path: root/platform/winrt/mupdf_cpp/MainPage.xaml.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'platform/winrt/mupdf_cpp/MainPage.xaml.cpp')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/platform/winrt/mupdf_cpp/MainPage.xaml.cpp b/platform/winrt/mupdf_cpp/MainPage.xaml.cpp
index 9ef47e76..3a2fbdc3 100644
--- a/platform/winrt/mupdf_cpp/MainPage.xaml.cpp
+++ b/platform/winrt/mupdf_cpp/MainPage.xaml.cpp
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
#include <sstream>
#define LOOK_AHEAD 1 /* A +/- count on the pages to pre-render */
-#define LOOK_AHEAD_SCALE 2 /* A +/- count on the pages to adjust for scale change */
#define THUMB_PREADD 10
#define MIN_SCALE 0.5
@@ -183,7 +182,7 @@ void MainPage::ExceptionHandler(Object^ sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs^ e)
e->Handled = true;
- NotifyUser("A error was encountered", ErrorMessage);
+ NotifyUser("An error was encountered", ErrorMessage);
@@ -309,7 +308,7 @@ void MainPage::UpdatePage(int page_num, InMemoryRandomAccessStream^ ras,
doc_page->Width = ras_size.X;
doc_page->Content = content_type;
- doc_page->Zoom = zoom_in;
+ doc_page->PageZoom = zoom_in;
/* We do not want flipview change notification to occur for ourselves */
m_page_update = true;
@@ -331,7 +330,7 @@ void MainPage::ReplaceImage(int page_num, InMemoryRandomAccessStream^ ras,
doc_page->Height = ras_size.Y;
doc_page->Width = ras_size.X;
- doc_page->Zoom = page_zoom;
+ doc_page->PageZoom = page_zoom;
Point MainPage::ComputePageSize(spatial_info_t spatial_info, int page_num)
@@ -772,7 +771,6 @@ void MainPage::InitialRender()
this->m_init_done = true;
void MainPage::RenderRange(int curr_page)
/* Render +/- the look ahead from where we are if blank page is present */
@@ -790,16 +788,25 @@ void MainPage::RenderRange(int curr_page)
/* Check if page is already rendered */
auto doc = this->m_docPages->GetAt(k);
if (doc->Content != FULL_RESOLUTION ||
- doc->Zoom != m_doczoom)
+ doc->PageZoom != m_doczoom)
Point ras_size = ComputePageSize(spatial_info, k);
double zoom = m_doczoom;
auto render_task =
create_task(mu_doc->RenderPageAsync(k, ras_size.X, ras_size.Y, true));
- render_task.then([this, k, ras_size, zoom] (InMemoryRandomAccessStream^ ras)
+ render_task.then([this, k, ras_size, zoom, curr_page](InMemoryRandomAccessStream^ ras)
- UpdatePage(k, ras, ras_size, FULL_RESOLUTION, zoom);
+ Point new_ras_size = ras_size;
+ /* This is so that the scroll update will apply the zoom keeping us in-sync. And
+ making sure that we can't exceed our limits with keyboard vs touch. I.e. any
+ resolution changes must go through the scroll viewer. It make the upcoming
+ page appear to come in at its zoom level of 1.0 but it is smoothly scaled to
+ the current scale resolution. */
+ new_ras_size.X = new_ras_size.X / zoom;
+ new_ras_size.Y = new_ras_size.Y / zoom;
+ UpdatePage(k, ras, new_ras_size, FULL_RESOLUTION, zoom);
}, task_continuation_context::use_current()).then([this, k, curr_page]()
if (k == curr_page && this->m_links_on)
@@ -810,6 +817,11 @@ void MainPage::RenderRange(int curr_page)
m_flip_from_searchlink = false;
+ if (k == curr_page)
+ {
+ m_curr_flipView->UpdateLayout();
+ UpdateZoom();
+ }
@@ -818,7 +830,10 @@ void MainPage::RenderRange(int curr_page)
needed. Otherwise, we need to wait for the task above to
complete before we add the links. */
if (k == curr_page)
+ {
curr_page_rendered = false;
+ UpdateZoom();
+ }
