path: root/fitz/res_shade.c
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authorRobin Watts <>2012-09-28 17:51:30 +0100
committerRobin Watts <>2012-10-01 12:19:36 +0100
commit4fbdba66f22d7388592c7946de16ec3ee79ade36 (patch)
tree6ddc28078aabd9635da859e3cde91d08ae707459 /fitz/res_shade.c
parenta1a37ae36043d8dba89cecfa345119ad32f81b9e (diff)
Bug 693330: Change shadings to decompose to meshes at render time.
Currently, the mupdf code loads shadings at parse time, and instantly decomposes them into a mesh of triangles. This mesh of triangles is the transformed and rendered as required. Unfortunately the storage space for the mesh is typically much greater than the original representation. In this commit, we move the shading stream parsing/decomposition code into a general 'fz_process_mesh' function within res_shade. We then grab a copy of the buffer at load time, and 'process' (decompose/paint) at render time. For the test file on the bug, memory falls from the reported 660Mb to 30Mb. For another test file (txt9780547775815_ingested.pdf page 271) it reduces memory use from 750Meg to 33Meg. These figures could be further reduced by storing the compressed streams from the pdf file rather than the uncompressed ones. Incorporating typo fix and unused function removal from Sebras. Thanks. Remove unused function in shading code
Diffstat (limited to 'fitz/res_shade.c')
1 files changed, 798 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/fitz/res_shade.c b/fitz/res_shade.c
index 9ebdd51e..231a7ba0 100644
--- a/fitz/res_shade.c
+++ b/fitz/res_shade.c
@@ -1,5 +1,755 @@
#include "fitz-internal.h"
+#define SWAP(a,b) {fz_vertex *t = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = t;}
+static void
+paint_tri(fz_mesh_processor *painter, fz_vertex *v0, fz_vertex *v1, fz_vertex *v2)
+ painter->process(painter->process_arg, v0, v1, v2);
+static void
+paint_quad(fz_mesh_processor *painter, fz_vertex *v0, fz_vertex *v1, fz_vertex *v2, fz_vertex *v3)
+ painter->process(painter->process_arg, v0, v1, v3);
+ painter->process(painter->process_arg, v1, v3, v2);
+static void
+fz_mesh_type1_process(fz_context *ctx, fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm, fz_mesh_processor *painter)
+ float *p = shade->u.f.fn_vals;
+ int xdivs = shade->u.f.xdivs;
+ int ydivs = shade->u.f.ydivs;
+ float x0 = shade->u.f.domain[0][0];
+ float y0 = shade->u.f.domain[0][1];
+ float x1 = shade->u.f.domain[1][0];
+ float y1 = shade->u.f.domain[1][1];
+ int xx, yy;
+ float y, yn, x;
+ fz_vertex vs[2][2];
+ fz_vertex *v = vs[0];
+ fz_vertex *vn = vs[1];
+ int n = shade->colorspace->n;
+ ctm = fz_concat(shade->u.f.matrix, ctm);
+ y = y0;
+ for (yy = 0; yy < ydivs; yy++)
+ {
+ yn = y0 + (y1 - y0) * (yy + 1) / ydivs;
+ x = x0;
+ v[0].p.x = x; v[0].p.y = y;
+ v[0].p = fz_transform_point(ctm, v[0].p);
+ memcpy(v[0].c, p, n*sizeof(float));
+ p += n;
+ v[1].p.x = x; v[1].p.y = yn;
+ v[1].p = fz_transform_point(ctm, v[1].p);
+ memcpy(v[1].c, p + xdivs*n, n*sizeof(float));
+ for (xx = 0; xx < xdivs; xx++)
+ {
+ x = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (xx + 1) / xdivs;
+ vn[0].p.x = x; vn[0].p.y = y;
+ vn[0].p = fz_transform_point(ctm, vn[0].p);
+ memcpy(vn[0].c, p, n*sizeof(float));
+ p += n;
+ vn[1].p.x = x; vn[1].p.y = yn;
