/* * Information tool. * Print information about the input pdf. */ #include "fitz.h" #include "mupdf.h" pdf_xref *xref; int pagecount; void closexref(void); void die(fz_error error) { fz_catch(error, "aborting"); closexref(); exit(1); } void openxref(char *filename, char *password, int dieonbadpass, int loadpages); enum { DIMENSIONS = 0x01, FONTS = 0x02, IMAGES = 0x04, SHADINGS = 0x08, PATTERNS = 0x10, XOBJS = 0x20, ALL = DIMENSIONS | FONTS | IMAGES | SHADINGS | PATTERNS | XOBJS }; struct info { int page; fz_obj *pageref; fz_obj *pageobj; union { struct { fz_obj *obj; } info; struct { fz_obj *obj; } crypt; struct { fz_obj *obj; fz_rect *bbox; } dim; struct { fz_obj *obj; fz_obj *subtype; fz_obj *name; } font; struct { fz_obj *obj; fz_obj *width; fz_obj *height; fz_obj *bpc; fz_obj *filter; fz_obj *cs; fz_obj *altcs; } image; struct { fz_obj *obj; fz_obj *type; } shading; struct { fz_obj *obj; fz_obj *type; fz_obj *paint; fz_obj *tiling; fz_obj *shading; } pattern; struct { fz_obj *obj; fz_obj *groupsubtype; fz_obj *reference; } form; } u; }; static struct info *dim = nil; static int dims = 0; static struct info *font = nil; static int fonts = 0; static struct info *image = nil; static int images = 0; static struct info *shading = nil; static int shadings = 0; static struct info *pattern = nil; static int patterns = 0; static struct info *form = nil; static int forms = 0; static struct info *psobj = nil; static int psobjs = 0; void closexref(void) { int i; if (xref) { pdf_freexref(xref); xref = nil; } if (dim) { for (i = 0; i < dims; i++) fz_free(dim[i].u.dim.bbox); fz_free(dim); dim = nil; dims = 0; } if (font) { fz_free(font); font = nil; fonts = 0; } if (image) { fz_free(image); image = nil; images = 0; } if (shading) { fz_free(shading); shading = nil; shadings = 0; } if (pattern) { fz_free(pattern); pattern = nil; patterns = 0; } if (form) { fz_free(form); form = nil; forms = 0; } if (psobj) { fz_free(psobj); psobj = nil; psobjs = 0; } if (xref && xref->store) { pdf_freestore(xref->store); xref->store = nil; } } static void infousage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: pdfinfo [options] [file.pdf ... ]\n" "\t-d -\tpassword for decryption\n" "\t-f\tlist fonts\n" "\t-i\tlist images\n" "\t-m\tlist dimensions\n" "\t-p\tlist patterns\n" "\t-s\tlist shadings\n" "\t-x\tlist form and postscript xobjects\n"); exit(1); } static void showglobalinfo(void) { fz_obj *obj; printf("\nPDF-%d.%d\n", xref->version / 10, xref->version % 10); obj = fz_dictgets(xref->trailer, "Info"); if (obj) { printf("Info object (%d %d R):\n", fz_tonum(obj), fz_togen(obj)); fz_debugobj(fz_resolveindirect(obj)); } obj = fz_dictgets(xref->trailer, "Encrypt"); if (obj) { printf("\nEncryption object (%d %d R):\n", fz_tonum(obj), fz_togen(obj)); fz_debugobj(fz_resolveindirect(obj)); } printf("\nPages: %d\n\n", pagecount); } static void gatherdimensions(int page, fz_obj *pageref, fz_obj *pageobj) { fz_rect bbox; fz_obj *obj; int j; obj = fz_dictgets(pageobj, "MediaBox"); if (!fz_isarray(obj)) return; bbox = pdf_torect(obj); for (j = 0; j < dims; j++) if (!memcmp(dim[j].u.dim.bbox, &bbox, sizeof (fz_rect))) break; if (j < dims) return; dims++; dim = fz_realloc(dim, dims * sizeof (struct info)); dim[dims - 1].page = page; dim[dims - 1].pageref = pageref; dim[dims - 1].pageobj = pageobj; dim[dims - 1].u.dim.bbox = fz_malloc(sizeof (fz_rect)); memcpy(dim[dims - 