colorspace conversions (v2) - cal* - iccbased - how to normalize Lab components to 0..1 - fast color cubes - how to cache colorspace cubes (what key?) image rendering (v2) - tiles - dct case - better filter than box - lazy decoding shadings - ... jeong ... rendering - bbox culling (cache bbox in over node?) - merge gka optims - optimize inner rendering loops - optimize image load/decode/scale - special-case optims (1, 2 and 4) - cpu-specific optims parser - resource dict generate fake ids - try to clean up colorspace/material handling in interpreter - annotations and destinations (for links and outline) fz_optimizetree() - remove rectangular clip nodes whose children fit - remove white fills at beginning of page - remove overs with only one child - concatenate chained transforms clean up - make source ansi c89 / pedantic - reference count everything - standard cleanup mechanism - design by contract - split into private and public - comments and documentation cache global cache for cmaps and fontfiles (emb+sys) render cache (link-nodes and scaled images)