From 9c805cc9f934cd12e89014db8ad70e3191cdaf2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tor Andersson <>
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2017 16:16:56 +0200
Subject: Move all examples to docs/examples directory.

 docs/mutool/examples/create-thumbnail.js    |  19 ------
 docs/mutool/examples/draw-device.js         |  45 ------------
 docs/mutool/examples/draw-document.js       |   9 ---
 docs/mutool/examples/pdf-create-lowlevel.js |  63 -----------------
 docs/mutool/examples/pdf-create.js          |  35 ----------
 docs/mutool/examples/pdf-merge.js           |  67 ------------------
 docs/mutool/examples/trace-device.js        | 102 ----------------------------
 7 files changed, 340 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 docs/mutool/examples/create-thumbnail.js
 delete mode 100644 docs/mutool/examples/draw-device.js
 delete mode 100644 docs/mutool/examples/draw-document.js
 delete mode 100644 docs/mutool/examples/pdf-create-lowlevel.js
 delete mode 100644 docs/mutool/examples/pdf-create.js
 delete mode 100644 docs/mutool/examples/pdf-merge.js
 delete mode 100644 docs/mutool/examples/trace-device.js

(limited to 'docs/mutool')

diff --git a/docs/mutool/examples/create-thumbnail.js b/docs/mutool/examples/create-thumbnail.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 120a8e88..00000000
--- a/docs/mutool/examples/create-thumbnail.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// Create a PDF containing thumbnails of pages rendered from another PDF.
-var pdf = new PDFDocument()
-var subdoc = new Document("pdfref17.pdf")
-var resources = { XObject: {} }
-var contents = new Buffer()
-for (var i=0; i < 5; ++i) {
-	var pixmap = subdoc.loadPage(1140+i).toPixmap([0.2,0,0,0.2,0,0], DeviceRGB, true)
-	resources.XObject["Im" + i] = pdf.addImage(new Image(pixmap))
-	contents.writeLine("q 100 0 0 150 " + (50+100*i) + " 50 cm /Im" + i + " Do Q")
-var page = pdf.addPage([0,0,100+i*100,250], 0, resources, contents)
-pdf.insertPage(-1, page)
diff --git a/docs/mutool/examples/draw-device.js b/docs/mutool/examples/draw-device.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 42ec263d..00000000
--- a/docs/mutool/examples/draw-device.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// Use device interface to draw some graphics and save as a PNG.
-var font = new Font("Times-Roman");
-var image = new Image("example.png");
-var path, text;
-var pixmap = new Pixmap(DeviceRGB, [0,0,500,600], false);
-var device = new DrawDevice(Identity, pixmap);
-var transform = [2,0,0,2,0,0]
-	text = new Text();
-	{
-		text.showString(font, [16,0,0,-16,100,30], "Hello, world!");
-		text.showString(font, [0,16,16,0,15,100], "Hello, world!");
-	}
-	device.fillText(text, transform, DeviceGray, [0], 1);
-	path = new Path();
-	{
-		path.moveTo(10, 10);
-		path.lineTo(90, 10);
-		path.lineTo(90, 90);
-		path.lineTo(10, 90);
-		path.closePath();
-	}
-	device.fillPath(path, false, transform, DeviceRGB, [1,0,0], 1);
-	device.strokePath(path, {dashes:[5,10], lineWidth:3, lineCap:'Round'}, transform, DeviceRGB, [0,0,0], 1);
-	path = new Path();
-	{
-		path.moveTo(100,100);
-		path.curveTo(150,100, 200,150, 200,200);
-		path.curveTo(200,300, 0,300, 100,100);
-		path.closePath();
-	}
-	device.clipPath(path, true, transform);
-	{
-		device.fillImage(image, Concat(transform, [300,0,0,300,0,0]), 1);
-	}
-	device.popClip();
diff --git a/docs/mutool/examples/draw-document.js b/docs/mutool/examples/draw-document.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e285ede..00000000
--- a/docs/mutool/examples/draw-document.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Draw all pages in a document and save them as PNG files.
-var doc = new Document(argv[1]);
-var n = doc.countPages();
-for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-	var page = doc.loadPage(i);
-	var pixmap = page.toPixmap(Identity, DeviceRGB);
-	pixmap.saveAsPNG("out" + (i+1) + ".png");
diff --git a/docs/mutool/examples/pdf-create-lowlevel.js b/docs/mutool/examples/pdf-create-lowlevel.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 658adfb5..00000000
--- a/docs/mutool/examples/pdf-create-lowlevel.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-// Create a PDF from scratch.
-// This example creates a new PDF file from scratch, using only the low level APIs.
-// This assumes a basic working knowledge of the PDF file format.
-// Create a new empty document with no pages.
-var pdf = new PDFDocument()
-// Create and add a font resource.
