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8 files changed, 441 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/android/ReadMe.txt b/android/ReadMe.txt
index c46c88b6..7d111ece 100644
--- a/android/ReadMe.txt
+++ b/android/ReadMe.txt
@@ -1,77 +1,131 @@
To build/debug android build.
-1) Download the android sdk, and install it. On windows I unpacked it as:
+1) Download the android sdk, and install it. These instructions have been
+written with r14 (the latest version at time of writing) of the SDK in mind;
+other versions may give problems. On windows r14 unpacked as:
- C:\Program Files\android-sdk-windows
+ C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk
-on Macos as:
+on Macos an older version installed as:
-On windows add: C:/Progra~1/android-sdk-windows/tools to your path.
-On linux/macos add the equivalent.
+Whatever directory it unpacks to, ensure that both the 'tools' and
+'platform-tools' directories inside it have been added to your PATH.
-2) Download the android ndk, and install in. On windows I unpacked it as:
+2) Download the android ndk, and unpack it. These instructions have been
+written with r6b (the latest version at the time of writing) of the NDK
+in mind; other versions may give problems. On windows I unpacked it as:
- C:\Program Files\android-ndk-r5
+ C:\android-ndk-r6b
-on Macos as:
+on Macos an older version unpacked as:
-On windows add: C:/Progra~1/android-ndk-r5 to your path. On linux/macos
-add the equivalent.
+It is very important that you should unpack it to a directory with no
+spaces in the name! (Don't be tempted to put it in C:\Program Files etc)
+Ensure that that directory is also added to your PATH.
3) On windows, to use the ndk, you *must* be running under cygwin. This means
you need to install Cygwin 1.7 or greater now.
-In the current release of the ndk (r5), when running under cygwin, there are
-bugs to do with the automatic conversion of dependencies from DOS format
-paths to cygwin format paths. The 2 fixes can be found in:
- <>
-4) Bring up a shell, and run 'android'. This will bring up a graphical
-gui for the sdk. From here you can install the different SDK components
-for the different flavours of android. Download them all - bandwidth and disk
-space are cheap, right?
-5) Now go to the Virtual Devices entry on the right hand side. You need to
-create yourself an emulator image to use. Click 'New...' on the right hand
-side and a window will appear. Fill in the entries as follows:
+[ In version r5 of the ndk, when running under cygwin, there were ]
+[ bugs to do with the automatic conversion of dependencies from DOS ]
+[ format paths to cygwin format paths. The 2 fixes can be found in: ]
+[ ]
+[ <> ]
+[ ]
+[ Use the latest version and there should not be a problem. ]
+4) If the SDK has not popped up a window already, bring up a shell, and run
+'android' (or android.bat on cygwin/windows). You should now have a window
+with a graphical gui for the sdk. From here you can install the different SDK
+components for the different flavours of android. Download them all -
+bandwidth and disk space are cheap, right?
+5) In new versions of the GUI there is a 'Tools' menu from which you can
+select 'Manage AVDs...'. In old versions, go to the Virtual Devices entry
+on the right hand side. You need to create yourself an emulator image to
+use. Click 'New...' on the right hand side and a window will appear. Fill
+in the entries as follows:
Name: FroyoEm
Target: Android 2.2 - API Level 8
+ CPU/ABI: ARM (armeabi) (If this option exists)
SD card: Size: 1024MiB
Skin: Resolution: 480x756 (756 just fits my macbook screen, but 800 may
be 'more standard')
-Click 'Create AVD' and wait for a minute or so while it is prepared. Now
-you can exit the GUI.
+Click 'Create AVD' (on old versions you may have to wait for a minute or
+so while it is prepared. Now you can exit the GUI.
-6) Now we are ready to build mupdf for Android. Check out a copy of MuPDF
+6) You will need a copy of the JDK installed. See
+<>. When this
+installs, ensure that JAVA_HOME is set to point to the installation
+7) You will need a copy of Apache ANT installed.
+See <>. Ensure that ANT_HOME is set to point to
+the top level directory, and that ANT_HOME/bin is on the PATH.
+8) Now we are ready to build mupdf for Android. Check out a copy of MuPDF
(but you've done that already, cos you're reading this, right?).
-7) You will also need a copy of (see the source code
+9) You will also need a copy of (see the source code
link on Unpack the contents of this into a 'thirdparty'
directory created within the mupdf directory (i.e. at the same level as
fitz, pdf, android etc).
