diff options
6 files changed, 700 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Jamfile b/Jamfile
index 83385fe6..e51fe733 100644
--- a/Jamfile
+++ b/Jamfile
@@ -253,6 +253,9 @@ Library libmupdf :
+ pdf_shade5.c
+ pdf_shade6.c
+ pdf_shade7.c
# pages, resource dictionaries, ...
diff --git a/include/mupdf/content.h b/include/mupdf/content.h
index adc5757a..b28193b6 100644
--- a/include/mupdf/content.h
+++ b/include/mupdf/content.h
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
typedef struct pdf_material_s pdf_material;
typedef struct pdf_gstate_s pdf_gstate;
typedef struct pdf_csi_s pdf_csi;
+typedef struct pdf_tensorpatch_s pdf_tensorpatch;
@@ -84,6 +85,11 @@ struct pdf_csi_s
fz_tree *tree;
+struct pdf_tensorpatch_s {
+ fz_point pole[4][4];
+ float color[4][FZ_MAXCOLORS];
/* build.c */
void pdf_initgstate(pdf_gstate *gs);
fz_error *pdf_setcolorspace(pdf_csi *csi, int what, fz_colorspace *cs);
diff --git a/mupdf/pdf_shade.c b/mupdf/pdf_shade.c
index b356ce33..baab4e4b 100644
--- a/mupdf/pdf_shade.c
+++ b/mupdf/pdf_shade.c
@@ -129,6 +129,18 @@ loadshadedict(fz_shade **shadep, pdf_xref *xref, fz_obj *dict, fz_obj *ref, fz_m
error = pdf_loadtype4shade(shade, xref, dict, ref);
if (error) goto cleanup;
+ case 5:
+ error = pdf_loadtype5shade(shade, xref, dict, ref);
+ if (error) goto cleanup;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ error = pdf_loadtype6shade(shade, xref, dict, ref);
+ if (error) goto cleanup;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ error = pdf_loadtype7shade(shade, xref, dict, ref);
+ if (error) goto cleanup;
+ break;
fz_warn("syntaxerror: unknown shading type: %d", type);
diff --git a/mupdf/pdf_shade5.c b/mupdf/pdf_shade5.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..628600d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mupdf/pdf_shade5.c
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#include <fitz.h>
+#include <mupdf.h>
+getdata(fz_file *stream, int bps)
+ unsigned int bitmask = (1 << bps) - 1;
+ unsigned int buf = 0;
+ int bits = 0;
+ int s;
+ while (bits < bps)
+ {
+ buf = (buf << 8) | (fz_readbyte(stream) & 0xff);
+ bits += 8;
+ }
+ s = buf >> (bits - bps);
+ if (bps < 32)
+ s = s & bitmask;
+ bits -= bps;
+ return s;
+fz_error *
+pdf_loadtype5shade(fz_shade *shade, pdf_xref *xref, fz_obj *shading, fz_obj *ref)
+ fz_error *error;
+ fz_obj *obj;
+ int bpcoord;
+ int bpcomp;
+ int vpr, vpc;
+ int ncomp;
+ float x0, x1, y0, y1;
+ float c0[FZ_MAXCOLORS];
+ float c1[FZ_MAXCOLORS];
+ int i, n, j;
+ int p, q;
+ unsigned int t;
+ float *x, *y, *c[FZ_MAXCOLORS];
+ error = nil;
+ ncomp = shade->cs->n;
+ bpcoord = fz_toint(fz_dictgets(shading, "BitsPerCoordinate"));
+ bpcomp = fz_toint(fz_dictgets(shading, "BitsPerComponent"));
+ vpr = fz_toint(fz_dictgets(shading, "VerticesPerRow"));
+ if (vpr < 2) {
+ error = fz_throw("VerticesPerRow must be greater than or equal to 2");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ obj = fz_dictgets(shading, "Decode");
+ if (fz_isarray(obj))
+ {
+ pdf_logshade("decode array\n");
+ x0 = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, 0));
+ x1 = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, 1));
+ y0 = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, 2));