-var font = pdf.addObject({
-	Type: "Font",
-	Subtype: "Type1",
-	Encoding: "WinAnsiEncoding",
-	BaseFont: "Times-Roman",
-// Create and add an image resource:
-// Allocate a slot for a new object and get a reference to it.
-var image = pdf.createObject()
-// Write a dictionary object into the slot.
-	Type: "XObject",
-	Subtype: "Image",
-	Width: 4,
-	Height: 2,
-	BitsPerComponent: 8,
-	ColorSpace: "DeviceGray",
-	// The compression filter to be used:
-	Filter: "ASCIIHexDecode",
-// Write raw stream data into the slot; hex encoded
-// to match the Filter entry in the dictionary.
-// Create resource dictionary.
-var resources = pdf.addObject({
-	Font: { Tm: font },
-	XObject: { Im0: image },
-// Create content stream.
-var buffer = new Buffer()
-buffer.writeLine("10 10 280 330 re s")
-buffer.writeLine("q 200 0 0 200 50 100 cm /Im0 Do Q")
-buffer.writeLine("BT /Tm 16 Tf 50 50 TD (Hello, world!) Tj ET")
-var contents = pdf.addStream(buffer)
-// Create page object.
-var page = pdf.addObject({
-	Type: "Page",
-	MediaBox: [0,0,300,350],
-	Contents: contents,
-	Resources: resources,
-// Insert page object into page tree.
-var pagetree = pdf.getTrailer().Root.Pages
-pagetree.Count = 1
-pagetree.Kids = [ page ]
-page.Parent = pagetree
-// Save the document."out.pdf")
diff --git a/docs/mutool/examples/pdf-create.js b/docs/mutool/examples/pdf-create.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 290d1737..00000000
--- a/docs/mutool/examples/pdf-create.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// Create a PDF from scratch using helper functions.
-// This example creates a new PDF file from scratch, using helper
-// functions to create resources and page objects.
-// This assumes a basic working knowledge of the PDF file format.
-// Create a new empty document with no pages.
-var pdf = new PDFDocument()
-// Load built-in font and create WinAnsi encoded simple font resource.
-var font = pdf.addSimpleFont(new Font("Times-Roman"))
-// Load PNG file and create image resource.
-var image = pdf.addImage(new Image("example.png"))
-// Create resource dictionary.
-var resources = pdf.addObject({
-	Font: { Tm: font },
-	XObject: { Im0: image },
-// Create content stream data.
-var contents =
-	"10 10 280 330 re s\n" +
-	"q 200 0 0 200 50 100 cm /Im0 Do Q\n" +
-	"BT /Tm 16 Tf 50 50 TD (Hello, world!) Tj ET\n"
-// Create a new page object.
-var page = pdf.addPage([0,0,300,350], 0, resources, contents)
-// Insert page object at the end of the document.
-pdf.insertPage(-1, page)
-// Save the document to file."out.pdf", "pretty,ascii,compress-images,compress-fonts")
diff --git a/docs/mutool/examples/pdf-merge.js b/docs/mutool/examples/pdf-merge.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d8cdcfcb..00000000
--- a/docs/mutool/examples/pdf-merge.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// A re-implementation of "mutool merge" in JavaScript.
-function graftObject(dstDoc, srcDoc, srcObj, map) {
-	var srcNum, dstRef, dstObj
-	if (!map)
-		map = []
-	if (srcObj.isIndirect()) {
-		srcNum = srcObj.toIndirect()
-		if (map[srcNum])
-			return map[srcNum]
-		map[srcNum] = dstRef = dstDoc.createObject()
-		dstRef.writeObject(graftObject(dstDoc, srcDoc, srcObj.resolve(), map))
-		if (srcObj.isStream())
-			dstRef.writeRawStream(srcObj.readRawStream())
-		return dstRef
-	}
-	if (srcObj.isArray()) {
-		dstObj = dstDoc.newArray()
-		srcObj.forEach(function (key, val) {
-			dstObj[key] = graftObject(dstDoc, srcDoc, val, map)
-		})
-		return dstObj
-	}
-	if (srcObj.isDictionary()) {
-		dstObj = dstDoc.newDictionary()
-		srcObj.forEach(function (key, val) {
-			dstObj[key] = graftObject(dstDoc, srcDoc, val, map)
-		})
-		return dstObj
-	}
-	return srcObj /* primitive objects are not bound to a document */
-function copyPage(dstDoc, srcDoc, pageNumber, map) {
-	var srcPage, dstPage
-	srcPage = srcDoc.findPage(pageNumber)
-	dstPage = dstDoc.newDictionary()
-	dstPage.Type = dstDoc.newName("Page")
-	if (srcPage.MediaBox) dstPage.MediaBox = graftObject(dstDoc, srcDoc, srcPage.MediaBox, map)
-	if (srcPage.Rotate) dstPage.Rotate = graftObject(dstDoc, srcDoc, srcPage.Rotate, map)
-	if (srcPage.Resources) dstPage.Resources = graftObject(dstDoc, srcDoc, srcPage.Resources, map)
-	if (srcPage.Contents) dstPage.Contents = graftObject(dstDoc, srcDoc, srcPage.Contents, map)
-	dstDoc.insertPage(-1, dstDoc.addObject(dstPage))
-function copyAllPages(dstDoc, srcDoc) {
-	var k, n = srcDoc.countPages()
-	var srcMap = []
-	for (k = 0; k < n; ++k)
-		copyPage(dstDoc, srcDoc, k, srcMap)
-function pdfmerge() {
-	var srcDoc, dstDoc, i
-	dstDoc = new PDFDocument()
-	for (i = 2; i < argv.length; ++i) {
-		srcDoc = new PDFDocument(argv[i])
-		copyAllPages(dstDoc, srcDoc)
-	}
-[1], "compress")
-if (argv.length < 3)
-	print("usage: mutool run pdf-merge.js output.pdf input1.pdf input2.pdf ...")
