To build/debug android build. 1) Download the android sdk, and install it. On windows I unpacked it as: C:\Program Files\android-sdk-windows on Macos as: /Library/android-sdk-mac_x86 On windows add: C:/Progra~1/android-sdk-windows/tools to your path. On linux/macos add the equivalent. 2) Download the android ndk, and install in. On windows I unpacked it as: C:\Program Files\android-ndk-r4b on Macos as: /Library/android-ndk-r4b On windows add: C:/Progra~1/android-ndk-r4b to your patyh. On linux/macos add the equivalent. 3) On windows, to use the ndk, you *must* be running under cygwin. This means you need to install Cygwin 1.7 or greater now. 4) Bring up a shell, and run 'android'. This will bring up a graphical gui for the sdk. From here you can install the different SDK components for the different flavours of android. Download them all - bandwidth and disk space are cheap, right? 5) Now go to the Virtual Devices entry on the right hand side. You need to create yourself an emulator image to use. Click 'New...' on the right hand side and a window will appear. Fill in the entries as follows: Name: FroyoEm Target: Android 2.2 - API Level 8 SD card: Size: 1024MiB Skin: Resolution: 480x756 (756 just fits my macbook screen, but 800 may be 'more standard') Click 'Create AVD' and wait for a minute or so while it is prepared. Now you can exit the GUI. 6) Now we are ready to build mupdf for Android. Check out a copy of MuPDF (but you've done that already, cos you're reading this, right?). Get the thirdparty package from and unpack that into mupdf/thirdparty. Also get the pregen package from the same place and unpack that into mupdf/pregen. 7) Load into your favourite editor, and edit the sdk path there as appropriate. This should be the only bit of localisation you need to do. 8) Change into the android directory, and execute (in a Cygwin window on Windows!): ndk-build This should build the native code portion. Then execute: ant debug This should build the java wrapper. 9) Now start the emulator by executing: emulator -avd FroyoEm This will take a while to full start up (be patient). 10) We now need to give the demo file something to chew on, so let's copy a file into the SD card image of the emulator (this should only need to be done once). With the emulator running type: adb push ../../MyTests/pdf_reference17.pdf /mnt/sdcard/Download/test.pdf (where obviously ../../MyTests/pdf_reference17.pdf is altered for your machine). 11) With the emulator running (see step 9), execute ant install and that will copy MuPDF into the emulator where you can run it from the launchpad screen. 12) To see debug messages from the emulator (including stdout/stderr from our app), execute: adb logcat Good luck!