@@ -851,13 +866,13 @@ void MainPage::FlipView_SelectionChanged(Object^ sender, SelectionChangedEventAr
- /* Make sure to clear any text search */
+ /* Make sure to clear any text search */
auto doc_old = this->m_docPages->GetAt(m_currpage);
doc_old->TextBox = nullptr;
/* Get the current page */
int curr_page = this->m_currpage;
- UpdateZoom(pos, false);
+ this->m_currpage = pos;
this->ReleasePages(curr_page, pos);
@@ -878,41 +893,16 @@ void MainPage::Slider_Key(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::Ke
void MainPage::Slider_Common()
- if (IsNotStandardView())
+ if (IsNotStandardView() || m_currpage == this->xaml_PageSlider->Value - 1)
int newValue = (int) this->xaml_PageSlider->Value - 1; /* zero based */
if (m_init_done && this->xaml_PageSlider->IsEnabled)
- /* Make sure to clear any text search */
- auto doc_old = this->m_docPages->GetAt(m_currpage);
- doc_old->TextBox = nullptr;
- auto doc = this->m_docPages->GetAt(newValue);
- if (doc->Content != FULL_RESOLUTION || doc->Zoom != m_doczoom)
- {
- spatial_info_t spatial_info = InitSpatial(m_doczoom);
- Point ras_size = ComputePageSize(spatial_info, newValue);
- auto render_task =
- create_task(mu_doc->RenderPageAsync(newValue, ras_size.X, ras_size.Y, true));
- double zoom = m_doczoom;
- render_task.then([this, newValue, ras_size, zoom] (InMemoryRandomAccessStream^ ras)
- {
- UpdatePage(newValue, ras, ras_size, FULL_RESOLUTION, zoom);
- this->m_currpage = newValue;
- m_sliderchange = true;
- this->m_curr_flipView->SelectedIndex = newValue;
- }, task_continuation_context::use_current());
- }
- else
- {
- m_sliderchange = true;
- this->m_curr_flipView->SelectedIndex = newValue;
- }
- UpdateZoom(newValue, false);
+ this->m_curr_flipView->SelectedIndex = this->xaml_PageSlider->Value - 1;
+ return;
/* Search Related Code */
@@ -986,8 +976,8 @@ void MainPage::ShowSearchResults(int page_num, int box_count)
rect_item->Width = curr_box->LowerRight.X - curr_box->UpperLeft.X;
rect_item->X = curr_box->UpperLeft.X * scale.X;
rect_item->Y = curr_box->UpperLeft.Y * scale.Y;
- rect_item->Width *= (scale.X * doc_page->Zoom);
- rect_item->Height *= (scale.Y * doc_page->Zoom);
+ rect_item->Width *= (scale.X);
+ rect_item->Height *= (scale.Y);
rect_item->Index = k.ToString();
@@ -1155,21 +1145,29 @@ void MainPage::GridSizeChanged()
xaml_WebView->Height = height - height_app;
- UpDatePageSizes();
+ UpDateThumbSizes();
if (m_num_pages > 0 && old_flip != m_curr_flipView && old_flip != nullptr)
/* If links are on or off, we need to invalidate */
- auto doc = this->m_docPages->GetAt(m_currpage);
- doc->Content = OLD_RESOLUTION; /* To force a rerender */
+ /* And force a rerender */
+ for (int k = m_currpage - LOOK_AHEAD; k <= m_currpage + LOOK_AHEAD; k++)
+ {
+ if (k >= 0 && k < m_num_pages)
+ {
+ DocumentPage ^doc = this->m_docPages->GetAt(k);
+ doc->Content = OLD_RESOLUTION;
+ }
+ }
this->m_curr_flipView->SelectedIndex = this->m_currpage;
FlipView_SelectionChanged(nullptr, nullptr);
-void MainPage::UpDatePageSizes()
+void MainPage::UpDateThumbSizes()
/* Reset the thumb view scaling value */
if (m_num_pages > 0)
@@ -1183,14 +1181,12 @@ void MainPage::UpDatePageSizes()
int curr_height = thumb_page->NativeHeight;
int curr_width = thumb_page->NativeWidth;
- double scale_x = (double) curr_height / (double) this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Height;
- double scale_y = (double) curr_width / (double) this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Width;
