.TH PDFDRAW 1 "April 15, 2010" .\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage. .SH NAME pdfdraw \- renderer tool to convert a PDF file to PNM image files .SH SYNOPSIS .B pdfdraw .RI [ options ] .RI [ PDFfile\ pages ] .B ... .SH DESCRIPTION This manual page briefly describes the .B pdfdraw command. Unless any options that modify the behaviour are specified each page of each PDF file is rendered and a MD5 checksum over the resulting pixels is computed and printed. If the .RI pages argument is missing all pages will be rendered, but it could be specified and in that case this controls what pages to render. The argument can be given as a single integer representing the page number, by a range, e.g. 1-3, comma-separates page numbers and ranges, e.g. 1-3,5,7-9. Additionally the last element in the comma-separated list can be specified as an open range, e.g. 9-, which means that all pages in the PDF file starting from that page ar rendered. .PP .SH OPTIONS A description of each of the supported options is included below. .TP .B \-b bands Each page is rendered in the given number of separate bands. The default is to render the entire page in one go. .TP .B \-p password Uses the given password during decryption of an encrypted PDF file. The password is tried both as user and owner password. .TP .B \-o pattern Enables generation of PNM files, one per page. Each file is given a name represented by the specified pattern where %d represents the page number, e.g. output%03d.pnm. .TP .B \-r resolution Specified the resolution when rendering each page, specified in dots per inch. The deafult is 72dpi. .TP .B \-m Enables benchmarking, causing rendering time to be printed for each page as well as summary statistics after all pages in each PDF file have been rendered. .TP .B \-t Print the text on the page in UTF-8. .TP .B \-x Print an XML representation of the page graphics. .SH SEE ALSO .BR mupdf (1), .BR pdfclean (1). .BR pdfshow (1). .SH AUTHOR MuPDF was written by Tor Andersson . MuPDF is Copyright 2006-2010 Artifex Software, Inc. .PP This manual page was written by Sebastian Rasmussen .