#include #include #include "pdfapp.h" enum panning { DONT_PAN = 0, PAN_TO_TOP, PAN_TO_BOTTOM }; static void pdfapp_showpage(pdfapp_t *app, int loadpage, int drawpage); static void pdfapp_warn(pdfapp_t *app, const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[1024]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); winwarn(app, buf); } static void pdfapp_error(pdfapp_t *app, fz_error error) { winerror(app, error); } char *pdfapp_usage(pdfapp_t *app) { return " l <\t\t-- rotate left\n" " r >\t\t-- rotate right\n" " u up\t\t-- scroll up\n" " d down\t-- scroll down\n" " = +\t\t-- zoom in\n" " -\t\t-- zoom out\n" " w\t\t-- shrinkwrap\n" "\n" " n pgdn space\t-- next page\n" " b pgup back\t-- previous page\n" " right\t\t-- next page\n" " left\t\t-- previous page\n" " N F\t\t-- next 10\n" " B\t\t-- back 10\n" " m\t\t-- mark page for snap back\n" " t\t\t-- pop back to last mark\n" " 123g\t\t-- go to page\n" "\n" " left drag to pan, right drag to copy text\n"; } void pdfapp_init(pdfapp_t *app) { memset(app, 0, sizeof(pdfapp_t)); app->scrw = 640; app->scrh = 480; app->zoom = 1.0; app->cache = fz_newglyphcache(); } void pdfapp_open(pdfapp_t *app, char *filename) { fz_obj *obj; fz_obj *info; char *password = ""; /* * Open PDF and load xref table */ app->filename = filename; app->xref = pdf_openxref(filename); if (!app->xref) pdfapp_error(app, -1); /* * Handle encrypted PDF files */ if (pdf_needspassword(app->xref)) { int okay = pdf_authenticatepassword(app->xref, password); while (!okay) { password = winpassword(app, filename); if (!password) exit(1); okay = pdf_authenticatepassword(app->xref, password); if (!okay) pdfapp_warn(app, "Invalid password."); } } /* * Load meta information */ app->outline = pdf_loadoutline(app->xref); app->doctitle = filename; if (strrchr(app->doctitle, '\\')) app->doctitle = strrchr(app->doctitle, '\\') + 1; if (strrchr(app->doctitle, '/')) app->doctitle = strrchr(app->doctitle, '/') + 1; info = fz_dictgets(app->xref->trailer, "Info"); if (info) { obj = fz_dictgets(info, "Title"); if (obj) app->doctitle = pdf_toutf8(obj); } /* * Start at first page */ app->pagecount = pdf_getpagecount(app->xref); app->shrinkwrap = 1; if (app->pageno < 1) app->pageno = 1; if (app->zoom < 0.1) app->zoom = 0.1; if (app->zoom > 3.0) app->zoom = 3.0; app->rotate = 0; app->panx = 0; app->pany = 0; pdfapp_showpage(app, 1, 1); } void pdfapp_close(pdfapp_t *app) { if (app->cache) fz_freeglyphcache(app->cache); app->cache = nil; if (app->page) pdf_droppage(app->page); app->page = nil; if (app->image) fz_droppixmap(app->image); app->image = nil; if (app->text) fz_freetextspan(app->text); app->text = nil; if (app->outline) pdf_dropoutline(app->outline); app->outline = nil; if (app->xref->store) pdf_dropstore(app->xref->store); app->xref->store = nil; pdf_closexref(app->xref); app->xref = nil; } static fz_matrix pdfapp_viewctm(pdfapp_t *app) { fz_matrix ctm; ctm = fz_identity(); ctm = fz_concat(ctm, fz_translate(0, -app->page->mediabox.y1)); ctm = fz_concat(ctm, fz_scale(app->zoom, -app->zoom)); ctm = fz_concat(ctm, fz_rotate(app->rotate + app->page->rotate)); return ctm; } static void pdfapp_panview(pdfapp_t *app, int newx, int newy) { if (newx > 0) newx = 0; if (newy > 0) newy = 0; if (newx + app->image->w < app->winw) newx = app->winw - app->image->w; if (newy + app->image->h < app->winh) newy = app->winh - app->image->h; if (app->winw >= app->image->w) newx = (app->winw - app->image->w) / 2; if (app->winh >= app->image->h) newy = (app->winh - app->image->h) / 2; if (newx != app->panx || newy != app->pany) winrepaint(app); app->panx = newx; app->pany = newy; } static void pdfapp_showpage(pdfapp_t *app, int loadpage, int drawpage) { char buf[256]; fz_error error; fz_device *idev, *tdev, *mdev; fz_displaylist *list; fz_matrix ctm; fz_bbox bbox; fz_obj *obj; if (loadpage) { wincursor(app, WAIT); if (app->page) pdf_droppage(app->page); app->page = nil; pdf_flushxref(app->xref, 0); obj = pdf_getpageobject(app->xref, app->pageno); error = pdf_loadpage(&app->page, app->xref, obj); if (error) pdfapp_error(app, error); sprintf(buf, "%s - %d/%d", app->doctitle, app->pageno, app->pagecount); wintitle(app, buf); } if (drawpage) { wincursor(app, WAIT); ctm = pdfapp_viewctm(app); bbox = fz_roundrect(fz_transformrect(ctm, app->page->mediabox)); list = fz_newdisplaylist(); mdev = fz_newlistdevice(list); error = pdf_runcontentstream(mdev, fz_identity(), app->xref, app->page->resources, app->page->contents); if (error) pdfapp_error(app, error); fz_freedevice(mdev); if (app->image) fz_droppixmap(app->image); app->image = fz_newpixmapwithrect(pdf_devicergb, bbox); fz_clearpixmap(app->image, 0xFF); idev = fz_newdrawdevice(app->cache, app->image); fz_executedisplaylist(list, idev, ctm); fz_freedevice(idev); if (app->text) fz_freetextspan(app->text); app->text = fz_newtextspan(); tdev = fz_newtextdevice(app->text); fz_executedisplaylist(list, tdev, ctm); fz_freedevice(tdev); fz_freedisplaylist(list); winconvert(app, app->image); } pdfapp_panview(app, app->panx, app->pany); if (app->shrinkwrap) { int w = app->image->w; int h = app->image->h; if (app->winw == w) app->panx = 0; if (app->winh == h) app->pany = 0; if (w > app->scrw * 90 / 100) w = app->scrw * 90 / 100; if (h > app->scrh * 90 / 100) h = app->scrh * 90 / 100; if (w != app->winw || h != app->winh) winresize(app, w, h); } winrepaint(app); wincursor(app, ARROW); } static void pdfapp_gotouri(pdfapp_t *app, fz_obj *uri) { char *buf; buf = fz_malloc(fz_tostrlen(uri) + 1); memcpy(buf, fz_tostrbuf(uri), fz_tostrlen(uri)); buf[fz_tostrlen(uri)] = 0; winopenuri(app, buf); fz_free(buf); } static void pdfapp_gotopage(pdfapp_t *app, fz_obj *obj) { int page; page = pdf_findpageobject(app->xref, obj); if (app->histlen + 1 == 256) { memmove(app->hist, app->hist + 1, sizeof(int) * 255); app->histlen --; } app->hist[app->histlen++] = app->pageno; app->pageno = page; pdfapp_showpage(app, 1, 1); } void pdfapp_onresize(pdfapp_t *app, int w, int h) { if (app->winw != w || app->winh != h) { app->winw = w; app->winh = h; pdfapp_panview(app, app->panx, app->pany); winrepaint(app); } } void pdfapp_onkey(pdfapp_t *app, int c) { int oldpage = app->pageno; enum panning panto = PAN_TO_TOP; /* * Save numbers typed for later */ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { app->number[app->numberlen++] = c; app->number[app->numberlen] = '\0'; } switch (c) { /* * Zoom and rotate */ case '+': case '=': app->zoom += 0.1; if (app->zoom > 3.0) app->zoom = 3.0; pdfapp_showpage(app, 0, 1); break; case '-': app->zoom -= 0.1; if (app->zoom < 0.1) app->zoom = 0.1; pdfapp_showpage(app, 0, 1); break; case 'l': case '<': app->rotate -= 90; pdfapp_showpage(app, 0, 1); break; case 'r': case '>': app->rotate += 90; pdfapp_showpage(app, 0, 1); break; case 'a': app->rotate -= 15; pdfapp_showpage(app, 0, 1); break; case 's': app->rotate += 15; pdfapp_showpage(app, 0, 1); break; /* * Pan view, but dont need to repaint image */ case 'w': app->shrinkwrap = 1; app->panx = app->pany = 0; pdfapp_showpage(app, 0, 0); break; case 'd': app->pany -= app->image->h / 10; pdfapp_showpage(app, 0, 0); break; case 'u': app->pany += app->image->h / 10; pdfapp_showpage(app, 0, 0); break; case ',': app->panx += app->image->w / 10; pdfapp_showpage(app, 0, 0); break; case '.': app->panx -= app->image->w / 10; pdfapp_showpage(app, 0, 0); break; /* * Page navigation */ case 'g': case '\n': case '\r': if (app->numberlen > 0) app->pageno = atoi(app->number); break; case 'G': app->pageno = app->pagecount; break; case 'm': if (app->histlen + 1 == 256) { memmove(app->hist, app->hist + 1, sizeof(int) * 255); app->histlen --; } app->hist[app->histlen++] = app->pageno; break; case 't': if (app->histlen > 0) app->pageno = app->hist[--app->histlen]; break; /* * Back and forth ... */ case 'p': panto = PAN_TO_BOTTOM; if (app->numberlen > 0) app->pageno -= atoi(app->number); else app->pageno--; break; case 'n': panto = PAN_TO_TOP; if (app->numberlen > 0) app->pageno += atoi(app->number); else app->pageno++; break; case 'b': case '\b': panto = DONT_PAN; if (app->numberlen > 0) app->pageno -= atoi(app->number); else app->pageno--; break; case 'f': case ' ': panto = DONT_PAN; if (app->numberlen > 0) app->pageno += atoi(app->number); else app->pageno++; break; case 'B': panto = PAN_TO_TOP; app->pageno -= 10; break; case 'F': panto = PAN_TO_TOP; app->pageno += 10; break; } if (c < '0' || c > '9') app->numberlen = 0; if (app->pageno < 1) app->pageno = 1; if (app->pageno > app->pagecount) app->pageno = app->pagecount; if (app->pageno != oldpage) { switch (panto) { case PAN_TO_TOP: app->pany = 0; break; case PAN_TO_BOTTOM: app->pany = -2000; break; case DONT_PAN: break; } pdfapp_showpage(app, 1, 1); } } void pdfapp_onmouse(pdfapp_t *app, int x, int y, int btn, int modifiers, int state) { pdf_link *link; fz_matrix ctm; fz_point p; p.x = x - app->panx + app->image->x; p.y = y - app->pany + app->image->y; ctm = pdfapp_viewctm(app); ctm = fz_invertmatrix(ctm); p = fz_transformpoint(ctm, p); for (link = app->page->links; link; link = link->next) { if (p.x >= link->rect.x0 && p.x <= link->rect.x1) if (p.y >= link->rect.y0 && p.y <= link->rect.y1) break; } if (link) { wincursor(app, HAND); if (btn == 1 && state == 1) { if (link->kind == PDF_LURI) pdfapp_gotouri(app, link->dest); else if (link->kind == PDF_LGOTO) pdfapp_gotopage(app, link->dest); return; } } else { wincursor(app, ARROW); } if (state == 1) { if (btn == 1 && !app->iscopying) { app->ispanning = 1; app->selx = x; app->sely = y; } if (btn == 3 && !app->ispanning) { app->iscopying = 1; app->selx = x; app->sely = y; app->selr.x0 = x; app->selr.x1 = x; app->selr.y0 = y; app->selr.y1 = y; } if (btn == 4 || btn == 5) /* scroll wheel */ { int dir = btn == 4 ? 1 : -1; app->ispanning = app->iscopying = 0; if (modifiers & (1<<2)) { /* zoom in/out if ctrl is pressed */ app->zoom += 0.1 * dir; if (app->zoom > 3.0) app->zoom = 3.0; if (app->zoom < 0.1) app->zoom = 0.1; pdfapp_showpage(app, 0, 1); } else { /* scroll up/down, or left/right if shift is pressed */ int isx = (modifiers & (1<<0)); int xstep = isx ? 20 * dir : 0; int ystep = !isx ? 20 * dir : 0; pdfapp_panview(app, app->panx + xstep, app->pany + ystep); } } } else if (state == -1) { if (app->iscopying) { app->iscopying = 0; app->selr.x0 = MIN(app->selx, x); app->selr.x1 = MAX(app->selx, x); app->selr.y0 = MIN(app->sely, y); app->selr.y1 = MAX(app->sely, y); winrepaint(app); if (app->selr.x0 < app->selr.x1 && app->selr.y0 < app->selr.y1) windocopy(app); } if (app->ispanning) app->ispanning = 0; } else if (app->ispanning) { int newx = app->panx + x - app->selx; int newy = app->pany + y - app->sely; pdfapp_panview(app, newx, newy); app->selx = x; app->sely = y; } else if (app->iscopying) { app->selr.x0 = MIN(app->selx, x); app->selr.x1 = MAX(app->selx, x); app->selr.y0 = MIN(app->sely, y); app->selr.y1 = MAX(app->sely, y); winrepaint(app); } } void pdfapp_oncopy(pdfapp_t *app, unsigned short *ucsbuf, int ucslen) { ucsbuf[0] = 0; fz_textspan *ln; int x, y, c; int i, p; int x0 = app->image->x + app->selr.x0 - app->panx; int x1 = app->image->x + app->selr.x1 - app->panx; int y0 = app->image->y + app->selr.y0 - app->pany; int y1 = app->image->y + app->selr.y1 - app->pany; p = 0; for (ln = app->text; ln; ln = ln->next) { if (ln->len > 0) { y = y0 - 1; for (i = 0; i < ln->len; i++) { #if 0 int bx0, bx1, by0, by1; bx0 = ln->text[i].bbox.x0; bx1 = ln->text[i].bbox.x1; by0 = ln->text[i].bbox.y0; by1 = ln->text[i].bbox.y1; c = ln->text[i].c; if (c < 32) c = '?'; if (bx1 >= x0 && bx0 <= x1 && by1 >= y0 && by0 <= y1) if (p < ucslen - 1) ucsbuf[p++] = c; #endif c = ln->text[i].c; x = ln->text[i].x; y = ln->text[i].y; if (c < 32) c = '?'; if (x >= x0 && x <= x1 && y >= y0 && y <= y1) if (p < ucslen - 1) ucsbuf[p++] = c; } if (y >= y0 && y <= y1) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (p < ucslen - 1) ucsbuf[p++] = '\r'; #endif if (p < ucslen - 1) ucsbuf[p++] = '\n'; } } } ucsbuf[p] = 0; }