// Use device interface to draw some graphics and save as a PNG. var font = new Font("Times-Roman"); var image = new Image("example.png"); var path, text; var pixmap = new Pixmap(DeviceRGB, [0,0,500,600], false); pixmap.clear(255); var device = new DrawDevice(pixmap); var transform = [2,0,0,2,0,0] { text = new Text(); { text.showString(font, [16,0,0,-16,100,30], "Hello, world!"); text.showString(font, [0,16,16,0,15,100], "Hello, world!"); } device.fillText(text, transform, DeviceGray, [0], 1); path = new Path(); { path.moveTo(10, 10); path.lineTo(90, 10); path.lineTo(90, 90); path.lineTo(10, 90); path.closePath(); } device.fillPath(path, false, transform, DeviceRGB, [1,0,0], 1); device.strokePath(path, {dashes:[5,10], lineWidth:3, lineCap:'Round'}, transform, DeviceRGB, [0,0,0], 1); path = new Path(); { path.moveTo(100,100); path.curveTo(150,100, 200,150, 200,200); path.curveTo(200,300, 0,300, 100,100); path.closePath(); } device.clipPath(path, true, transform); { device.fillImage(image, Concat(transform, [300,0,0,300,0,0]), 1); } device.popClip(); } device.close(); pixmap.saveAsPNG("out.png");