path: root/docs/android-build-viewer.html
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authorTor Andersson <>2017-04-07 16:18:53 +0200
committerTor Andersson <>2017-04-13 13:52:16 +0200
commitc88941abc6f0fe91a41dc35dcaa1874d4de2c429 (patch)
tree51ff32d773f80219922a0458ec76f401ba21e138 /docs/android-build-viewer.html
parent9c805cc9f934cd12e89014db8ad70e3191cdaf2d (diff)
Organize docs into HTML files.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/android-build-viewer.html')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/android-build-viewer.html b/docs/android-build-viewer.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dea1c4fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/android-build-viewer.html
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<title>How to build the MuPDF viewer for Android</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
+<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+<h1>How to build the MuPDF viewer for Android</h1>
+<a href="">ABOUT</a>
+<a href="">NEWS</a>
+<a href="index.html">DOCUMENTATION</a>
+<a href="">DOWNLOAD</a>
+<a href=";a=summary">SOURCE</a>
+<a href="">BUGS</a>
+You need a working Android development environment, consisting of the Android
+SDK and the Android NDK. The easiest way is to use Android Studio to download
+and install the SDK and NDK. Make sure that the Android/Sdk/tools and
+Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle directories are on your path.
+You also need Oracle's Java JDK (OpenJDK is not compatible with Android).
+You also need the Apache Ant build system.
+You also need Git, GNU Make, and a C compiler.
+If everything is working, you should be able to run these commands
+from the command line:
+ Android SDK tools: android, emulator, and adb.<br>
+ Android NDK tools: ndk-build.<br>
+ Oracle Java JDK 8: java, and javac.<br>
+ Apache Ant: ant.<br>
+ Git: git.<br>
+ GNU Make: make, or gmake.<br>
+ C compiler: cc, gcc, or clang.
+Download the project using Git (and don't forget the --recursive flag):
+$ git clone --recursive git://
+If all tools have been installed as per the prerequisites, build the app
+using make:
+$ make
+The makefile will take care of setting up the android project and
+configuration files. This is of course assuming that you have set
+up the pre-requisites properly.
+To run the app in the android emulator, first you'll need to set up an
+"Android Virtual Device" for the emulator. Run "android avd" and create
+a new device. You can also use Android Studio to set up a virtual device.
+Use the x86 ABI for best emulator performance.
+Then launch the emulator, or connect a device with USB debugging enabled:
+$ emulator -avd MyVirtualDevice &
+Then copy some test files to the device:
+$ adb push file.pdf /mnt/sdcard/Download
+Then install the app on the device:
+$ make install
+In order to build, install, and launch the app in one step:
+$ make run
+To see the error and debugging message log:
+$ adb logcat
+To release you <b>MUST</b> first change the package name.
+Do <b>NOT</b> use the com.artifex domain for your custom app!
+$ mv src/com/artifex src/com/YourCompanyName
+Change all references to into in the Java source files and XML resources.
+In order to sign a release build, you will need to create a key and a key store.
+$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore android.keystore -alias MyKey \
+ -validity 3650 -keysize 2048 -keyalg RSA
+Then add the following entries to
+<pre><i>your keystore password</i>
+key.alias.password=<i>your key password</i>
+If your keystore has been set up properly, you can now build a release APK.
+$ make release
+Good Luck!
+<a href=""><img src="artifex-logo.png" align="right"></a>
+Copyright &copy; 2006-2017 Artifex Software Inc.