1].u.dim.bbox, &bbox, sizeof (fz_rect)); return; } static void gatherfonts(int page, fz_obj *pageref, fz_obj *pageobj, fz_obj *dict) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(dict); i++) { fz_obj *fontdict = nil; fz_obj *subtype = nil; fz_obj *basefont = nil; fz_obj *name = nil; int k; fontdict = fz_dictgetval(dict, i); if (!fz_isdict(fontdict)) { fz_warn("not a font dict (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(fontdict), fz_togen(fontdict)); continue; } subtype = fz_dictgets(fontdict, "Subtype"); basefont = fz_dictgets(fontdict, "BaseFont"); if (!basefont || fz_isnull(basefont)) name = fz_dictgets(fontdict, "Name"); for (k = 0; k < fonts; k++) if (!fz_objcmp(font[k].u.font.obj, fontdict)) break; if (k < fonts) continue; fonts++; font = fz_realloc(font, fonts * sizeof (struct info)); font[fonts - 1].page = page; font[fonts - 1].pageref = pageref; font[fonts - 1].pageobj = pageobj; font[fonts - 1].u.font.obj = fontdict; font[fonts - 1].u.font.subtype = subtype; font[fonts - 1].u.font.name = basefont ? basefont : name; } } static void gatherimages(int page, fz_obj *pageref, fz_obj *pageobj, fz_obj *dict) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(dict); i++) { fz_obj *imagedict; fz_obj *type; fz_obj *width; fz_obj *height; fz_obj *bpc = nil; fz_obj *filter = nil; fz_obj *cs = nil; fz_obj *altcs; int k; imagedict = fz_dictgetval(dict, i); if (!fz_isdict(imagedict)) { fz_warn("not an image dict (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(imagedict), fz_togen(imagedict)); continue; } type = fz_dictgets(imagedict, "Subtype"); if (strcmp(fz_toname(type), "Image")) continue; filter = fz_dictgets(imagedict, "Filter"); altcs = nil; cs = fz_dictgets(imagedict, "ColorSpace"); if (fz_isarray(cs)) { fz_obj *cses = cs; cs = fz_arrayget(cses, 0); if (fz_isname(cs) && (!strcmp(fz_toname(cs), "DeviceN") || !strcmp(fz_toname(cs), "Separation"))) { altcs = fz_arrayget(cses, 2); if (fz_isarray(altcs)) altcs = fz_arrayget(altcs, 0); } } width = fz_dictgets(imagedict, "Width"); height = fz_dictgets(imagedict, "Height"); bpc = fz_dictgets(imagedict, "BitsPerComponent"); for (k = 0; k < images; k++) if (!fz_objcmp(image[k].u.image.obj, imagedict)) break; if (k < images) continue; images++; image = fz_realloc(image, images * sizeof (struct info)); image[images - 1].page = page; image[images - 1].pageref = pageref; image[images - 1].pageobj = pageobj; image[images - 1].u.image.obj = imagedict; image[images - 1].u.image.width = width; image[images - 1].u.image.height = height; image[images - 1].u.image.bpc = bpc; image[images - 1].u.image.filter = filter; image[images - 1].u.image.cs = cs; image[images - 1].u.image.altcs = altcs; } } static void gatherforms(int page, fz_obj *pageref, fz_obj *pageobj, fz_obj *dict) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(dict); i++) { fz_obj *xobjdict; fz_obj *type; fz_obj *subtype; fz_obj *group; fz_obj *groupsubtype; fz_obj *reference; int k; xobjdict = fz_dictgetval(dict, i); if (!fz_isdict(xobjdict)) { fz_warn("not a xobject dict (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(xobjdict), fz_togen(xobjdict)); continue; } type = fz_dictgets(xobjdict, "Subtype"); if (strcmp(fz_toname(type), "Form")) continue; subtype = fz_dictgets(xobjdict, "Subtype2"); if (!strcmp(fz_toname(subtype), "PS")) continue; group = fz_dictgets(xobjdict, "Group"); groupsubtype = fz_dictgets(group, "S"); reference = fz_dictgets(xobjdict, "Ref"); for (k = 0; k < forms; k++) if (!fz_objcmp(form[k].u.form.obj, xobjdict)) break; if (k < forms) continue; forms++; form = fz_realloc(form, forms * sizeof (struct info)); form[forms - 1].page = page; form[forms - 1].pageref = pageref; form[forms - 1].pageobj = pageobj; form[forms - 1].u.form.obj = xobjdict; form[forms - 1].u.form.groupsubtype = groupsubtype; form[forms - 1].u.form.reference = reference; } } static void gatherpsobjs(int page, fz_obj *pageref, fz_obj *pageobj, fz_obj *dict) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(dict); i++) { fz_obj *xobjdict; fz_obj *type; fz_obj *subtype; int k; xobjdict = fz_dictgetval(dict, i); if (!fz_isdict(xobjdict)) { fz_warn("not a xobject dict (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(xobjdict), fz_togen(xobjdict)); continue; } type = fz_dictgets(xobjdict, "Subtype"); subtype = fz_dictgets(xobjdict, "Subtype2"); if (strcmp(fz_toname(type), "PS") && (strcmp(fz_toname(type), "Form") || strcmp(fz_toname(subtype), "PS"))) continue; for (k = 0; k < psobjs; k++) if (!fz_objcmp(psobj[k].u.form.obj, xobjdict)) break; if (k < psobjs) continue; psobjs++; psobj = fz_realloc(psobj, psobjs * sizeof (struct info)); psobj[psobjs - 1].page = page; psobj[psobjs - 1].pageref = pageref; psobj[psobjs - 1].pageobj = pageobj; psobj[psobjs - 1].u.form.obj = xobjdict; } } static void gathershadings(int page, fz_obj *pageref, fz_obj *pageobj, fz_obj *dict) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(dict); i++) { fz_obj *shade; fz_obj *type; int k; shade = fz_dictgetval(dict, i); if (!fz_isdict(shade)) { fz_warn("not a shading dict (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(shade), fz_togen(shade)); continue; } type = fz_dictgets(shade, "ShadingType"); if (!fz_isint(type) || fz_toint(type) < 1 || fz_toint(type) > 7) { fz_warn("not a shading type (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(shade), fz_togen(shade)); type = nil; } for (k = 0; k < shadings; k++) if (!fz_objcmp(shading[k].u.shading.obj, shade)) break; if (k < shadings) continue; shadings++; shading = fz_realloc(shading, shadings * sizeof (struct info)); shading[shadings - 1].page = page; shading[shadings - 1].pageref = pageref; shading[shadings - 1].pageobj = pageobj; shading[shadings - 1].u.shading.obj = shade; shading[shadings - 1].u.shading.type = type; } } static void gatherpatterns(int page, fz_obj *pageref, fz_obj *pageobj, fz_obj *dict) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(dict); i++) { fz_obj *patterndict; fz_obj *type; fz_obj *paint = nil; fz_obj *tiling = nil; fz_obj *shading = nil; int k; patterndict = fz_dictgetval(dict, i); if (!fz_isdict(patterndict)) { fz_warn("not a pattern dict (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(patterndict), fz_togen(patterndict)); continue; } type = fz_dictgets(patterndict, "PatternType"); if (!fz_isint(type) || fz_toint(type) < 1 || fz_toint(type) > 2) { fz_warn("not a pattern type (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(patterndict), fz_togen(patterndict)); type = nil; } if (fz_toint(type) == 1) { paint = fz_dictgets(patterndict, "PaintType"); if (!fz_isint(paint) || fz_toint(paint) < 1 || fz_toint(paint) > 2) { fz_warn("not a pattern paint type (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(patterndict), fz_togen(patterndict)); paint = nil; } tiling = fz_dictgets(patterndict, "TilingType"); if (!fz_isint(tiling) || fz_toint(tiling) < 1 || fz_toint(tiling) > 3) { fz_warn("not a pattern tiling type (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(patterndict), fz_togen(patterndict)); tiling = nil; } } else { shading = fz_dictgets(patterndict, "Shading"); } for (k = 0; k < patterns; k++) if (!fz_objcmp(pattern[k].u.pattern.obj, patterndict)) break; if (k < patterns) continue; patterns++; pattern = fz_realloc(pattern, patterns * sizeof (struct info)); pattern[patterns - 1].page = page; pattern[patterns - 1].pageref = pageref; pattern[patterns - 1].pageobj = pageobj; pattern[patterns - 1].u.pattern.obj = patterndict; pattern[patterns - 1].u.pattern.type = type; pattern[patterns - 1].u.pattern.paint = paint; pattern[patterns - 1].u.pattern.tiling = tiling; pattern[patterns - 1].u.pattern.shading = shading; } } static void gatherresourceinfo(int page, fz_obj *rsrc) { fz_obj *pageobj; fz_obj *pageref; fz_obj *font; fz_obj *xobj; fz_obj *shade; fz_obj *pattern; fz_obj *subrsrc; int i; pageobj = pdf_getpageobject(xref, page); pageref = pdf_getpageref(xref, page); if (!pageobj) die(fz_throw("cannot retrieve info from page %d", page)); font = fz_dictgets(rsrc, "Font"); if (font) { gatherfonts(page, pageref, pageobj, font); for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(font); i++) { fz_obj *obj = fz_dictgetval(font, i); subrsrc = fz_dictgets(obj, "Resources"); if (subrsrc && fz_objcmp(rsrc, subrsrc)) gatherresourceinfo(page, subrsrc); } } xobj = fz_dictgets(rsrc, "XObject"); if (xobj) { gatherimages(page, pageref, pageobj, xobj); gatherforms(page, pageref, pageobj, xobj); gatherpsobjs(page, pageref, pageobj, xobj); for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(xobj); i++) { fz_obj *obj = fz_dictgetval(xobj, i); subrsrc = fz_dictgets(obj, "Resources"); if (subrsrc && fz_objcmp(rsrc, subrsrc)) gatherresourceinfo(page, subrsrc); } } shade = fz_dictgets(rsrc, "Shading"); if (shade) gathershadings(page, pageref, pageobj, shade); pattern = fz_dictgets(rsrc, "Pattern"); if (pattern) { gatherpatterns(page, pageref, pageobj, pattern); for (i = 0; i < fz_dictlen(pattern); i++) { fz_obj *obj = fz_dictgetval(pattern, i); subrsrc = fz_dictgets(obj, "Resources"); if (subrsrc && fz_objcmp(rsrc, subrsrc)) gatherresourceinfo(page, subrsrc); } } } static void gatherpageinfo(int page) { fz_obj *pageobj; fz_obj *pageref; fz_obj *rsrc; pageobj = pdf_getpageobject(xref, page); pageref = pdf_getpageref(xref, page); if (!pageobj) die(fz_throw("cannot retrieve info from page %d", page)); gatherdimensions(page, pageref, pageobj); rsrc = fz_dictgets(pageobj, "Resources"); gatherresourceinfo(page, rsrc); } static void printinfo(char *filename, int show, int page) { int i; int j; #define PAGE_FMT "\t% 5d (% 7d %1d R): " if (show & DIMENSIONS && dims > 0) { printf("Mediaboxes (%d):\n", dims); for (i = 0; i < dims; i++) { printf(PAGE_FMT "[ %g %g %g %g ]\n", dim[i].page, fz_tonum(dim[i].pageref), fz_togen(dim[i].pageref), dim[i].u.dim.bbox->x0, dim[i].u.dim.bbox->y0, dim[i].u.dim.bbox->x1, dim[i].u.dim.bbox->y1); } printf("\n"); } if (show & FONTS && fonts > 0) { printf("Fonts (%d):\n", fonts); for (i = 0; i < fonts; i++) { printf(PAGE_FMT "%s '%s' (%d %d R)\n", font[i].page, fz_tonum(font[i].pageref), fz_togen(font[i].pageref), fz_toname(font[i].u.font.subtype), fz_toname(font[i].u.font.name), fz_tonum(font[i].u.font.obj), fz_togen(font[i].u.font.obj)); } printf("\n"); } if (show & IMAGES && images > 0) { printf("Images (%d):\n", images); for (i = 0; i < images; i++) { char *cs = nil; char *altcs = nil; printf(PAGE_FMT "[ ", image[i].page, fz_tonum(image[i].pageref), fz_togen(image[i].pageref)); if (fz_isarray(image[i].u.image.filter)) for (j = 0; j < fz_arraylen(image[i].u.image.filter); j++) { fz_obj *obj = fz_arrayget(image[i].u.image.filter, j); char *filter = fz_strdup(fz_toname(obj)); if (strstr(filter, "Decode")) *(strstr(filter, "Decode")) = '\0'; printf("%s%s", filter, j == fz_arraylen(image[i].u.image.filter) - 1 ? "" : " "); fz_free(filter); } else if (image[i].u.image.filter) { fz_obj *obj = image[i].u.image.filter; char *filter = fz_strdup(fz_toname(obj)); if (strstr(filter, "Decode")) *(strstr(filter, "Decode")) = '\0'; printf("%s", filter); fz_free(filter); } else printf("Raw"); if (image[i].u.image.cs) { cs = fz_strdup(fz_toname(image[i].u.image.cs)); if (!strncmp(cs, "Device", 6)) { int len = strlen(cs + 6); memmove(cs + 3, cs + 6, len + 1); cs[3 + len + 1] = '\0'; } if (strstr(cs, "ICC")) fz_strlcpy(cs, "ICC", 4); if (strstr(cs, "Indexed")) fz_strlcpy(cs, "Idx", 4); if (strstr(cs, "Pattern")) fz_strlcpy(cs, "Pat", 4); if (strstr(cs, "Separation")) fz_strlcpy(cs, "Sep", 4); } if (image[i].u.image.altcs) { altcs = fz_strdup(fz_toname(image[i].u.image.altcs)); if (!strncmp(altcs, "Device", 6)) { int len = strlen(altcs + 6); memmove(altcs + 3, altcs + 6, len + 1); altcs[3 + len + 1] = '\0'; } if (strstr(altcs, "ICC")) fz_strlcpy(altcs, "ICC", 4); if (strstr(altcs, "Indexed")) fz_strlcpy(altcs, "Idx", 4); if (strstr(altcs, "Pattern")) fz_strlcpy(altcs, "Pat", 4); if (strstr(altcs, "Separation")) fz_strlcpy(altcs, "Sep", 4); } printf(" ] %dx%d %dbpc %s%s%s (%d %d R)\n", fz_toint(image[i].u.image.width), fz_toint(image[i].u.image.height), image[i].u.image.bpc ? fz_toint(image[i].u.image.bpc) : 1, image[i].u.image.cs ? cs : "ImageMask", image[i].u.image.altcs ? " " : "", image[i].u.image.altcs ? altcs : "", fz_tonum(image[i].u.image.obj), fz_togen(image[i].u.image.obj)); fz_free(cs); fz_free(altcs); } printf("\n"); } if (show & SHADINGS && shadings > 0) { printf("Shading patterns (%d):\n", shadings); for (i = 0; i < shadings; i++) { char *shadingtype[] = { "", "Function", "Axial", "Radial", "Triangle mesh", "Lattice", "Coons patch", "Tensor patch", }; printf(PAGE_FMT "%s (%d %d R)\n", shading[i].page, fz_tonum(shading[i].pageref), fz_togen(shading[i].pageref), shadingtype[fz_toint(shading[i].u.shading.type)], fz_tonum(shading[i].u.shading.obj), fz_togen(shading[i].u.shading.obj)); } printf("\n"); } if (show & PATTERNS && patterns > 0) { printf("Patterns (%d):\n", patterns); for (i = 0; i < patterns; i++) { if (fz_toint(pattern[i].u.pattern.type) == 1) { char *painttype[] = { "", "Colored", "Uncolored", }; char *tilingtype[] = { "", "Constant", "No distortion", "Constant/fast tiling", }; printf(PAGE_FMT "Tiling %s %s (%d %d R)\n", pattern[i].page, fz_tonum(pattern[i].pageref), fz_togen(pattern[i].pageref), painttype[fz_toint(pattern[i].u.pattern.paint)], tilingtype[fz_toint(pattern[i].u.pattern.tiling)], fz_tonum(pattern[i].u.pattern.obj), fz_togen(pattern[i].u.pattern.obj)); } else { printf(PAGE_FMT "Shading %d %d R (%d %d R)\n", pattern[i].page, fz_tonum(pattern[i].pageref), fz_togen(pattern[i].pageref), fz_tonum(pattern[i].u.pattern.shading), fz_togen(pattern[i].u.pattern.shading), fz_tonum(pattern[i].u.pattern.obj), fz_togen(pattern[i].u.pattern.obj)); } } printf("\n"); } if (show & XOBJS && forms > 0) { printf("Form xobjects (%d):\n", forms); for (i = 0; i < forms; i++) { printf(PAGE_FMT "Form%s%s%s%s (%d %d R)\n", form[i].page, fz_tonum(form[i].pageref), fz_togen(form[i].pageref), form[i].u.form.groupsubtype ? " " : "", form[i].u.form.groupsubtype ? fz_toname(form[i].u.form.groupsubtype) : "", form[i].u.form.groupsubtype ? " Group" : "", form[i].u.form.reference ? " Reference" : "", fz_tonum(form[i].u.form.obj), fz_togen(form[i].u.form.obj)); } printf("\n"); } if (show & XOBJS && psobjs > 0) { printf("Postscript xobjects (%d):\n", psobjs); for (i = 0; i < psobjs; i++) { printf(PAGE_FMT "(%d %d R)\n", psobj[i].page, fz_tonum(psobj[i].pageref), fz_togen(psobj[i].pageref), fz_tonum(psobj[i].u.form.obj), fz_togen(psobj[i].u.form.obj)); } printf("\n"); } } static void showinfo(char *filename, int show, char *pagelist) { int page, spage, epage; char *spec, *dash; int allpages; if (!xref) infousage(); allpages = !strcmp(pagelist, "1-"); spec = fz_strsep(&pagelist, ","); while (spec) { dash = strchr(spec, '-'); if (dash == spec) spage = epage = pagecount; else spage = epage = atoi(spec); if (dash) { if (strlen(dash) > 1) epage = atoi(dash + 1); else epage = pagecount; } if (spage > epage) page = spage, spage = epage, epage = page; if (spage < 1) spage = 1; if (epage > pagecount) epage = pagecount; if (spage > pagecount) spage = pagecount; if (allpages) printf("Retrieving info from pages %d-%d...\n", spage, epage); if (spage >= 1) { for (page = spage; page <= epage; page++) { gatherpageinfo(page); if (!allpages) { printf("Page %d:\n", page); printinfo(filename, show, page); printf("\n"); } } } spec = fz_strsep(&pagelist, ","); } if (allpages) printinfo(filename, show, -1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { enum { NO_FILE_OPENED, NO_INFO_GATHERED, INFO_SHOWN } state; fz_error error; char *filename = ""; char *password = ""; int show = ALL; int c; while ((c = fz_getopt(argc, argv, "mfispxd:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'm': if (show == ALL) show = DIMENSIONS; else show |= DIMENSIONS; break; case 'f': if (show == ALL) show = FONTS; else show |= FONTS; break; case 'i': if (show == ALL) show = IMAGES; else show |= IMAGES; break; case 's': if (show == ALL) show = SHADINGS; else show |= SHADINGS; break; case 'p': if (show == ALL) show = PATTERNS; else show |= PATTERNS; break; case 'x': if (show == ALL) show = XOBJS; else show |= XOBJS; break; case 'd': password = fz_optarg; break; default: infousage(); break; } } if (fz_optind == argc) infousage(); state = NO_FILE_OPENED; while (fz_optind < argc) { if (strstr(argv[fz_optind], ".pdf") || strstr(argv[fz_optind], ".PDF")) { if (state == NO_INFO_GATHERED) { showinfo(filename, show, "1-"); closexref(); } closexref(); filename = argv[fz_optind]; printf("%s:\n", filename); error = pdf_openxref(&xref, filename, password); if (error) die(fz_rethrow(error, "cannot open input file '%s'", filename)); error = pdf_loadpagetree(xref); if (error) die(fz_rethrow(error, "cannot load page tree: %s", filename)); pagecount = pdf_getpagecount(xref); showglobalinfo(); state = NO_INFO_GATHERED; } else { showinfo(filename, show, argv[fz_optind]); state = INFO_SHOWN; } fz_optind++; } if (state == NO_INFO_GATHERED) showinfo(filename, show, "1-"); closexref(); return 0; }