+ y1 = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, 3));
+ for (i=0; i < fz_arraylen(obj) / 2; ++i) {
+ c0[i] = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, i*2+4));
+ c1[i] = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, i*2+5));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error = fz_throw("syntaxerror: No Decode key in Type 4 Shade");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ obj = fz_dictgets(shading, "Function");
+ if (obj) {
+ ncomp = 1;
+ pdf_loadshadefunction(shade, xref, shading, c0[0], c1[0]);
+ shade->usefunction;
+ }
+ else
+ shade->usefunction = 0;
+ n = 2 + shade->cs->n;
+ j = 0;
+#define BIGNUM 1024
+ x = fz_malloc(sizeof(float) * vpr * BIGNUM);
+ y = fz_malloc(sizeof(float) * vpr * BIGNUM);
+ for (i = 0; i < ncomp; ++i) {
+ c[i] = fz_malloc(sizeof(float) * vpr * BIGNUM);
+ }
+ q = 0;
+ error = pdf_openstream(xref, fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));
+ if (error) goto cleanup;
+ while (fz_peekbyte(xref->stream) != EOF)
+ {
+ for (p = 0; p < vpr; ++p) {
+ int idx;
+ idx = q * vpr + p;
+ t = getdata(xref->stream, bpcoord);
+ x[idx] = x0 + (t * (x1 - x0) / ((float)pow(2, bpcoord) - 1));
+ t = getdata(xref->stream, bpcoord);
+ y[idx] = y0 + (t * (y1 - y0) / ((float)pow(2, bpcoord) - 1));
+ for (i=0; i < ncomp; ++i) {
+ t = getdata(xref->stream, bpcomp);
+ c[i][idx] = c0[i] + (t * (c1[i] - c0[i]) / (float)(pow(2, bpcomp) - 1));
+ }
+ }
+ q++;
+ }
+ if (error = fz_ferror(xref->stream))
+ goto cleanup;
+ pdf_closestream(xref);
+#define ADD_VERTEX(idx) \
+ {\
+ int z;\
+ shade->mesh[j++] = x[idx];\
+ shade->mesh[j++] = y[idx];\
+ for (z = 0; z < shade->cs->n; ++z) {\
+ shade->mesh[j++] = c[z][idx];\
+ }\
+ }\
+ vpc = q;
+ shade->meshcap = 0;
+ shade->mesh = fz_malloc(sizeof(float) * 1024);
+ if (!shade) {
+ error = fz_outofmem;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ j = 0;
+ for (p = 0; p < vpr-1; ++p) {
+ for (q = 0; q < vpc-1; ++q) {
+ ADD_VERTEX(q * vpr + p);
+ ADD_VERTEX(q * vpr + p + 1);
+ ADD_VERTEX((q + 1) * vpr + p + 1);
+ ADD_VERTEX(q * vpr + p);
+ ADD_VERTEX((q + 1) * vpr + p + 1);
+ ADD_VERTEX((q + 1) * vpr + p);
+ }
+ }
+ shade->meshlen = j / n / 3;
+ fz_free(x);
+ fz_free(y);
+ for (i = 0; i < ncomp; ++i) {
+ fz_free(c[i]);
+ }
+ return nil;
diff --git a/mupdf/pdf_shade6.c b/mupdf/pdf_shade6.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..400c6e1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mupdf/pdf_shade6.c
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+#include <fitz.h>
+#include <mupdf.h>
+getdata(fz_file *stream, int bps);
+filltensorinterior(pdf_tensorpatch *p);
+inline void
+split_patch(pdf_tensorpatch *s0, pdf_tensorpatch *s1, const pdf_tensorpatch *p);
+inline void
+split_stripe(pdf_tensorpatch *s0, pdf_tensorpatch *s1, const pdf_tensorpatch *p);
+inline void copycolor(float *c, const float *s)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i<FZ_MAXCOLORS; ++i)
+ c[i] = s[i];
+inline void midcolor(float *c, const float *c1, const float *c2)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i<FZ_MAXCOLORS; ++i)
+ c[i] = (float)((c1[i] + c2[i]) / 2.0);
+static fz_error *
+growshademesh(fz_shade *shade, int amount)