-8) Finally, you will need a copy of a 'generated' directory. This is not
-currently available to download. The easiest way to obtain this is to do
-a standard windows or linux build of mupdf, which generates the required
-files as part of the build process.
+10) Finally, you will need a copy of a 'generated' directory. This is not
+currently available to download.
+The normal mupdf build process involves running some code on the host
+(the machine on which you are compiling), rather than the target (the
+machine/device on which you eventually want to run mupdf). This code
+repacks various bits of information (fonts, CMAPs etc) into a more
+compact and usable form.
+Unfortunately, the android SDK does not provide a compiler for the host
+machine, so we cannot run this step automatically as part of the android
+build. You will need to generate it by running a different build, such
+as the windows or linux native builds.
-9) Change into the android directory, and edit into your
+We do not make a snapshot of the generated directory available to
+download as the contents of this directory change frequently, and we'd
+have to keep multiple versions on the website. We assume that anyone
+capable of building for android is capable of doing a normal hosted
+On windows (where you are using cygwin), or on linux/macos, this can be
+as simple as running 'make' in the top level directory. Even if the
+make process fails, it should get far enough to generate you the required
+'generated' directory, and you can continue through these instructions.
+11) Change into the android directory, and edit into your
favourite editor. Change the sdk path there as appropriate. This should be
the only bit of localisation you need to do.
-10) Change into the android directory (note, the android directory, NOT
+12) Change into the android directory (note, the android directory, NOT
the android/jni directory!), and execute (in a Cygwin window on Windows!):
-This should build the native code portion. Then execute:
+This should build the native code portion.
+If this dies with an error in thirdparty/jbig2/os_types.h load this
+file into an editor, and change line 43 from:
+ #else
+ #elif !defined(HAVE_STDINT_H)
+and this should solve the problem.
+13) Then execute:
ant debug
@@ -81,13 +135,13 @@ or on windows under cygwin:
This should build the java wrapper.
-11) Now start the emulator by executing:
+14) Now start the emulator by executing:
emulator -avd FroyoEm
This will take a while to full start up (be patient).
-12) We now need to give the demo file something to chew on, so let's copy
+15) We now need to give the demo file something to chew on, so let's copy
a file into the SD card image of the emulator (this should only need to be
done once). With the emulator running type:
@@ -96,14 +150,14 @@ done once). With the emulator running type:
(where obviously ../../MyTests/pdf_reference17.pdf is altered for your
machine). (adb lives in <sdk>/platform-tools if it's not on your path).
-13) With the emulator running (see step 11), execute
+16) With the emulator running (see step 14), execute
- ant install
+ ant debug install
-('ant.bat install' on Windows) and that will copy MuPDF into the emulator
-where you can run it from the launchpad screen.
+('ant.bat debug install' on Windows) and that will copy MuPDF into the
+emulator where you can run it from the launchpad screen.
-14) To see debug messages from the emulator (including stdout/stderr from
+17) To see debug messages from the emulator (including stdout/stderr from
our app), execute:
adb logcat
diff --git a/android/ b/android/
deleted file mode 100644
index edc7f230..00000000
--- a/android/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# This file is used to override default values used by the Ant build system.
-# This file must be checked in Version Control Systems, as it is
-# integral to the build system of your project.
-# This file is only used by the Ant script.
-# You can use this to override default values such as
-# 'source.dir' for the location of your java source folder and
-# 'out.dir' for the location of your output folder.
-# You can also use it define how the release builds are signed by declaring
-# the following properties:
-# '' for the location of your keystore and
-# 'key.alias' for the name of the key to use.
-# The password will be asked during the build when you use the 'release' target.
diff --git a/android/build.xml b/android/build.xml
index 3ba2015b..7cb2cdf8 100644
--- a/android/build.xml
+++ b/android/build.xml
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="MuPDF" default="help">
-<!-- The file is created and updated by the 'android'
- tool.
- It contains the path to the SDK. It should *NOT* be checked into
- Version Control Systems. -->
- <property file="" />
- <!-- The file can be created by you and is never touched
- by the 'android' tool. This is the place to change some of the
- default property values used by the Ant rules.
+ <!-- The file is created and updated by the 'android' tool.
+ It contains the path to the SDK. It should *NOT* be checked into
+ Version Control Systems. -->
+ <loadproperties srcFile="" />
+ <!-- The file can be created by you. It is only edited by the
+ 'android' tool to add properties to it.
