/* * PDF cleaning tool: general purpose pdf syntax washer. * * Rewrite PDF with pretty printed objects. * Garbage collect unreachable objects. * Inflate compressed streams. * Encrypt output. */ #include "fitz.h" #include "mupdf.h" static pdf_xref *xref = NULL; static fz_obj *id = NULL; static pdf_crypt *outcrypt = NULL; static FILE *out = NULL; static char *uselist = NULL; static int *ofslist = NULL; static int *genlist = NULL; int doencrypt = 0; int dogarbage = 0; int doexpand = 0; void die(fz_error error) { fz_catch(error, "aborting"); exit(1); } void openxref(char *filename, char *password) { fz_error error; fz_obj *obj; error = pdf_newxref(&xref); if (error) die(error); error = pdf_loadxref(xref, filename); if (error) { fz_catch(error, "trying to repair"); error = pdf_repairxref(xref, filename); if (error) die(error); } error = pdf_decryptxref(xref); if (error) die(error); if (xref->crypt) { int okay = pdf_setpassword(xref->crypt, password); if (!okay) die(fz_throw("invalid password")); } /* TODO: move into mupdf lib, see pdfapp_open in pdfapp.c */ obj = fz_dictgets(xref->trailer, "Root"); if (!obj) die(error); error = pdf_loadindirect(&xref->root, xref, obj); if (error) die(error); obj = fz_dictgets(xref->trailer, "Info"); if (obj) { error = pdf_loadindirect(&xref->info, xref, obj); if (error) die(error); } } /* * Garbage collect objects not reachable from the trailer. */ static fz_error sweepref(pdf_xref *xref, fz_obj *ref); static fz_error sweepobj(pdf_xref *xref, fz_obj *obj) { fz_error error; int i; if (fz_isdict(obj)) { for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(obj); i++) { error = sweepobj(xref, fz_dictgetval(obj, i)); if (error) return error; /* too deeply nested for rethrow */ } } if (fz_isarray(obj)) { for (i = 0; i < fz_arraylen(obj); i++) { error = sweepobj(xref, fz_arrayget(obj, i)); if (error) return error; /* too deeply nested for rethrow */ } } if (fz_isindirect(obj)) return sweepref(xref, obj); return fz_okay; } static fz_error sweepref(pdf_xref *xref, fz_obj *ref) { fz_error error; fz_obj *obj; fz_obj *len; int oid, gen; oid = fz_tonum(ref); gen = fz_tonum(ref); if (oid < 0 || oid >= xref->len) return fz_throw("object out of range (%d %d R)", oid, gen); if (uselist[oid]) return fz_okay; uselist[oid] = 1; error = pdf_loadindirect(&obj, xref, ref); if (error) return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot load indirect object"); /* Bake in /Length in stream objects */ if (xref->table[oid].stmofs) { len = fz_dictgets(obj, "Length"); if (fz_isindirect(len)) { pdf_loadindirect(&len, xref, len); fz_dictputs(obj, "Length", len); } } error = sweepobj(xref, obj); if (error) { fz_dropobj(obj); return error; /* too deeply nested for rethrow */ } fz_dropobj(obj); return fz_okay; } void preloadobjstms(void) { fz_error error; fz_obj *obj; int oid; for (oid = 0; oid < xref->len; oid++) { if (xref->table[oid].type == 'o') { error = pdf_loadobject(&obj, xref, oid, 0); if (error) die(error); fz_dropobj(obj); } } } void copystream(fz_obj *obj, int oid, int gen) { fz_error error; fz_buffer *buf; error = pdf_loadrawstream(&buf, xref, oid, gen); if (error) die(error); if (doencrypt) pdf_cryptbuffer(outcrypt, buf, oid, gen); fprintf(out, "%d %d obj\n", oid, gen); if (doencrypt) pdf_cryptobj(outcrypt, obj, oid, gen); fz_fprintobj(out, obj, !doexpand); if (doencrypt) pdf_cryptobj(outcrypt, obj, oid, gen); fprintf(out, "stream\n"); fwrite(buf->rp, 1, buf->wp - buf->rp, out); fprintf(out, "endstream\nendobj\n\n"); fz_dropbuffer(buf); } void expandstream(fz_obj *obj, int oid, int gen) { fz_error error; fz_buffer *buf; fz_obj *newdict, *newlen; error = pdf_loadstream(&buf, xref, oid, gen); if (error) die(error); if (doencrypt) pdf_cryptbuffer(outcrypt, buf, oid, gen); fz_copydict(&newdict, obj); fz_dictdels(newdict, "Filter"); fz_dictdels(newdict, "DecodeParms"); fz_newint(&newlen, buf->wp - buf->rp); fz_dictputs(newdict, "Length", newlen); fz_dropobj(newlen); fprintf(out, "%d %d obj\n", oid, gen); if (doencrypt) pdf_cryptobj(outcrypt, obj, oid, gen); fz_fprintobj(out, newdict, !doexpand); if (doencrypt) pdf_cryptobj(outcrypt, obj, oid, gen); fprintf(out, "stream\n"); fwrite(buf->rp, 1, buf->wp - buf->rp, out); fprintf(out, "endstream\nendobj\n\n"); fz_dropobj(newdict); fz_dropbuffer(buf); } void saveobject(int oid, int gen) { fz_error error; fz_obj *obj; fz_obj *type; error = pdf_loadobject(&obj, xref, oid, gen); if (error) die(error); /* skip ObjStm and XRef objects */ if (fz_isdict(obj)) { type = fz_dictgets(obj, "Type"); if (fz_isname(type) && !strcmp(fz_toname(type), "ObjStm")) { uselist[oid] = 0; fz_dropobj(obj); return; } if (fz_isname(type) && !strcmp(fz_toname(type), "XRef")) { uselist[oid] = 0; fz_dropobj(obj); return; } } if (!xref->table[oid].stmofs) { fprintf(out, "%d %d obj\n", oid, gen); if (doencrypt) pdf_cryptobj(outcrypt, obj, oid, gen); fz_fprintobj(out, obj, !doexpand); if (doencrypt) pdf_cryptobj(outcrypt, obj, oid, gen); fprintf(out, "endobj\n\n"); } else { if (doexpand) expandstream(obj, oid, gen); else copystream(obj, oid, gen); } fz_dropobj(obj); } void savexref(void) { fz_obj *trailer; fz_obj *obj; int startxref; int oid; startxref = ftell(out); fprintf(out, "xref\n0 %d\n", xref->len + doencrypt); for (oid = 0; oid < xref->len + doencrypt; oid++) { if (uselist[oid]) fprintf(out, "%010d %05d n \n", ofslist[oid], genlist[oid]); else fprintf(out, "%010d %05d f \n", ofslist[oid], genlist[oid]); } fprintf(out, "\n"); fz_newdict(&trailer, 5); fz_newint(&obj, xref->len); fz_dictputs(trailer, "Size", obj); fz_dropobj(obj); obj = fz_dictgets(xref->trailer, "Info"); if (obj) fz_dictputs(trailer, "Info", obj); obj = fz_dictgets(xref->trailer, "Root"); if (obj) fz_dictputs(trailer, "Root", obj); if (doencrypt) { fz_newindirect(&obj, xref->len, 0); fz_dictputs(trailer, "Encrypt", obj); fz_dropobj(obj); } fz_dictputs(trailer, "ID", id); fprintf(out, "trailer\n"); fz_fprintobj(out, trailer, !doexpand); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "startxref\n%d\n%%%%EOF\n", startxref); } void cleanusage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: pdfclean [options] input.pdf [outfile.pdf]\n" " -d -\tpassword for decryption\n" " -g \tgarbage collect unused objects\n" " -x \texpand compressed streams\n" " -e \tencrypt output\n" " -u -\tset user password for encryption\n" " -o -\tset owner password\n" " -p -\tset permissions (combine letters 