/* * PDF cleaning tool: general purpose pdf syntax washer. * * Rewrite PDF with pretty printed objects. * Garbage collect unreachable objects. * Inflate compressed streams. * Create subset documents. * * TODO: linearize document for fast web view */ #include "fitz.h" #include "mupdf.h" static FILE *out = NULL; enum { expand_images = 1, expand_fonts = 2, expand_all = -1 }; static char *uselist = NULL; static int *ofslist = NULL; static int *genlist = NULL; static int *renumbermap = NULL; static int dogarbage = 0; static int doexpand = 0; static int doascii = 0; static pdf_xref *xref = NULL; static fz_context *ctx = NULL; static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: pdfclean [options] input.pdf [output.pdf] [pages]\n" "\t-p -\tpassword\n" "\t-g\tgarbage collect unused objects\n" "\t-gg\tin addition to -g compact xref table\n" "\t-ggg\tin addition to -gg merge duplicate objects\n" "\t-d\tdecompress all streams\n" "\t-i\ttoggle decompression of image streams\n" "\t-f\ttoggle decompression of font streams\n" "\t-a\tascii hex encode binary streams\n" "\tpages\tcomma separated list of ranges\n"); exit(1); } /* * Garbage collect objects not reachable from the trailer. */ static void sweepref(fz_obj *ref); static void sweepobj(fz_obj *obj) { int i; if (fz_is_indirect(obj)) sweepref(obj); else if (fz_is_dict(obj)) { int n = fz_dict_len(obj); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) sweepobj(fz_dict_get_val(obj, i)); } else if (fz_is_array(obj)) { int n = fz_array_len(obj); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) sweepobj(fz_array_get(obj, i)); } } static void sweepref(fz_obj *obj) { int num = fz_to_num(obj); int gen = fz_to_gen(obj); if (num < 0 || num >= xref->len) return; if (uselist[num]) return; uselist[num] = 1; /* Bake in /Length in stream objects */ if (pdf_is_stream(xref, num, gen)) { fz_obj *len = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Length"); if (fz_is_indirect(len)) { uselist[fz_to_num(len)] = 0; len = fz_resolve_indirect(len); fz_dict_puts(obj, "Length", len); } } sweepobj(fz_resolve_indirect(obj)); } /* * Scan for and remove duplicate objects (slow) */ static void removeduplicateobjs(void) { int num, other; for (num = 1; num < xref->len; num++) { /* Only compare an object to objects preceeding it */ for (other = 1; other < num; other++) { fz_obj *a, *b; if (num == other || !uselist[num] || !uselist[other]) continue; /* * Comparing stream objects data contents would take too long. * * pdf_is_stream calls pdf_cache_object and ensures * that the xref table has the objects loaded. */ if (pdf_is_stream(xref, num, 0) || pdf_is_stream(xref, other, 0)) continue; a = xref->table[num].obj; b = xref->table[other].obj; a = fz_resolve_indirect(a); b = fz_resolve_indirect(b); if (fz_objcmp(a, b)) continue; /* Keep the lowest numbered object */ renumbermap[num] = MIN(num, other); renumbermap[other] = MIN(num, other); uselist[MAX(num, other)] = 0; /* One duplicate was found, do not look for another */ break; } } } /* * Renumber objects sequentially so the xref is more compact */ static void compactxref(void) { int num, newnum; /* * Update renumbermap in-place, clustering all used * objects together at low object ids. Objects that * already should be renumbered will have their new * object ids be updated to reflect the compaction. */ newnum = 1; for (num = 1; num < xref->len; num++) { if (uselist[num] && renumbermap[num] == num) renumbermap[num] = newnum++; else if (renumbermap[num] != num) renumbermap[num] = renumbermap[renumbermap[num]]; } } /* * Update