#! /usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2014 ARM Limited # All rights reserved # # The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall # not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual # property including but not limited to intellectual property relating # to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software # licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license # terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated # unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, # modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. # # Copyright (c) 2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan # Copyright (c) 2007,2011 The Hewlett-Packard Development Company # Copyright (c) 2016 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Authors: Nathan Binkert # Steve Reinhardt import heapq import os import re import sys from os.path import dirname, join as joinpath from itertools import count from mercurial import bdiff, mdiff, commands current_dir = dirname(__file__) sys.path.insert(0, current_dir) sys.path.insert(1, joinpath(dirname(current_dir), 'src', 'python')) from m5.util import neg_inf, pos_inf, Region, Regions import sort_includes from file_types import lang_type all_regions = Regions(Region(neg_inf, pos_inf)) tabsize = 8 lead = re.compile(r'^([ \t]+)') trail = re.compile(r'([ \t]+)$') any_control = re.compile(r'\b(if|while|for)([ \t]*)\(') format_types = set(('C', 'C++')) def re_ignore(expr): """Helper function to create regular expression ignore file matcher functions""" rex = re.compile(expr) def match_re(fname): return rex.match(fname) return match_re # This list contains a list of functions that are called to determine # if a file should be excluded from the style matching rules or # not. The functions are called with the file name relative to the # repository root (without a leading slash) as their argument. A file # is excluded if any function in the list returns true. style_ignores = [ # Ignore external projects as they are unlikely to follow the gem5 # coding convention. re_ignore("^ext/"), ] def check_ignores(fname): """Check if a file name matches any of the ignore rules""" for rule in style_ignores: if rule(fname): return True return False def modified_regions(old_data, new_data): regions = Regions() beg = None for pbeg, pend, fbeg, fend in bdiff.blocks(old_data, new_data): if beg is not None and beg != fbeg: regions.append(beg, fbeg) beg = fend return regions def modregions(wctx, fname): fctx = wctx.filectx(fname) pctx = fctx.parents() file_data = fctx.data() lines = mdiff.splitnewlines(file_data) if len(pctx) in (1, 2): mod_regions = modified_regions(pctx[0].data(), file_data) if len(pctx) == 2: m2 = modified_regions(pctx[1].data(), file_data) # only the lines that are new in both mod_regions &= m2 else: mod_regions = Regions() mod_regions.append(0, len(lines)) return mod_regions class UserInterface(object): def __init__(self, verbose=False): self.verbose = verbose def prompt(self, prompt, results, default): while True: result = self.do_prompt(prompt, results, default) if result in results: return result class MercurialUI(UserInterface): def __init__(self, ui, *args, **kwargs): super(MercurialUI, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.ui = ui def do_prompt(self, prompt, results, default): return self.ui.prompt(prompt, default=default) def write(self, string): self.ui.write(string) class StdioUI(UserInterface): def do_prompt(self, prompt, results, default): return raw_input(prompt) or default def write(self, string): sys.stdout.write(string) class Verifier(object): """Base class for style verifier objects Subclasses must define these class attributes: languages = set of strings identifying applicable languages test_name = long descriptive name of test, will be used in messages such as "error in " or "invalid " opt_name = short name used to generate command-line options to control the test (--fix-, --ignore-, etc.) """ def __init__(self, ui, repo, opts): self.ui = ui self.repo = repo # opt_name must be defined as a class attribute of derived classes. # Check test-specific opts first as these have precedence. self.opt_fix = opts.get('fix_' + self.opt_name, False) self.opt_ignore = opts.get('ignore_' + self.opt_name, False) self.opt_skip = opts.get('skip_' + self.opt_name, False) # If no test-specific opts were set, then set based on "-all" opts. if not (self.opt_fix or self.opt_ignore or self.opt_skip): self.opt_fix = opts.get('fix_all', False) self.opt_ignore = opts.get('ignore_all', False) self.opt_skip = opts.get('skip_all', False) def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in ('prompt', 'write'): return getattr(self.ui, attr) if attr == 'wctx': try: wctx = repo.workingctx() except: from mercurial import context wctx = context.workingctx(repo) self.wctx = wctx return wctx raise AttributeError def open(self, filename, mode): filename = self.repo.wjoin(filename) try: f = file(filename, mode) except OSError, msg: print 'could not open file %s: %s' % (filename, msg) return None return f def skip(self, filename): filename = self.repo.wjoin(filename) # We never want to handle symlinks, so always skip them: If the location # pointed to is a directory, skip it. If the location is a file inside # the gem5 directory, it will be checked as a file, so symlink can be # skipped. If the location is a file outside gem5, we don't want to # check it anyway. if os.path.islink(filename): return True return lang_type(filename) not in self.languages def check(self, filename, regions=all_regions): """Check specified regions of file 'filename'. Line-by-line checks can simply provide a check_line() method that returns True if the line is OK and False if it has an error. Verifiers that need a multi-line view (like SortedIncludes) must override this entire function. Returns a count of errors (0 if none), though actual non-zero count value is not currently used anywhere. """ f = self.open(filename, 'r') errors = 0 for num,line in enumerate(f): if num not in regions: continue if not self.check_line(line): self.write("invalid %s in %s:%d\n" % \ (self.test_name, filename, num + 1)) if self.ui.verbose: self.write(">>%s<<\n" % line[:-1]) errors += 1 return errors def fix(self, filename, regions=all_regions): """Fix specified regions of file 'filename'. Line-by-line fixes can simply provide a fix_line() method that returns the fixed line. Verifiers that need a multi-line view (like SortedIncludes) must override this entire function. """ f = self.open(filename, 'r+') lines = list(f) f.seek(0) f.truncate() for i,line in enumerate(lines): if i in regions: line = self.fix_line(line) f.write(line) f.close() def apply(self, filename, regions=all_regions): """Possibly apply to specified regions of file 'filename'. Verifier is skipped if --skip- option was provided or if file is not of an applicable type. Otherwise file is checked and error messages printed. Errors are fixed or ignored if the corresponding --fix- or --ignore- options were provided. If neither, the user is prompted for an action. Returns True to abort, False otherwise. """ if not (self.opt_skip or self.skip(filename)): errors = self.check(filename, regions) if errors and not self.opt_ignore: if self.opt_fix: self.fix(filename, regions) else: result = self.ui.prompt("(a)bort, (i)gnore, or (f)ix?", 'aif', 'a') if result == 'f': self.fix(filename, regions) elif result == 'a': return True # abort return False class Whitespace(Verifier): """Check whitespace. Specifically: - No tabs used for indent - No trailing whitespace """ languages = set(('C', 'C++', 'swig', 'python', 'asm', 'isa', 'scons')) test_name = 'whitespace' opt_name = 'white' def check_line(self, line): match = lead.search(line) if match and match.group(1).find('\t') != -1: return False match = trail.search(line) if match: return False return True def fix_line(self, line): if lead.search(line): newline = '' for i,c in enumerate(line): if c == ' ': newline += ' ' elif c == '\t': newline += ' ' * (tabsize - len(newline) % tabsize) else: newline += line[i:] break line = newline return line.rstrip() + '\n' class ControlSpace(Verifier): """Check for exactly one space after if/while/for""" languages = set(('C', 'C++')) test_name = 'spacing after if/while/for' opt_name = 'control' def check_line(self, line): match = any_control.search(line) return not (match and match.group(2) != " ") def fix_line(self, line): new_line = any_control.sub(r'\1 (', line) return new_line class SortedIncludes(Verifier): """Check for proper sorting of include statements""" languages = sort_includes.default_languages test_name = 'include file order' opt_name = 'include' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SortedIncludes, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.sort_includes = sort_includes.SortIncludes() def check(self, filename, regions=all_regions): f = self.open(filename, 'r') lines = [ l.rstrip('\n') for l in f.xreadlines() ] old = ''.join(line + '\n' for line in lines) f.close() if len(lines) == 0: return 0 language = lang_type(filename, lines[0]) sort_lines = list(self.sort_includes(lines, filename, language)) new = ''.join(line + '\n' for line in sort_lines) mod = modified_regions(old, new) modified = mod & regions if modified: self.write("invalid sorting of