'pmca')\n" " -n -\tkey length in bits: 40 <= n <= 128\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *infile; char *outfile = "out.pdf"; char *userpw = ""; char *ownerpw = ""; unsigned perms = 0xfffff0c0; /* nothing allowed */ int keylen = 40; char *password = ""; fz_error error; int c, oid; int lastfree; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "d:egn:o:p:u:x")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'p': /* see TABLE 3.15 User access permissions */ perms = 0xfffff0c0; if (strchr(optarg, 'p')) /* print */ perms |= (1 << 2) | (1 << 11); if (strchr(optarg, 'm')) /* modify */ perms |= (1 << 3) | (1 << 10); if (strchr(optarg, 'c')) /* copy */ perms |= (1 << 4) | (1 << 9); if (strchr(optarg, 'a')) /* annotate / forms */ perms |= (1 << 5) | (1 << 8); break; case 'd': password = optarg; break; case 'e': doencrypt ++; break; case 'g': dogarbage ++; break; case 'n': keylen = atoi(optarg); break; case 'o': ownerpw = optarg; break; case 'u': userpw = optarg; break; case 'x': doexpand ++; break; default: cleanusage(); break; } } if (argc - optind < 1) cleanusage(); infile = argv[optind++]; if (argc - optind > 0) outfile = argv[optind++]; openxref(infile, password); id = fz_dictgets(xref->trailer, "ID"); if (!id) { error = fz_packobj(&id, "[(ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP)(ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP)]"); if (error) die(error); } else { fz_keepobj(id); } if (doencrypt) { error = pdf_newencrypt(&outcrypt, userpw, ownerpw, perms, keylen, id); if (error) die(error); } out = fopen(outfile, "wb"); if (!out) die(fz_throw("cannot open output file '%s'", outfile)); fprintf(out, "%%PDF-%d.%d\n", xref->version / 10, xref->version % 10); fprintf(out, "%%\342\343\317\323\n\n"); uselist = malloc(sizeof (char) * (xref->len + 1)); ofslist = malloc(sizeof (int) * (xref->len + 1)); genlist = malloc(sizeof (int) * (xref->len + 1)); for (oid = 0; oid < xref->len; oid++) { uselist[oid] = 0; ofslist[oid] = 0; genlist[oid] = 0; } /* Make sure any objects hidden in compressed streams have been loaded */ preloadobjstms(); /* Sweep & mark objects from the trailer */ error = sweepobj(xref, xref->trailer); if (error) die(fz_rethrow(error, "cannot mark used objects")); for (oid = 0; oid < xref->len; oid++) { if (xref->table[oid].type == 'f') uselist[oid] = 0; if (xref->table[oid].type == 'f') genlist[oid] = xref->table[oid].gen; if (xref->table[oid].type == 'n') genlist[oid] = xref->table[oid].gen; if (xref->table[oid].type == 'o') genlist[oid] = 0; if (dogarbage && !uselist[oid]) continue; if (xref->table[oid].type == 'n' || xref->table[oid].type == 'o') { ofslist[oid] = ftell(out); saveobject(oid, genlist[oid]); } } /* add new encryption dictionary to xref */ if (doencrypt) { ofslist[xref->len] = ftell(out); genlist[xref->len] = 0; uselist[xref->len] = 1; fprintf(out, "%d %d obj\n", xref->len, 0); fz_fprintobj(out, outcrypt->encrypt, !doexpand); fprintf(out, "endobj\n\n"); } /* construct linked list of free object slots */ lastfree = 0; for (oid = 0; oid < xref->len + doencrypt; oid++) { if (!uselist[oid]) { genlist[oid]++; ofslist[lastfree] = oid; lastfree = oid; } } savexref(); pdf_closexref(xref); }