indirect objects according to renumbering established when * removing duplicate objects and compacting the xref. */ static void renumberobj(fz_obj *obj) { int i; fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx; if (fz_is_dict(obj)) { int n = fz_dict_len(obj); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fz_obj *key = fz_dict_get_key(obj, i); fz_obj *val = fz_dict_get_val(obj, i); if (fz_is_indirect(val)) { val = fz_new_indirect(ctx, renumbermap[fz_to_num(val)], 0, xref); fz_dict_put(obj, key, val); fz_drop_obj(val); } else { renumberobj(val); } } } else if (fz_is_array(obj)) { int n = fz_array_len(obj); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fz_obj *val = fz_array_get(obj, i); if (fz_is_indirect(val)) { val = fz_new_indirect(ctx, renumbermap[fz_to_num(val)], 0, xref); fz_array_put(obj, i, val); fz_drop_obj(val); } else { renumberobj(val); } } } } static void renumberobjs(void) { pdf_xref_entry *oldxref; int newlen; int num; /* Apply renumber map to indirect references in all objects in xref */ renumberobj(xref->trailer); for (num = 0; num < xref->len; num++) { fz_obj *obj = xref->table[num].obj; if (fz_is_indirect(obj)) { obj = fz_new_indirect(ctx, renumbermap[fz_to_num(obj)], 0, xref); pdf_update_object(xref, num, 0, obj); fz_drop_obj(obj); } else { renumberobj(obj); } } /* Create new table for the reordered, compacted xref */ oldxref = xref->table; xref->table = fz_malloc_array(xref->ctx, xref->len, sizeof(pdf_xref_entry)); xref->table[0] = oldxref[0]; /* Move used objects into the new compacted xref */ newlen = 0; for (num = 1; num < xref->len; num++) { if (uselist[num]) { if (newlen < renumbermap[num]) newlen = renumbermap[num]; xref->table[renumbermap[num]] = oldxref[num]; } else { if (oldxref[num].obj) fz_drop_obj(oldxref[num].obj); } } fz_free(xref->ctx, oldxref); /* Update the used objects count in compacted xref */ xref->len = newlen + 1; /* Update list of used objects to fit with compacted xref */ for (num = 1; num < xref->len; num++) uselist[num] = 1; } /* * Recreate page tree to only retain specified pages. */ static void retainpages(int argc, char **argv) { fz_obj *oldroot, *root, *pages, *kids, *countobj, *parent, *olddests; /* Load the old page tree */ pdf_load_page_tree(xref); /* Keep only pages/type and (reduced) dest entries to avoid * references to unretained pages */ oldroot = fz_dict_gets(xref->trailer, "Root"); pages = fz_dict_gets(oldroot, "Pages"); olddests = pdf_load_name_tree(xref, "Dests"); root = fz_new_dict(ctx, 2); fz_dict_puts(root, "Type", fz_dict_gets(oldroot, "Type")); fz_dict_puts(root, "Pages", fz_dict_gets(oldroot, "Pages")); pdf_update_object(xref, fz_to_num(oldroot), fz_to_gen(oldroot), root); fz_drop_obj(root); /* Create a new kids array with only the pages we want to keep */ parent = fz_new_indirect(ctx, fz_to_num(pages), fz_to_gen(pages), xref); kids = fz_new_array(ctx, 1); /* Retain pages specified */ while (argc - fz_optind) { int page, spage, epage; char *spec, *dash; char *pagelist = argv[fz_optind]; spec = fz_strsep(&pagelist, ","); while (spec) { dash = strchr(spec, '-'); if (dash == spec) spage = epage = pdf_count_pages(xref); else spage = epage = atoi(spec); if (dash) { if (strlen(dash) > 1) epage = atoi(dash + 1); else epage = pdf_count_pages(xref); } if (spage > epage) page = spage, spage = epage, epage = page; if (spage < 1) spage = 1; if (epage > pdf_count_pages(xref)) epage = pdf_count_pages(xref); for (page = spage; page <= epage; page++) { fz_obj *pageobj = xref->page_objs[page-1]; fz_obj *pageref = xref->page_refs[page-1]; fz_dict_puts(pageobj, "Parent", parent); /* Store page object in new kids array */ fz_array_push(kids, pageref); } spec = fz_strsep(&pagelist, ","); } fz_optind++; } fz_drop_obj(parent); /* Update page count and kids array */ countobj = fz_new_int(ctx, fz_array_len(kids)); fz_dict_puts(pages, "Count", countobj); fz_drop_obj(countobj); fz_dict_puts(pages, "Kids", kids); fz_drop_obj(kids); /* Also preserve the (partial) Dests name tree */ if (olddests) { int i; fz_obj *names = fz_new_dict(ctx, 1); fz_obj *dests = fz_new_dict(ctx, 1); fz_obj *names_list = fz_new_array(ctx, 32); for (i = 0; i < fz_dict_len(olddests); i++) { fz_obj *key = fz_dict_get_key(olddests, i); fz_obj *val = fz_dict_get_val(olddests, i); fz_obj *key_str = fz_new_string(ctx, fz_to_name(key), strlen(fz_to_name(key))); fz_obj *dest = fz_dict_gets(val, "D"); dest = fz_array_get(dest ? dest : val, 0); if (fz_array_contains(fz_dict_gets(pages, "Kids"), dest)) { fz_array_push(names_list, key_str); fz_array_push(names_list, val); } fz_drop_obj(key_str); } root = fz_dict_gets(xref->trailer, "Root"); fz_dict_puts(dests, "Names", names_list); fz_dict_puts(names, "Dests", dests); fz_dict_puts(root, "Names", names); fz_drop_obj(names); fz_drop_obj(dests); fz_drop_obj(names_list); fz_drop_obj(olddests); } } /* * Make sure we have loaded objects from object streams. */ static void preloadobjstms(void) { fz_obj *obj; int num; for (num = 0; num < xref->len; num++) { if (xref->table[num].type == 'o') { obj = pdf_load_object(xref, num, 0); fz_drop_obj(obj); } } } /* * Save streams and objects to the output */ static inline int isbinary(int c) { if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t') return 0; return c < 32 || c > 127; } static int isbinarystream(fz_buffer *buf) { int i; for (i = 0; i < buf->len; i++) if (isbinary(buf->data[i])) return 1; return 0; } static fz_buffer *hexbuf(unsigned char *p, int n) { static const char hex[16] = "0123456789abcdef"; fz_buffer *buf; int x = 0; buf = fz_new_buffer(ctx, n * 2 + (n / 32) + 2); while (n--) { buf->data[buf->len++] = hex[*p >> 4]; buf->data[buf->len++] = hex[*p & 15]; if (++x == 32) { buf->data[buf->len++] = '\n'; x = 0; } p++; } buf->data[buf->len++] = '>'; buf->data[buf->len++] = '\n'; return buf; } static void addhexfilter(fz_obj *dict) { fz_obj *f, *dp, *newf, *newdp; fz_obj *ahx, *nullobj; ahx = fz_new_name(ctx, "ASCIIHexDecode"); nullobj = fz_new_null(ctx); newf = newdp = NULL; f = fz_dict_gets(dict, "Filter"); dp = fz_dict_gets(dict, "DecodeParms"); if (fz_is_name(f)) { newf = fz_new_array(ctx, 2); fz_array_push(newf, ahx); fz_array_push(newf, f); f = newf; if (fz_is_dict(dp)) { newdp = fz_new_array(ctx, 2); fz_array_push(newdp, nullobj); fz_array_push(newdp, dp); dp = newdp; } } else if (fz_is_array(f)) { fz_array_insert(f, ahx); if (fz_is_array(dp)) fz_array_insert(dp, nullobj); } else f = ahx; fz_dict_puts(dict, "Filter", f); if (dp) fz_dict_puts(dict, "DecodeParms", dp); fz_drop_obj(ahx); fz_drop_obj(nullobj); if (newf) fz_drop_obj(newf); if (newdp) fz_drop_obj(newdp); } static void copystream(fz_obj *obj, int num, int gen) { fz_buffer *buf, *tmp; fz_obj *newlen; buf = pdf_load_raw_stream(xref, num, gen); if (doascii && isbinarystream(buf)) { tmp = hexbuf(buf->data, buf->len); fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); buf = tmp; addhexfilter(obj); newlen = fz_new_int(ctx, buf->len); fz_dict_puts(obj, "Length", newlen); fz_drop_obj(newlen); } fprintf(out, "%d %d