/* * Copyright (c) 2015, University of Kaiserslautern * Copyright (c) 2016, Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Authors: Matthias Jung * Abdul Mutaal Ahmad * Christian Menard */ #include "sc_ext.hh" #include "sc_mm.hh" #include "sc_slave_port.hh" #include "slave_transactor.hh" namespace Gem5SystemC { /** * Instantiate a tlm memory manager that takes care about all the * tlm transactions in the system */ MemoryManager mm; /** * Convert a gem5 packet to a TLM payload by copying all the relevant * information to a previously allocated tlm payload */ void packet2payload(PacketPtr packet, tlm::tlm_generic_payload &trans) { trans.set_address(packet->getAddr()); /* Check if this transaction was allocated by mm */ sc_assert(trans.has_mm()); unsigned int size = packet->getSize(); unsigned char *data = packet->getPtr<unsigned char>(); trans.set_data_length(size); trans.set_streaming_width(size); trans.set_data_ptr(data); if (packet->isRead()) { trans.set_command(tlm::TLM_READ_COMMAND); } else if (packet->isInvalidate()) { /* Do nothing */ } else if (packet->isWrite()) { trans.set_command(tlm::TLM_WRITE_COMMAND); } else { SC_REPORT_FATAL("SCSlavePort", "No R/W packet"); } } /** * Similar to TLM's blocking transport (LT) */ Tick SCSlavePort::recvAtomic(PacketPtr packet) { CAUGHT_UP; SC_REPORT_INFO("SCSlavePort", "recvAtomic hasn't been tested much"); panic_if(packet->cacheResponding(), "Should not see packets where cache " "is responding"); panic_if(!(packet->isRead() || packet->isWrite()), "Should only see read and writes at TLM memory\n"); sc_core::sc_time delay = sc_core::SC_ZERO_TIME; /* Prepare the transaction */ tlm::tlm_generic_payload * trans = mm.allocate(); trans->acquire(); packet2payload(packet, *trans); /* Attach the packet pointer to the TLM transaction to keep track */ Gem5Extension* extension = new Gem5Extension(packet); trans->set_auto_extension(extension); /* Execute b_transport: */ if (packet->cmd == MemCmd::SwapReq) { SC_REPORT_FATAL("SCSlavePort", "SwapReq not supported"); } else if (packet->isRead()) { transactor->socket->b_transport(*trans, delay); } else if (packet->isInvalidate()) { // do nothing } else if (packet->isWrite()) { transactor->socket->b_transport(*trans, delay); } else { SC_REPORT_FATAL("SCSlavePort", "Typo of request not supported"); } if (packet->needsResponse()) { packet->makeResponse(); } trans->release(); return delay.value(); } /** * Similar to TLM's debug transport */ void SCSlavePort::recvFunctional(PacketPtr packet) { /* Prepare the transaction */ tlm::tlm_generic_payload * trans = mm.allocate(); trans->acquire(); packet2payload(packet, *trans); /* Attach the packet pointer to the TLM transaction to keep track */ Gem5Extension* extension = new Gem5Extension(packet); trans->set_auto_extension(extension); /* Execute Debug Transport: */ unsigned int bytes = transactor->socket->transport_dbg(*trans); if (bytes != trans->get_data_length()) { SC_REPORT_FATAL("SCSlavePort","debug transport was not completed"); } trans->release(); } bool SCSlavePort::recvTimingSnoopResp(PacketPtr packet) { /* Snooping should be implemented with tlm_dbg_transport */ SC_REPORT_FATAL("SCSlavePort","unimplemented func.: recvTimingSnoopResp"); return false; } void SCSlavePort::recvFunctionalSnoop(PacketPtr packet) { /* Snooping should be implemented with tlm_dbg_transport */ SC_REPORT_FATAL("SCSlavePort","unimplemented func.: recvFunctionalSnoop"); } /** * Similar to TLM's non-blocking transport (AT) */ bool SCSlavePort::recvTimingReq(PacketPtr packet) { CAUGHT_UP; panic_if(packet->cacheResponding(), "Should not see packets where cache " "is responding"); panic_if(!(packet->isRead() || packet->isWrite()), "Should only see read and writes at TLM memory\n"); /* We should never get a second request after noting that a retry is * required */ sc_assert(!needToSendRequestRetry); /* Remember if a request comes in while we're blocked so that a retry * can be sent to gem5 */ if (blockingRequest) { needToSendRequestRetry = true; return false; } /* NOTE: normal tlm is blocking here. But in our case we return false * and tell gem5 when a retry can be done. This is the main difference * in the protocol: * if (requestInProgress) * { * wait(endRequestEvent); * } * requestInProgress = trans; */ /* Prepare the transaction */ tlm::tlm_generic_payload * trans = mm.allocate(); trans->acquire(); packet2payload(packet, *trans); /* Attach the packet pointer to the TLM transaction to keep track */ Gem5Extension* extension = new Gem5Extension(packet); trans->set_auto_extension(extension); /* * Pay for annotated transport delays. * * The header delay marks the point in time, when the packet first is seen * by the transactor. This is the point int time, when the transactor needs * to send the BEGIN_REQ to