+ This is the place to change some Ant specific build properties.
Here are some properties you may want to change/update:
@@ -17,6 +16,9 @@
The name of the output directory. Default is 'bin'.
+ For other overridable properties, look at the beginning of the rules
+ files in the SDK, at tools/ant/build.xml
Properties related to the SDK location or the project target should
be updated using the 'android' tool with the 'update' action.
@@ -24,26 +26,25 @@
application and should be checked into Version Control Systems.
- <property file="" />
+ <property file="" />
- <!-- The file is created and updated by the 'android'
+ <!-- The file is created and updated by the 'android'
tool, as well as ADT.
+ This contains project specific properties such as project target, and library
+ dependencies. Lower level build properties are stored in
+ (or in .classpath for Eclipse projects).
This file is an integral part of the build system for your
application and should be checked into Version Control Systems. -->
- <property file="" />
+ <loadproperties srcFile="" />
- <!-- Custom Android task to deal with the project target, and import the
- proper rules.
- This requires ant 1.6.0 or above. -->
- <path id="android.antlibs">
- <pathelement path="${sdk.dir}/tools/lib/anttasks.jar" />
- <pathelement path="${sdk.dir}/tools/lib/sdklib.jar" />
- <pathelement path="${sdk.dir}/tools/lib/androidprefs.jar" />
- </path>
+ <!-- quick check on sdk.dir -->
+ <fail
+ message="sdk.dir is missing. Make sure to generate using 'android update project'"
+ unless="sdk.dir"
+ />
- <taskdef name="setup"
- classname=""
- classpathref="android.antlibs" />
<!-- extension targets. Uncomment the ones where you want to do custom work
in between standard targets -->
@@ -53,32 +54,32 @@
<target name="-pre-compile">
- [This is typically used for code obfuscation.
- Compiled code location: ${out.classes.absolute.dir}
- If this is not done in place, override ${out.dex.input.absolute.dir}]
+ /* This is typically used for code obfuscation.
+ Compiled code location: ${out.classes.absolute.dir}
+ If this is not done in place, override ${out.dex.input.absolute.dir} */
<target name="-post-compile">
- <!-- Execute the Android Setup task that will setup some properties
- specific to the target, and import the build rules files.
- The rules file is imported from
- <SDK>/platforms/<target_platform>/ant/ant_rules_r#.xml
+ <!-- Import the actual build file.
To customize existing targets, there are two options:
- Customize only one target:
- copy/paste the target into this file, *before* the
- <setup> task.
+ <import> task.
- customize it to your needs.
- - Customize the whole script.
+ - Customize the whole content of build.xml
- copy/paste the content of the rules files (minus the top node)
- into this file, *after* the <setup> task
- - disable the import of the rules by changing the setup task
- below to <setup import="false" />.
+ into this file, replacing the <import> task.
- customize to your needs.
+ ***********************
+ ****** IMPORTANT ******
+ ***********************
+ In all cases you must update the value of version-tag below to read 'custom' instead of an integer,
+ in order to avoid having your file be overridden by tools such as "android update project"
- <setup />
+ <!-- version-tag: 1 -->
+ <import file="${sdk.dir}/tools/ant/build.xml" />
diff --git a/android/ b/android/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b9250e0..00000000
--- a/android/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# This file is automatically generated by Android Tools.
-# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!
-# This file must be checked in Version Control Systems.
-# To customize properties used by the Ant build system use,
-# "", and override values to adapt the script to your
-# project structure.
-# Project target.
diff --git a/android/jni/ b/android/jni/
index 4c3e75b5..7f145c60 100644
--- a/android/jni/
+++ b/android/jni/
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ include $(CLEAR_VARS)
MY_ROOT := ../..