+ float *newmesh;
+ int newcap;
+ newcap = shade->meshcap + amount;
+ newmesh = fz_realloc(shade->mesh, sizeof(float) * newcap);
+ if (!newmesh)
+ return fz_outofmem;
+ shade->mesh = newmesh;
+ shade->meshcap = newcap;
+ return nil;
+static inline void copyvert(float *dst, float *src, int n)
+ while (n--)
+ *dst++ = *src++;
+static inline int setvertex(float *mesh, fz_point pt, float *color, int ptr, int ncomp)
+ int i;
+ mesh[ptr++] = pt.x;
+ mesh[ptr++] = pt.y;
+ for (i=0; i < ncomp; ++i) {
+ mesh[ptr++] = color[i];
+ }
+ return ptr;
+triangulatepatch(pdf_tensorpatch p, fz_shade *shade, int ptr, int ncomp)
+ fz_error* error;
+ ptr = setvertex(shade->mesh, p.pole[0][0], p.color[0], ptr, ncomp);
+ ptr = setvertex(shade->mesh, p.pole[3][0], p.color[1], ptr, ncomp);
+ ptr = setvertex(shade->mesh, p.pole[3][3], p.color[2], ptr, ncomp);
+ ptr = setvertex(shade->mesh, p.pole[0][0], p.color[0], ptr, ncomp);
+ ptr = setvertex(shade->mesh, p.pole[3][3], p.color[2], ptr, ncomp);
+ ptr = setvertex(shade->mesh, p.pole[0][3], p.color[3], ptr, ncomp);
+ if (shade->meshcap - 1024 < ptr) {
+ error = growshademesh(shade, 1024);
+ if (error) goto cleanup;
+ }
+ return ptr;
+ // error handling
+ return -1;
+drawstripe(pdf_tensorpatch patch, fz_shade *shade, int ptr, int ncomp, int depth)
+ pdf_tensorpatch s0, s1;
+ split_stripe(&s0, &s1, &patch);
+ depth++;
+ if (depth >= SEGMENTATION_DEPTH)
+ {
+ ptr = triangulatepatch(s0, shade, ptr, ncomp);
+ ptr = triangulatepatch(s1, shade, ptr, ncomp);
+ }
+ else {
+ ptr = drawstripe(s0, shade, ptr, ncomp, depth);
+ ptr = drawstripe(s1, shade, ptr, ncomp, depth);
+ }
+ return ptr;
+drawpatch(pdf_tensorpatch patch, fz_shade *shade, int ptr, int ncomp, int depth)
+ pdf_tensorpatch s0, s1;
+ split_patch(&s0, &s1, &patch);
+ depth++;
+ {
+ ptr = drawstripe(s0, shade, ptr, ncomp, 0);
+ ptr = drawstripe(s1, shade, ptr, ncomp, 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ ptr = drawpatch(s0, shade, ptr, ncomp, depth);
+ ptr = drawpatch(s1, shade, ptr, ncomp, depth);
+ }
+ return ptr;
+fz_error *
+pdf_loadtype6shade(fz_shade *shade, pdf_xref *xref, fz_obj *shading, fz_obj *ref)
+ fz_error *error;
+ fz_obj *obj;
+ int bpcoord;
+ int bpcomp;
+ int bpflag;
+ int ncomp;
+ fz_point p0, p1;
+ float c0[FZ_MAXCOLORS];
+ float c1[FZ_MAXCOLORS];
+ int i, n, j;
+ unsigned int t;
+ int flag;
+ fz_point p[12];
+ pdf_tensorpatch patch;
+ error = nil;
+ ncomp = shade->cs->n;
+ bpcoord = fz_toint(fz_dictgets(shading, "BitsPerCoordinate"));
+ bpcomp = fz_toint(fz_dictgets(shading, "BitsPerComponent"));
+ bpflag = fz_toint(fz_dictgets(shading, "BitsPerFlag"));
+ obj = fz_dictgets(shading, "Decode");
+ if (fz_isarray(obj))
+ {
+ pdf_logshade("decode array\n");
+ p0.x = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, 0));
+ p1.x = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, 1));
+ p0.y = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, 2));
+ p1.y = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, 3));
+ for (i=0; i < fz_arraylen(obj) / 2; ++i) {
+ c0[i] = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, i*2+4));
