/** * miniJava to Piglet visitor */ package minijava.visitor; import java.util.Enumeration; import minijava.minijava2piglet.PigletBinding; import minijava.minijava2piglet.PigletLabel; import minijava.minijava2piglet.PigletTemp; import minijava.symboltable.*; import minijava.syntaxtree.*; import minijava.typecheck.PrintError; public class GenPigletVisitor extends GJDepthFirst { // // Auto class visitors--probably don't need to be overridden. // public MType visit(NodeList n, MType argu) { MType _ret=null; int _count=0; for ( Enumeration e = n.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { e.nextElement().accept(this,argu); _count++; } return _ret; } public MType visit(NodeListOptional n, MType argu) { if ( n.present() ) { MType _ret=null; int _count=0; for ( Enumeration e = n.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { e.nextElement().accept(this,argu); _count++; } return _ret; } else return null; } public MType visit(NodeOptional n, MType argu) { if ( n.present() ) return n.node.accept(this,argu); else return null; } public MType visit(NodeSequence n, MType argu) { MType _ret=null; int _count=0; for ( Enumeration e = n.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { e.nextElement().accept(this,argu); _count++; } return _ret; } public MType visit(NodeToken n, MType argu) { return null; } // // User-generated visitor methods below // /** * f0 -> MainClass() * f1 -> ( TypeDeclaration() )* * f2 -> */ public MType visit(Goal n, MType argu) { n.f0.accept(this, argu); n.f1.accept(this, argu); return null; } /** * f0 -> "class" * f1 -> Identifier() * f2 -> "{" * f3 -> "public" * f4 -> "static" * f5 -> "void" * f6 -> "main" * f7 -> "(" * f8 -> "String" * f9 -> "[" * f10 -> "]" * f11 -> Identifier() * f12 -> ")" * f13 -> "{" * f14 -> PrintStatement() * f15 -> "}" * f16 -> "}" */ public MType visit(MainClass n, MType argu) { MClasses all_classes = (MClasses)argu; System.out.println("MAIN"); n.f14.accept(this, all_classes.main_class.findMethodByName("main")); System.out.println("\nEND\n"); return null; } /** * f0 -> ClassDeclaration() * | ClassExtendsDeclaration() */ public MType visit(TypeDeclaration n, MType argu) { n.f0.accept(this, argu); return null; } /** * f0 -> "class" * f1 -> Identifier() * f2 -> "{" * f3 -> ( VarDeclaration() )* * f4 -> ( MethodDeclaration() )* * f5 -> "}" */ public MType visit(ClassDeclaration n, MType argu) { MClasses all_classes = (MClasses)argu; // 处理类定义的标识符Identifier() // 获得类名 String class_name = ((MIdentifier) n.f1.accept(this, null)).getName(); MClass the_class = all_classes.findClassByName(class_name); // 处理类方法 n.f4.accept(this, the_class); return null; } /** * f0 -> "class" * f1 -> Identifier() * f2 -> "extends" * f3 -> Identifier() * f4 -> "{" * f5 -> ( VarDeclaration() )* * f6 -> ( MethodDeclaration() )* * f7 -> "}" */ public MType visit(ClassExtendsDeclaration n, MType argu) { MClasses all_classes = (MClasses)argu; // 处理类定义的标识符Identifier() // 获得类名 String class_name = ((MIdentifier) n.f1.accept(this, null)).getName(); MClass the_class = all_classes.findClassByName(class_name); // 处理类方法 n.f6.accept(this, the_class); return null; } /** * f0 -> Type() * f1 -> Identifier() * f2 -> ";" */ public MType visit(VarDeclaration n, MType argu) { return null; } /** * f0 -> "public" * f1 -> Type() * f2 -> Identifier() * f3 -> "(" * f4 -> ( FormalParameterList() )? * f5 -> ")" * f6 -> "{" * f7 -> ( VarDeclaration() )* * f8 -> ( Statement() )* * f9 -> "return" * f10 -> Expression() * f11 -> ";" * f12 -> "}" */ public MType visit(MethodDeclaration n, MType argu) { // 注意argu为方法所属的类 MClass m_class = (MClass)argu; String method_name = n.f2.accept(this, null).getName(); MMethod the_method = m_class.findMethodByName(method_name); int nParams = the_method.paramList.size(); // TODO: 