/* * Copyright (c) 2017 ARM Limited * All rights reserved * * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. * * Copyright (c) 2010 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Nathan Binkert * Steve Reinhardt * Gabe Black * Andreas Sandberg */ #include "pybind11/pybind11.h" #include "python/pybind11/core.hh" #include <ctime> #include "base/addr_range.hh" #include "base/inet.hh" #include "base/misc.hh" #include "base/random.hh" #include "base/socket.hh" #include "base/types.hh" #include "sim/core.hh" #include "sim/drain.hh" #include "sim/serialize.hh" #include "sim/sim_object.hh" namespace py = pybind11; /** Resolve a SimObject name using the Pybind configuration */ class PybindSimObjectResolver : public SimObjectResolver { SimObject *resolveSimObject(const std::string &name); }; PybindSimObjectResolver pybindSimObjectResolver; SimObject * PybindSimObjectResolver::resolveSimObject(const std::string &name) { // TODO py::module m = py::module::import("m5.SimObject"); auto f = m.attr("resolveSimObject"); return f(name).cast<SimObject *>(); } extern const char *compileDate; #ifdef DEBUG const bool flag_DEBUG = true; #else const bool flag_DEBUG = false; #endif #ifdef NDEBUG const bool flag_NDEBUG = true; #else const bool flag_NDEBUG = false; #endif const bool flag_TRACING_ON = TRACING_ON; static void init_drain(py::module &m_native) { py::module m = m_native.def_submodule("drain"); py::enum_<DrainState>(m, "DrainState") .value("Running", DrainState::Running) .value("Draining", DrainState::Draining) .value("Drained", DrainState::Drained) ; py::class_<Drainable, std::unique_ptr<Drainable, py::nodelete>>( m, "Drainable") .def("drainState", &Drainable::drainState) .def("notifyFork", &Drainable::notifyFork) ; // The drain manager is a singleton with a private // destructor. Disable deallocation from the Python binding. py::class_<DrainManager, std::unique_ptr<DrainManager, py::nodelete>>( m, "DrainManager") .def("tryDrain", &DrainManager::tryDrain) .def("resume", &DrainManager::resume) .def("preCheckpointRestore", &DrainManager::preCheckpointRestore) .def("isDrained", &DrainManager::isDrained) .def("state", &DrainManager::state) .def("signalDrainDone", &DrainManager::signalDrainDone) .def_static("instance", &DrainManager::instance, py::return_value_policy::reference) ; } static void init_serialize(py::module &m_native) { py::module m = m_native.def_submodule("serialize"); py::class_<Serializable, std::unique_ptr<Serializable, py::nodelete>>( m, "Serializable") ; py::class_<CheckpointIn>(m, "CheckpointIn") ; } static void init_range(py::module &m_native) { py::module m = m_native.def_submodule("range"); py::class_<AddrRange>(m, "AddrRange") .def(py::init<>()) .def(py::init<Addr &, Addr &>()) .def(py::init<const std::vector<AddrRange> &>()) .def(py::init<Addr, Addr, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>()) .def("__str__", &AddrRange::to_string) .def("interleaved", &AddrRange::interleaved) .def("hashed", &AddrRange::hashed) .def("granularity", &AddrRange::granularity) .def("stripes", &AddrRange::stripes) .def("size", &AddrRange::size) .def("valid", &AddrRange::valid) .def("start", &AddrRange::start) .def("end", &AddrRange::end) .def("mergesWith", &AddrRange::mergesWith) .def("intersects", &AddrRange::intersects) .def("isSubset", &AddrRange::isSubset) ; // We need to make vectors of AddrRange opaque to avoid weird // memory allocation issues in PyBind's STL wrappers. py::bind_vector<std::vector<AddrRange>>(m, "AddrRangeVector"); m.def("RangeEx", &RangeEx); m.def("RangeIn", &RangeIn); m.def("RangeSize", &RangeSize); } static void init_net(py::module &m_native) { py::module m = m_native.def_submodule("net"); py::class_<Net::EthAddr>(m, "EthAddr") .def(py::init<>()) .def(py::init<const std::string &>()) ; py::class_<Net::IpAddress>(m, "IpAddress") .def(py::init<>()) .def(py::init<uint32_t>()) ; py::class_<Net::IpNetmask, Net::IpAddress>(m, "IpNetmask") .def(py::init<>()) .def(py::init<uint32_t, uint8_t>()) ; py::class_<Net::IpWithPort, Net::IpAddress>(m, "IpWithPort") .def(py::init<>()) .def(py::init<uint32_t, uint16_t>()) ; } void pybind_init_core(py::module &m_native) { py::module m_core = m_native.def_submodule("core"); py::class_<Cycles>(m_core, "Cycles") .def(py::init<>()) .def(py::init<uint64_t>()) .def("__int__", &Cycles::operator uint64_t) .def("__add__", &Cycles::operator+) .def("__sub__", &Cycles::operator-) ; py::class_<tm>(m_core, "tm") .def_static("gmtime", [](std::time_t t) { return *std::gmtime(&t); }) .def_readwrite("tm_sec", &tm::tm_sec) .def_readwrite("tm_min", &tm::tm_min) .def_readwrite("tm_hour", &tm::tm_hour) .def_readwrite("tm_mday", &tm::tm_mday) .def_readwrite("tm_mon", &tm::tm_mon) .def_readwrite("tm_wday", &tm::tm_wday) .def_readwrite("tm_yday", &tm::tm_yday) .def_readwrite("tm_isdst", &tm::tm_isdst) ; py::enum_<Logger::LogLevel>(m_core, "LogLevel") .value("PANIC", Logger::PANIC) .value("FATAL", Logger::FATAL) .value("WARN", Logger::WARN) .value("INFO", Logger::INFO) .value("HACK", Logger::HACK) ; m_core .def("setLogLevel", &Logger::setLevel) .def("setOutputDir", &setOutputDir) .def("doExitCleanup", &doExitCleanup) .def("disableAllListeners", &ListenSocket::disableAll) .def("listenersDisabled", &ListenSocket::allDisabled) .def("listenersLoopbackOnly", &ListenSocket::loopbackOnly) .def("seedRandom", [](uint64_t seed) { random_mt.init(seed); }) .def("setClockFrequency", &setClockFrequency) .def("curTick", curTick) ; /* TODO: These should be read-only */ m_core.attr("compileDate") = py::cast(compileDate); m_core.attr("flag_DEBUG") = py::cast(flag_DEBUG); m_core.attr("flag_DEBUG") = py::cast(flag_DEBUG); m_core.attr("flag_NDEBUG") = py::cast(flag_NDEBUG); m_core.attr("flag_TRACING_ON") = py::cast(flag_TRACING_ON); m_core.attr("MaxTick") = py::cast(MaxTick); /* * Serialization helpers */ m_core .def("serializeAll", &Serializable::serializeAll) .def("unserializeGlobals", &Serializable::unserializeGlobals) .def("getCheckpoint", [](const std::string &cpt_dir) { return new CheckpointIn(cpt_dir, pybindSimObjectResolver); }) ; init_drain(m_native); init_serialize(m_native); init_range(m_native); init_net(m_native); }