path: root/android/ReadMe.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'android/ReadMe.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 198 deletions
diff --git a/android/ReadMe.txt b/android/ReadMe.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 17e60e73..00000000
--- a/android/ReadMe.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-To build/debug android build.
-1) Download the android sdk, and install it. These instructions have been
-written with r14 (the latest version at time of writing) of the SDK in mind;
-other versions may give problems. On windows r14 unpacked as:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk
-on Macos an older version installed as:
- /Library/android-sdk-mac_x86
-on Linux install it as:
- mkdir ~/android-sdk
- cd ~/android-sdk
- tar ~/Downloads/android-sdk_r20.0.3-linux.tgz
-Whatever directory it unpacks to, ensure that both the 'tools' and
-'platform-tools' directories inside it have been added to your PATH.
-2) Download the android ndk, and unpack it. These instructions were written
-with NDK r6b (the latest version at the time of writing) in mind, but the
-build has now been tweaked to work with r8b. Other versions may give problems.
-On windows I unpacked it as:
- C:\android-ndk-r8b
-on Macos an older version unpacked as:
- /Library/android-ndk-r5
-on Linux as:
- mkdir ~/android-ndk
- cd ~/android-ndk
- tar jxvf ~/Downloads/android-ndk-r8b-linux-x86.tar.bz2
-It is very important that you should unpack it to a directory with no
-spaces in the name! (Don't be tempted to put it in C:\Program Files etc)
-Ensure that that directory is also added to your PATH.
-3) On windows, to use the ndk, you *must* be running under cygwin. This means
-you need to install Cygwin 1.7 or greater now.
-[ In version r5 of the ndk, when running under cygwin, there were ]
-[ bugs to do with the automatic conversion of dependencies from DOS ]
-[ format paths to cygwin format paths. The 2 fixes can be found in: ]
-[ ]
-[ <> ]
-[ ]
-[ Use the latest version and there should not be a problem. ]
-4) If the SDK has not popped up a window already, bring up a shell, and run
-'android' (or android.bat on cygwin/windows). You should now have a window
-with a graphical gui for the sdk. From here you can install the different SDK
-components for the different flavours of android. Download them all -
-bandwidth and disk space are cheap, right? Make sure you get at least
-the API level 11 as this is the current dependency for mupdf.
-5) In new versions of the GUI there is a 'Tools' menu from which you can
-select 'Manage AVDs...'. In old versions, go to the Virtual Devices entry
-on the right hand side. You need to create yourself an emulator image to
-use. Click 'New...' on the right hand side and a window will appear. Fill
-in the entries as follows:
- Name: FroyoEm
- Target: Android 2.2 - API Level 8
- CPU/ABI: ARM (armeabi) (If this option exists)
- SD card: Size: 1024MiB
- Skin: Resolution: 480x756 (756 just fits my macbook screen, but 800 may
- be 'more standard')
-Click 'Create AVD' (on old versions you may have to wait for a minute or
-so while it is prepared. Now you can exit the GUI.
-6) You will need a copy of the JDK installed. See
-<>. When this
-installs, ensure that JAVA_HOME is set to point to the installation
-7) You will need a copy of Apache ANT installed.
-See <>. Ensure that ANT_HOME is set to point to
-the top level directory, and that ANT_HOME/bin is on the PATH.
-8) Now we are ready to build mupdf for Android. Check out a copy of MuPDF
-(but you've done that already, cos you're reading this, right?).
-9) You will also need a copy of mupdf's thirdparty libraries. If you are
-using git, make sure to do a git submodule update --init from the top of
-the build tree. Older versions packaged this source code in a .zip-file
-(see the source code link on Unpack the contents of
-this into a 'thirdparty' directory created within the mupdf directory
-(i.e. at the same level as fitz, pdf, android etc).
-10) Finally, you will need a copy of a 'generated' directory. This is not
-currently available to download.
-The normal mupdf build process involves running some code on the host
-(the machine on which you are compiling), rather than the target (the
-machine/device on which you eventually want to run mupdf). This code
-repacks various bits of information (fonts, CMAPs etc) into a more
-compact and usable form.
-Unfortunately, the android SDK does not provide a compiler for the host
-machine, so we cannot run this step automatically as part of the android
-build. You will need to generate it by running a different build, such
-as the windows or linux native builds.
-We do not make a snapshot of the generated directory available to
-download as the contents of this directory change frequently, and we'd
-have to keep multiple versions on the website. We assume that anyone
-capable of building for android is capable of doing a normal hosted
-On windows (where you are using cygwin), or on linux/macos, this can be
-as simple as running 'make generate' in the top level directory.
-11) Change into mupdf's android directory. Copy the
-android/ file to be android/ and
-change the sdk path there as appropriate. This should be the only bit of
-localisation you need to do.
-12) Change into the android directory (note, the android directory, NOT
-the android/jni directory!), and execute (in a Cygwin window on Windows!):
- ndk-build
-This should build the native code portion.
-If this dies with an error in thirdparty/jbig2/os_types.h load this
-file into an editor, and change line 43 from:
- #else
- #elif !defined(HAVE_STDINT_H)
-and this should solve the problem.
-13) Then execute:
- ant debug
-or on windows under cygwin:
- ant.bat debug
-This should build the java wrapper.
-14) Now start the emulator by executing:
- emulator -avd FroyoEm
-This will take a while to full start up (be patient).
-15) We now need to give the demo file something to chew on, so let's copy
-a file into the SD card image of the emulator (this should only need to be
-done once). With the emulator running type:
- adb push ../../MyTests/pdf_reference17.pdf /mnt/sdcard/Download/test.pdf
-(where obviously ../../MyTests/pdf_reference17.pdf is altered for your
-machine, and under Windows, should start c:/ even if invoked from cygwin)
-(adb lives in <sdk>/platform-tools if it's not on your path).
-16) With the emulator running (see step 14), execute
- ant debug install
-('ant.bat debug install' on Windows) and that will copy MuPDF into the
-emulator where you can run it from the launchpad screen.
-17) To see debug messages from the emulator (including stdout/stderr from
-our app), execute:
- adb logcat
-Good luck!
-Forms support
-To build with PDF forms support, the only change is to the ndk-build stage.
- V8_BUILD=yes ndk-build
-The build will need v8 headers and libraries to be present in the thirdparty
-directory. The files assumed are:
- thirdparty/v8-3.9/android/libv8_base.a
- thirdparty/v8-3.9/android/libv8_snapshot.a
- thirdparty/v8-3.9/include/v8.h
- thirdparty/v8-3.9/include/v8stdint.h