#define SC_INCLUDE_FX #include // 28) sc_core and sc_dt - check names still visible in SC_MODULE(Mod) { SC_CTOR(Mod) { SC_THREAD(T); }; void T() { sc_int<4> i; sc_uint<4> ui; sc_bigint<4> bi; sc_biguint<4> bui; sc_fixed<4,2> f; sc_ufixed<4,2> uf; sc_fixed_fast<4,2> ff; sc_ufixed_fast<4,2> uff; sc_bv<4> bv; sc_lv<4> lv; sc_int_base ib; sc_int_base uib; sc_signed s; sc_unsigned u; sc_fix fi; sc_ufix ufi; sc_fix_fast ffi; sc_ufix_fast uffi; sc_logic l; sc_bv_base bvb; sc_lv_base lvb; //sc_value_base vb; //sc_fxnum fx; //sc_fxnum_fast fxf; sc_fxval fxv; sc_fxval_fast fxvf; sc_assert(sc_abs(-1) == 1); sc_assert(sc_max(1, 2) == 2); sc_assert(sc_min(1, 2) == 1); sc_copyright(); sc_version(); sc_release(); } void f(sc_report& rpt) { sc_severity sev; sev = SC_INFO; sev = SC_WARNING; sev = SC_ERROR; sev = SC_FATAL; sc_assert (sev == SC_FATAL); sc_actions act; act = SC_DO_NOTHING; } void g(sc_exception x) {} }; struct Top: sc_module { Top(sc_module_name) { tf = sc_create_vcd_trace_file("vcd"); tf->set_time_unit(1.0, SC_NS); sc_trace(tf, sig, "sig"); sc_write_comment(tf, "Hello"); } ~Top() { sc_close_vcd_trace_file(tf); } sc_trace_file* tf; sc_signal sig; }; int sc_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900 _set_output_format(_TWO_DIGIT_EXPONENT); #endif cout << "Should be silent except for some renaming warnings..." << endl; Top top("top"); sc_attr_base ab("base"); sc_attribute at("attr"); sc_buffer bu; sc_signal_resolved sr; sc_fifo fi; sc_mutex mut; sc_semaphore sem(2); sc_event_queue eq; sc_start(100, SC_NS); cout << endl << "Success" << endl; return 0; }