考虑参数个数大于19的情形 System.out.println(m_class.getName() + "_" + method_name + " [ " + (nParams+1) +" ] "); System.out.println("BEGIN"); // generate local variable bindings the_method.genLocalVarBindings(); // 语句处理 n.f8.accept(this, the_method); // 返回表达式 System.out.print("\nRETURN "); n.f10.accept(this, the_method); System.out.println("\nEND\n"); return null; } /** * f0 -> FormalParameter() * f1 -> ( FormalParameterRest() )* */ public MType visit(FormalParameterList n, MType argu) { return null; } /** * f0 -> Type() * f1 -> Identifier() */ public MType visit(FormalParameter n, MType argu) { return null; } /** * f0 -> "," * f1 -> FormalParameter() */ public MType visit(FormalParameterRest n, MType argu) { return null; } /** * f0 -> ArrayType() * | BooleanType() * | IntegerType() * | Identifier() */ public MType visit(Type n, MType argu) { return null; } /** * f0 -> "int" * f1 -> "[" * f2 -> "]" */ public MType visit(ArrayType n, MType argu) { return null; } /** * f0 -> "boolean" */ public MType visit(BooleanType n, MType argu) { return null; } /** * f0 -> "int" */ public MType visit(IntegerType n, MType argu) { return null; } /** * f0 -> Block() * | AssignmentStatement() * | ArrayAssignmentStatement() * | IfStatement() * | WhileStatement() * | PrintStatement() */ public MType visit(Statement n, MType argu) { n.f0.accept(this, argu); return null; } /** * f0 -> "{" * f1 -> ( Statement() )* * f2 -> "}" */ public MType visit(Block n, MType argu) { n.f1.accept(this, argu); return null; } /** * f0 -> Identifier() * f1 -> "=" * f2 -> Expression() * f3 -> ";" */ public MType visit(AssignmentStatement n, MType argu) { // argu是MMethod类 MMethod m_method = (MMethod)argu; String identifier = n.f0.accept(this, null).getName(); // 判断Identifier是TEMP还是内存单元 PigletBinding binding = m_method.getBinding(identifier); if (binding.write==null) { // Identifier为TEMP,则使用MOVE System.out.print("\nMOVE " + binding.read + " "); n.f2.accept(this, argu); } else { // Identifier为内存单元,使用HSTORE System.out.print("\nHSTORE " + binding.write + " "); n.f2.accept(this, argu); } return null; } /** * f0 -> Identifier() * f1 -> "[" * f2 -> Expression() * f3 -> "]" * f4 -> "=" * f5 -> Expression() * f6 -> ";" */ public MType visit(ArrayAssignmentStatement n, MType argu) { MMethod m_method = (MMethod)argu; String t_base = PigletTemp.newTmp(); String t_idx = PigletTemp.newTmp(); // load t_base String identifier = n.f0.accept(this, null).getName(); PigletBinding binding = m_method.getBinding(identifier); System.out.println("\nMOVE " + t_base + " " + binding.read); // load index System.out.print("\nMOVE " + t_idx + " "); n.f2.accept(this, argu); // calculate address System.out.print("\nMOVE " + t_idx + " TIMES 4 PLUS 1 " + t_idx); System.out.print("\nMOVE " + t_base + " PLUS " + t_base + " " + t_idx); System.out.print("\nHSTORE " + t_base + " 0 "); n.f5.accept(this, argu); return null; } /** * f0 -> "if" * f1 -> "(" * f2 -> Expression() * f3 -> ")" * f4 -> Statement() * f5 -> "else" * f6 -> Statement() */ public MType visit(IfStatement n, MType argu) { System.out.print("\nCJUMP "); n.f2.accept(this, argu); String lb_false = PigletLabel.newLabel(); String lb_end = PigletLabel.newLabel(); System.out.println(" " + lb_false); n.f4.accept(this, argu); System.out.println("\nJUMP " + lb_end); System.out.print(lb_false+" "); n.f6.accept(this, argu); System.out.println("\n" + lb_end + " NOOP"); return null; } /** * f0 -> "while" * f1 -> "(" * f2 -> Expression() * f3 -> ")" * f4 -> Statement() */ public MType visit(WhileStatement n, MType argu) { String lb_start = PigletLabel.newLabel(); String lb_end = PigletLabel.newLabel(); System.out.print("\n" + lb_start + " CJUMP "); n.f2.accept(this, argu); System.out.println(" " + lb_end); n.f4.accept(this, argu); System.out.println("\nJUMP " + lb_start); System.out.println(lb_end + " NOOP"); return null; } /** * f0 -> "System.out.println" * f1 -> "(" * f2 -> Expression() * f3 -> ")" * f4 -> ";" */ public MType visit(PrintStatement n, MType argu) { System.out.print("\nPRINT "); n.f2.accept(this, argu); return null; } /** * f0 -> AndExpression() * | CompareExpression() * | PlusExpression() * | MinusExpression() * | TimesExpression() * | ArrayLookup() * | ArrayLength() * | MessageSend() * | PrimaryExpression() */ public MType visit(Expression n, MType argu) { return n.f0.accept(this, argu); } /** * f0 -> PrimaryExpression() * f1 -> "&&" * f2 -> PrimaryExpression() */ public MType visit(AndExpression n, MType argu) { System.out.println("\nBEGIN"); String tmp1 = PigletTemp.newTmp(); String tmp2 = PigletTemp.newTmp(); String lb = PigletLabel.newLabel(); System.out.println("MOVE " + tmp2 + " 0"); System.out.print("MOVE " + tmp1 + " "); n.f0.accept(this, argu); System.out.println("\nCJUMP " + tmp1 + " " + lb ); System.out.print("MOVE " + tmp2 + " "); n.f2.accept(this, argu); System.out.println("\n" + lb + " NOOP"); System.out.println("RETURN " + tmp2); System.out.println("END"); return null; } /** * f0 -> PrimaryExpression() * f1 -> "<" * f2 -> PrimaryExpression() */ public MType visit(CompareExpression n, MType argu) { System.out.print("LT "); n.f0.accept(this, argu); System.out.print(" "); n.f2.accept(this, argu); return null; } /** * f0 -> PrimaryExpression() * f1 -> "+" * f2 -> PrimaryExpression() */ public MType visit(PlusExpression n, MType argu) { System.out.print("PLUS "); n.f0.accept(this, argu); System.out.print(" "); n.f2.accept(this, argu); return null; } /** * f0 -> PrimaryExpression() * f1 -> "-" * f2 -> PrimaryExpression() */ public MType visit(MinusExpression n, MType argu) { System.out.print("MINUS "); n.f0.accept(this, argu); System.out.print(" "); n.f2.accept(this, argu); return null; } /** * f0 -> PrimaryExpression() * f1 -> "*" * f2 -> PrimaryExpression() */ public MType visit(TimesExpression n, MType argu) { System.out.print("TIMES "); n.f0.accept(this, argu); System.out.print(" "); n.f2.accept(this, argu); return null; } /** * f0 -> PrimaryExpression() * f1 -> "[" * f2 -> PrimaryExpression() * f3 -> "]" */ public MType visit(ArrayLookup n, MType argu) { System.out.println("\nBEGIN"); String tmp_arr = PigletTemp.newTmp(); String tmp_idx = PigletTemp.newTmp(); String tmp_ret = PigletTemp.newTmp(); System.out.print("MOVE " + tmp_arr + " "); n.f0.accept(this, argu); System.out.print("\nMOVE " + tmp_idx + " "); n.f2.accept(this, argu); System.out.println("\nMOVE " + tmp_arr + " PLUS " + tmp_arr + " TIMES " + tmp_idx + " 4"); System.out.println("HLOAD " + tmp_ret + " " + tmp_arr + " 4"); System.out.println("RETURN " + tmp_ret); System.out.println("END"); return null; } /** * f0 -> PrimaryExpression() * f1 -> "." * f2 -> "length" */ public MType visit(ArrayLength n, MType argu) { System.out.println("\nBEGIN"); String tmp_arr = PigletTemp.newTmp(); System.out.print("HLOAD " + tmp_arr + " "); n.f0.accept(this, argu); System.out.println("\nRETURN " + tmp_arr); System.out.println("END"); return null; } /** * f0 -> PrimaryExpression() * f1 -> "." * f2 -> Identifier() * f3 -> "(" * f4 -> ( ExpressionList() )? * f5 -> ")" */ public MType visit(MessageSend n, MType argu) { System.out.println("\nBEGIN"); String t_exp = PigletTemp.newTmp(); String t_method = PigletTemp.newTmp(); System.out.print("MOVE " + t_exp + " "); MClass exp_class = (MClass)(n.f0.accept(this, argu)); String m_name = n.f2.accept(this, null).getName(); int m_offs = exp_class.getMethodBinding(m_name); System.out.println("\nHLOAD " + t_method + " " + t_exp + " 0"); System.out.println("HLOAD " + t_method + " " + t_method + " " + m_offs); System.out.println("RETURN"); System.out.print("CALL " + t_method + " ( " + t_exp + " "); // arguments in ExpressionList n.f4.accept(this, argu); System.out.println(" ) "); System.out.println("END"); MMethod m = exp_class.r_findMethodByName(m_name); String ret_type_name = m.ret_type_name; MClass ret_class = exp_class.all_classes.findClassByName(ret_type_name); return ret_class; } /** * f0 -> Expression() * f1 -> ( ExpressionRest() )* */ public MType visit(ExpressionList n, MType argu) { n.f0.accept(this, argu); System.out.print(" "); n.f1.accept(this, argu); return null; } /** * f0 -> "," * f1 -> Expression() */ public MType visit(ExpressionRest n, MType argu) { n.f1.accept(this, argu); return null; } /** * f0 -> IntegerLiteral() * | TrueLiteral() * | FalseLiteral() * | Identifier() * | ThisExpression() * | ArrayAllocationExpression() * | AllocationExpression() * | NotExpression() * | BracketExpression() */ public MType visit(PrimaryExpression n, MType argu) { return n.f0.accept(this, argu); } /** * f0 -> */ public MType visit(IntegerLiteral n, MType argu) { int val = Integer.parseInt(n.f0.tokenImage); System.out.print(val+" "); return null; } /** * f0 -> "true" */ public MType visit(TrueLiteral n, MType argu) { System.out.print(1+" "); return null; } /** * f0 -> "false" */ public MType visit(FalseLiteral n, MType argu) { System.out.print(0+" "); return null; } /** * f0 -> */ public MType visit(Identifier n, MType argu) { String identifier_name = n.f0.toString(); MIdentifier _ret = new MIdentifier(identifier_name, n.f0.beginLine, n.f0.beginColumn); if (argu==null) { // the identifier is in a statement should return identifier return _ret; } else { // argu is some expression in method, should return a class and print the code MVariable vv = ((MMethod)argu).findVarByName(identifier_name); MClass the_class = ((MMethod)argu).method_class.all_classes.findClassByName(vv.typename); System.out.print( ((MMethod)argu).getBinding(identifier_name).read ); return the_class; } } /** * f0 -> "this" */ public MType visit(ThisExpression n, MType argu) { System.out.print("TEMP 0 "); return ((MMethod)argu).method_class; } /** * f0 -> "new" * f1 -> "int" * f2 -> "[" * f3 -> Expression() * f4 -> "]" */ public MType visit(ArrayAllocationExpression n, MType argu) { String tmp_len = PigletTemp.newTmp(); String tmp_arr = PigletTemp.newTmp(); System.out.println("\nBEGIN"); System.out.print("MOVE " + tmp_len + " "); n.f3.accept(this, argu); // the first element of the array stores the length // the rest store the elements System.out.println("MOVE " + tmp_arr + " HALLOCATE TIMES 4 PLUS 1 " + tmp_len); System.out.println("HSTORE " + tmp_arr + " 0 " + tmp_len); System.out.println("RETURN " + tmp_arr); System.out.println("END"); return null; } /** * f0 -> "new" * f1 -> Identifier() * f2 -> "(" * f3 -> ")" */ public MType visit(AllocationExpression n, MType argu) { MClasses all_classes = ((MMethod)argu).method_class.all_classes; MClass new_class = all_classes.findClassByName(n.f1.accept(this, null).getName()); System.out.println(new_class.newString()); return new_class; } /** * f0 -> "!" * f1 -> Expression() */ public MType visit(NotExpression n, MType argu) { String false_label = PigletLabel.newLabel(); String tmp = PigletTemp.newTmp(); String result = PigletTemp.newTmp(); System.out.println("\nBEGIN"); System.out.println("MOVE " + result + " 1"); System.out.print("MOVE " + tmp + " "); n.f1.accept(this, argu); System.out.println("\nCJUMP LT 0 " + tmp + " " + false_label); System.out.println("MOVE " + result + " 0"); System.out.println(false_label + " NOOP"); System.out.println("RETURN " + result); System.out.println("END"); return null; } /** * f0 -> "(" * f1 -> Expression() * f2 -> ")" */ public MType visit(BracketExpression n, MType argu) { return n.f1.accept(this, argu); } }