/* * Copyright 2018 Google, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Gabe Black */ #include <fstream> #include <map> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include "base/logging.hh" #include "systemc/core/process.hh" #include "systemc/core/scheduler.hh" #include "systemc/ext/core/sc_main.hh" #include "systemc/ext/utils/sc_report_handler.hh" namespace sc_core { namespace { std::unique_ptr<std::string> logFileName; std::unique_ptr<std::ofstream> logFile; struct ReportCatInfo { explicit ReportCatInfo(sc_actions actions) : actions(actions), count(0), limit(-1) {} ReportCatInfo() : ReportCatInfo(SC_UNSPECIFIED) {} bool checkLimit(sc_actions &actions) { if (limit == 0 || count < limit) return false; if (limit != -1) actions |= SC_STOP; return true; } sc_actions actions; int count; int limit; }; const char *severityNames[] = { [SC_INFO] = "Info", [SC_WARNING] = "Warning", [SC_ERROR] = "Error", [SC_FATAL] = "Fatal" }; ReportCatInfo catForSeverity[SC_MAX_SEVERITY] = { [SC_INFO] = ReportCatInfo(SC_DEFAULT_INFO_ACTIONS), [SC_WARNING] = ReportCatInfo(SC_DEFAULT_WARNING_ACTIONS), [SC_ERROR] = ReportCatInfo(SC_DEFAULT_ERROR_ACTIONS), [SC_FATAL] = ReportCatInfo(SC_DEFAULT_FATAL_ACTIONS) }; std::map<std::string, ReportCatInfo> catForMsgType; std::map<std::pair<std::string, sc_severity>, ReportCatInfo> catForSeverityAndMsgType; int verbosityLevel = SC_MEDIUM; sc_actions suppressedActions = SC_UNSPECIFIED; sc_actions forcedActions = SC_UNSPECIFIED; sc_actions catchActions = SC_UNSPECIFIED; sc_report_handler_proc reportHandlerProc = &sc_report_handler::default_handler; sc_actions maxAction = SC_ABORT; std::unique_ptr<sc_report> globalReportCache; } // anonymous namespace void sc_report_handler::report(sc_severity severity, const char *msg_type, const char *msg, const char *file, int line) { report(severity, msg_type, msg, SC_MEDIUM, file, line); } void sc_report_handler::report(sc_severity severity, const char *msg_type, const char *msg, int verbosity, const char *file, int line) { if (severity == SC_INFO && verbosity > verbosityLevel) return; ReportCatInfo &sevInfo = catForSeverity[severity]; ReportCatInfo &msgInfo = catForMsgType[msg_type]; ReportCatInfo &sevMsgInfo = catForSeverityAndMsgType[ std::make_pair(std::string(msg_type), severity)]; sevInfo.count++; msgInfo.count++; sevMsgInfo.count++; sc_actions actions = SC_UNSPECIFIED; if (sevMsgInfo.actions != SC_UNSPECIFIED) actions = sevMsgInfo.actions; else if (msgInfo.actions != SC_UNSPECIFIED) actions = msgInfo.actions; else if (sevInfo.actions != SC_UNSPECIFIED) actions = sevInfo.actions; actions &= ~suppressedActions; actions |= forcedActions; if (sevMsgInfo.checkLimit(actions) && msgInfo.checkLimit(actions)) sevInfo.checkLimit(actions); ::sc_gem5::Process *current = ::sc_gem5::scheduler.current(); sc_report report(severity, msg_type, msg, verbosity, file, line, sc_time::from_value(::sc_gem5::scheduler.getCurTick()), current ? current->name() : nullptr, -1); if (actions & SC_CACHE_REPORT) { if (current) { current->lastReport(&report); } else { globalReportCache = std::unique_ptr<sc_report>(new sc_report(report)); } } reportHandlerProc(report, actions); } void sc_report_handler::report(sc_severity, int id, const char *msg, const char *file, int line) { warn("%s:%d %s\n", file, line, msg); warn("%s not implemented.\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } sc_actions sc_report_handler::set_actions(sc_severity severity, sc_actions actions) { ReportCatInfo &info = catForSeverity[severity]; sc_actions previous = info.actions; info.actions = actions; return previous; } sc_actions sc_report_handler::set_actions(const char *msg_type, sc_actions actions) { ReportCatInfo &info = catForMsgType[msg_type]; sc_actions previous = info.actions; info.actions = actions; return previous; } sc_actions sc_report_handler::set_actions( const char *msg_type, sc_severity severity, sc_actions actions) { ReportCatInfo &info = catForSeverityAndMsgType[ std::make_pair(std::string(msg_type), severity)]; sc_actions previous = info.actions; info.actions = actions; return previous; } int sc_report_handler::stop_after(sc_severity severity, int limit) { ReportCatInfo &info = catForSeverity[severity]; int previous = info.limit; info.limit = limit; return previous; } int sc_report_handler::stop_after(const char *msg_type, int limit) { ReportCatInfo &info = catForMsgType[msg_type]; int