path: root/source/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'source/tools')
1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/tools/murun.c b/source/tools/murun.c
index d5659304..15426776 100644
--- a/source/tools/murun.c
+++ b/source/tools/murun.c
@@ -3615,6 +3615,337 @@ static void ffi_PDFObject_forEach(js_State *J)
+static void ffi_PDFPage_createAnnotation(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_page *page = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_page");
+ const char *name = js_tostring(J, 1);
+ pdf_annot *annot;
+ int subtype = pdf_annot_type_from_string(name);
+ if (subtype < 0)
+ js_error(J, "unknown PDF annotation subtype: %s", name);
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ annot = pdf_create_annot(ctx, page, subtype);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+ ffi_pushannot(J, (fz_annot*)annot);
+static void ffi_PDFPage_deleteAnnotation(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_page *page = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_page");
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 1, "pdf_annot");
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ pdf_delete_annot(ctx, page, annot);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+ ffi_pushannot(J, (fz_annot*)annot);
+static void ffi_PDFAnnotation_getType(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_annot");
+ int subtype;
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ subtype = pdf_annot_type(ctx, annot);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+ js_pushstring(J, pdf_string_from_annot_type(subtype));
+static void ffi_PDFAnnotation_getFlags(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_annot");
+ int flags;
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ flags = pdf_annot_flags(ctx, annot);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+ js_pushnumber(J, flags);
+static void ffi_PDFAnnotation_setFlags(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_annot");
+ int flags = js_tonumber(J, 1);
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ pdf_set_annot_flags(ctx, annot, flags);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+static void ffi_PDFAnnotation_getContents(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_annot");
+ const char *contents;
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ contents = pdf_annot_contents(ctx, annot);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+ js_pushstring(J, contents);
+static void ffi_PDFAnnotation_setContents(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_annot");
+ const char *contents = js_tostring(J, 1);
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ pdf_set_annot_contents(ctx, annot, contents);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+static void ffi_PDFAnnotation_getRect(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_annot");
+ fz_rect rect;
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ pdf_annot_rect(ctx, annot, &rect);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+ ffi_pushrect(J, rect);
+static void ffi_PDFAnnotation_setRect(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_annot");
+ fz_rect rect = ffi_torect(J, 1);
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ pdf_set_annot_rect(ctx, annot, &rect);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+static void ffi_PDFAnnotation_getBorder(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_annot");
+ float border;
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ border = pdf_annot_border(ctx, annot);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+ js_pushnumber(J, border);
+static void ffi_PDFAnnotation_setBorder(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_annot");
+ float border = js_tonumber(J, 1);
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ pdf_set_annot_border(ctx, annot, border);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+static void ffi_PDFAnnotation_getColor(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_annot");
+ int i, n;
+ float color[4];
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ pdf_annot_color(ctx, annot, &n, color);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+ js_newarray(J);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ js_pushnumber(J, color[i]);
+ js_setindex(J, -2, i);
+ }
+static void ffi_PDFAnnotation_setColor(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_annot");
+ int i, n = js_getlength(J, 1);
+ float color[4];
+ if (n != 0 && n != 1 && n != 3 && n != 4)
+ js_error(J, "color must be 0, 1, 3, or 4 components");
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ js_getindex(J, 1, 0);
+ color[i] = js_tonumber(J, -1);
+ js_pop(J, 1);
+ }
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ pdf_set_annot_color(ctx, annot, n, color);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+static void ffi_PDFAnnotation_getQuadPoints(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_annot");
+ float qp[8];
+ int i, k, n;
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ n = pdf_annot_quad_point_count(ctx, annot);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+ js_newarray(J);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ pdf_annot_quad_point(ctx, annot, i, qp);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+ js_newarray(J);