+ c1[i] = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, i*2+5));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error = fz_throw("syntaxerror: No Decode key in Type 6 Shade");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ obj = fz_dictgets(shading, "Function");
+ if (obj) {
+ ncomp = 1;
+ pdf_loadshadefunction(shade, xref, shading, c0[0], c1[0]);
+ shade->usefunction;
+ }
+ else
+ shade->usefunction = 0;
+ shade->meshcap = 0;
+ shade->mesh = nil;
+ error = growshademesh(shade, 1024);
+ if (error) goto cleanup;
+ n = 2 + shade->cs->n;
+ j = 0;
+ error = pdf_openstream(xref, fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));
+ if (error) goto cleanup;
+ while (fz_peekbyte(xref->stream) != EOF)
+ {
+ flag = getdata(xref->stream, bpflag);
+ for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
+ t = getdata(xref->stream, bpcoord);
+ p[i].x = (float)(p0.x + (t * (p1.x - p0.x) / (pow(2, bpcoord) - 1.)));
+ t = getdata(xref->stream, bpcoord);
+ p[i].y = (float)(p0.y + (t * (p1.y - p0.y) / (pow(2, bpcoord) - 1.)));
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ int k;
+ for (k=0; k < ncomp; ++k) {
+ t = getdata(xref->stream, bpcomp);
+ patch.color[i][k] =
+ c0[k] + (t * (c1[k] - c0[k]) / (pow(2, bpcomp) - 1.0f));
+ }
+ }
+ patch.pole[0][0] = p[0];
+ patch.pole[1][0] = p[1];
+ patch.pole[2][0] = p[2];
+ patch.pole[3][0] = p[3];
+ patch.pole[3][1] = p[4];
+ patch.pole[3][2] = p[5];
+ patch.pole[3][3] = p[6];
+ patch.pole[2][3] = p[7];
+ patch.pole[1][3] = p[8];
+ patch.pole[0][3] = p[9];
+ patch.pole[0][2] = p[10];
+ patch.pole[0][1] = p[11];
+ filltensorinterior(&patch);
+ j = drawpatch(patch, shade, j, ncomp, 0);
+ }
+ if (error = fz_ferror(xref->stream))
+ goto cleanup;
+ pdf_closestream(xref);
+ shade->meshlen = j / n / 3;
+ return nil;
+filltensorinterior(pdf_tensorpatch *p)
+#define lcp1(p0, p3)\
+ ((p0 + p0 + p3) / 3.0f)
+#define lcp2(p0, p3)\
+ ((p0 + p3 + p3) / 3.0f)
+ p->pole[1][1].x = lcp1(p->pole[0][1].x, p->pole[3][1].x) +
+ lcp1(p->pole[1][0].x, p->pole[1][3].x) -
+ lcp1(lcp1(p->pole[0][0].x, p->pole[0][3].x),
+ lcp1(p->pole[3][0].x, p->pole[3][3].x));
+ p->pole[1][2].x = lcp1(p->pole[0][2].x, p->pole[3][2].x) +
+ lcp2(p->pole[1][0].x, p->pole[1][3].x) -
+ lcp1(lcp2(p->pole[0][0].x, p->pole[0][3].x),
+ lcp2(p->pole[3][0].x, p->pole[3][3].x));
+ p->pole[2][1].x = lcp2(p->pole[0][1].x, p->pole[3][1].x) +
+ lcp1(p->pole[2][0].x, p->pole[2][3].x) -
+ lcp2(lcp1(p->pole[0][0].x, p->pole[0][3].x),
+ lcp1(p->pole[3][0].x, p->pole[3][3].x));
+ p->pole[2][2].x = lcp2(p->pole[0][2].x, p->pole[3][2].x) +
+ lcp2(p->pole[2][0].x, p->pole[2][3].x) -
+ lcp2(lcp2(p->pole[0][0].x, p->pole[0][3].x),
+ lcp2(p->pole[3][0].x, p->pole[3][3].x));
+ p->pole[1][1].y = lcp1(p->pole[0][1].y, p->pole[3][1].y) +
+ lcp1(p->pole[1][0].y, p->pole[1][3].y) -
+ lcp1(lcp1(p->pole[0][0].y, p->pole[0][3].y),
+ lcp1(p->pole[3][0].y, p->pole[3][3].y));
+ p->pole[1][2].y = lcp1(p->pole[0][2].y, p->pole[3][2].y) +
+ lcp2(p->pole[1][0].y, p->pole[1][3].y) -
+ lcp1(lcp2(p->pole[0][0].y, p->pole[0][3].y),
+ lcp2(p->pole[3][0].y, p->pole[3][3].y));
+ p->pole[2][1].y = lcp2(p->pole[0][1].y, p->pole[3][1].y) +
+ lcp1(p->pole[2][0].y, p->pole[2][3].y) -
+ lcp2(lcp1(p->pole[0][0].y, p->pole[0][3].y),
+ lcp1(p->pole[3][0].y, p->pole[3][3].y));
+ p->pole[2][2].y = lcp2(p->pole[0][2].y, p->pole[3][2].y) +
