("RAS size")

    LQEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of load queue entries")
    SQEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of store queue entries")
    LFSTSize = Param.Unsigned("Last fetched store table size")
    SSITSize = Param.Unsigned("Store set ID table size")

    numPhysIntRegs = Param.Unsigned("Number of physical integer registers")
    numPhysFloatRegs = Param.Unsigned("Number of physical floating point "
    numIQEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of instruction queue entries")
    numROBEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of reorder buffer entries")

    instShiftAmt = Param.Unsigned("Number of bits to shift instructions by")

    function_trace = Param.Bool(False, "Enable function trace")
    function_trace_start = Param.Tick(0, "Cycle to start function trace")