# Copyright (c) 2013 ARM Limited # All rights reserved # # The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall # not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual # property including but not limited to intellectual property relating # to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software # licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license # terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated # unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, # modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Authors: Andrew Bardsley # # blobs.py: Blobs are the visual blocks, arrows and other coloured # objects on the visualiser. This file contains Blob definition and # their rendering instructions in pygtk/cairo. # import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import gobject import cairo import re import math from point import Point import parse import colours from colours import backgroundColour, black import model def centre_size_to_sides(centre, size): """Returns a 4-tuple of the relevant ordinates of the left, right, top and bottom sides of the described rectangle""" (x, y) = centre.to_pair() (half_width, half_height) = (size.scale(0.5)).to_pair() left = x - half_width right = x + half_width top = y - half_height bottom = y + half_height return (left, right, top, bottom) def box(cr, centre, size): """Draw a simple box""" (left, right, top, bottom) = centre_size_to_sides(centre, size) cr.move_to(left, top) cr.line_to(right, top) cr.line_to(right, bottom) cr.line_to(left, bottom) cr.close_path() def stroke_and_fill(cr, colour): """Stroke with the current colour then fill the same path with the given colour""" join = cr.get_line_join() cr.set_line_join(gtk.gdk.JOIN_ROUND) cr.close_path() cr.set_source_color(backgroundColour) cr.stroke_preserve() cr.set_source_color(colour) cr.fill() cr.set_line_join(join) def striped_box(cr, centre, size, colours): """Fill a rectangle (without outline) striped with the colours given""" num_colours = len(colours) if num_colours == 0: box(cr, centre, size) cr.set_source_color(backgroundColour) cr.fill() elif num_colours == 1: box(cr, centre, size) stroke_and_fill(cr, colours[0]) else: (left, right, top, bottom) = centre_size_to_sides(centre, size) (width, height) = size.to_pair() x_stripe_width = width / num_colours half_x_stripe_width = x_stripe_width / 2.0 # Left triangle cr.move_to(left, bottom) cr.line_to(left + half_x_stripe_width, bottom) cr.line_to(left + x_stripe_width + half_x_stripe_width, top) cr.line_to(left, top) stroke_and_fill(cr, colours[0]) # Stripes for i in xrange(1, num_colours - 1): xOffset = x_stripe_width * i cr.move_to(left + xOffset - half_x_stripe_width, bottom) cr.line_to(left + xOffset + half_x_stripe_width, bottom) cr.line_to(left + xOffset + x_stripe_width + half_x_stripe_width, top) cr.line_to(left + xOffset + x_stripe_width - half_x_stripe_width, top) stroke_and_fill(cr, colours[i]) # Right triangle cr.move_to((right - x_stripe_width) - half_x_stripe_width, bottom) cr.line_to(right, bottom) cr.line_to(right, top) cr.line_to((right - x_stripe_width) + half_x_stripe_width, top) stroke_and_fill(cr, colours[num_colours - 1]) def speech_bubble(cr, top_left, size, unit): """Draw a speech bubble with 'size'-sized internal space with its top left corner at Point(2.0 * unit, 2.0 * unit)""" def local_arc(centre, angleFrom, angleTo): cr.arc(centre.x, centre.y, unit, angleFrom * math.pi, angleTo * math.pi) cr.move_to(*top_left.to_pair()) cr.rel_line_to(unit * 2.0, unit) cr.rel_line_to(size.x, 0.0) local_arc(top_left + Point(size.x + unit * 2.0, unit * 2.0), -0.5, 0.0) cr.rel_line_to(0.0, size.y) local_arc(top_left + Point(size.x + unit * 2.0, size.y + unit * 2.0), 0, 0.5) cr.rel_line_to(-size.x, 0.0) local_arc(top_left + Point(unit * 2.0, size.y + unit * 2.0), 0.5, 1.0) cr.rel_line_to(0, -size.y) cr.close_path() def open_bottom(cr, centre, size): """Draw a box with left, top and right sides""" (left, right, top, bottom) = centre_size_to_sides(centre, size) cr.move_to(left, bottom) cr.line_to(left, top) cr.line_to(right, top) cr.line_to(right, bottom) def fifo(cr, centre, size): """Draw just the vertical sides of a box""" (left, right, top, bottom) = centre_size_to_sides(centre, size) cr.move_to(left, bottom) cr.line_to(left, top) cr.move_to(right, bottom) cr.line_to(right, top) def