#!/bin/sh set -e purge_ts=$(($(date +%s)-$((3600*24*30))))000 server=matrixim.cc content_dir=/var/lib/matrix-synapse/media_store/local_content tmp=/tmp/mxclean CLEANER="$(pwd)/clean_files" make "${CLEANER}" cd "${content_dir}" mkdir -p "${tmp}" find -type f > ${tmp}/filelist # for avatars in state events # E2EE messages doesn't have the URI in the events, so do not rely on it on all events echo 'select content from events' | psql -d synapse -Aqt | grep -F "mxc://${server}/" > ${tmp}/file_in_db jq -r .avatar_url ${tmp}/file_in_db | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' | sed '/null/d' > ${tmp}/dbfiles jq -r .url ${tmp}/file_in_db | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' | sed '/null/d' >> ${tmp}/dbfiles # profile avatars echo 'select avatar_url from profiles' | psql -d synapse -Aqt | sed '/^$/d' | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' > ${tmp}/avatars echo "select media_id from local_media_repository where created_ts > ${purge_ts}" \ | psql -d synapse -Aqt > ${tmp}/recent_media cat ${tmp}/dbfiles ${tmp}/avatars ${tmp}/recent_media | sort -u > ${tmp}/files_to_keep ${CLEANER} echo "Please run 'cd ${content_dir} && sh ${tmp}/remove.sh' to clean the local content."