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2 files changed, 0 insertions, 367 deletions
diff --git a/DESIGN b/DESIGN
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f7113b5..00000000
--- a/DESIGN
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-The Fitz world is a set of resources. There are many kinds of resources.
-Resources can depend on other resources, but no circular dependencies.
-The resource types are: tree, font, image, shade, and colorspace.
-A document is a sequence of tree resources that define the contents
-of its pages.
-A front-end is a producer of Fitz worlds, that reads a file and
-creates a Fitz world from its contents. Abstracting this into
-a high-level interface is useful primarily for viewers and
-A back-end is a consumer of Fitz worlds. The default rasterizer
-is one back-end. PDF writers and other output drivers too.
-I don't think there should be a special interface for these.
-They are just functions or programs that take the Fitz world
-and do something unspecified with it.
-The resource API is what I need help fleshing out. Keep in mind
-that a Fitz world should be able to be serialized to disk, so having
-callbacks and other hooks into the front-end is a no no.
-The Fitz tree resource is the primary data structure.
-A tree consists of nodes. There are leaf nodes and branch
-nodes. Leaf nodes produce images, branch nodes combine
-or change images. An image here is a two-dimensional
-region of color and shape (alpha).
-The display tree consists of three basic node types.
-Some nodes provide shape, other nodes provide color,
-and some nodes combine other nodes.
-Leaf nodes provide only shape and/or color.
-A constant color or shape that stretches out to infinity.
-A rectangular region of color and or shape derived
-a from a grid of samples.
-Outside this rectangle is transparent.
-References an image resource.
-A mesh of patches that defines a region of interpolated colors.
-Outside the mesh is transparent.
-References a shade resource.
-A path defines only shape.
-Moveto, lineto, curveto and closepath.
-Stroke, fill, even-odd-fill.
-Stroke parameters (line width, line caps, line joins)
-Dash pattern.
-A text node is an optimization, efficiently combining
-a transform matrix and references to glyph shapes.
-Text nodes define only shape.
-Text nodes have a b c d matrix coefficients and a reference to a font,
-then an array of tuples with a glyph index and e and f coefficients.
-Text nodes may also have a separate unicode array,
-associating the (glyph,e,f) tuples with unicode character codes.
-One-to-many and many-to-one mappings are allowed.
-This is for text extractions, search and copy.
-Transform nodes apply an affine transform matrix to
-its one and only child.
-An over node stacks its children on top of each other,
-combining their colors with a blending mode.
-A mask node has two children. The second child is masked
-with the first child, multiplying their shapes.
-This causes the effect of clipping.
- (path ...)
- (solid 'devicegray 0))
-This does the magic of PDF 1.4 transparency.
-The isolated and non-isolated and
-knockout group stuff happens here.
-It also sets the blend mode for its children.
-This is a dummy node that grafts in another
-tree resource. The effect is as if the other
-tree was copied here instead. This is used
-for XObject forms and similar cases.
-References a tree resource.
-Similar to a link node, but this node
-will tile its child to cover the page.
-A colorspace needs the capability to transform colors into
-and out of any other colorspace. All colorspaces resources
-referenced from the display tree are in the
-form of ICC input profiles.
-This is fairly simple. A mesh of patches as in PDF.
-Three levels of detail: with full tensors, with only patches,
-with linear quads. Axial and radial shadings are trivially
-converted. Type 1 (functional) shadings need to be sampled.
-If the backends cannot cope, it can either convert to
-linear shaded triangles (clip an axial shading with a triangular
-path) or render to an image.
-There need to be a few types of font resources.
-For now I am going to use FreeType, but that should not be a necessity.
-The resource format for fonts should be independent.
- * Substitute fonts.
- Refer to another fall-back font resource and override the metrics.
- * Type 3 fonts.
- Each glyph is represented as a Fitz tree resource.
- * CFF fonts
- Type 1 and Type 1 CID fonts are losslessly convertible to CFF.
- OpenType fonts can have CFF glyph data.
- * TrueType fonts
-An option would be to just use an FT_Face for normal font files and
-not worry about the exact format.
-Image data could be chopped into tiles to allow for independent
-and random access and more CPU-cache friendly image scaling and
-color transforms.
- * JPEG encoded images.
- Save byte+bit offsets to allow random access to groups of eight scanlines.
- * Monochrome images.
- Chop into tiles. flate encoding.
- * Contone images.
- Chop into tiles. flate encoding.
-Future considerations
-Reduce the number of node types. Over, mask and blend can be combined
-into one node type. Link and tile nodes can be combined. Remove the
-transform node type and put a transform matrix in the leaf nodes.