previous = info.limit; info.limit = limit; return previous; } int sc_report_handler::stop_after( const char *msg_type, sc_severity severity, int limit) { ReportCatInfo &info = catForSeverityAndMsgType[ std::make_pair(std::string(msg_type), severity)]; int previous = info.limit; info.limit = limit; return previous; } int sc_report_handler::get_count(sc_severity severity) { return catForSeverity[severity].count; } int sc_report_handler::get_count(const char *msg_type) { return catForMsgType[msg_type].count; } int sc_report_handler::get_count(const char *msg_type, sc_severity severity) { return catForSeverityAndMsgType[ std::make_pair(std::string(msg_type), severity)].count; } int sc_report_handler::set_verbosity_level(int vl) { int previous = verbosityLevel; verbosityLevel = vl; return previous; } int sc_report_handler::get_verbosity_level() { return verbosityLevel; } sc_actions sc_report_handler::suppress(sc_actions actions) { sc_actions previous = suppressedActions; suppressedActions = actions; return previous; } sc_actions sc_report_handler::suppress() { return suppress(SC_UNSPECIFIED); } sc_actions sc_report_handler::force(sc_actions actions) { sc_actions previous = forcedActions; forcedActions = actions; return previous; } sc_actions sc_report_handler::force() { return force(SC_UNSPECIFIED); } sc_actions sc_report_handler::set_catch_actions(sc_actions actions) { sc_actions previous = catchActions; catchActions = actions; return previous; } sc_actions sc_report_handler::get_catch_actions() { return catchActions; } void sc_report_handler::set_handler(sc_report_handler_proc proc) { reportHandlerProc = proc; } void sc_report_handler::default_handler( const sc_report &report, const sc_actions &actions) { if (actions & SC_DISPLAY) cprintf("\n%s\n", sc_report_compose_message(report)); if ((actions & SC_LOG) && logFile) { ccprintf(*logFile, "%s: %s\n", report.get_time().to_string(), sc_report_compose_message(report)); } if (actions & SC_STOP) { sc_stop_here(report.get_msg_type(), report.get_severity()); sc_stop(); } if (actions & SC_INTERRUPT) sc_interrupt_here(report.get_msg_type(), report.get_severity()); if (actions & SC_ABORT) sc_abort(); if (actions & SC_THROW) { ::sc_gem5::Process *current = ::sc_gem5::scheduler.current(); if (current) current->isUnwinding(false); throw report; } } sc_actions sc_report_handler::get_new_action_id() { maxAction = maxAction << 1; return maxAction; } sc_report * sc_report_handler::get_cached_report() { ::sc_gem5::Process *current = ::sc_gem5::scheduler.current(); if (current) return current->lastReport(); return globalReportCache.get(); } void sc_report_handler::clear_cached_report() { ::sc_gem5::Process *current = ::sc_gem5::scheduler.current(); if (current) { current->lastReport(nullptr); } else { globalReportCache = nullptr; } } bool sc_report_handler::set_log_file_name(const char *new_name) { if (!new_name) { logFile = nullptr; logFileName = nullptr; return false; } else { if (logFileName) return false; logFileName = std::unique_ptr<std::string>(new std::string(new_name)); logFile = std::unique_ptr<std::ofstream>(new std::ofstream(new_name)); return true; } } const char * sc_report_handler::get_log_file_name() { if (!logFileName) return nullptr; else return logFileName->c_str(); } void sc_interrupt_here(const char *msg_type, sc_severity) { // Purposefully empty, for setting breakpoints supposedly. } void sc_stop_here(const char *msg_type, sc_severity) { // Purposefully empty, for setting breakpoints supposedly. } const std::string sc_report_compose_message(const sc_report &report) { std::ostringstream str; const char *sevName = severityNames[report.get_severity()]; int id = report.get_id(); str << sevName << ": "; if (id >= 0) { ccprintf(str, "(%c%d) ", sevName[0], id); } str << report.get_msg_type(); const char *msg = report.get_msg(); if (msg && msg[0]) str << ": " << msg; if (report.get_severity() > SC_INFO) { ccprintf(str, "\nIn file: %s:%d", report.get_file_name(), report.get_line_number()); ::sc_gem5::Process *current = ::sc_gem5::scheduler.current(); const char *name = report.get_process_name(); if (current && sc_is_running() && name) { ccprintf(str, "\nIn process: %s @ %s", name, report.get_time().to_string()); } } return str.str(); } bool sc_report_close_default_log() { if (logFile) { logFile = nullptr; logFileName = nullptr; return false; } return true; } } // namespace sc_core