cross(cr, centre, size): """Draw a cross parallel with the axes""" (left, right, top, bottom) = centre_size_to_sides(centre, size) (x, y) = centre.to_pair() cr.move_to(left, y) cr.line_to(right, y) cr.move_to(x, top) cr.line_to(x, bottom) class Blob(object): """Blob super class""" def __init__(self, picChar, unit, topLeft, colour, size = Point(1,1)): self.picChar = picChar self.unit = unit self.displayName = unit self.nameLoc = 'top' self.topLeft = topLeft self.colour = colour self.size = size self.border = 1.0 self.dataSelect = model.BlobDataSelect() self.shorten = 0 def render(self, cr, view, event, select, time): """Render this blob with the given event's data. Returns either None or a pair of (centre, size) in device coordinates for the drawn blob. The return value can be used to detect if mouse clicks on the canvas are within the blob""" return None class Block(Blob): """Blocks are rectangular blogs colourable with a 2D grid of striped blocks. visualDecoder specifies how event data becomes this coloured grid""" def __init__(self, picChar, unit, topLeft=Point(0,0), colour=colours.black, size=Point(1,1)): super(Block,self).__init__(picChar, unit, topLeft, colour, size = size) # {horiz, vert} self.stripDir = 'horiz' # {LR, RL}: LR means the first strip will be on the left/top, # RL means the first strip will be on the right/bottom self.stripOrd = 'LR' # Number of blank strips if this is a frame self.blankStrips = 0 # {box, fifo, openBottom} self.shape = 'box' self.visualDecoder = None def render(self, cr, view, event, select, time): # Find the right event, visuals and sizes for things if event is None or self.displayName.startswith('_'): event = model.BlobEvent(self.unit, time) if self.picChar in event.visuals: strips = event.visuals[self.picChar].to_striped_block( select & self.dataSelect) else: strips = [[[colours.unknownColour]]] if self.stripOrd == 'RL': strips.reverse() if len(strips) == 0: strips = [[colours.errorColour]] print 'Problem with the colour of event:', event num_strips = len(strips) strip_proportion = 1.0 / num_strips first_strip_offset = (num_strips / 2.0) - 0.5 # Adjust blocks with 'shorten' attribute to the length of the data size = Point(*self.size.to_pair()) if self.shorten != 0 and self.size.x > (num_strips * self.shorten): size.x = num_strips * self.shorten box_size = size - view.blobIndentFactor.scale(2) # Now do cr sensitive things cr.save() cr.scale(*view.pitch.to_pair()) cr.translate(*self.topLeft.to_pair()) cr.translate(*(size - Point(1,1)).scale(0.5).to_pair()) translated_centre = Point(*cr.user_to_device(0.0, 0.0)) translated_size = \ Point(*cr.user_to_device_distance(*size.to_pair())) # The 2D grid is a grid of strips of blocks. Data [[1,2],[3]] # is 2 strips of 2 and 1 blocks respectively. # if stripDir == 'horiz', strips are stacked vertically # from top to bottom if stripOrd == 'LR' or bottom to top if # stripOrd == 'RL'. # if stripDir == 'vert', strips are stacked horizontally # from left to right if stripOf == 'LR' or right to left if # stripOrd == 'RL'. strip_is_horiz = self.stripDir == 'horiz' if strip_is_horiz: strip_step_base = Point(1.0,0.0) block_step_base = Point(0.0,1.0) else: strip_step_base = Point(0.0,1.0) block_step_base = Point(1.0,0.0) strip_size = (box_size * (strip_step_base.scale(strip_proportion) + block_step_base)) strip_step = strip_size * strip_step_base strip_centre = Point(0,0) - (strip_size * strip_step_base.scale(first_strip_offset)) cr.set_line_width(view.midLineWidth / view.pitch.x) # Draw the strips and their blocks for strip_index in xrange(0, num_strips): num_blocks = len(strips[strip_index]) block_proportion = 1.0 / num_blocks firstBlockOffset = (num_blocks / 2.0) - 0.5 block_size = (strip_size * (block_step_base.scale(block_proportion) + strip_step_base)) block_step = block_size * block_step_base block_centre = (strip_centre + strip_step.scale(strip_index) - (block_size * block_step_base.scale(firstBlockOffset))) for block_index in xrange(0, num_blocks): striped_box(cr, block_centre + block_step.scale(block_index), block_size, strips[strip_index][block_index]) cr.set_font_size(0.7) if self.border > 0.5: weight = cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD else: weight = cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL cr.select_font_face('Helvetica', cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, weight) xb, yb, width, height, dx, dy = cr.text_extents(self.displayName) text_comfort_space = 0.15 if self.nameLoc == 'left': # Position text vertically along left side, top aligned cr.save() cr.rotate(- (math.pi / 2.0)) text_point = Point(size.y, size.x).scale(0.5) * Point(-1, -1) text_point += Point(max(0, size.y - width), 0) text_point += Point(-text_comfort_space, -text_comfort_space) else: # Including top # Position text above the top left hand corner text_point = size.scale(0.5) * Point(-1,-1) text_point += Point(0.00, -text_comfort_space) if (self.displayName != '' and not self.displayName.startswith('_')): cr.set_source_color(self.colour) cr.move_to(*text_point.to_pair()) cr.show_text(self.displayName) if self.nameLoc == 'left': cr.restore() # Draw the outline shape cr.save() if strip_is_horiz: cr.rotate(- (math.pi / 2.0)) box_size = Point(box_size.y, box_size.x) if self.stripOrd == "RL": cr.rotate(math.pi) if self.shape == 'box': box(cr, Point(0,0), box_size) elif self.shape == 'openBottom': open_bottom(cr, Point(0,0), box_size) elif self.shape == 'fifo': fifo(cr, Point(0,0), box_size) cr.restore() # Restore scale and stroke the outline cr.restore() cr.set_source_color(self.colour) cr.set_line_width(view.thickLineWidth * self.border) cr.stroke() # Return blob size/position if self.unit == '_': return None else: return (translated_centre, translated_size) class Key(Blob): """Draw a key to the special (and numeric colours) with swatches of the colours half as wide as the key""" def __init__(self, picChar, unit, topLeft, colour=colours.black, size=Point(1,1)): super(Key,self).__init__(picChar, unit, topLeft, colour, size = size) self.colours = 'BBBB' self.displayName = unit def render(self, cr, view, event, select, time): cr.save() cr.scale(*view.pitch.to_pair()) cr.translate(*self.topLeft.to_pair()) # cr.translate(*(self.size - Point(1,1)).scale(0.5).to_pair()) half_width = self.size.x / 2.0 cr.translate(*(self.size - Point(1.0 + half_width,1.0)).scale(0.5). to_pair()) num_colours = len(self.colours) cr.set_line_width(view.midLineWidth / view.pitch.x) blob_size = (Point(half_width,0.0) + (self.size * Point(0.0,1.0 / num_colours))) blob_step = Point(0.0,1.0) * blob_size first_blob_centre = (Point(0.0,0.0) - blob_step.scale((num_colours / 2.0) - 0.5)) cr.set_source_color(self.colour) cr.set_line_width(view.thinLineWidth / view.pitch.x) blob_proportion = 0.8 real_blob_size = blob_size.scale(blob_proportion) cr.set_font_size(0.8 * blob_size.y * blob_proportion) cr.select_font_face('Helvetica', cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) for i in xrange(0, num_colours): centre = first_blob_centre + blob_step.scale(i) box(cr, centre, real_blob_size) colour_char = self.colours[i] if colour_char.isdigit(): cr.set_source_color(colours.number_to_colour( int(colour_char))) label = '...' + colour_char else: cr.set_source_color(model.special_state_colours[colour_char]) label = model.special_state_names[colour_char] cr.fill_preserve() cr.set_source_color(self.colour) cr.stroke() xb, yb, width, height, dx, dy = cr.text_extents(label) text_left = (centre + (Point(0.5,0.0) * blob_size) + Point(0.0, height / 2.0)) cr.move_to(*text_left.to_pair()) cr.show_text(label) class Arrow(Blob): """Draw a left or right facing arrow""" def __init__(self, unit, topLeft, colour=colours.black, size=Point(1.0,1.0), direc='right'): super(Arrow,self).__init__(unit, unit, topLeft, colour, size = size) self.direc = direc def render(self, cr, view, event, select, time): cr.save() cr.scale(*view.pitch.to_pair()) cr.translate(*self.topLeft.to_pair()) cr.translate(*(self.size - Point(1,1)).scale(0.5).to_pair()) cr.scale(*self.size.to_pair()) (blob_indent_x, blob_indent_y) = \ (view.blobIndentFactor / self.size).to_pair() left = -0.5 - blob_indent_x right = 0.5 + blob_indent_x thickness = 0.2 flare = 0.2 if self.direc == 'left': cr.rotate(math.pi) cr.move_to(left, -thickness) cr.line_to(0.0, -thickness) cr.line_to(0.0, -(thickness + flare)) cr.line_to(right, 0) # Break arrow to prevent the point ruining the appearance of boxes cr.move_to(right, 0) cr.line_to(0.0, (thickness + flare)) cr.line_to(0.0, +thickness) cr.line_to(left, +thickness) cr.restore() # Draw arrow a bit more lightly than the standard line width cr.set_line_width(cr.get_line_width() * 0.75) cr.set_source_color(self.colour) cr.stroke() return None