-If we remove the transform node, the display tree is in essence
-a very flat display list which only branches for clipping
-and masking parts of the display list.
-The display tree can be represented ...
-As an in-memory tree.
-As a serialized list of objects, with the structure implicit.
-As a serialized list of objects, with the structure explicit by push/pop commands.
-On disk, as a serialized stream of resources, which have to be
-defined before they are referenced.
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
deleted file mode 100644
index 78d579eb..00000000
--- a/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-heh. bug in pdfselect on compressed object streams. gc takes forever, no objects remain...
-lazy nametree
-lazy pagetree
-builtin standard cmap files (?)
-put unicode strings in text object, not font (a la metro)
-xml parser
-unicode normaliser
-path stroke/dash/flatten work on real path struct
-turn into gel as second step after stroke/flatten
-add intersector for metro union/xor/difference stuff
-image rescale to exact size instead of by integer quantas
-public / private api
-fix the shading code:
- 3 levels of detail patch mesh (quad, patch, tensor)
- subdivide to triangles on the fly
- draw tris as before
- reuse more code in the parsing
- error cleanup
---- WORLD ---
-the fitz world is:
- the set of resources:
- trees, fonts, images, shades, colorspaces
- the list of pages:
- references to tree resources
- opaque / transparent / invisible ?
-input device drivers create a fitz world from a document
- readps -- use ghostscript
- readpdf -- use mupdf
- readmetro -- use samus
- the mapping from file -> pages and resources
- internal to the driver, nothing fitz cares or knows about
- should be lazy -- loaded on an as-needed basis
- should be reference counted -- can free and reload resources
- minimal api (that works for *all* input drivers)
- open(file)
- close()
- nextpage()
- extended api (that may or may not work optimally)
- countpages()
- loadpage(number)
-output drivers take a fitz world and produce whatever
- raster
- writeps
- writepdf
- writemetro
---- WORLD API ---
-Fitz World APIs
- fz_tree
- fz_node with subclasses
- leafs:
- fz_solidnode
- fz_imagenode
- fz_shadenode
- fz_pathnode
- fz_textnode
- branches:
- fz_transformnode
- fz_overnode
- fz_masknode
- fz_blendnode # for pdf 1.4 and pcl rops
- fz_linknode
- fz_metanode
- construction api
- navigation api
- fz_colorspace
- fz_devicecolor (gray, rgb, cmyk)
- fz_iccprofile (icc profile colorspace)
- fz_separation (how do we do alternate tint functions?)
- fz_image
- fz_jpegimage # jpeg-compressed
- fz_tileimage # 1,8,16 bit image chopped into tiles
- ...or...
- fz_monoimage # 1-bit image
- fz_byteimage # 8-bit image
- fz_wordimage # 16-bit image
- fz_shade
- mesh of quads, patches, tensors
- fz_font
- fz_fakefont # substitute fonts
- fz_t3font # sub-trees define glyphs
- fz_psfont # cff postscript font
- fz_ttfont # truetype font
---- OLD ---
-immediate plan:
- * clean up and 'freeze' public api
- * get font bbox from fontdescriptor if available
- * refactor image loading
- * refactor xref loading/repair
- * restructure build.c and interpret.c (ftb vs csi)
- * fix the colorspace/pattern/shading material mess
- * font loading:
- - configuration... where to find system files (asian font archive?)
- - system fontfile + cmap store
- - embedded fontfile store
- - split type3 and ftfont malloc (dont waste t3 charprocs on ft fonts)
- - make ftfontfile separate struct w/ refcounting
- - refactor font loading more. simple/cid/type3 have too much in common.
- * structure low/high level stuff
- - rewrite outline parser
- - implement comments
- * clean high-level api
- - go through spec and check all features!
- - altivec optimize
-transparency (v2)
- - everything!
-colorspace conversions (v2)
- - fast color cubes
- - proper colorspace conversions
- - gamut compression
- - extended render intents
-image rendering (v2)
- - tiles
- - dct case
- - better filter than box
- - lazy decoding
- - fix glyphcache evictlast
- - bbox culling per glyph
- - render cache (link-nodes and scaled images and colorspaced shades)
- - error & memory
- - concatenate chained transforms
- - remove identity transforms
-for filters:
- validate ahxd pushback
- go through eof responsibility
- be more defensive of api user errors
- jbig2 rewrite
- dctencode params
- dctdecode app marker
- jpxd rewrite (or do special trick to load into image directly)