-	pdfmerge()
diff --git a/docs/mutool/examples/trace-device.js b/docs/mutool/examples/trace-device.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d7d4373..00000000
--- a/docs/mutool/examples/trace-device.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-var Q = JSON.stringify
-var pathPrinter = {
-	moveTo: function (x,y) { print("moveTo", x, y) },
-	lineTo: function (x,y) { print("lineTo", x, y) },
-	curveTo: function (x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) { print("curveTo", x1, y1, x2, y2, x3 ,y3) },
-	closePath: function () { print("closePath") },
-var textPrinter = {
-	showGlyph: function (f,m,g,u,v,b) { print("glyph",f,m,g,u,v,b) },
-var traceDevice = {
-	fillPath: function (path, evenOdd, ctm, colorSpace, color, alpha) {
-		print("fillPath", evenOdd, ctm, colorSpace, color, alpha)
-		path.walk(pathPrinter)
-	},
-	clipPath: function (path, evenOdd, ctm) {
-		print("clipPath", evenOdd, ctm)
-		path.walk(pathPrinter)
-	},
-	strokePath: function (path, stroke, ctm, colorSpace, color, alpha) {
-		print("strokePath", Q(stroke), ctm, colorSpace, color, alpha)
-		path.walk(pathPrinter)
-	},
-	clipStrokePath: function (path, stroke, ctm) {
-		print("clipStrokePath", Q(stroke), ctm)
-		path.walk(pathPrinter)
-	},
-	fillText: function (text, ctm, colorSpace, color, alpha) {
-		print("fillText", ctm, colorSpace, color, alpha)
-		text.walk(textPrinter)
-	},
-	clipText: function (text, ctm) {
-		print("clipText", ctm)
-		text.walk(textPrinter)
-	},
-	strokeText: function (text, stroke, ctm, colorSpace, color, alpha) {
-		print("strokeText", Q(stroke), ctm, colorSpace, color, alpha)
-		text.walk(textPrinter)
-	},
-	clipStrokeText: function (text, stroke, ctm) {
-		print("clipStrokeText", Q(stroke), ctm)
-		text.walk(textPrinter)
-	},
-	ignoreText: function (text, ctm) {
-		print("ignoreText", ctm)
-		text.walk(textPrinter)
-	},
-	fillShade: function (shade, ctm, alpha) {
-		print("fillShade", shade, ctm, alpha)
-	},
-	fillImage: function (image, ctm, alpha) {
-		print("fillImage", image, ctm, alpha)
-	},
-	fillImageMask: function (image, ctm, colorSpace, color, alpha) {
-		print("fillImageMask", image, ctm, colorSpace, color, alpha)
-	},
-	clipImageMask: function (image, ctm) {
-		print("clipImageMask", image, ctm)
-	},
-	beginMask: function (area, luminosity, colorspace, color) {
-		print("beginMask", area, luminosity, colorspace, color)
-	},
-	endMask: function () {
-		print("endMask")
-	},
-	popClip: function () {
-		print("popClip")
-	},
-	beginGroup: function (area, isolated, knockout, blendmode, alpha) {
-		print("beginGroup", area, isolated, knockout, blendmode, alpha)
-	},
-	endGroup: function () {
-		print("endGroup")
-	},
-	beginTile: function (area, view, xstep, ystep, ctm, id) {
-		print("beginTile", area, view, xstep, ystep, ctm, id)
-		return 0
-	},
-	endTile: function () {
-		print("endTile")
-	},
-	close: function () {
-		print("close")
-	},
-if (argv.length != 3)
-	print("usage: mutool run trace-device.js document.pdf pageNumber")
-else {
-	var doc = new Document(argv[1]);
-	var page = doc.loadPage(parseInt(argv[2])-1);
-, Identity);
cgit v1.2.3