obj\n", num, gen); fz_fprint_obj(out, obj, doexpand == 0); fprintf(out, "stream\n"); fwrite(buf->data, 1, buf->len, out); fprintf(out, "endstream\nendobj\n\n"); fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); } static void expandstream(fz_obj *obj, int num, int gen) { fz_buffer *buf, *tmp; fz_obj *newlen; buf = pdf_load_stream(xref, num, gen); fz_dict_dels(obj, "Filter"); fz_dict_dels(obj, "DecodeParms"); if (doascii && isbinarystream(buf)) { tmp = hexbuf(buf->data, buf->len); fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); buf = tmp; addhexfilter(obj); } newlen = fz_new_int(ctx, buf->len); fz_dict_puts(obj, "Length", newlen); fz_drop_obj(newlen); fprintf(out, "%d %d obj\n", num, gen); fz_fprint_obj(out, obj, doexpand == 0); fprintf(out, "stream\n"); fwrite(buf->data, 1, buf->len, out); fprintf(out, "endstream\nendobj\n\n"); fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); } static void writeobject(int num, int gen) { fz_obj *obj; fz_obj *type; obj = pdf_load_object(xref, num, gen); /* skip ObjStm and XRef objects */ if (fz_is_dict(obj)) { type = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Type"); if (fz_is_name(type) && !strcmp(fz_to_name(type), "ObjStm")) { uselist[num] = 0; fz_drop_obj(obj); return; } if (fz_is_name(type) && !strcmp(fz_to_name(type), "XRef")) { uselist[num] = 0; fz_drop_obj(obj); return; } } if (!pdf_is_stream(xref, num, gen)) { fprintf(out, "%d %d obj\n", num, gen); fz_fprint_obj(out, obj, doexpand == 0); fprintf(out, "endobj\n\n"); } else { int dontexpand = 0; if (doexpand != 0 && doexpand != expand_all) { fz_obj *o; if ((o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Type"), !strcmp(fz_to_name(o), "XObject")) && (o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Subtype"), !strcmp(fz_to_name(o), "Image"))) dontexpand = !(doexpand & expand_images); if (o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Type"), !strcmp(fz_to_name(o), "Font")) dontexpand = !(doexpand & expand_fonts); if (o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Type"), !strcmp(fz_to_name(o), "FontDescriptor")) dontexpand = !(doexpand & expand_fonts); if ((o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Length1")) != NULL) dontexpand = !(doexpand & expand_fonts); if ((o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Length2")) != NULL) dontexpand = !(doexpand & expand_fonts); if ((o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Length3")) != NULL) dontexpand = !(doexpand & expand_fonts); if (o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Subtype"), !strcmp(fz_to_name(o), "Type1C")) dontexpand = !(doexpand & expand_fonts); if (o = fz_dict_gets(obj, "Subtype"), !strcmp(fz_to_name(o), "CIDFontType0C")) dontexpand = !(doexpand & expand_fonts); } if (doexpand && !dontexpand && !pdf_is_jpx_image(ctx, obj)) expandstream(obj, num, gen); else copystream(obj, num, gen); } fz_drop_obj(obj); } static void writexref(void) { fz_obj *trailer; fz_obj *obj; int startxref; int num; startxref = ftell(out); fprintf(out, "xref\n0 %d\n", xref->len); for (num = 0; num < xref->len; num++) { if (uselist[num]) fprintf(out, "%010d %05d n \n", ofslist[num], genlist[num]); else fprintf(out, "%010d %05d f \n", ofslist[num], genlist[num]); } fprintf(out, "\n"); trailer = fz_new_dict(ctx, 5); obj = fz_new_int(ctx, xref->len); fz_dict_puts(trailer, "Size", obj); fz_drop_obj(obj); obj = fz_dict_gets(xref->trailer, "Info"); if (obj) fz_dict_puts(trailer, "Info", obj); obj = fz_dict_gets(xref->trailer, "Root"); if (obj) fz_dict_puts(trailer, "Root", obj); obj = fz_dict_gets(xref->trailer, "ID"); if (obj) fz_dict_puts(trailer, "ID", obj); fprintf(out, "trailer\n"); fz_fprint_obj(out, trailer, doexpand == 0); fprintf(out, "\n"); fz_drop_obj(trailer); fprintf(out, "startxref\n%d\n%%%%EOF\n", startxref); } static void writepdf(void) { int lastfree; int num; for (num = 0; num < xref->len; num++) { if (xref->table[num].type == 'f') genlist[num] = xref->table[num].gen; if (xref->table[num].type == 'n') genlist[num] = xref->table[num].gen; if (xref->table[num].type == 'o') genlist[num] = 0; if (dogarbage && !uselist[num]) continue; if (xref->table[num].type == 'n' || xref->table[num].type == 'o') { uselist[num] = 1; ofslist[num] = ftell(out); writeobject(num, genlist[num]); } } /* Construct linked list of free object slots */ lastfree = 0; for (num = 0; num < xref->len; num++) { if (!uselist[num]) { genlist[num]++; ofslist[lastfree] = num; lastfree = num; } } writexref(); } #ifdef MUPDF_COMBINED_EXE int pdfclean_main(int argc, char **argv) #else int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { char *infile; char *outfile = "out.pdf"; char *password = ""; int c, num; int subset; while ((c = fz_getopt(argc, argv, "adfgip:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'p': password = fz_optarg; break; case 'g': dogarbage ++; break; case 'd': doexpand ^= expand_all; break; case 'f': doexpand ^= expand_fonts; break; case 'i': doexpand ^= expand_images; break; case 'a': doascii ++; break; default: usage(); break; } } if (argc - fz_optind < 1) usage(); infile = argv[fz_optind++]; if (argc - fz_optind > 0 && (strstr(argv[fz_optind], ".pdf") || strstr(argv[fz_optind], ".PDF"))) { outfile = argv[fz_optind++]; } subset = 0; if (argc - fz_optind > 0) subset = 1; ctx = fz_new_context(&fz_alloc_default, 256<<20); if (!ctx) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot initialise context\n"); exit(1); } xref = pdf_open_xref(ctx, infile, password); out = fopen(outfile, "wb"); if (!out) fz_throw(ctx, "cannot open output file '%s'", outfile); fprintf(out, "%%PDF-%d.%d\n", xref->version / 10, xref->version % 10); fprintf(out, "%%\316\274\341\277\246\n\n"); uselist = fz_malloc_array(ctx, xref->len + 1, sizeof(char)); ofslist = fz_malloc_array(ctx, xref->len + 1, sizeof(int)); genlist = fz_malloc_array(ctx, xref->len + 1, sizeof(int)); renumbermap = fz_malloc_array(ctx, xref->len + 1, sizeof(int)); for (num = 0; num < xref->len; num++) { uselist[num] = 0; ofslist[num] = 0; genlist[num] = 0; renumbermap[num] = num; } /* Make sure any objects hidden in compressed streams have been loaded */ preloadobjstms(); /* Only retain the specified subset of the pages */ if (subset) retainpages(argc, argv); /* Sweep & mark objects from the trailer */ if (dogarbage >= 1) sweepobj(xref->trailer); /* Coalesce and renumber duplicate objects */ if (dogarbage >= 3) removeduplicateobjs(); /* Compact xref by renumbering and removing unused objects */ if (dogarbage >= 2) compactxref(); /* Make renumbering affect all indirect references and update xref */ /* Do not renumber objects if encryption is in use, as the object * numbers are baked into the streams/strings, and we can't currently * cope with moving them. See bug 692627. */ if (dogarbage >= 2 && !xref->crypt) renumberobjs(); writepdf(); if (fclose(out)) fz_throw(ctx, "cannot close output file '%s'", outfile); fz_free(xref->ctx, uselist); fz_free(xref->ctx, ofslist); fz_free(xref->ctx, genlist); fz_free(xref->ctx, renumbermap); pdf_free_xref(xref); fz_flush_warnings(ctx); fz_free_context(ctx); return 0; }