mutool draw

The draw command will render a document to image files, convert to another vector format, or extract the text content.

mutool draw [options] file [pages]

The supported input document formats are: pdf, xps, cbz, and epub.

The supported output image formats are: pbm, pgm, ppm, pam, png, tga, pwg, pcl and ps. The supported output vector formats are: svg, pdf, and debug trace (as xml). The supported output text formats are: plain text, html, and structured text (as xml).


-p password
Use the specified password if the file is encrypted.
-o output
The output format is inferred from the output filename. Embed %d in the name to indicate the page number (for example: "page%d.png"). Printf modifiers are supported, for example "%03d". If no output is specified, the output will go to stdout.
-F format
Enforce a specific output format. Only necessary when outputting to stdout since normally the output filename is used to infer the output format.
-R angle
Rotate clockwise by given number of degrees.
-r resolution
Render the page at the specified resolution. The default resolution is 72 dpi.
-w width
Render the page at the specified width (or, if the -r flag is used, render with a maximum width).
-h height
Render the page at the specified height (or, if the -r flag is used, render with a maximum height).
Fit exactly; ignore the aspect ratio when matching specified width/heights.
-B bandheight
Render in banded mode with each band no taller than the given height. This uses less memory during rendering. Only compatible with pam, pgm, ppm, pnm and png output formats. Banded rendering and md5 checksumming may not be used at the same time.
-W width
Page width in points for EPUB layout.
-H height
Page height in points for EPUB layout.
-S size
Font size in points for EPUB layout.
-U filename
User CSS stylesheet for EPUB layout.
-c colorspace
Render in the specified colorspace. Supported colorspaces are: mono, gray, grayalpha, rgb, rgbalpha, cmyk, cmykalpha. Some abbreviations are allowed: m, g, ga, rgba, cmyka. The default is chosen based on the output format.
-G gamma
Apply gamma correction. Some typical values are 0.7 or 1.4 to thin or darken text rendering.
Invert colors.
-s [mft5]
Show various bits of information: m for glyph cache and total memory usage, f for page features such as whether the page is grayscale or color, t for per page rendering times as well statistics, and 5 for md5 checksums of rendered images that can be used to check if rendering has changed.
-A bits
Specify how many bits of anti-aliasing to use. The default is 8.
Disable use of display lists. May cause slowdowns, but should reduce the amount of memory used.
Ignore errors.
Low memory mode (avoid caching objects by clearing cache after each page).
Run interpretation and rendering at the same time.
Comma separated list of page numbers and ranges (for example: 1,5,10-15). If no pages are specified, then all pages will be rendered.