includes in %s\n" % (filename)) if self.ui.verbose: for start, end in modified.regions: self.write("bad region [%d, %d)\n" % (start, end)) return 1 return 0 def fix(self, filename, regions=all_regions): f = self.open(filename, 'r+') old = f.readlines() lines = [ l.rstrip('\n') for l in old ] language = lang_type(filename, lines[0]) sort_lines = list(self.sort_includes(lines, filename, language)) new = ''.join(line + '\n' for line in sort_lines) f.seek(0) f.truncate() for i,line in enumerate(sort_lines): f.write(line) f.write('\n') f.close() # list of all verifier classes all_verifiers = [ Whitespace, ControlSpace, SortedIncludes ] def linelen(line): tabs = line.count('\t') if not tabs: return len(line) count = 0 for c in line: if c == '\t': count += tabsize - count % tabsize else: count += 1 return count class ValidationStats(object): def __init__(self): self.toolong = 0 self.toolong80 = 0 self.leadtabs = 0 self.trailwhite = 0 self.badcontrol = 0 self.cret = 0 def dump(self): print '''\ %d violations of lines over 79 chars. %d of which are 80 chars exactly. %d cases of whitespace at the end of a line. %d cases of tabs to indent. %d bad parens after if/while/for. %d carriage returns found. ''' % (self.toolong, self.toolong80, self.trailwhite, self.leadtabs, self.badcontrol, self.cret) def __nonzero__(self): return self.toolong or self.toolong80 or self.leadtabs or \ self.trailwhite or self.badcontrol or self.cret def validate(filename, stats, verbose, exit_code): lang = lang_type(filename) if lang not in format_types: return def msg(lineno, line, message): print '%s:%d>' % (filename, lineno + 1), message if verbose > 2: print line def bad(): if exit_code is not None: sys.exit(exit_code) try: f = file(filename, 'r') except OSError: if verbose > 0: print 'could not open file %s' % filename bad() return for i,line in enumerate(f): line = line.rstrip('\n') # no carriage returns if line.find('\r') != -1: self.cret += 1 if verbose > 1: msg(i, line, 'carriage return found') bad() # lines max out at 79 chars llen = linelen(line) if llen > 79: stats.toolong += 1 if llen == 80: stats.toolong80 += 1 if verbose > 1: msg(i, line, 'line too long (%d chars)' % llen) bad() # no tabs used to indent match = lead.search(line) if match and match.group(1).find('\t') != -1: stats.leadtabs += 1 if verbose > 1: msg(i, line, 'using tabs to indent') bad() # no trailing whitespace if trail.search(line): stats.trailwhite +=1 if verbose > 1: msg(i, line, 'trailing whitespace') bad() # for c++, exactly one space betwen if/while/for and ( if lang == 'C++': match = any_control.search(line) if match and match.group(2) != " ": stats.badcontrol += 1 if verbose > 1: msg(i, line, 'improper spacing after %s' % match.group(1)) bad() def _modified_regions(repo, patterns, **kwargs): opt_all = kwargs.get('all', False) opt_no_ignore = kwargs.get('no_ignore', False) # Import the match (repository file name matching helper) # function. Different versions of Mercurial keep it in different # modules and implement them differently. try: from mercurial import scmutil m = scmutil.match(repo[None], patterns, kwargs) except ImportError: from mercurial import cmdutil m = cmdutil.match(repo, patterns, kwargs) modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown, ignore, clean = \ repo.status(match=m, clean=opt_all) if not opt_all: try: wctx = repo.workingctx() except: from mercurial import context wctx = context.workingctx(repo) files = [ (fn, all_regions) for fn in added ] + \ [ (fn, modregions(wctx, fn)) for fn in modified ] else: files = [ (fn, all_regions) for fn in added + modified + clean ] for fname, mod_regions in files: if opt_no_ignore or not check_ignores(fname): yield fname, mod_regions def do_check_style(hgui, repo, *pats, **opts): """check files for proper m5 style guidelines Without an argument, checks all modified and added files for gem5 coding style violations. A list of files can be specified to limit the checker to a subset of the repository. The style rules are normally applied on a diff of the repository state (i.e., added files are checked in their entirety while only modifications of modified files are checked). The --all option can be specified to include clean files and check modified files in their entirety. The --fix-, --ignore-, and --skip- options can be used to control individual style checks: --fix- will perform the check and automatically attempt to fix sny style error (printing a warning if unsuccessful) --ignore- will perform the check but ignore any errors found (other than printing a message for each) --skip- will skip performing the check entirely If none of these options are given, all checks will