TLM-2.0 unit tests

Dir: tests/tlm/

Files: README.txt


Running the tests:

See the main README and README_windows.txt files.

The tests:

All tests are build using a set of models that can be found in the subdirectory
common/include/models. For a description of the models see the README.txt in 
that subdirectory.

The test themselves can be found in the following subdirectories:
bus/ : 
      test system using a TLM2 compliant AT bus model and a combination of
      LT and AT targets and initiators, with and without temporal decoupling. 
bus_dmi/ : 
      test system using a similar system as in the bus/ test but now with DMI
      support added for the LT initiators and targets.
cancel_all/ :
      Tests the cancel_all() methods of the two PEQs, peq_with_cb_and_phase and peq_with_get.
      Along the way, it also tests the basic operation of each PEQ.
endian_conv/ :
      unit test for the endianness conversion ftions, there is only a build for
      linux provided, the C++ test performs a single conversion, there is a 
      python script using the program to do a more extensive test     
multi_sockets/ :
      test system using a TLM2 compliant AT busmodel using a single socket to
      bind all targets and initiators to, in combination with LT and AT
      initiators and targets. This test also uses instance specific extentions
      in the generic payload
nb2b_adapter/ :
      Primarily a regression test for a bug in the nb2b adapter of the simple_target_socket.
      Tests the operation of the nb2b adapter, and also exercises the peq_with_cb_and_phase
      and the instance_specific_extension.
p2p/ :
  BaseSocketLT/ :
  	simple point to point test for LT initiator and target
  	simple test for using the LT initiator with temporal decoupling
    	tests sockets on hierachical modules
  	simple test for initiator and target using callback registry in sockets
  	simple point to point test for AT initiator and target using GP
	AT phases and TLM_ACCEPTED
  	simple point to point test for AT initiator and target using GP
	AT phases and TLM_UPDATED

static_extentions/ :
	contains 3 unit tests to verify the GP extention mechanism

update_original/ :
      Tests the deep_copy_from() and update_original_from() methods of tlm_generic_payload. 
      Along the way, it also tests the use of byte enables for read and write commands.