../thirdparty/jbig2dec \
../thirdparty/openjpeg-1.4/libopenjpeg \
@@ -53,7 +55,6 @@ LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \
$(MY_ROOT)/fitz/stm_buffer.c \
$(MY_ROOT)/fitz/stm_open.c \
$(MY_ROOT)/fitz/stm_read.c \
- $(MY_ROOT)/draw/arch_arm.c \
$(MY_ROOT)/draw/arch_port.c \
$(MY_ROOT)/draw/draw_affine.c \
$(MY_ROOT)/draw/draw_blend.c \
diff --git a/android/jni/mupdf.c b/android/jni/mupdf.c
index 463899af..a3d45d8d 100644
--- a/android/jni/mupdf.c
+++ b/android/jni/mupdf.c
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
/* Set to 1 to enable debug log traces. */
#define DEBUG 0
+/* Enable to log rendering times (render each frame 100 times and time) */
/* Globals */
fz_colorspace *colorspace;
fz_glyph_cache *glyphcache;
@@ -190,7 +193,22 @@ Java_com_artifex_mupdf_MuPDFCore_drawPage(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jobject bit
ctm = fz_concat(ctm, fz_scale(xscale, yscale));
bbox = fz_round_rect(fz_transform_rect(ctm,currentMediabox));
dev = fz_new_draw_device(glyphcache, pix);
+ {
+ clock_t time;
+ int i;
+ LOGE("Executing display list");
+ time = clock();
+ for (i=0; i<100;i++) {
fz_execute_display_list(currentPageList, dev, ctm, bbox);
+ }
+ time = clock() - time;
+ LOGE("100 renders in %d (%d per sec)", time, CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
+ }
diff --git a/android/ b/android/
index d0fd99a9..d0e1f0e6 100644
--- a/android/
+++ b/android/
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-sdk.dir=C:\\Program Files\\android-sdk-windows
+sdk.dir=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Android\\android-sdk
diff --git a/draw/draw_scale.c b/draw/draw_scale.c
index 427512ce..bb766398 100644
--- a/draw/draw_scale.c
+++ b/draw/draw_scale.c
@@ -16,6 +16,21 @@ and then positioning it at (frac(x),frac(y)).
+/* If we're compiling as thumb code, then we need to tell the compiler
+ * to enter and exit ARM mode around our assembly sections. If we move
+ * the ARM functions to a separate file and arrange for it to be compiled
+ * without thumb mode, we can save some time on entry.
+ */
+#ifdef ARCH_ARM
+#ifdef ARCH_THUMB
+#define ENTER_ARM ".balign 4\nmov r12,pc\nbx r12\n0:.arm\n"
+#define ENTER_THUMB "9:.thumb\n"
+#define ENTER_ARM
+#define ENTER_THUMB
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
@@ -247,10 +262,10 @@ typedef struct fz_weights_s fz_weights;
struct fz_weights_s
+ int flip;
int count;
int max_len;
int n;
- int flip;
int new_line;
int index[1];
@@ -584,6 +599,274 @@ scale_row_to_temp(int *dst, unsigned char *src, fz_weights *weights)
+#ifdef ARCH_ARM
+static void
+scale_row_to_temp1(int *dst, unsigned char *src, fz_weights *weights)
+static void