+ vn[1].p = fz_transform_point(ctm, vn[1].p);
+ memcpy(vn[1].c, p + xdivs*n, n*sizeof(float));
+ paint_quad(painter, &v[0], &vn[0], &vn[1], &v[1]);
+ SWAP(v,vn);
+ }
+ y = yn;
+ }
+static inline float read_sample(fz_stream *stream, int bits, float min, float max)
+ /* we use pow(2,x) because (1<<x) would overflow the math on 32-bit samples */
+ float bitscale = 1 / (powf(2, bits) - 1);
+ return min + fz_read_bits(stream, bits) * (max - min) * bitscale;
+static void
+fz_mesh_type4_process(fz_context *ctx, fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm, fz_mesh_processor *painter)
+ fz_stream *stream = fz_open_buffer(ctx, shade->buffer);
+ fz_vertex v[4];
+ fz_vertex *va = &v[0];
+ fz_vertex *vb = &v[1];
+ fz_vertex *vc = &v[2];
+ fz_vertex *vd = &v[3];
+ int flag, i, ncomp;
+ int bpflag = shade->u.m.bpflag;
+ int bpcoord = shade->u.m.bpcoord;
+ int bpcomp = shade->u.m.bpcomp;
+ float x0 = shade->u.m.x0;
+ float x1 = shade->u.m.x1;
+ float y0 = shade->u.m.y0;
+ float y1 = shade->u.m.y1;
+ float *c0 = shade->u.m.c0;
+ float *c1 = shade->u.m.c1;
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ {
+ ncomp = (shade->use_function > 0 ? 1 : shade->colorspace->n);
+ while (!fz_is_eof_bits(stream))
+ {
+ flag = fz_read_bits(stream, bpflag);
+ vd->p.x = read_sample(stream, bpcoord, x0, x1);
+ vd->p.y = read_sample(stream, bpcoord, y0, y1);
+ vd->p = fz_transform_point(ctm, vd->p);
+ for (i = 0; i < ncomp; i++)
+ vd->c[i] = read_sample(stream, bpcomp, c0[i], c1[i]);
+ switch (flag)
+ {
+ case 0: /* start new triangle */
+ SWAP(va, vd);
+ fz_read_bits(stream, bpflag);
+ vb->p.x = read_sample(stream, bpcoord, x0, x1);
+ vb->p.y = read_sample(stream, bpcoord, y0, y1);
+ vb->p = fz_transform_point(ctm, vb->p);
+ for (i = 0; i < ncomp; i++)
+ vb->c[i] = read_sample(stream, bpcomp, c0[i], c1[i]);
+ fz_read_bits(stream, bpflag);
+ vc->p.x = read_sample(stream, bpcoord, x0, x1);
+ vc->p.y = read_sample(stream, bpcoord, y0, y1);
+ vc->p = fz_transform_point(ctm, vc->p);
+ for (i = 0; i < ncomp; i++)
+ vc->c[i] = read_sample(stream, bpcomp, c0[i], c1[i]);
+ paint_tri(painter, va, vb, vc);
+ break;
+ case 1: /* Vb, Vc, Vd */
+ SWAP(va, vb);
+ SWAP(vb, vc);
+ SWAP(vc, vd);
+ paint_tri(painter, va, vb, vc);
+ break;
+ case 2: /* Va, Vc, Vd */
+ SWAP(vb, vc);
+ SWAP(vc, vd);
+ paint_tri(painter, va, vb, vc);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fz_always(ctx)
+ {
+ fz_close(stream);
+ }
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ {
+ fz_rethrow(ctx);
+ }
+static void
+fz_mesh_type5_process(fz_context *ctx, fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm, fz_mesh_processor *painter)
+ fz_stream *stream = fz_open_buffer(ctx, shade->buffer);
+ fz_vertex *buf = NULL;
+ fz_vertex *ref = NULL;
+ int first;
+ int ncomp;
+ int i, k;
+ int vprow = shade->u.m.vprow;
+ int bpcoord = shade->u.m.bpcoord;
+ int bpcomp = shade->u.m.bpcomp;
+ float x0 = shade->u.m.x0;
+ float x1 = shade->u.m.x1;
+ float y0 = shade->u.m.y0;
+ float y1 = shade->u.m.y1;
+ float *c0 = shade->u.m.c0;
+ float *c1 = shade->u.m.c1;
+ fz_var(buf);
+ fz_var(ref);
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ {
+ ref = fz_malloc_array(ctx, vprow, sizeof(fz_vertex));
+ buf = fz_malloc_array(ctx, vprow, sizeof(fz_vertex));
+ first = 1;
