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authorTor Andersson <>2005-06-10 15:13:55 +0200
committerTor Andersson <>2005-06-10 15:13:55 +0200
commit326f45d1621b2b64a07867c7048ec05124cc3d6f (patch)
parentcefd16bc7a557ccaf0bb66d504d7a8cbc9ec43d3 (diff)
Add README and DESIGN docs
3 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/DESIGN b/DESIGN
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a1d8738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DESIGN
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+In implementing the Metro parser on top of Fitz, and with the new
+road map, I am facing the task of designing the API for managing
+resources in Fitz. Up till now I have punted on making any final
+decisions, exploring as I go. Now I feel that I cannot do so much longer.
+Therefore I would like to hear your opinions and ideas on this.
+Please brainstorm and point out any missing pieces.
+First, a ten mile high overview of the Fitz architecture and
+nomenclature, for those of you who are not in the loop or need
+a refresher :)
+The Fitz world is a set of resources. There are many kinds of resources.
+Resources can depend on other resources, but no circular dependencies.
+The resource types are: tree, font, image, shade, and colorspace.
+A document is a sequence of tree resources that define the contents
+of its pages.
+A front-end is a producer of Fitz worlds, that reads a file and
+creates a Fitz world from its contents. Abstracting this into
+a high-level interface is useful primarily for viewers and
+A back-end is a consumer of Fitz worlds. The default rasterizer
+is one back-end. PDF writers and other output drivers too.
+I don't think there should be a special interface for these.
+They are just functions or programs that take the Fitz world
+and do something unspecified with it.
+The resource API is what I need help fleshing out. Keep in mind
+that a Fitz world should be able to be serialized to disk, so having
+callbacks and other hooks into the front-end is a no no. If it weren't
+for this, my life would be a lot simpler :)
+Both creation, querying, and on-disk format.
+The Fitz tree resource is the primary data structure.
+A tree consists of nodes. There are leaf nodes and branch
+nodes. Leaf nodes produce images, branch nodes combine
+or change images. An image here is a two-dimensional
+region of color and shape (alpha).
+A constant color or shape that stretches out to infinity.
+A rectangular region of color and or shape derived
+a from a grid of samples.
+Outside this rectangle is transparent.
+References an image resource.
+A mesh of patches that define a region of interpolated colors.
+Outside the mesh is transparent.
+References a shade resource.
+A path defines only shape.
+Moveto, lineto, curveto and closepath.
+Stroke, fill, even-odd-fill.
+Dash patterns.
+A text node is an optimization, space-effectively combining
+a transform matrix and references to glyph shapes.
+Text nodes define only shape.
+Text nodes have a b c d coefficients and a reference to a font.
+Then an array of glyph index and e and f coefficient tuples.
+Text nodes may also have a separate unicode array,
+associating the (glyph,e,f) tuples with unicode character codes.
+One-to-many and many-to-one mappings are allowed.
+For text search and copy.
+Transform nodes apply an affine transform matrix to
+its one and only child.
+An over node stacks its children on top of each other,
+combining their colors with a blending mode.
+A mask node has two children. The second child is masked
+with the first child, multiplying their shapes.
+This causes the effect of clipping.
+ (path ...)
+ (solid 'devicegray 0))
+This does the magic of PDF 1.4 transparency.
+The isolated and non-isolated and
+knockout group stuff happens here.
+It also sets the blend mode for its children.
+This is a dummy node that grafts in another
+tree resource. The effect is as if the other
+tree was copied here instead.
+References a tree resource.
+A way to insert application specific data.
+Transparent to the rasterizer, but can be
+useful to preserve some non-Fitz semantics
+that may be of use to specific producers/consumers
+of Fitz trees. For example, tiling patterns
+would be represented as an over node with
+many transform and link nodes stamping out
+the pattern to fill the page. Putting these
+under an appropriate Meta node would allow
+a PDF or Postscript backend to detect and
+recreate the tiling pattern.
+(meta 'pattern "...tiling pattern info..."
+ (over
+ (transform 1 0 0 1 0 0 (link 'pat1))
+ (transform 1 0 0 1 0 1 (link 'pat1))
+ (transform 1 0 0 1 1 0 (link 'pat1))
+ (transform 1 0 0 1 1 1 (link 'pat1))))
+A colorspace needs the capability to transform colors into
+and out of any other colorspace. I suggest that this happens
+by going either through a standard colorspace (CIE XYZ),
+or by having an optional A-to-B shortcut transform.
+I am thinking of three sub-classes:
+ Device colors. Fast and dirty: Gray, RGB, CMYK only.
+ ICC Profiles. I am not very familiar with this.
+ Use Argyll? Are they easy to create programmatically
+ to represent the Cal* and L*a*b colorspaces?
+ Separation. For Separation and DeviceN.
+ This is a list of named colors, with backend
+ specific tailoring required to make sense of it. Also has
+ an alternate colorspace (Device or ICC) with a transform.
+ How do we represent the transform function?
+This is fairly simple. A mesh of patches as in PDF.
+Three levels of detail: with full tensors, with only patches,
+with linear quads. Axial and radial shadings are trivially
+converted. Type 1 (functional) shadings need to be sampled.
+If the backends cannot cope, it can either convert to
+linear shaded triangles (clip an axial shading with a triangular
+path) or render to an image.
+There need to be four types of font resources.
+For now I am going to use FreeType, but that should not be a necessity.
+The resource format for fonts should be independent.
+ * Fake fonts for substituted fonts. Refer to another fall-back
+ font resource and override the metrics.
+ Could possibly be represented as a type 3 font,
+ but knowing that it is a substitute may be useful.
+ * Type 3 fonts where each glyph is represented as a Fitz tree resource.
+ * Postscript fonts, in CFF format.
+ Type 1 and Type 1 CID fonts are losslessly convertible to CFF.
+ OpenType fonts can have CFF glyph data.
+ * TrueType fonts
+This is the tricky one. Raph, I forgot what we decided on the tiling.
+What size, planar or chunky, etc. Which bit depths do we allow?
+Image data should be chopped into tiles to allow for independent
+and random access and more CPU-cache friendly image scaling and
+color transforms.
+ * JPEG encoded images.
+ Save byte+bit offsets to allow random access to groups of eight scanlines.
+ * Monochrome images.
+ * Contone images.
+The End
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6dd42268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+README for the Fitz distribution.
+Fitz is a graphics library.
+MuPDF is a PDF parsing and manipulation library.
+Samus is a Metro parser.
+GhostPDF is a PDF viewer using MuPDF and Fitz.
+For Windows, there is also a Mozilla plugin version of the viewer.
+GhostPDF has three ports: X11, Windows and Carbon.
+The Carbon port is broken, so don't bother trying it.
+This code is under the same licensing scheme as Ghostscript.
+AFPL and one year or major release later GPL.
+Because there have been no major releases yet; AFPL it is.
+Before compiling Fitz you need to install thirdy party dependencies.
+ zlib
+ libjpeg
+ libpng
+ freetype2
+ expat
+There are a few optional dependencies that you don't strictly need.
+You will probably want the versions that Ghostscript maintains.
+ jbig2dec
+ jasper
+Fitz uses the Perforce Jam build tool. You need the Perforce version 2.5
+or later. Earlier versions (including the FTJam fork) have crippling bugs.
+Boost Jam is not backwards compatible. If you do not have a compiled
+binary for your system, you can find the Jam homepage here:
+The build also uses 'xxd', a hexdump tool that ships with Vim.
+Here's a copy of the source if it's not on your system:
+I use Mingw and MSYS to compile for Windows. If you use anything
+else, you are on your own.
+If all of that is installed, compiling should be a cinch.
+Issue the command 'jam' in the root of the Fitz directory.
+Add a parameter '-sBUILD=release' or '-sBUILD=profile' to
+build release or profile versions.
+ $ jam '-sBUILD=release'
+If the build fails because it cannot find header files or libraries,
+look first in Jamrules to see if there is anything wrong with the
+search paths or compiler flags for your system.
+To compile in the optional jbig2 and jpeg2000 support, you need
+to add the following arguments to jam:
+ $ jam '-sHAVE_JBIG2DEC=yes' '-sHAVE_JASPER=yes'
+To build the X11 version under MacOS X, add:
+ $ jam '-sHAVE_X11=yes'
+There is no install. The command "jam install" will copy the
+compiled binaries (for the specified build -- debug, release or profile)
+into a "dist/" directory.
+There is no support for building a shared library.
+Send reports to
+If you are reporting a problem with PDF parsing,
+please include the problematic file as an attachment.
+-- tor
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 0449c1d5..78d579eb 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ Shades:
+ fz_fakefont # substitute fonts
fz_t3font # sub-trees define glyphs
fz_psfont # cff postscript font
fz_ttfont # truetype font