+scale_row_to_temp2(int *dst, unsigned char *src, fz_weights *weights)
+static void
+scale_row_to_temp4(int *dst, unsigned char *src, fz_weights *weights)
+static void
+scale_row_from_temp(unsigned char *dst, int *src, fz_weights *weights, int width, int row)
+static void
+scale_row_to_temp1(int *dst, unsigned char *src, fz_weights *weights)
+ /* possible optimisation in here; unroll inner loops to avoid stall. */
+ asm volatile(
+ "stmfd r13!,{r4-r5,r9,r14} \n"
+ "@ r0 = dst \n"
+ "@ r1 = src \n"
+ "@ r2 = weights \n"
+ "ldr r12,[r2],#4 @ r12= flip \n"
+ "ldr r3, [r2],#16 @ r3 = count r2 = &index\n"
+ "ldr r4, [r2] @ r4 = index[0] \n"
+ "cmp r12,#0 @ if (flip) \n"
+ "beq 4f @ { \n"
+ "add r2, r2, r4, LSL #2 @ r2 = &index[index[0]] \n"
+ "add r0, r0, r3, LSL #2 @ dst += count \n"
+ "1: \n"
+ "ldr r4, [r2], #4 @ r4 = *contrib++ \n"
+ "ldr r9, [r2], #4 @ r9 = len = *contrib++ \n"
+ "mov r5, #0 @ r5 = a = 0 \n"
+ "add r4, r1, r4 @ r4 = min = &src[r4] \n"
+ "cmp r9, #0 @ while (len-- > 0) \n"
+ "beq 3f @ { \n"
+ "2: \n"
+ "ldr r12,[r2], #4 @ r12 = *contrib++ \n"
+ "ldrb r14,[r4], #1 @ r14 = *min++ \n"
+ "subs r9, r9, #1 @ r9 = len-- \n"
+ "@stall on r14 \n"
+ "mla r5, r12,r14,r5 @ g += r14 * r12 \n"
+ "bgt 2b @ } \n"
+ "3: \n"
+ "str r5,[r0, #-4]! @ *--dst=a \n"
+ "subs r3, r3, #1 @ i-- \n"
+ "bgt 1b @ \n"
+ "ldmfd r13!,{r4-r5,r9,PC} @ pop, return to thumb \n"
+ "4:"
+ "add r2, r2, r4, LSL #2 @ r2 = &index[index[0]] \n"
+ "5:"
+ "ldr r4, [r2], #4 @ r4 = *contrib++ \n"
+ "ldr r9, [r2], #4 @ r9 = len = *contrib++ \n"
+ "mov r5, #0 @ r5 = a = 0 \n"
+ "add r4, r1, r4 @ r4 = min = &src[r4] \n"
+ "cmp r9, #0 @ while (len-- > 0) \n"
+ "beq 7f @ { \n"
+ "6: \n"
+ "ldr r12,[r2], #4 @ r12 = *contrib++ \n"
+ "ldrb r14,[r4], #1 @ r14 = *min++ \n"
+ "subs r9, r9, #1 @ r9 = len-- \n"
+ "@stall on r14 \n"
+ "mla r5, r12,r14,r5 @ a += r14 * r12 \n"
+ "bgt 6b @ } \n"
+ "7: \n"
+ "str r5, [r0], #4 @ *dst++=a \n"
+ "subs r3, r3, #1 @ i-- \n"
+ "bgt 5b @ \n"
+ "ldmfd r13!,{r4-r5,r9,PC} @ pop, return to thumb \n"
+ );
+static void
+scale_row_to_temp2(int *dst, unsigned char *src, fz_weights *weights)
+ asm volatile(
+ "stmfd r13!,{r4-r6,r9-r11,r14} \n"
+ "@ r0 = dst \n"
+ "@ r1 = src \n"
+ "@ r2 = weights \n"
+ "ldr r12,[r2],#4 @ r12= flip \n"
+ "ldr r3, [r2],#16 @ r3 = count r2 = &index\n"
+ "ldr r4, [r2] @ r4 = index[0] \n"
+ "cmp r12,#0 @ if (flip) \n"
+ "beq 4f @ { \n"
+ "add r2, r2, r4, LSL #2 @ r2 = &index[index[0]] \n"
+ "add r0, r0, r3, LSL #3 @ dst += 2*count \n"
+ "1: \n"
+ "ldr r4, [r2], #4 @ r4 = *contrib++ \n"
+ "ldr r9, [r2], #4 @ r9 = len = *contrib++ \n"
+ "mov r5, #0 @ r5 = g = 0 \n"
+ "mov r6, #0 @ r6 = a = 0 \n"
