path: root/source/fitz
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Diffstat (limited to 'source/fitz')
2 files changed, 51 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/source/fitz/draw-device.c b/source/fitz/draw-device.c
index 21e898c0..37210af8 100644
--- a/source/fitz/draw-device.c
+++ b/source/fitz/draw-device.c
@@ -3217,52 +3217,44 @@ fz_parse_draw_options(fz_context *ctx, fz_draw_options *opts, const char *args)
fz_device *
fz_new_draw_device_with_options(fz_context *ctx, const fz_draw_options *opts, fz_rect mediabox, fz_pixmap **pixmap)
+ fz_aa_context aa = *ctx->aa;
float x_zoom = opts->x_resolution / 72.0f;
float y_zoom = opts->y_resolution / 72.0f;
- int w = opts->width;
- int h = opts->height;
- fz_rect bounds;
- fz_irect ibounds;
+ float page_w = mediabox.x1 - mediabox.x0;
+ float page_h = mediabox.y1 - mediabox.y0;
+ float w = opts->width;
+ float h = opts->height;
+ float x_scale, y_scale;
fz_matrix transform;
- fz_device *dev = NULL;
- fz_aa_context aa = *ctx->aa;
+ fz_irect bbox;
+ fz_device *dev;
fz_set_rasterizer_graphics_aa_level(ctx, &aa, opts->graphics);
fz_set_rasterizer_text_aa_level(ctx, &aa, opts->text);
- transform = fz_pre_rotate(fz_scale(x_zoom, y_zoom), opts->rotate);
- bounds = mediabox;
- ibounds = fz_round_rect(fz_transform_rect(bounds, transform));
- /* If width or height are set, we may need to adjust the transform */
- if (w || h)
+ if (w > 0)
- float scalex = 1;
- float scaley = 1;
- if (w != 0)
- scalex = w / (bounds.x1 - bounds.x0);
- if (h != 0)
- scaley = h / (bounds.y1 - bounds.y0);
- if (scalex != scaley)
- {
- if (w == 0)
- scalex = scaley;
- else if (h == 0)
- scaley = scalex;
- else if (scalex > scaley)
- scalex = scaley;
- else
- scaley = scalex;
- }
- if (scalex != 1 || scaley != 1)
- {
- transform = fz_pre_scale(transform, scalex, scaley);
- bounds = mediabox;
- ibounds = fz_round_rect(fz_transform_rect(bounds, transform));
- }
+ x_scale = w / page_w;
+ if (h > 0)
+ y_scale = h / page_h;
+ else
+ y_scale = floorf(page_h * x_scale + 0.5f) / page_h;
+ }
+ else if (h > 0)
+ {
+ y_scale = h / page_h;
+ x_scale = floorf(page_w * y_scale + 0.5f) / page_w;
+ else
+ {
+ x_scale = floorf(page_w * x_zoom + 0.5f) / page_w;
+ y_scale = floorf(page_h * y_zoom + 0.5f) / page_h;
+ }
+ transform = fz_pre_rotate(fz_scale(x_scale, y_scale), opts->rotate);
+ bbox = fz_irect_from_rect(fz_transform_rect(mediabox, transform));
- *pixmap = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, opts->colorspace, ibounds, NULL/* FIXME */, opts->alpha);
+ *pixmap = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, opts->colorspace, bbox, NULL, opts->alpha);
fz_set_pixmap_resolution(ctx, *pixmap, opts->x_resolution, opts->y_resolution);
diff --git a/source/fitz/geometry.c b/source/fitz/geometry.c
index e31a9435..96a46102 100644
--- a/source/fitz/geometry.c
+++ b/source/fitz/geometry.c
@@ -211,6 +211,29 @@ fz_pre_translate(fz_matrix m, float tx, float ty)
+fz_transform_page(fz_rect mediabox, float resolution, float rotate)
+ float user_w, user_h, pixel_w, pixel_h;
+ fz_rect pixel_box;
+ fz_matrix matrix;
+ /* Adjust scaling factors to cover whole pixels */
+ user_w = mediabox.x1 - mediabox.x0;
+ user_h = mediabox.y1 - mediabox.y0;
+ pixel_w = floorf(user_w * resolution / 72 + 0.5f);
+ pixel_h = floorf(user_h * resolution / 72 + 0.5f);
+ matrix = fz_pre_rotate(fz_scale(pixel_w / user_w, pixel_h / user_h), rotate);
+ /* Adjust the page origin to sit at 0,0 after rotation */
+ pixel_box = fz_transform_rect(mediabox, matrix);
+ matrix.e -= pixel_box.x0;
+ matrix.f -= pixel_box.y0;
+ return matrix;
fz_invert_matrix(fz_matrix src)
float a = src.a;