+ double scale_x = (double) curr_height / (double) (this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Height);
+ double scale_y = (double) curr_width / (double) (this->xaml_zoomCanvas->Width);
double min_scale = max(scale_x, scale_y);
thumb_page->Height = curr_height * m_doczoom / min_scale;
thumb_page->Width = curr_width * m_doczoom / min_scale;
- thumb_page->NativeHeight = thumb_page->NativeHeight / min_scale;
- thumb_page->NativeWidth = thumb_page->NativeWidth / min_scale;
@@ -1270,8 +1266,8 @@ void MainPage::AddLinkCanvas()
rect_item->Width = curr_link->LowerRight.X - curr_link->UpperLeft.X;
rect_item->X = curr_link->UpperLeft.X * scale.X;
rect_item->Y = curr_link->UpperLeft.Y * scale.Y;
- rect_item->Width *= (scale.X * doc_page->Zoom);
- rect_item->Height *= (scale.Y * doc_page->Zoom);
+ rect_item->Width *= scale.X;
+ rect_item->Height *= scale.Y;
rect_item->Type = curr_link->Type;
rect_item->Urilink = curr_link->Uri;
rect_item->PageNum = curr_link->PageNum;
@@ -1410,8 +1406,6 @@ void MainPage::Reflower(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEvent
this->m_curr_flipView->IsEnabled = true;
this->xaml_PageSlider->IsEnabled = true;
xaml_WebView->Visibility = Windows::UI::Xaml::Visibility::Collapsed;
- xaml_WebView->Opacity = 0.0;
else if (this->m_curr_flipView->IsEnabled)
@@ -1422,7 +1416,6 @@ void MainPage::Reflower(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEvent
this->xaml_PageSlider->IsEnabled = false;
this->xaml_WebView->Height = this->ActualHeight - 2 * this->BottomAppBar->ActualHeight;
- /* Check if thumb rendering is done. If not then restart */
@@ -1448,36 +1441,44 @@ void MainPage::UpdateAppBarButtonViewState()
VisualStateManager::GoToState(NextSearch, viewState, true);
-/* Manipulation zooming with touch input */
+/* Scroll viewer scale changes. If first time to this page, then we essentially
+ have our scroll setting set at 1.0. */
void MainPage::ScrollChanged(Platform::Object^ sender,
Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::ScrollViewerViewChangedEventArgs^ e)
ScrollViewer^ scrollviewer = safe_cast<ScrollViewer^> (sender);
auto doc_page = this->m_docPages->GetAt(m_currpage);
- double new_zoom = scrollviewer->ZoomFactor;
+ double new_scroll_zoom = scrollviewer->ZoomFactor;
- if (new_zoom == 1.0)
+ /* Check if we are already at this resolution with this page */
+ if (new_scroll_zoom == doc_page->PageZoom)
if (!e->IsIntermediate)
int page = m_currpage;
- m_doczoom = new_zoom * m_doczoom;
- new_zoom = m_doczoom;
- /* Render at new resolution */
- spatial_info_t spatial_info = InitSpatial(new_zoom);
+ m_doczoom = new_scroll_zoom;
+ if (m_doczoom > ZOOM_MAX)
+ {
+ m_doczoom = ZOOM_MAX;
+ }
+ if (m_doczoom < ZOOM_MIN)
+ {
+ m_doczoom = ZOOM_MIN;
+ }
+ /* Render at new resolution. */
+ spatial_info_t spatial_info = InitSpatial(m_doczoom);
Point ras_size = ComputePageSize(spatial_info, page);
+ doc_page->PageZoom = m_doczoom;
- /* Go ahead and create display list if we dont have one for this page */
auto render_task =
create_task(mu_doc->RenderPageAsync(page, ras_size.X, ras_size.Y, true));
- render_task.then([this, page, ras_size, new_zoom, scrollviewer] (InMemoryRandomAccessStream^ ras)
- {
- scrollviewer->ZoomToFactor(1.0);
- ReplaceImage(page, ras, ras_size, new_zoom);
+ render_task.then([this, page, ras_size, scrollviewer](InMemoryRandomAccessStream^ ras)
+ {
+ ReplaceImage(page, ras, ras_size, m_doczoom);