+ "add r4, r1, r4, LSL #1 @ r4 = min = &src[2*r4] \n"
+ "cmp r9, #0 @ while (len-- > 0) \n"
+ "beq 3f @ { \n"
+ "2: \n"
+ "ldr r14,[r2], #4 @ r14 = *contrib++ \n"
+ "ldrb r11,[r4], #1 @ r11 = *min++ \n"
+ "ldrb r12,[r4], #1 @ r12 = *min++ \n"
+ "subs r9, r9, #1 @ r9 = len-- \n"
+ "mla r5, r14,r11,r5 @ g += r11 * r14 \n"
+ "mla r6, r14,r12,r6 @ a += r12 * r14 \n"
+ "bgt 2b @ } \n"
+ "3: \n"
+ "stmdb r0!,{r5,r6} @ *--dst=a;*--dst=g; \n"
+ "subs r3, r3, #1 @ i-- \n"
+ "bgt 1b @ \n"
+ "ldmfd r13!,{r4-r6,r9-r11,PC} @ pop, return to thumb \n"
+ "4:"
+ "add r2, r2, r4, LSL #2 @ r2 = &index[index[0]] \n"
+ "5:"
+ "ldr r4, [r2], #4 @ r4 = *contrib++ \n"
+ "ldr r9, [r2], #4 @ r9 = len = *contrib++ \n"
+ "mov r5, #0 @ r5 = g = 0 \n"
+ "mov r6, #0 @ r6 = a = 0 \n"
+ "add r4, r1, r4, LSL #1 @ r4 = min = &src[2*r4] \n"
+ "cmp r9, #0 @ while (len-- > 0) \n"
+ "beq 7f @ { \n"
+ "6: \n"
+ "ldr r14,[r2], #4 @ r10 = *contrib++ \n"
+ "ldrb r11,[r4], #1 @ r11 = *min++ \n"
+ "ldrb r12,[r4], #1 @ r12 = *min++ \n"
+ "subs r9, r9, #1 @ r9 = len-- \n"
+ "mla r5, r14,r11,r5 @ g += r11 * r14 \n"
+ "mla r6, r14,r12,r6 @ a += r12 * r14 \n"
+ "bgt 6b @ } \n"
+ "7: \n"
+ "stmia r0!,{r5,r6} @ *dst++=r;*dst++=g; \n"
+ "subs r3, r3, #1 @ i-- \n"
+ "bgt 5b @ \n"
+ "ldmfd r13!,{r4-r6,r9-r11,PC} @ pop, return to thumb \n"
+ );
+static void
+scale_row_to_temp4(int *dst, unsigned char *src, fz_weights *weights)
+ asm volatile(
+ "stmfd r13!,{r4-r11,r14} \n"
+ "@ r0 = dst \n"
+ "@ r1 = src \n"
+ "@ r2 = weights \n"
+ "ldr r12,[r2],#4 @ r12= flip \n"
+ "ldr r3, [r2],#16 @ r3 = count r2 = &index\n"
+ "ldr r4, [r2] @ r4 = index[0] \n"
+ "cmp r12,#0 @ if (flip) \n"
+ "beq 4f @ { \n"
+ "add r2, r2, r4, LSL #2 @ r2 = &index[index[0]] \n"
+ "add r0, r0, r3, LSL #4 @ dst += 4*count \n"
+ "1: \n"
+ "ldr r4, [r2], #4 @ r4 = *contrib++ \n"
+ "ldr r9, [r2], #4 @ r9 = len = *contrib++ \n"
+ "mov r5, #0 @ r5 = r = 0 \n"
+ "mov r6, #0 @ r6 = g = 0 \n"
+ "mov r7, #0 @ r7 = b = 0 \n"
+ "mov r8, #0 @ r8 = a = 0 \n"
+ "add r4, r1, r4, LSL #2 @ r4 = min = &src[4*r4] \n"
+ "cmp r9, #0 @ while (len-- > 0) \n"
+ "beq 3f @ { \n"
+ "2: \n"
+ "ldr r10,[r2], #4 @ r10 = *contrib++ \n"
+ "ldrb r11,[r4], #1 @ r11 = *min++ \n"
+ "ldrb r12,[r4], #1 @ r12 = *min++ \n"
+ "ldrb r14,[r4], #1 @ r14 = *min++ \n"
+ "mla r5, r10,r11,r5 @ r += r11 * r10 \n"
+ "ldrb r11,[r4], #1 @ r11 = *min++ \n"
+ "mla r6, r10,r12,r6 @ g += r12 * r10 \n"
+ "mla r7, r10,r14,r7 @ b += r14 * r10 \n"
+ "mla r8, r10,r11,r8 @ a += r11 * r10 \n"
+ "subs r9, r9, #1 @ r9 = len-- \n"
+ "bgt 2b @ } \n"
+ "3: \n"
+ "stmdb r0!,{r5,r6,r7,r8} @ *--dst=a;*--dst=b; \n"
+ " @ *--dst=g;*--dst=r; \n"
+ "subs r3, r3, #1 @ i-- \n"
+ "bgt 1b @ \n"
