path: root/platform/java/example/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-07-15Cleanup of JNI code for consistency.Sebastian Rasmussen
* Make sure that arguments are checked for NULL before being passed to ->Get JNI-functions (as these may crash on NULL). * Remove unused argument to from_Device(). * Consistently use jint and jfloat in JNIEXPORTed functions. * Check ctx for NULL in all relevant functions. * Throw Java exception when constructors fail. * to_*_safe() means that the function doesn't fz_throw(). * to_*_own() means that the function takes ownership of the object. * Make sure that jprefixing of argument identifies does not clash with jprefixing of types, specifically jstring. * Rename (j)colorspace -> (j)cs, (j)shade -> (j)shd, (j)device -> (j)dev. * Always check that the context is available in bindings. * Always check that required arguments are non-NULL or have decent default values (e.g. for fz_matrix and fz_rect).
2016-07-14Fix whitespace and indentation.Tor Andersson
2016-03-31Reorganize java and android source.Tor Andersson
platform/java and platform/android are reorganized: platform/java The new JNI Java classes, mupdf_native.{c,h}, Makefile and Makejar. platform/java/example The example desktop viewer classes. platform/android/viewer The original demo viewer. ndk-build is used to build, making reference to mupdf_native.{c,h} in platform/java.