+ ncomp = (shade->use_function > 0 ? 1 : shade->colorspace->n);
+ while (!fz_is_eof_bits(stream))
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < vprow; i++)
+ {
+ buf[i].p.x = read_sample(stream, bpcoord, x0, x1);
+ buf[i].p.y = read_sample(stream, bpcoord, y0, y1);
+ buf[i].p = fz_transform_point(ctm, buf[i].p);
+ for (k = 0; k < ncomp; k++)
+ buf[i].c[k] = read_sample(stream, bpcomp, c0[k], c1[k]);
+ }
+ if (!first)
+ for (i = 0; i < vprow - 1; i++)
+ paint_quad(painter, &ref[i], &ref[i+1], &buf[i+1], &buf[i]);
+ SWAP(ref,buf);
+ first = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ fz_always(ctx)
+ {
+ fz_free(ctx, ref);
+ fz_free(ctx, buf);
+ fz_close(stream);
+ }
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ {
+ fz_rethrow(ctx);
+ }
+/* Subdivide and tessellate tensor-patches */
+typedef struct tensor_patch_s tensor_patch;
+struct tensor_patch_s
+ fz_point pole[4][4];
+ float color[4][FZ_MAX_COLORS];
+static void
+triangulate_patch(fz_mesh_processor *painter, tensor_patch p)
+ fz_vertex v0, v1, v2, v3;
+ v0.p = p.pole[0][0];
+ memcpy(v0.c, p.color[0], sizeof(v0.c));
+ v1.p = p.pole[0][3];
+ memcpy(v1.c, p.color[1], sizeof(v1.c));
+ v2.p = p.pole[3][3];
+ memcpy(v2.c, p.color[2], sizeof(v2.c));
+ v3.p = p.pole[3][0];
+ memcpy(v3.c, p.color[3], sizeof(v3.c));
+ paint_quad(painter, &v0, &v1, &v2, &v3);
+static inline void midcolor(float *c, float *c1, float *c2)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < FZ_MAX_COLORS; i++)
+ c[i] = (c1[i] + c2[i]) * 0.5f;
+static void
+split_curve(fz_point *pole, fz_point *q0, fz_point *q1, int polestep)
+ /*
+ split bezier curve given by control points pole[0]..pole[3]
+ using de casteljau algo at midpoint and build two new
+ bezier curves q0[0]..q0[3] and q1[0]..q1[3]. all indices
+ should be multiplies by polestep == 1 for vertical bezier
+ curves in patch and == 4 for horizontal bezier curves due
+ to C's multi-dimensional matrix memory layout.
+ */
+ float x12 = (pole[1 * polestep].x + pole[2 * polestep].x) * 0.5f;
+ float y12 = (pole[1 * polestep].y + pole[2 * polestep].y) * 0.5f;
+ q0[1 * polestep].x = (pole[0 * polestep].x + pole[1 * polestep].x) * 0.5f;
+ q0[1 * polestep].y = (pole[0 * polestep].y + pole[1 * polestep].y) * 0.5f;
+ q1[2 * polestep].x = (pole[2 * polestep].x + pole[3 * polestep].x) * 0.5f;
+ q1[2 * polestep].y = (pole[2 * polestep].y + pole[3 * polestep].y) * 0.5f;
+ q0[2 * polestep].x = (q0[1 * polestep].x + x12) * 0.5f;
+ q0[2 * polestep].y = (q0[1 * polestep].y + y12) * 0.5f;
+ q1[1 * polestep].x = (x12 + q1[2 * polestep].x) * 0.5f;
+ q1[1 * polestep].y = (y12 + q1[2 * polestep].y) * 0.5f;
+ q0[3 * polestep].x = (q0[2 * polestep].x + q1[1 * polestep].x) * 0.5f;
+ q0[3 * polestep].y = (q0[2 * polestep].y + q1[1 * polestep].y) * 0.5f;
+ q1[0 * polestep].x = (q0[2 * polestep].x + q1[1 * polestep].x) * 0.5f;
+ q1[0 * polestep].y = (q0[2 * polestep].y + q1[1 * polestep].y) * 0.5f;
+ q0[0 * polestep].x = pole[0 * polestep].x;
+ q0[0 * polestep].y = pole[0 * polestep].y;
+ q1[3 * polestep].x = pole[3 * polestep].x;
+ q1[3 * polestep].y = pole[3 * polestep].y;
+static void
+split_stripe(tensor_patch *p, tensor_patch *s0, tensor_patch *s1)
+ /*
+ split all horizontal bezier curves in patch,
+ creating two new patches with half the width.
+ */
+ split_curve(&p->pole[0][0], &s0->pole[0][0], &s1->pole[0][0], 4);
+ split_curve(&p->pole[0][1], &s0->pole[0][1], &s1->pole[0][1], 4);
+ split_curve(&p->pole[0][2], &s0->pole[0][2], &s1->pole[0][2], 4);
+ split_curve(&p->pole[0][3], &s0->pole[0][3], &s1->pole[0][3], 4);
+ /* interpolate the colors for the two new patches. */
+ memcpy(s0->color[0], p->color[0], sizeof(s0->color[0]));
+ memcpy(s0->color[1], p->color[1], sizeof(s0->color[1]));
+ midcolor(s0->color[2], p->color[1], p->color[2]);
+ midcolor(s0->color[3], p->color[0], p->color[3]);
+ memcpy(s1->color[0], s0->color[3], sizeof(s1->color[0]));
+ memcpy(s1->color[1], s0->color[2], sizeof(s1->color[1]));
+ memcpy(s1->color[2], p->color[2], sizeof(s1->color[2]));
+ memcpy(s1->color[3], p->color[3], sizeof(s1->color[3]));
+static void
+draw_stripe(fz_mesh_processor *painter, tensor_patch *p, int depth)
+ tensor_patch s0, s1;
+ /* split patch into two half-height patches */
+ split_stripe(p, &s0, &s1);
+ depth--;
+ if (depth == 0)
+ {
+ /* if no more subdividing, draw two new patches... */
+ triangulate_patch(painter, s1);
+ triangulate_patch(painter, s0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* ...otherwise, continue subdividing. */
+ draw_stripe(painter, &s1, depth);
+ draw_stripe(painter, &s0, depth);
+ }
+static void
+split_patch(tensor_patch *p, tensor_patch *s0, tensor_patch *s1)
+ /*
+ split all vertical bezier curves in patch,
+ creating two new patches with half the height.
+ */
+ split_curve(p->pole[0], s0->pole[0], s1->pole[0], 1);
+ split_curve(p->pole[1], s0->pole[1], s1->pole[1], 1);
+ split_curve(p->pole[2], s0->pole[2], s1->pole[2], 1);
+ split_curve(p->pole[3], s0->pole[3], s1->pole[3], 1);
+ /* interpolate the colors for the two new patches. */
+ memcpy(s0->color[0], p->color[0], sizeof(s0->color[0]));
+ midcolor(s0->color[1], p->color[0], p->color[1]);
+ midcolor(s0->color[2], p->color[2], p->color[3]);
+ memcpy(s0->color[3], p->color[3], sizeof(s0->color[3]));
+ memcpy(s1->color[0], s0->color[1], sizeof(s1->color[0]));
+ memcpy(s1->color[1], p->color[1], sizeof(s1->color[1]));
+ memcpy(s1->color[2], p->color[2], sizeof(s1->color[2]));
+ memcpy(s1->color[3], s0->color[2], sizeof(s1->color[3]));
+static void
+draw_patch(fz_mesh_processor *painter, tensor_patch *p, int depth, int origdepth)
+ tensor_patch s0, s1;
+ /* split patch into two half-width patches */
+ split_patch(p, &s0, &s1);
+ depth--;
+ if (depth == 0)
+ {
+ /* if no more subdividing, draw two new patches... */
+ draw_stripe(painter, &s0, origdepth);
+ draw_stripe(painter, &s1, origdepth);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* ...otherwise, continue subdividing. */
+ draw_patch(painter, &s0, depth, origdepth);
+ draw_patch(painter, &s1, depth, origdepth);
+ }
+static fz_point
+ fz_point a, fz_point b, fz_point c, fz_point d,
+ fz_point e, fz_point f, fz_point g, fz_point h)
+ fz_point pt;
+ /* see equations at page 330 in pdf 1.7 */
+ pt.x = -4 * a.x;
+ pt.x += 6 * (b.x + c.x);