the SystemC world. * * NOTE: We drop the payload delay here. Normally, the receiver would be * responsible for handling the payload delay. In this case, however, * the receiver is a SystemC module and has no notion of the gem5 * transport protocol and we cannot simply forward the * payload delay to the receiving module. Instead, we expect the * receiving SystemC module to model the payload delay by deferring * the END_REQ. This could lead to incorrect delays, if the XBar * payload delay is longer than the time the receiver needs to accept * the request (time between BEGIN_REQ and END_REQ). * * TODO: We could detect the case described above by remembering the * payload delay and comparing it to the time between BEGIN_REQ and * END_REQ. Then, a warning should be printed. */ auto delay = sc_core::sc_time::from_value(packet->payloadDelay); // reset the delays packet->payloadDelay = 0; packet->headerDelay = 0; /* Starting TLM non-blocking sequence (AT) Refer to IEEE1666-2011 SystemC * Standard Page 507 for a visualisation of the procedure */ tlm::tlm_phase phase = tlm::BEGIN_REQ; tlm::tlm_sync_enum status; status = transactor->socket->nb_transport_fw(*trans, phase, delay); /* Check returned value: */ if (status == tlm::TLM_ACCEPTED) { sc_assert(phase == tlm::BEGIN_REQ); /* Accepted but is now blocking until END_REQ (exclusion rule)*/ blockingRequest = trans; } else if (status == tlm::TLM_UPDATED) { /* The Timing annotation must be honored: */ sc_assert(phase == tlm::END_REQ || phase == tlm::BEGIN_RESP); PayloadEvent<SCSlavePort> * pe; pe = new PayloadEvent<SCSlavePort>(*this, &SCSlavePort::pec, "PEQ"); pe->notify(*trans, phase, delay); } else if (status == tlm::TLM_COMPLETED) { /* Transaction is over nothing has do be done. */ sc_assert(phase == tlm::END_RESP); trans->release(); } return true; } void SCSlavePort::pec( PayloadEvent<SCSlavePort> * pe, tlm::tlm_generic_payload& trans, const tlm::tlm_phase& phase) { sc_time delay; if (phase == tlm::END_REQ || &trans == blockingRequest && phase == tlm::BEGIN_RESP) { sc_assert(&trans == blockingRequest); blockingRequest = NULL; /* Did another request arrive while blocked, schedule a retry */ if (needToSendRequestRetry) { needToSendRequestRetry = false; sendRetryReq(); } } if (phase == tlm::BEGIN_RESP) { CAUGHT_UP; auto& extension = Gem5Extension::getExtension(trans); auto packet = extension.getPacket(); sc_assert(!blockingResponse); bool need_retry = false; /* * If the packet was piped through and needs a response, we don't need * to touch the packet and can forward it directly as a response. * Otherwise, we need to make a response and send the transformed * packet. */ if (extension.isPipeThrough()) { if (packet->isResponse()) { need_retry = !sendTimingResp(packet); } } else if (packet->needsResponse()) { packet->makeResponse(); need_retry = !sendTimingResp(packet); } if (need_retry) { blockingResponse = &trans; } else { if (phase == tlm::BEGIN_RESP) { /* Send END_RESP and we're finished: */ tlm::tlm_phase fw_phase = tlm::END_RESP; sc_time delay = SC_ZERO_TIME; transactor->socket->nb_transport_fw(trans, fw_phase, delay); /* Release the transaction with all the extensions */ trans.release(); } } } delete pe; } void SCSlavePort::recvRespRetry() { CAUGHT_UP; /* Retry a response */ sc_assert(blockingResponse); tlm::tlm_generic_payload *trans = blockingResponse; blockingResponse = NULL; PacketPtr packet = Gem5Extension::getExtension(trans).getPacket(); bool need_retry = !sendTimingResp(packet); sc_assert(!need_retry); sc_core::sc_time delay = sc_core::SC_ZERO_TIME; tlm::tlm_phase phase = tlm::END_RESP; transactor->socket->nb_transport_fw(*trans, phase, delay); // Release transaction with all the extensions trans->release(); } tlm::tlm_sync_enum SCSlavePort::nb_transport_bw(tlm::tlm_generic_payload& trans, tlm::tlm_phase& phase, sc_core::sc_time& delay) { PayloadEvent<SCSlavePort> * pe; pe = new PayloadEvent<SCSlavePort>(*this, &SCSlavePort::pec, "PE"); pe->notify(trans, phase, delay); return tlm::TLM_ACCEPTED; } SCSlavePort::SCSlavePort(const std::string &name_, const std::string &systemc_name, ExternalSlave &owner_) : ExternalSlave::Port(name_, owner_), blockingRequest(NULL), needToSendRequestRetry(false), blockingResponse(NULL), transactor(nullptr) { } void SCSlavePort::bindToTransactor(Gem5SlaveTransactor* transactor) { sc_assert(this->transactor == nullptr); this->transactor = transactor; transactor->socket.register_nb_transport_bw(this, &SCSlavePort::nb_transport_bw); } ExternalSlave::Port* SCSlavePortHandler::getExternalPort(const std::string &name, ExternalSlave &owner, const std::string &port_data) { // Create and register a new SystemC slave port auto* port = new SCSlavePort(name, port_data, owner); control.registerSlavePort(port_data, port); return port; } }