+ "ldmfd r13!,{r4-r11,PC} @ pop, return to thumb \n"
+ "4:"
+ "add r2, r2, r4, LSL #2 @ r2 = &index[index[0]] \n"
+ "5:"
+ "ldr r4, [r2], #4 @ r4 = *contrib++ \n"
+ "ldr r9, [r2], #4 @ r9 = len = *contrib++ \n"
+ "mov r5, #0 @ r5 = r = 0 \n"
+ "mov r6, #0 @ r6 = g = 0 \n"
+ "mov r7, #0 @ r7 = b = 0 \n"
+ "mov r8, #0 @ r8 = a = 0 \n"
+ "add r4, r1, r4, LSL #2 @ r4 = min = &src[4*r4] \n"
+ "cmp r9, #0 @ while (len-- > 0) \n"
+ "beq 7f @ { \n"
+ "6: \n"
+ "ldr r10,[r2], #4 @ r10 = *contrib++ \n"
+ "ldrb r11,[r4], #1 @ r11 = *min++ \n"
+ "ldrb r12,[r4], #1 @ r12 = *min++ \n"
+ "ldrb r14,[r4], #1 @ r14 = *min++ \n"
+ "mla r5, r10,r11,r5 @ r += r11 * r10 \n"
+ "ldrb r11,[r4], #1 @ r11 = *min++ \n"
+ "mla r6, r10,r12,r6 @ g += r12 * r10 \n"
+ "mla r7, r10,r14,r7 @ b += r14 * r10 \n"
+ "mla r8, r10,r11,r8 @ a += r11 * r10 \n"
+ "subs r9, r9, #1 @ r9 = len-- \n"
+ "bgt 6b @ } \n"
+ "7: \n"
+ "stmia r0!,{r5,r6,r7,r8} @ *dst++=r;*dst++=g; \n"
+ " @ *dst++=b;*dst++=a; \n"
+ "subs r3, r3, #1 @ i-- \n"
+ "bgt 5b @ \n"
+ "ldmfd r13!,{r4-r11,PC} @ pop, return to thumb \n"
+ );
+static void
+scale_row_from_temp(unsigned char *dst, int *src, fz_weights *weights, int width, int row)
+ asm volatile(
+ "ldr r12,[r13] @ r12= row \n"
+ "add r2, r2, #20 @ r2 = weights->index \n"
+ "stmfd r13!,{r4-r11,r14} \n"
+ "@ r0 = dst \n"
+ "@ r1 = src \n"
+ "@ r2 = &weights->index[0] \n"
+ "@ r3 = width \n"
+ "@ r12= row \n"
+ "ldr r4, [r2, r12, LSL #2] @ r4 = index[row] \n"
+ "add r2, r2, #4 @ r2 = &index[1] \n"
+ "mov r6, r3 @ r6 = x = width \n"
+ "ldr r14,[r2, r4, LSL #2]! @ r2 = contrib = index[index[row]+1]\n"
+ " @ r14= len = *contrib \n"
+ "1: \n"
+ "mov r5, r1 @ r5 = min = src \n"
+ "mov r7, #1<<15 @ r7 = val = 1<<15 \n"
+ "movs r8, r14 @ r8 = len2 = len \n"
+ "add r9, r2, #4 @ r9 = contrib2 \n"
+ "ble 3f @ while (len2-- > 0) { \n"
+ "2: \n"
+ "ldr r10,[r9], #4 @ r10 = *contrib2++ \n"
+ "ldr r12,[r5], r3, LSL #2 @ r12 = *min r5 = min += width\n"
+ "subs r8, r8, #1 @ len2-- \n"
+ "@ stall r12 \n"
+ "mla r7, r10,r12,r7 @ val += r12 * r10 \n"
+ "bgt 2b @ } \n"
+ "3: \n"
+ "movs r7, r7, asr #16 @ r7 = val >>= 16 \n"
+ "movlt r7, #0 @ if (r7 < 0) r7 = 0 \n"
+ "cmp r7, #255 @ if (r7 > 255) \n"
+ "add r1, r1, #4 @ src++ \n"
+ "movgt r7, #255 @ r7 = 255 \n"
+ "subs r6, r6, #1 @ x-- \n"
+ "strb r7, [r0], #1 @ *dst++ = val \n"
+ "bgt 1b @ \n"
+ "ldmfd r13!,{r4-r11,PC} @ pop, return to thumb \n"
+ );
static void
scale_row_to_temp1(int *dst, unsigned char *src, fz_weights *weights)
@@ -672,54 +955,13 @@ static void
scale_row_to_temp4(int *dst, unsigned char *src, fz_weights *weights)
int *contrib = &weights->index[weights->index[0]];
-#ifndef ARCH_ARM
int len, i;
unsigned char *min;