+ pt.x += -2 * (d.x + e.x);
+ pt.x += 3 * (f.x + g.x);
+ pt.x += -1 * h.x;
+ pt.x /= 9;
+ pt.y = -4 * a.y;
+ pt.y += 6 * (b.y + c.y);
+ pt.y += -2 * (d.y + e.y);
+ pt.y += 3 * (f.y + g.y);
+ pt.y += -1 * h.y;
+ pt.y /= 9;
+ return pt;
+static void
+make_tensor_patch(tensor_patch *p, int type, fz_point *pt)
+ if (type == 6)
+ {
+ /* see control point stream order at page 325 in pdf 1.7 */
+ p->pole[0][0] = pt[0];
+ p->pole[0][1] = pt[1];
+ p->pole[0][2] = pt[2];
+ p->pole[0][3] = pt[3];
+ p->pole[1][3] = pt[4];
+ p->pole[2][3] = pt[5];
+ p->pole[3][3] = pt[6];
+ p->pole[3][2] = pt[7];
+ p->pole[3][1] = pt[8];
+ p->pole[3][0] = pt[9];
+ p->pole[2][0] = pt[10];
+ p->pole[1][0] = pt[11];
+ /* see equations at page 330 in pdf 1.7 */
+ p->pole[1][1] = compute_tensor_interior(
+ p->pole[0][0], p->pole[0][1], p->pole[1][0], p->pole[0][3],
+ p->pole[3][0], p->pole[3][1], p->pole[1][3], p->pole[3][3]);
+ p->pole[1][2] = compute_tensor_interior(
+ p->pole[0][3], p->pole[0][2], p->pole[1][3], p->pole[0][0],
+ p->pole[3][3], p->pole[3][2], p->pole[1][0], p->pole[3][0]);
+ p->pole[2][1] = compute_tensor_interior(
+ p->pole[3][0], p->pole[3][1], p->pole[2][0], p->pole[3][3],
+ p->pole[0][0], p->pole[0][1], p->pole[2][3], p->pole[0][3]);
+ p->pole[2][2] = compute_tensor_interior(
+ p->pole[3][3], p->pole[3][2], p->pole[2][3], p->pole[3][0],
+ p->pole[0][3], p->pole[0][2], p->pole[2][0], p->pole[0][0]);
+ }
+ else if (type == 7)
+ {
+ /* see control point stream order at page 330 in pdf 1.7 */
+ p->pole[0][0] = pt[0];
+ p->pole[0][1] = pt[1];
+ p->pole[0][2] = pt[2];
+ p->pole[0][3] = pt[3];
+ p->pole[1][3] = pt[4];
+ p->pole[2][3] = pt[5];
+ p->pole[3][3] = pt[6];
+ p->pole[3][2] = pt[7];
+ p->pole[3][1] = pt[8];
+ p->pole[3][0] = pt[9];
+ p->pole[2][0] = pt[10];
+ p->pole[1][0] = pt[11];
+ p->pole[1][1] = pt[12];
+ p->pole[1][2] = pt[13];
+ p->pole[2][2] = pt[14];
+ p->pole[2][1] = pt[15];
+ }
+/* FIXME: Nasty */
+#define SUBDIV 3 /* how many levels to subdivide patches */
+static void
+fz_mesh_type6_process(fz_context *ctx, fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm, fz_mesh_processor *painter)
+ fz_stream *stream = fz_open_buffer(ctx, shade->buffer);
+ int haspatch, hasprevpatch;
+ float prevc[4][FZ_MAX_COLORS];
+ fz_point prevp[12];
+ int ncomp;
+ int i, k;
+ int bpflag = shade->u.m.bpflag;
+ int bpcoord = shade->u.m.bpcoord;
+ int bpcomp = shade->u.m.bpcomp;
+ float x0 = shade->u.m.x0;
+ float x1 = shade->u.m.x1;
+ float y0 = shade->u.m.y0;
+ float y1 = shade->u.m.y1;
+ float *c0 = shade->u.m.c0;
+ float *c1 = shade->u.m.c1;
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ {
+ hasprevpatch = 0;
+ ncomp = (shade->use_function > 0 ? 1 : shade->colorspace->n);
+ while (!fz_is_eof_bits(stream))
+ {
+ float c[4][FZ_MAX_COLORS];
+ fz_point v[12];
+ int startcolor;
+ int startpt;
+ int flag;
+ flag = fz_read_bits(stream, bpflag);
+ if (flag == 0)
+ {
+ startpt = 0;
+ startcolor = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ startpt = 4;
+ startcolor = 2;
+ }
+ for (i = startpt; i < 12; i++)
+ {
+ v[i].x = read_sample(stream, bpcoord, x0, x1);
+ v[i].y = read_sample(stream, bpcoord, y0, y1);
+ v[i] = fz_transform_point(ctm, v[i]);
+ }
+ for (i = startcolor; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ for (k = 0; k < ncomp; k++)
+ c[i][k] = read_sample(stream, bpcomp, c0[k], c1[k]);
+ }
+ haspatch = 0;
+ if (flag == 0)
+ {
+ haspatch = 1;
+ }
+ else if (flag == 1 && hasprevpatch)
+ {
+ v[0] = prevp[3];
+ v[1] = prevp[4];
+ v[2] = prevp[5];
+ v[3] = prevp[6];
+ memcpy(c[0], prevc[1], ncomp * sizeof(float));
+ memcpy(c[1], prevc[2], ncomp * sizeof(float));
+ haspatch = 1;
+ }
+ else if (flag == 2 && hasprevpatch)
+ {
+ v[0] = prevp[6];
+ v[1] = prevp[7];
+ v[2] = prevp[8];
+ v[3] = prevp[9];
+ memcpy(c[0], prevc[2], ncomp * sizeof(float));
+ memcpy(c[1], prevc[3], ncomp * sizeof(float));
+ haspatch = 1;
+ }
+ else if (flag == 3 && hasprevpatch)
+ {
+ v[0] = prevp[ 9];
+ v[1] = prevp[10];
+ v[2] = prevp[11];
+ v[3] = prevp[ 0];
+ memcpy(c[0], prevc[3], ncomp * sizeof(float));
+ memcpy(c[1], prevc[0], ncomp * sizeof(float));
+ haspatch = 1;
+ }
+ if (haspatch)
+ {
+ tensor_patch patch;
+ make_tensor_patch(&patch, 6, v);
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ memcpy(patch.color[i], c[i], ncomp * sizeof(float));
+ draw_patch(painter, &patch, SUBDIV, SUBDIV);
+ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
+ prevp[i] = v[i];
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ memcpy(prevc[i], c[i], ncomp * sizeof(float));
+ hasprevpatch = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fz_always(ctx)
+ {
+ fz_close(stream);
+ }
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ {
+ fz_rethrow(ctx);
+ }
+static void
+fz_mesh_type7_process(fz_context *ctx, fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm, fz_mesh_processor *painter)
+ fz_stream *stream = fz_open_buffer(ctx, shade->buffer);
+ int bpflag = shade->u.m.bpflag;
+ int bpcoord = shade->u.m.bpcoord;
+ int bpcomp = shade->u.m.bpcomp;
+ float x0 = shade->u.m.x0;
+ float x1 = shade->u.m.x1;
+ float y0 = shade->u.m.y0;
+ float y1 = shade->u.m.y1;
+ float *c0 = shade->u.m.c0;
+ float *c1 = shade->u.m.c1;
+ float prevc[4][FZ_MAX_COLORS];
+ fz_point prevp[16];
+ int ncomp;
+ int i, k;
+ int haspatch, hasprevpatch;
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ {
+ hasprevpatch = 0;
+ ncomp = (shade->use_function > 0 ? 1 : shade->colorspace->n);
+ while (!fz_is_eof_bits(stream))
+ {
+ float c[4][FZ_MAX_COLORS];
+ fz_point v[16];
+ int startcolor;
+ int startpt;
+ int flag;
+ flag = fz_read_bits(stream, bpflag);
+ if (flag == 0)
+ {
+ startpt = 0;
+ startcolor = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ startpt = 4;
+ startcolor = 2;
+ }
+ for (i = startpt; i < 16; i++)
+ {
+ v[i].x = read_sample(stream, bpcoord, x0, x1);
+ v[i].y = read_sample(stream, bpcoord, y0, y1);
+ v[i] = fz_transform_point(ctm, v[i]);
+ }
+ for (i = startcolor; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ for (k = 0; k < ncomp; k++)
+ c[i][k] = read_sample(stream, bpcomp, c0[k], c1[k]);
+ }
+ haspatch = 0;
+ if (flag == 0)
+ {
+ haspatch = 1;
+ }
+ else if (flag == 1 && hasprevpatch)
+ {
+ v[0] = prevp[3];
+ v[1] = prevp[4];
+ v[2] = prevp[5];
+ v[3] = prevp[6];
+ memcpy(c[0], prevc[1], ncomp * sizeof(float));
+ memcpy(c[1], prevc[2], ncomp * sizeof(float));
+ haspatch = 1;
+ }
+ else if (flag == 2 && hasprevpatch)
+ {
+ v[0] = prevp[6];
+ v[1] = prevp[7];
+ v[2] = prevp[8];
+ v[3] = prevp[9];
+ memcpy(c[0], prevc[2], ncomp * sizeof(float));
+ memcpy(c[1], prevc[3], ncomp * sizeof(float));
+ haspatch = 1;
+ }
+ else if (flag == 3 && hasprevpatch)
+ {
+ v[0] = prevp[ 9];
+ v[1] = prevp[10];
+ v[2] = prevp[11];
+ v[3] = prevp[ 0];
+ memcpy(c[0], prevc[3], ncomp * sizeof(float));
+ memcpy(c[1], prevc[0], ncomp * sizeof(float));
+ haspatch = 1;
+ }
+ if (haspatch)
+ {
+ tensor_patch patch;
+ make_tensor_patch(&patch, 7, v);
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ memcpy(patch.color[i], c[i], ncomp * sizeof(float));
+ draw_patch(painter, &patch, SUBDIV, SUBDIV);
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ prevp[i] = v[i];
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ memcpy(prevc[i], c[i], FZ_MAX_COLORS * sizeof(float));
+ hasprevpatch = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fz_always(ctx)
+ {
+ fz_close(stream);
+ }
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ {
+ fz_rethrow(ctx);
+ }
+fz_process_mesh(fz_context *ctx, fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm,
+ fz_mesh_process_fn *process, void *process_arg)
+ fz_mesh_processor painter;
+ painter.ctx = ctx;
+ painter.shade = shade;
+ painter.process = process;
+ painter.process_arg = process_arg;
+ if (shade->type == FZ_FUNCTION_BASED)
+ fz_mesh_type1_process(ctx, shade, ctm, &painter);
+ else if (shade->type == FZ_MESH_TYPE4)
+ fz_mesh_type4_process(ctx, shade, ctm, &painter);
+ else if (shade->type == FZ_MESH_TYPE5)
+ fz_mesh_type5_process(ctx, shade, ctm, &painter);
+ else if (shade->type == FZ_MESH_TYPE6)
+ fz_mesh_type6_process(ctx, shade, ctm, &painter);
+ else if (shade->type == FZ_MESH_TYPE7)
+ fz_mesh_type7_process(ctx, shade, ctm, &painter);
+ else
+ fz_throw(ctx, "Unexpected mesh type %d\n", shade->type);
fz_shade *
fz_keep_shade(fz_context *ctx, fz_shade *shade)
@@ -13,7 +763,9 @@ fz_free_shade_imp(fz_context *ctx, fz_storable *shade_)
if (shade->colorspace)
fz_drop_colorspace(ctx, shade->colorspace);
- fz_free(ctx, shade->mesh);
+ if (shade->type == FZ_FUNCTION_BASED)
+ fz_free(ctx, shade->u.f.fn_vals);
+ fz_drop_buffer(ctx, shade->buffer);
fz_free(ctx, shade);
@@ -23,65 +775,76 @@ fz_drop_shade(fz_context *ctx, fz_shade *shade)
fz_drop_storable(ctx, &shade->storable);
+struct bound_mesh_data
+ fz_rect rect;
+ int first;
+static void
+bound_tri(void *arg, fz_vertex *v1, fz_vertex *v2, fz_vertex *v3)
+ struct bound_mesh_data *bmd = (struct bound_mesh_data *)arg;
+ if (bmd->first)
+ {
+ bmd->rect.x0 = bmd->rect.x1 = v1->p.x;
+ bmd->rect.y0 = bmd->rect.y1 = v1->p.y;
+ bmd->first = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (v1->p.x < bmd->rect.x0) bmd->rect.x0 = v1->p.x;
+ if (v1->p.y < bmd->rect.y0) bmd->rect.y0 = v1->p.y;
+ if (v1->p.x > bmd->rect.x1) bmd->rect.x1 = v1->p.x;
+ if (v1->p.y > bmd->rect.y1) bmd->rect.y1 = v1->p.y;
+ }
+ if (v2->p.x < bmd->rect.x0) bmd->rect.x0 = v2->p.x;
+ if (v2->p.y < bmd->rect.y0) bmd->rect.y0 = v2->p.y;
+ if (v2->p.x > bmd->rect.x1) bmd->rect.x1 = v2->p.x;
+ if (v2->p.y > bmd->rect.y1) bmd->rect.y1 = v2->p.y;
+ if (v3->p.x < bmd->rect.x0) bmd->rect.x0 = v3->p.x;
+ if (v3->p.y < bmd->rect.y0) bmd->rect.y0 = v3->p.y;
+ if (v3->p.x > bmd->rect.x1) bmd->rect.x1 = v3->p.x;
+ if (v3->p.y > bmd->rect.y1) bmd->rect.y1 = v3->p.y;
fz_bound_shade(fz_context *ctx, fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm)
- float *v;
- fz_rect r, s;
- fz_point p;
- int i, ncomp, nvert;
+ fz_rect s;
+ struct bound_mesh_data bmd;
ctm = fz_concat(shade->matrix, ctm);
- ncomp = shade->use_function ? 3 : 2 + shade->colorspace->n;
- nvert = shade->mesh_len / ncomp;
- v = shade->mesh;
s = fz_transform_rect(ctm, shade->bbox);
if (shade->type == FZ_LINEAR)
return fz_intersect_rect(s, fz_infinite_rect);
if (shade->type == FZ_RADIAL)
return fz_intersect_rect(s, fz_infinite_rect);
- if (nvert == 0)
- return fz_empty_rect;
+ bmd.rect = fz_empty_rect;
+ bmd.first = 1;
+ fz_process_mesh(ctx, shade, ctm, &bound_tri, &bmd);
- p.x = v[0];
- p.y = v[1];
- v += ncomp;
- p = fz_transform_point(ctm, p);
- r.x0 = r.x1 = p.x;
- r.y0 = r.y1 = p.y;
- for (i = 1; i < nvert; i++)
- {
- p.x = v[0];
- p.y = v[1];
- p = fz_transform_point(ctm, p);
- v += ncomp;
- if (p.x < r.x0) r.x0 = p.x;
- if (p.y < r.y0) r.y0 = p.y;
- if (p.x > r.x1) r.x1 = p.x;
- if (p.y > r.y1) r.y1 = p.y;
- }
- return fz_intersect_rect(s, r);
+ return fz_intersect_rect(s, bmd.rect);
#ifndef NDEBUG
fz_print_shade(fz_context *ctx, FILE *out, fz_shade *shade)
- int i, j, n;
- float *vertex;
- int triangle;
+ int i;
fprintf(out, "shading {\n");
switch (shade->type)
+ case FZ_FUNCTION_BASED: fprintf(out, "\ttype function_based\n"); break;
case FZ_LINEAR: fprintf(out, "\ttype linear\n"); break;
case FZ_RADIAL: fprintf(out, "\ttype radial\n"); break;
- case FZ_MESH: fprintf(out, "\ttype mesh\n"); break;
+ default: /* MESH */ fprintf(out, "\ttype mesh\n"); break;
fprintf(out, "\tbbox [%g %g %g %g]\n",
@@ -105,28 +868,6 @@ fz_print_shade(fz_context *ctx, FILE *out, fz_shade *shade)
if (shade->use_function)
fprintf(out, "\tfunction\n");
- n = 3;
- }
- else
- n = 2 + shade->colorspace->n;
- fprintf(out, "\tvertices: %d\n", shade->mesh_len);
- vertex = shade->mesh;
- triangle = 0;
- i = 0;
- while (i < shade->mesh_len)
- {
- fprintf(out, "\t%d:(%g, %g): ", triangle, vertex[0], vertex[1]);
- for (j = 2; j < n; j++)
- fprintf(out, "%s%g", j == 2 ? "" : " ", vertex[j]);
- fprintf(out, "\n");
- vertex += n;
- i++;
- if (i % 3 == 0)
- triangle++;
fprintf(out, "}\n");