# # Jamrules -- build configurations # # The default build is for debugging. To compile a release # build, add -sBUILD=release to the jam command line. To provide # a custom build you can use any name you want instead of release # or debug. # # Windows builds assume that third party headers and # libraries are in c:/local/include and c:/local/lib. # # MacOS X builds assume that you have third party libraries installed # in /usr/local or some other system known location. # # Linux builds assume that you have the freetype2 headers installed # in /usr/include/freetype2. # # If the above assumptions are incorrect, please edit the relevant # sections of this Jamrules file. # # JBIG2 and JPEG2000 support is optional. To compile with this, # add the following to the jam command line: # # -sHAVE_JBIG2DEC=true # # -sHAVE_OPENJPEG=true # # To compile without builtin CJK CMap and font support, and save a few # megabytes of executable space: # # -sDEFINES=NOCJK # # Workaround for different OS/OSPLAT settings on FTJam and plain jam if $(JAM_TOOLSET) = MINGW { OS = MINGW ; } if $(JAM_TOOLSET) = VISUALC { OS = NT ; } BUILD ?= debug ; # Place all build products here: ALL_LOCATE_TARGET ?= [ FDirName $(TOP) build $(OS:L)-$(OSPLAT:L)-$(BUILD:L) ] ; # Add compile time defines for JBIG2 and JPEG2000 support. if $(HAVE_JBIG2DEC) { DEFINES += HAVE_JBIG2DEC ; } if $(HAVE_OPENJPEG) { DEFINES += HAVE_OPENJPEG ; } if $(OS) = LINUX { Echo Building for LINUX ; BUILD_X11APP = true ; CCFLAGS = -Wall -std=gnu99 -I/usr/include/freetype2 ; LINKFLAGS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib ; LINKLIBS = -lfreetype -ljpeg -lz -lm ; APPLINKLIBS = -lX11 -lXext -lpthread ; if $(BUILD) = debug { OPTIM = -g -O0 -fno-inline ; } if $(BUILD) = release { OPTIM = -O3 ; } if $(HAVE_JBIG2DEC) { LINKLIBS += -ljbig2dec ; } if $(HAVE_OPENJPEG) { LINKLIBS += -lopenjpeg ; } } if $(OS) = MACOSX { Echo Building for MACOSX ; BUILD_X11APP = true ; CCFLAGS = -Wall -std=gnu99 ; LINKFLAGS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib ; LINKLIBS = -lfreetype -ljpeg -lz -lm ; APPLINKLIBS = -lX11 -lXext ; if $(BUILD) = debug { OPTIM = -g -O0 -fno-inline ; } if $(BUILD) = release { OPTIM = -O3 ; } if $(HAVE_JBIG2DEC) { LINKLIBS += -ljbig2dec ; } if $(HAVE_OPENJPEG) { LINKLIBS += -lopenjpeg ; } } if $(OS) = MINGW { Echo Building for MINGW ; NOARSCAN = true ; BUILD_WINAPP = true ; BUILD_PLUGIN = true ; CCFLAGS = -Wall -std=gnu99 -Ic:/local/include ; LINKFLAGS = -Lc:/local/lib ; LINKLIBS = -lfreetype -ljpeg -lz -lm ; APPLINKLIBS = -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -luser32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 ; if $(BUILD) = debug { OPTIM = -g -O0 -fno-inline ; } if $(BUILD) = release { OPTIM = -O3 ; APPLINKLIBS += -mwindows ; } if $(HAVE_JBIG2DEC) { LINKLIBS += -ljbig2dec ; } if $(HAVE_OPENJPEG) { LINKLIBS += -lopenjpeg ; } actions WindRes { windres -i $(>) -o $(<) --include-dir=$(>:D) } } if $(OS) = NT { Echo Building for MSVC ; DEFINES += MSVC ; BUILD_WINAPP = true ; CCFLAGS = /Ic:/local/include ; LINKFLAGS = /LIBPATH:c:/local/lib ; LINKLIBS = freetype.lib jpeg.lib z.lib ; APPLINKLIBS = gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ; if $(BUILD) = debug { } if $(BUILD) = release { } if $(HAVE_JBIG2DEC) { LINKLIBS += jbig2dec.lib ; } if $(HAVE_OPENJPEG) { LINKLIBS += openjpeg.lib ; } actions WindRes { rc /fo $(<) $(>) } } # WindRes rule for compiling the windows viewer and plugin rule UserObject { switch $(>) { case *.rc : WindRes $(<) : $(>) ; case * : Echo "unknown suffix on" $(>) ; } } rule WindRes { Depends $(<) : $(>) ; Clean clean : $(<) ; }