}, task_continuation_context::use_current());
- UpdateZoom(m_currpage, false);
+ UpDateThumbSizes();
@@ -1518,8 +1519,27 @@ void MainPage::ZoomOutPress(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedE
void MainPage::NonTouchZoom(int zoom)
- double curr_zoom = m_doczoom;
- int page = m_currpage;
+ auto doc_page = this->m_docPages->GetAt(m_currpage);
+ double curr_zoom = doc_page->PageZoom;
+ ScrollViewer^ scrollviewer;
+ FlipViewItem^ item = safe_cast<FlipViewItem^>
+ (m_curr_flipView->ItemContainerGenerator->ContainerFromIndex(m_currpage));
+ auto item2 = m_curr_flipView->ItemContainerGenerator->ContainerFromIndex(m_currpage);
+ /* We don't know which one so check for both */
+ ScrollViewer^ t1 =
+ safe_cast<ScrollViewer^> (FindVisualChildByName(item2, "xaml_ScrollView_v"));
+ ScrollViewer^ t2 =
+ safe_cast<ScrollViewer^> (FindVisualChildByName(item2, "xaml_ScrollView_h"));
+ if (t1 != nullptr)
+ scrollviewer = t1;
+ else
+ scrollviewer = t2;
+ if (scrollviewer == nullptr)
+ return;
if (zoom == ZOOM_IN)
@@ -1533,39 +1553,42 @@ void MainPage::NonTouchZoom(int zoom)
} else
- auto doc_page = this->m_docPages->GetAt(page);
- /* Render at new resolution */
- spatial_info_t spatial_info = InitSpatial(curr_zoom);
- Point ras_size = ComputePageSize(spatial_info, page);
+ /* It all needs to be driven by the scroll viewer otherwise we
+ end up out of sync */
+ Platform::Object^ obj_zoom = (float)curr_zoom;
+ Platform::IBox<float>^ box_zoom;
+ box_zoom = safe_cast<Platform::IBox<float>^>(obj_zoom);
- /* Render and replace */
- auto render_task =
- create_task(mu_doc->RenderPageAsync(page, ras_size.X, ras_size.Y, true));
- render_task.then([this, page, ras_size, curr_zoom] (InMemoryRandomAccessStream^ ras)
- {
- ReplaceImage(page, ras, ras_size, curr_zoom);
- }, task_continuation_context::use_current());
- m_doczoom = curr_zoom;
- UpdateZoom(page, false);
+ scrollviewer->ChangeView(nullptr, nullptr, box_zoom, false);
-/* Get adjacent pages properly scaled when zoom changed */
-void MainPage::UpdateZoom(int page_num, bool ignore_curr)
+/* Adjust the page scrollviewer to the current zoom level */
+void MainPage::UpdateZoom()
- for (int k = page_num - LOOK_AHEAD_SCALE; k <= page_num + LOOK_AHEAD_SCALE; k++)
- {
- bool skip = !(k == page_num && ignore_curr);
- if (k >= 0 && k < m_num_pages)
- {
- auto page = this->m_docPages->GetAt(k);
- if (page->Zoom != m_doczoom && skip)
- {
- page->Height = (int) ((double) page->NativeHeight * m_doczoom);
- page->Width = (int) ((double) page->NativeWidth * m_doczoom);
- }
- }
- }
+ ScrollViewer^ scrollviewer;
+ FlipViewItem^ item = safe_cast<FlipViewItem^>
+ (m_curr_flipView->ItemContainerGenerator->ContainerFromIndex(m_currpage));
+ auto item2 = m_curr_flipView->ItemContainerGenerator->ContainerFromIndex(m_currpage);
+ /* We don't know which one so check for both */
+ ScrollViewer^ t1 =
+ safe_cast<ScrollViewer^> (FindVisualChildByName(item2, "xaml_ScrollView_v"));
+ ScrollViewer^ t2 =
+ safe_cast<ScrollViewer^> (FindVisualChildByName(item2, "xaml_ScrollView_h"));
+ if (t1 != nullptr)
+ scrollviewer = t1;
+ else
+ scrollviewer = t2;
+ if (scrollviewer == nullptr)
+ return;
+ float curr_zoom = scrollviewer->ZoomFactor;
+ Platform::Object^ obj_zoom = (float)m_doczoom;
+ Platform::IBox<float>^ box_zoom;
+ box_zoom = safe_cast<Platform::IBox<float>^>(obj_zoom);
+ scrollviewer->ChangeView(nullptr, nullptr, box_zoom, false);
/* Zoom in and out for keyboard only case. */