+ lcp2(p->pole[2][0].y, p->pole[2][3].y) -
+ lcp2(lcp2(p->pole[0][0].y, p->pole[0][3].y),
+ lcp2(p->pole[3][0].y, p->pole[3][3].y));
+#undef lcp1
+#undef lcp2
+split_curve_s(const fz_point *pole, fz_point *q0, fz_point *q1, int pole_step)
+#define midpoint(a,b)\
+ ((a)/2.0f + (b)/2.0f) // to avoid overflow
+ float x12 = midpoint(pole[1 * pole_step].x, pole[2 * pole_step].x);
+ float y12 = midpoint(pole[1 * pole_step].y, pole[2 * pole_step].y);
+ q0[1 * pole_step].x = midpoint(pole[0 * pole_step].x, pole[1 * pole_step].x);
+ q0[1 * pole_step].y = midpoint(pole[0 * pole_step].y, pole[1 * pole_step].y);
+ q1[2 * pole_step].x = midpoint(pole[2 * pole_step].x, pole[3 * pole_step].x);
+ q1[2 * pole_step].y = midpoint(pole[2 * pole_step].y, pole[3 * pole_step].y);
+ q0[2 * pole_step].x = midpoint(q0[1 * pole_step].x, x12);
+ q0[2 * pole_step].y = midpoint(q0[1 * pole_step].y, y12);
+ q1[1 * pole_step].x = midpoint(x12, q1[2 * pole_step].x);
+ q1[1 * pole_step].y = midpoint(y12, q1[2 * pole_step].y);
+ q0[0 * pole_step].x = pole[0 * pole_step].x;
+ q0[0 * pole_step].y = pole[0 * pole_step].y;
+ q0[3 * pole_step].x = q1[0 * pole_step].x = midpoint(q0[2 * pole_step].x, q1[1 * pole_step].x);
+ q0[3 * pole_step].y = q1[0 * pole_step].y = midpoint(q0[2 * pole_step].y, q1[1 * pole_step].y);
+ q1[3 * pole_step].x = pole[3 * pole_step].x;
+ q1[3 * pole_step].y = pole[3 * pole_step].y;
+#undef midpoint
+inline void
+split_patch(pdf_tensorpatch *s0, pdf_tensorpatch *s1, const pdf_tensorpatch *p)
+ split_curve_s(&p->pole[0][0], &s0->pole[0][0], &s1->pole[0][0], 4);
+ split_curve_s(&p->pole[0][1], &s0->pole[0][1], &s1->pole[0][1], 4);
+ split_curve_s(&p->pole[0][2], &s0->pole[0][2], &s1->pole[0][2], 4);
+ split_curve_s(&p->pole[0][3], &s0->pole[0][3], &s1->pole[0][3], 4);
+ copycolor(s0->color[0], p->color[0]);
+ midcolor(s0->color[1], p->color[0], p->color[1]);
+ midcolor(s0->color[2], p->color[2], p->color[3]);
+ copycolor(s0->color[3], p->color[3]);
+ copycolor(s1->color[0], s0->color[1]);
+ copycolor(s1->color[1], p->color[1]);
+ copycolor(s1->color[2], p->color[2]);
+ copycolor(s1->color[3], s0->color[2]);
+inline void
+split_stripe(pdf_tensorpatch *s0, pdf_tensorpatch *s1, const pdf_tensorpatch *p)
+ split_curve_s(p->pole[0], s0->pole[0], s1->pole[0], 1);
+ split_curve_s(p->pole[1], s0->pole[1], s1->pole[1], 1);
+ split_curve_s(p->pole[2], s0->pole[2], s1->pole[2], 1);
+ split_curve_s(p->pole[3], s0->pole[3], s1->pole[3], 1);
+ copycolor(s0->color[0], p->color[0]);
+ copycolor(s0->color[1], p->color[1]);
+ midcolor(s0->color[2], p->color[1], p->color[2]);
+ midcolor(s0->color[3], p->color[0], p->color[3]);
+ copycolor(s1->color[0], s0->color[3]);
+ copycolor(s1->color[1], s0->color[2]);
+ copycolor(s1->color[2], p->color[2]);
+ copycolor(s1->color[3], p->color[3]);
diff --git a/mupdf/pdf_shade7.c b/mupdf/pdf_shade7.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f9da69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mupdf/pdf_shade7.c
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#include <fitz.h>
+#include <mupdf.h>
+getdata(fz_file *stream, int bps);
+drawpatch(pdf_tensorpatch patch, fz_shade *shade, int ptr, int ncomp, int depth);
+static fz_error *
