/* How to use MuPDF to render a single page and print the result as a PPM to stdout. Build the mupdf library using make, then either run 'make examples' or compile the example manually: gcc -Iinclude -o example.exe docs/example.c \ build/debug/libmupdf.a \ build/debug/libmupdfthird.a -lcrypto \ -lm ./example.exe document.pdf 100 0 1 */ #include <mupdf/fitz.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *input; float zoom, rotate; int page_number, page_count; fz_context *ctx; fz_document *doc; fz_pixmap *pix; fz_matrix ctm; int x, y; if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: example input-file page-number [ zoom [ rotate ] ]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tinput-file: path of PDF, XPS, CBZ or EPUB document to open\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tPage numbering starts from one.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tZoom level is in percent (100 percent is 72 dpi).\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tRotation is in degrees clockwise.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } input = argv[1]; page_number = atoi(argv[2]) - 1; zoom = argc > 3 ? atof(argv[3]) : 100; rotate = argc > 4 ? atof(argv[4]) : 0; /* Create a context to hold the exception stack and various caches. */ ctx = fz_new_context(NULL, NULL, FZ_STORE_UNLIMITED); if (!ctx) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot create mupdf context\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Register the default file types to handle. */ fz_try(ctx) fz_register_document_handlers(ctx); fz_catch(ctx) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot register document handlers: %s\n", fz_caught_message(ctx)); fz_drop_context(ctx); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Open the document. */ fz_try(ctx) doc = fz_open_document(ctx, input); fz_catch(ctx) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot open document: %s\n", fz_caught_message(ctx)); fz_drop_context(ctx); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Count the number of pages. */ fz_try(ctx) page_count = fz_count_pages(ctx, doc); fz_catch(ctx) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot count number of pages: %s\n", fz_caught_message(ctx)); fz_drop_document(ctx, doc); fz_drop_context(ctx); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (page_number < 0 || page_number >= page_count) { fprintf(stderr, "page number out of range: %d (page count %d)\n", page_number + 1, page_count); fz_drop_document(ctx, doc); fz_drop_context(ctx); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Compute a transformation matrix for the zoom and rotation desired. */ /* The default resolution without scaling is 72 dpi. */ fz_scale(&ctm, zoom / 100, zoom / 100); fz_pre_rotate(&ctm, rotate); /* Render page to an RGB pixmap. */ fz_try(ctx) pix = fz_new_pixmap_from_page_number(ctx, doc, page_number, &ctm, fz_device_rgb(ctx), 0); fz_catch(ctx) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot render page: %s\n", fz_caught_message(ctx)); fz_drop_document(ctx, doc); fz_drop_context(ctx); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Print image data in ascii PPM format. */ printf("P3\n"); printf("%d %d\n", pix->w, pix->h); printf("255\n"); for (y = 0; y < pix->h; ++y) { unsigned char *p = &pix->samples[y * pix->stride]; for (x = 0; x < pix->w; ++x) { if (x > 0) printf(" "); printf("%3d %3d %3d", p[0], p[1], p[2]); p += pix->n; } printf("\n"); } /* Clean up. */ fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pix); fz_drop_document(ctx, doc); fz_drop_context(ctx); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }