path: root/fitz
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authorTor Andersson <>2010-06-15 23:14:05 +0200
committerTor Andersson <>2010-06-15 23:14:05 +0200
commit0604c0103d3a1a5a75ab7bd3060ff34bd8973592 (patch)
treed0a9b71b031de933959ea0651974b1698c9faff4 /fitz
parent5795eaee9455031dead3dff50d1ab2d06c5f9915 (diff)
Use scissor bbox to clip shadings instead of using scratch buffers.
Diffstat (limited to 'fitz')
2 files changed, 13 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/fitz/dev_draw.c b/fitz/dev_draw.c
index b5b669bd..f8b3ed3b 100644
--- a/fitz/dev_draw.c
+++ b/fitz/dev_draw.c
@@ -25,42 +25,6 @@ struct fz_drawdevice_s
static void
-blendover(fz_pixmap *src, fz_pixmap *dst)
- unsigned char *sp, *dp;
- fz_bbox sr, dr;
- int x, y, w, h;
- sr.x0 = src->x;
- sr.y0 = src->y;
- sr.x1 = src->x + src->w;
- sr.y1 = src->y + src->h;
- dr.x0 = dst->x;
- dr.y0 = dst->y;
- dr.x1 = dst->x + dst->w;
- dr.y1 = dst->y + dst->h;
- dr = fz_intersectbbox(sr, dr);
- x = dr.x0;
- y = dr.y0;
- w = dr.x1 - dr.x0;
- h = dr.y1 - dr.y0;
- sp = src->samples + ((y - src->y) * src->w + (x - src->x)) * src->n;
- dp = dst->samples + ((y - dst->y) * dst->w + (x - dst->x)) * dst->n;
- if (src->n == 1 && dst->n == 1)
- fz_duff_1o1(sp, src->w, dp, dst->w, w, h);
- else if (src->n == 4 && dst->n == 4)
- fz_duff_4o4(sp, src->w * 4, dp, dst->w * 4, w, h);
- else if (src->n == dst->n)
- fz_duff_non(sp, src->w * src->n, src->n, dp, dst->w * dst->n, w, h);
- else
- assert(!"blendover src and dst mismatch");
-static void
blendmaskover(fz_pixmap *src, fz_pixmap *msk, fz_pixmap *dst)
unsigned char *sp, *dp, *mp;
@@ -472,13 +436,13 @@ static void
fz_drawfillshade(void *user, fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm)
fz_drawdevice *dev = user;
+ fz_pixmap *dest = dev->dest;
fz_rect bounds;
fz_bbox bbox;
- fz_pixmap *temp;
float rgb[3];
unsigned char argb[4];
unsigned char *s;
- int n;
+ int x, y;
bounds = fz_transformrect(fz_concat(shade->matrix, ctm), shade->bbox);
bbox = fz_roundrect(bounds);
@@ -493,8 +457,6 @@ fz_drawfillshade(void *user, fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm)
- temp = fz_newpixmapwithrect(dev->model, bbox);
if (shade->usebackground)
fz_convertcolor(shade->cs, shade->background, dev->model, rgb);
@@ -502,22 +464,20 @@ fz_drawfillshade(void *user, fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm)
argb[1] = rgb[0] * 255;
argb[2] = rgb[1] * 255;
argb[3] = rgb[2] * 255;
- s = temp->samples;
- n = temp->w * temp->h;
- while (n--)
+ for (y = bbox.y0; y < bbox.y1; y++)
- *s++ = argb[0];
- *s++ = argb[1];
- *s++ = argb[2];
- *s++ = argb[3];
+ s = dest->samples + ((bbox.x0 - dest->x) + (y - dest->y) * dest->w) * dest->n;
+ for (x = bbox.x0; x < bbox.x1; x++)
+ {
+ *s++ = argb[0];
+ *s++ = argb[1];
+ *s++ = argb[2];
+ *s++ = argb[3];
+ }
- blendover(temp, dev->dest);
- fz_rendershade(shade, ctm, temp);
- blendover(temp, dev->dest);
- fz_droppixmap(temp);
+ fz_rendershade(shade, ctm, dev->dest, bbox);
static inline void
diff --git a/fitz/fitz_draw.h b/fitz/fitz_draw.h
index a67a0c25..4ef84e1d 100644
--- a/fitz/fitz_draw.h
+++ b/fitz/fitz_draw.h
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ void fz_dropshade(fz_shade *shade);
void fz_debugshade(fz_shade *shade);
fz_rect fz_boundshade(fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm);
-void fz_rendershade(fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm, fz_pixmap *dst);
+void fz_rendershade(fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm, fz_pixmap *dst, fz_bbox bbox);
* Glyph cache