+growshademesh(fz_shade *shade, int amount)
+ float *newmesh;
+ int newcap;
+ newcap = shade->meshcap + amount;
+ newmesh = fz_realloc(shade->mesh, sizeof(float) * newcap);
+ if (!newmesh)
+ return fz_outofmem;
+ shade->mesh = newmesh;
+ shade->meshcap = newcap;
+ return nil;
+static inline void copyvert(float *dst, float *src, int n)
+ while (n--)
+ *dst++ = *src++;
+fz_error *
+pdf_loadtype7shade(fz_shade *shade, pdf_xref *xref, fz_obj *shading, fz_obj *ref)
+ fz_error *error;
+ fz_obj *obj;
+ int bpcoord;
+ int bpcomp;
+ int bpflag;
+ int ncomp;
+ float x0, x1, y0, y1;
+ float c0[FZ_MAXCOLORS];
+ float c1[FZ_MAXCOLORS];
+ int i, n, j;
+ unsigned int t;
+ int flag;
+ fz_point p[16];
+ pdf_tensorpatch patch;
+ error = nil;
+ ncomp = shade->cs->n;
+ bpcoord = fz_toint(fz_dictgets(shading, "BitsPerCoordinate"));
+ bpcomp = fz_toint(fz_dictgets(shading, "BitsPerComponent"));
+ bpflag = fz_toint(fz_dictgets(shading, "BitsPerFlag"));
+ obj = fz_dictgets(shading, "Decode");
+ if (fz_isarray(obj))
+ {
+ pdf_logshade("decode array\n");
+ x0 = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, 0));
+ x1 = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, 1));
+ y0 = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, 2));
+ y1 = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, 3));
+ for (i=0; i < fz_arraylen(obj) / 2; ++i) {
+ c0[i] = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, i*2+4));
+ c1[i] = fz_toreal(fz_arrayget(obj, i*2+5));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error = fz_throw("syntaxerror: No Decode key in Type 6 Shade");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ obj = fz_dictgets(shading, "Function");
+ if (obj) {
+ ncomp = 1;
+ pdf_loadshadefunction(shade, xref, shading, c0[0], c1[0]);
+ shade->usefunction;
+ }
+ else
+ shade->usefunction = 0;
+ shade->meshcap = 0;
+ shade->mesh = nil;
+ error = growshademesh(shade, 1024);
+ if (error) goto cleanup;
+ n = 2 + shade->cs->n;
+ j = 0;
+ error = pdf_openstream(xref, fz_tonum(ref), fz_togen(ref));
+ if (error) goto cleanup;
+ while (fz_peekbyte(xref->stream) != EOF)
+ {
+ flag = getdata(xref->stream, bpflag);
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+ t = getdata(xref->stream, bpcoord);
+ p[i].x = x0 + (t * (x1 - x0) / (pow(2, bpcoord) - 1.));
+ t = getdata(xref->stream, bpcoord);
+ p[i].y = y0 + (t * (y1 - y0) / (pow(2, bpcoord) - 1.));
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ int k;
+ for (k=0; k < ncomp; ++k) {
+ t = getdata(xref->stream, bpcomp);
+ patch.color[i][k] =
+ c0[k] + (t * (c1[k] - c0[k]) / (pow(2, bpcomp) - 1.0f));
+ }
+ }
+ patch.pole[0][0] = p[0];
+ patch.pole[0][1] = p[1];
+ patch.pole[0][2] = p[2];
+ patch.pole[0][3] = p[3];
+ patch.pole[1][3] = p[4];
+ patch.pole[2][3] = p[5];
+ patch.pole[3][3] = p[6];
+ patch.pole[3][2] = p[7];
+ patch.pole[3][1] = p[8];
+ patch.pole[3][0] = p[9];
+ patch.pole[2][0] = p[10];
+ patch.pole[1][0] = p[11];
+ patch.pole[1][1] = p[12];
+ patch.pole[1][2] = p[13];
+ patch.pole[2][2] = p[14];
+ patch.pole[2][1] = p[15];
+ j = drawpatch(patch, shade, j, ncomp, 0);
+ }
+ if (error = fz_ferror(xref->stream))
+ goto cleanup;
+ pdf_closestream(xref);
+ shade->meshlen = j / n / 3;
+ return nil;