path: root/Makethird
diff options
authorTor Andersson <>2017-09-26 23:45:31 +0200
committerTor Andersson <>2017-11-08 17:57:09 +0100
commit896830e23e8f94b17bdf386c191a885c972ea8a8 (patch)
tree061feda4707c8cc989df39e2440550a6ca1a2f7d /Makethird
parent94a5846502cd1f05ec4127872ef06dcd8606f34b (diff)
gl: Remove GLFW and reinstate FreeGLUT.
GLFW doesn't build on Visual Studio 2005 anymore, and I don't have time to keep up with the changes. So, we're switching back to FreeGLUT, which is more stable. I've added the two missing features that made us switch to GLFW in the first place: input methods and system clipboard support. If MuPDF is compiled with our version of FreeGLUT, we now use these functions: * glutKeyboardExtFunc * glutSetClipboard * glutGetClipboard
Diffstat (limited to 'Makethird')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/Makethird b/Makethird
index a226249c..f83be6cc 100644
--- a/Makethird
+++ b/Makethird
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ OPENJPEG_DIR := thirdparty/openjpeg/src/lib/openjp2
ZLIB_DIR := thirdparty/zlib
CURL_DIR := thirdparty/curl
-GLFW_DIR := thirdparty/glfw
+GLUT_DIR := thirdparty/freeglut
# --- MuJS ---
@@ -659,92 +659,77 @@ CURL_CFLAGS := $(SYS_CURL_CFLAGS)
-# --- GLFW ---
-ifneq "$(wildcard $(GLFW_DIR)/" ""
-GLFW_LIB := $(OUT)/libglfw.a
-GLFW_OUT := $(OUT)/thirdparty/glfw
-ifeq "$(OS)" "MACOS"
-GLFW_SRC := \
- cocoa_init.m \
- cocoa_joystick.m \
- cocoa_monitor.m \
- cocoa_time.c \
- cocoa_window.m \
- context.c \
- init.c \
- input.c \
- monitor.c \
- nsgl_context.m \
- posix_tls.c \
- vulkan.c \
- window.c
-$(GLFW_OUT)/%.o: $(GLFW_DIR)/src/%.m | $(GLFW_OUT)
- $(CC_CMD) -D_GLFW_COCOA -D_GLFW_USE_MENUBAR -D_GLFW_USE_RETINA -Wno-deprecated-declarations
-$(GLFW_OUT)/%.o: $(GLFW_DIR)/src/%.c | $(GLFW_OUT)
-GLFW_OBJ := $(addprefix $(GLFW_OUT)/, $(GLFW_SRC))
-GLFW_OBJ := $(GLFW_OBJ:%.c=%.o)
-GLFW_OBJ := $(GLFW_OBJ:%.m=%.o)
-GLFW_LIBS := -framework OpenGL -framework IOKit -framework CoreVideo -framework Cocoa
-GLFW_SRC := \
- context.c \
- egl_context.c \
- glx_context.c \
- init.c \
- input.c \
- linux_joystick.c \
- monitor.c \
- posix_time.c \
- posix_tls.c \
- vulkan.c \
- window.c \
- x11_init.c \
- x11_monitor.c \
- x11_window.c \
- xkb_unicode.c
-$(GLFW_OUT)/%.o: $(GLFW_DIR)/src/%.c | $(GLFW_OUT)
- $(CC_CMD) -D_GLFW_X11
-$(GLFW_LIB): $(addprefix $(GLFW_OUT)/, $(GLFW_SRC:%.c=%.o))
-GLFW_LIBS := -lGL -ldl -lX11 -lXcursor -lXrandr -lXinerama -lpthread
-GLFW_CFLAGS := -I$(GLFW_DIR)/include
+# --- FreeGLUT ---
+ifneq "$(wildcard $(GLUT_DIR)/README)" ""
+HAVE_GLUT := yes
+GLUT_LIB := $(OUT)/libfreeglut.a
+GLUT_OUT := $(OUT)/freeglut
+GLUT_SRC := \
+ fg_callbacks.c \
+ fg_cursor.c \
+ fg_display.c \
+ fg_ext.c \
+ fg_font.c \
+ fg_font_data.c \
+ fg_gamemode.c \
+ fg_geometry.c \
+ fg_gl2.c \
+ fg_init.c \
+ fg_input_devices.c \
+ fg_joystick.c \
+ fg_main.c \
+ fg_menu.c \
+ fg_misc.c \
+ fg_overlay.c \
+ fg_spaceball.c \
+ fg_state.c \
+ fg_stroke_mono_roman.c \
+ fg_stroke_roman.c \
+ fg_structure.c \
+ fg_teapot.c \
+ fg_videoresize.c \
+ fg_window.c
+GLUT_X11_SRC := \
+ fg_cursor_x11.c \
+ fg_display_x11_glx.c \
+ fg_ext_x11.c \
+ fg_gamemode_x11.c \
+ fg_glutfont_definitions_x11.c \
+ fg_init_x11.c \
+ fg_input_devices_x11.c \
+ fg_joystick_x11.c \
+ fg_main_x11.c \
+ fg_menu_x11.c \
+ fg_spaceball_x11.c \
+ fg_state_x11.c \
+ fg_state_x11_glx.c \
+ fg_structure_x11.c \
+ fg_window_x11.c \
+ fg_window_x11_glx.c \
+ fg_xinput_x11.c
+GLUT_OBJ := $(addprefix $(GLUT_OUT)/, $(GLUT_SRC:%.c=%.o))
+GLUT_OBJ += $(addprefix $(GLUT_OUT)/, $(GLUT_X11_SRC:%.c=%.o))
- mir_init.c \
- mir_monitor.c \
- mir_window.c \
- wgl_context.c \
- win32_init.c \
- win32_joystick.c \
- win32_monitor.c \
- win32_time.c \
- win32_tls.c \
- win32_window.c \
- wl_init.c \
- wl_monitor.c \
- wl_window.c \
-HAVE_GLFW := yes
-else ifeq "$(HAVE_GLFW)" "yes"
+$(GLUT_OUT)/%.o: $(GLUT_DIR)/src/%.c | $(GLUT_OUT)
+ $(CC_CMD) -I$(GLUT_DIR)/include -I$(GLUT_DIR)/src -Wno-unused-const-variable \
+$(GLUT_OUT)/%.o: $(GLUT_DIR)/src/x11/%.c | $(GLUT_OUT)
+ $(CC_CMD) -I$(GLUT_DIR)/include -I$(GLUT_DIR)/src \
+GLUT_CFLAGS := -I$(GLUT_DIR)/include
+GLUT_LIBS := -lGL -lX11 -lXrandr
# --- X11 ---