path: root/ios
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2011-11-03Fix race conditions when rotating the view.Tor Andersson
If you rotate the screen while pages are being rendered, they will arrive at the wrong size, and will have to be reloaded. We must take care not to mess up the currently displayed image view, since the new rendering may arrive in the middle of a rotation animation.
2011-11-03Use nested UIScrollViews to support zooming as well as page flipping.Tor Andersson
2011-11-02Change Xcode project file search paths.Tor Andersson
2011-11-02Fix double free bug when cleaning up the document controller.Tor Andersson
2011-11-01Dynamically change navigation bar titles based on context.Tor Andersson
2011-11-01Tweak scale factors, and fix one reference count error.Tor Andersson
Consider rotated pages when calculating the fit page to screen scaling factors. Also adjust the scale factors to always map the mediabox to an integral number of pixels.
2011-11-01Use timer to reload list of files when the library view is open.Tor Andersson
We can't use applicationDidBecomeActive in iOS 5 to trigger a reload, since the file sync can happen in the background.
2011-11-01Remember and restore view to last page visited for each document.Tor Andersson
Also remember which document was open last time the application was closed.
2011-11-01Rename About.pdf and add high-res icon.Tor Andersson
2011-11-01Use a smaller font for the table of contents.Tor Andersson
2011-11-01Remove flexible spaces that are not needed, and cause issues with iOS < 5.Tor Andersson
2011-11-01Fix scrolling/page flipping glitches by using real animations.Tor Andersson
The UIScrollView animated scrolling doesn't interact with the regular animation framework, nor does it work well with gesture recognizers. When tapping quickly to flip pages, the repeated taps overwrite the animations already started. Fix this by queuing real animations instead.
2011-11-01Add howto sample document, page indicator and page scrubber.Tor Andersson
2011-11-01Add Icon to iOS viewer.Tor Andersson
2011-11-01Add UIFileSharingEnabled key to Info.plistTor Andersson
2011-11-01Show "loading" message while rendering in background.Tor Andersson
2011-11-01Reuse page views by resizing them when rotating. Fixes many bugs.Tor Andersson
2011-11-01Render pages in a background thread.Tor Andersson
2011-11-01Add Table of Contents / Outline view.Tor Andersson
2011-11-01Update project to Xcode 4.Tor Andersson
2011-11-01Add toolbar and fix autorotate animation.Tor Andersson
2011-11-01Refactor MuDocumentController.Tor Andersson
2011-11-01Improve scrolling behaviour.Tor Andersson
Tap in middle to show/hide navigation bar. Tap on sides to flip pages. Render pages centered fit-to-screen.
2011-11-01Tweak build scripts for iOS viewer.Tor Andersson
2011-11-01Paged scroll view with automatic loading and unloading of pages.Tor Andersson
2011-11-01Add skeleton iOS viewer project.Tor Andersson
Support cross compiling for iPhone and iPad targets using the makefile.