be performed and the user will be prompted on how to handle each error. --fix-all, --ignore-all, and --skip-all are equivalent to specifying --fix-, --ignore-, or --skip- for all checks, respectively. However, option settings for specific checks take precedence. Thus --skip-all --fix-white can be used to skip every check other than whitespace errors, which will be checked and automatically fixed. The -v/--verbose flag will display the offending line(s) as well as their location. """ ui = MercurialUI(hgui, verbose=hgui.verbose) # instantiate varifier objects verifiers = [v(ui, repo, opts) for v in all_verifiers] for fname, mod_regions in _modified_regions(repo, pats, **opts): for verifier in verifiers: if verifier.apply(fname, mod_regions): return True return False def do_check_format(hgui, repo, *pats, **opts): """check files for gem5 code formatting violations Without an argument, checks all modified and added files for gem5 code formatting violations. A list of files can be specified to limit the checker to a subset of the repository. The style rules are normally applied on a diff of the repository state (i.e., added files are checked in their entirety while only modifications of modified files are checked). The --all option can be specified to include clean files and check modified files in their entirety. """ ui = MercurialUI(hgui, hgui.verbose) verbose = 0 for fname, mod_regions in _modified_regions(repo, pats, **opts): stats = ValidationStats() validate(joinpath(repo.root, fname), stats, verbose, None) if stats: print "%s:" % fname stats.dump() result = ui.prompt("invalid formatting\n(i)gnore or (a)bort?", 'ai', 'a') if result == 'a': return True return False def check_hook(hooktype): if hooktype not in ('pretxncommit', 'pre-qrefresh'): raise AttributeError, \ "This hook is not meant for %s" % hooktype # This function provides a hook that is called before transaction # commit and on qrefresh def check_style(ui, repo, hooktype, **kwargs): check_hook(hooktype) args = {} try: return do_check_style(ui, repo, **args) except Exception, e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return True def check_format(ui, repo, hooktype, **kwargs): check_hook(hooktype) args = {} try: return do_check_format(ui, repo, **args) except Exception, e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return True try: from mercurial.i18n import _ except ImportError: def _(arg): return arg _common_region_options = [ ('a', 'all', False, _("include clean files and unmodified parts of modified files")), ('', 'no-ignore', False, _("ignore the style ignore list")), ] fix_opts = [('f', 'fix-all', False, _("fix all style errors"))] + \ [('', 'fix-' + v.opt_name, False, _('fix errors in ' + v.test_name)) for v in all_verifiers] ignore_opts = [('', 'ignore-all', False, _("ignore all style errors"))] + \ [('', 'ignore-' + v.opt_name, False, _('ignore errors in ' + v.test_name)) for v in all_verifiers] skip_opts = [('', 'skip-all', False, _("skip all style error checks"))] + \ [('', 'skip-' + v.opt_name, False, _('skip checking for ' + v.test_name)) for v in all_verifiers] all_opts = fix_opts + ignore_opts + skip_opts cmdtable = { '^m5style' : ( do_check_style, all_opts + _common_region_options + commands.walkopts, _('hg m5style [-a] [FILE]...')), '^m5format' : ( do_check_format, [ ] + _common_region_options + commands.walkopts, _('hg m5format [FILE]...')), } if __name__ == '__main__': import getopt progname = sys.argv[0] if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.exit('usage: %s []' % progname) fixwhite_usage = '%s fixwhite [-t ] [...] \n' % progname chkformat_usage = '%s chkformat [...] \n' % progname chkwhite_usage = '%s chkwhite [...] \n' % progname command = sys.argv[1] if command == 'fixwhite': flags = 't:' usage = fixwhite_usage elif command == 'chkwhite': flags = 'nv' usage = chkwhite_usage elif command == 'chkformat': flags = 'nv' usage = chkformat_usage else: sys.exit(fixwhite_usage + chkwhite_usage + chkformat_usage) opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[2:], flags) code = 1 verbose = 1 for opt,arg in opts: if opt == '-n': code = None if opt == '-t': tabsize = int(arg) if opt == '-v': verbose += 1 if command == 'fixwhite': for filename in args: fixwhite(filename, tabsize) elif command == 'chkwhite': for filename in args: for line,num in checkwhite(filename): print 'invalid whitespace: %s:%d' % (filename, num) if verbose: print '>>%s<<' % line[:-1] elif command == 'chkformat': stats = ValidationStats() for filename in args: validate(filename, stats=stats, verbose=verbose, exit_code=code) if verbose > 0: stats.dump() else: sys.exit("command '%s' not found" % command)