assert(weights->n == 4);
if (weights->flip)
dst += 4*weights->count;
-#ifdef ARCH_ARM
- asm volatile(
- "1:"
- "ldr r4, [%2], #4 @ r4 = *contrib++ \n"
- "ldr r9, [%2], #4 @ r9 = len = *contrib++ \n"
- "mov r5, #0 @ r5 = r = 0 \n"
- "mov r6, #0 @ r6 = g = 0 \n"
- "mov r7, #0 @ r7 = b = 0 \n"
- "mov r8, #0 @ r8 = a = 0 \n"
- "add r4, %1, r4, LSL #2 @ r4 = min = &src[4*r4] \n"
- "cmp r9, #0 @ while (len-- > 0) \n"
- "beq 3f @ { \n"
- "2: \n"
- "ldr r10,[%2], #4 @ r10 = *contrib++ \n"
- "ldrb r11,[r4], #1 @ r11 = *min++ \n"
- "ldrb r12,[r4], #1 @ r12 = *min++ \n"
- "ldrb r14,[r4], #1 @ r14 = *min++ \n"
- "mla r5, r10,r11,r5 @ r += r11 * r10 \n"
- "ldrb r11,[r4], #1 @ r11 = *min++ \n"
- "mla r6, r10,r12,r6 @ g += r12 * r10 \n"
- "mla r7, r10,r14,r7 @ b += r14 * r10 \n"
- "mla r8, r10,r11,r8 @ a += r11 * r10 \n"
- "subs r9, r9, #1 @ r9 = len-- \n"
- "bgt 2b @ } \n"
- "stmdb %0!,{r5,r6,r7,r8} @ *--dst=a;*--dst=b; \n"
- "3: @ *--dst=g;*--dst=r; \n"
- "subs %3, %3, #1 @ i-- \n"
- "bgt 1b @ \n"
- :
- :
- "r" (dst),
- "r" (src),
- "r" (contrib),
- "r" (weights->count)
- :
- "r4","r5","r6","r7","r8","r9","r10","r11","r12","r14",
- "memory","cc"
- );
for (i=weights->count; i > 0; i--)
int r = 0;
@@ -740,49 +982,9 @@ scale_row_to_temp4(int *dst, unsigned char *src, fz_weights *weights)
*--dst = g;
*--dst = r;
-#ifdef ARCH_ARM
- asm volatile(
- "1:"
- "ldr r4, [%2], #4 @ r4 = *contrib++ \n"
- "ldr r9, [%2], #4 @ r9 = len = *contrib++ \n"
- "mov r5, #0 @ r5 = r = 0 \n"
- "mov r6, #0 @ r6 = g = 0 \n"
- "mov r7, #0 @ r7 = b = 0 \n"
- "mov r8, #0 @ r8 = a = 0 \n"
- "add r4, %1, r4, LSL #2 @ r4 = min = &src[4*r4] \n"
- "cmp r9, #0 @ while (len-- > 0) \n"
- "beq 3f @ { \n"
- "2: \n"
- "ldr r10,[%2], #4 @ r10 = *contrib++ \n"
- "ldrb r11,[r4], #1 @ r11 = *min++ \n"
- "ldrb r12,[r4], #1 @ r12 = *min++ \n"
- "ldrb r14,[r4], #1 @ r14 = *min++ \n"
- "mla r5, r10,r11,r5 @ r += r11 * r10 \n"
- "ldrb r11,[r4], #1 @ r11 = *min++ \n"
- "mla r6, r10,r12,r6 @ g += r12 * r10 \n"
- "mla r7, r10,r14,r7 @ b += r14 * r10 \n"
- "mla r8, r10,r11,r8 @ a += r11 * r10 \n"
- "subs r9, r9, #1 @ r9 = len-- \n"
- "bgt 2b @ } \n"
- "stmia %0!,{r5,r6,r7,r8} @ *dst++=r;*dst++=g; \n"
- "3: @ *dst++=b;*dst++=a; \n"
- "subs %3, %3, #1 @ i-- \n"
- "bgt 1b @ \n"
- :
- :
- "r" (dst),
- "r" (src),
- "r" (contrib),
- "r" (weights->count)
- :
- "r4","r5","r6","r7","r8","r9","r10","r11","r12","r14",
- "memory","cc"
- );
for (i=weights->count; i > 0; i--)
int r = 0;
@@ -803,7 +1005,6 @@ scale_row_to_temp4(int *dst, unsigned char *src, fz_weights *weights)
*dst++ = b;
*dst++ = a;
@@ -836,6 +1037,7 @@ scale_row_from_temp(unsigned char *dst, int *src, fz_weights *weights, int width
static void