+ for (k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
+ js_pushnumber(J, qp[k]);
+ js_setindex(J, -2, k);
+ }
+ js_setindex(J, -2, i);
+ }
+static void ffi_PDFAnnotation_setQuadPoints(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_annot");
+ float *qp;
+ int n, k, i;
+ n = js_getlength(J, 1);
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ qp = fz_malloc(ctx, n * 8 * sizeof *qp);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ js_getindex(J, 1, i);
+ for (k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
+ js_getindex(J, -1, k);
+ qp[n * 8 + k] = js_tonumber(J, -1);
+ js_pop(J, 1);
+ }
+ js_pop(J, 1);
+ }
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ pdf_set_annot_quad_points(ctx, annot, n, qp);
+ fz_catch(ctx) {
+ fz_free(ctx, qp);
+ rethrow(J);
+ }
+ fz_free(ctx, qp);
+static void ffi_PDFAnnotation_getInkList(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_annot");
+ int i, k, n, m;
+ float v[2];
+ js_newarray(J);
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ n = pdf_annot_ink_list_count(ctx, annot);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++n) {
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ m = pdf_annot_ink_list_stroke_count(ctx, annot, i);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+ js_newarray(J);
+ for (k = 0; k < m; ++k) {
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ pdf_annot_ink_list_stroke_vertex(ctx, annot, i, k, v);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
+ js_pushnumber(J, v[0]);
+ js_pushnumber(J, v[1]);
+ js_setindex(J, -2, k);
+ }
+ js_setindex(J, -2, i);
+ }
+static void ffi_PDFAnnotation_setInkList(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_annot");
+ float *points = NULL;
+ int *counts = NULL;
+ int n, nv, k, i, v;
+ fz_var(counts);
+ fz_var(points);
+ n = js_getlength(J, 1);
+ nv = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ js_getindex(J, 1, i);
+ nv += js_getlength(J, -1);
+ js_pop(J, 1);
+ }
+ fz_try(ctx) {
+ counts = fz_malloc(ctx, n * sizeof(int));
+ points = fz_malloc(ctx, nv * sizeof(float));
+ } fz_catch(ctx) {
+ fz_free(ctx, counts);
+ fz_free(ctx, points);
+ rethrow(J);
+ }
+ if (js_try(J)) {
+ fz_free(ctx, counts);
+ fz_free(ctx, points);
+ js_throw(J);
+ }
+ for (i = v = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ js_getindex(J, 1, i);
+ counts[i] = js_getlength(J, -1);
+ for (k = 0; k < counts[i]; ++k) {
+ js_getindex(J, -1, k);
+ if (v < nv)
+ points[v++] = js_tonumber(J, -1);
+ js_pop(J, 1);
+ }
+ js_pop(J, 1);
+ }
+ js_endtry(J);
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ pdf_set_annot_ink_list(ctx, annot, n, counts, points);
+ fz_catch(ctx) {
+ fz_free(ctx, counts);
+ fz_free(ctx, points);
+ rethrow(J);
+ }
+ fz_free(ctx, counts);
+ fz_free(ctx, points);
+static void ffi_PDFAnnotation_updateAppearance(js_State *J)
+ fz_context *ctx = js_getcontext(J);
+ pdf_annot *annot = js_touserdata(J, 0, "pdf_annot");
+ fz_try(ctx)
+ pdf_update_appearance(ctx, annot->page->doc, annot);
+ fz_catch(ctx)
+ rethrow(J);
#endif /* FZ_ENABLE_PDF */
int murun_main(int argc, char **argv)
@@ -3907,12 +4238,30 @@ int murun_main(int argc, char **argv)
js_getregistry(J, "fz_page");
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFPage.createAnnotation", ffi_PDFPage_createAnnotation, 1);
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFPage.deleteAnnotation", ffi_PDFPage_deleteAnnotation, 1);
js_setregistry(J, "pdf_page");
js_getregistry(J, "fz_annot");
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFAnnotation.getType", ffi_PDFAnnotation_getType, 0);
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFAnnotation.getFlags", ffi_PDFAnnotation_getFlags, 0);
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFAnnotation.setFlags", ffi_PDFAnnotation_setFlags, 1);
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFAnnotation.getContents", ffi_PDFAnnotation_getContents, 0);
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFAnnotation.setContents", ffi_PDFAnnotation_setContents, 1);
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFAnnotation.getRect", ffi_PDFAnnotation_getRect, 0);
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFAnnotation.setRect", ffi_PDFAnnotation_setRect, 1);
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFAnnotation.getBorder", ffi_PDFAnnotation_getBorder, 0);
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFAnnotation.setBorder", ffi_PDFAnnotation_setBorder, 1);
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFAnnotation.getColor", ffi_PDFAnnotation_getColor, 0);
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFAnnotation.setColor", ffi_PDFAnnotation_setColor, 1);
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFAnnotation.getQuadPoints", ffi_PDFAnnotation_getQuadPoints, 0);
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFAnnotation.setQuadPoints", ffi_PDFAnnotation_setQuadPoints, 1);
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFAnnotation.getInkList", ffi_PDFAnnotation_getInkList, 0);
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFAnnotation.setInkList", ffi_PDFAnnotation_setInkList, 1);
+ jsB_propfun(J, "PDFAnnotation.updateAppearance", ffi_PDFAnnotation_updateAppearance, 0);
js_setregistry(J, "pdf_annot");