#include "fitz-internal.h" #define MAX_DEPTH 8 static void line(fz_gel *gel, fz_matrix *ctm, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) { float tx0 = ctm->a * x0 + ctm->c * y0 + ctm->e; float ty0 = ctm->b * x0 + ctm->d * y0 + ctm->f; float tx1 = ctm->a * x1 + ctm->c * y1 + ctm->e; float ty1 = ctm->b * x1 + ctm->d * y1 + ctm->f; fz_insert_gel(gel, tx0, ty0, tx1, ty1); } static void bezier(fz_gel *gel, fz_matrix *ctm, float flatness, float xa, float ya, float xb, float yb, float xc, float yc, float xd, float yd, int depth) { float dmax; float xab, yab; float xbc, ybc; float xcd, ycd; float xabc, yabc; float xbcd, ybcd; float xabcd, yabcd; /* termination check */ dmax = ABS(xa - xb); dmax = MAX(dmax, ABS(ya - yb)); dmax = MAX(dmax, ABS(xd - xc)); dmax = MAX(dmax, ABS(yd - yc)); if (dmax < flatness || depth >= MAX_DEPTH) { line(gel, ctm, xa, ya, xd, yd); return; } xab = xa + xb; yab = ya + yb; xbc = xb + xc; ybc = yb + yc; xcd = xc + xd; ycd = yc + yd; xabc = xab + xbc; yabc = yab + ybc; xbcd = xbc + xcd; ybcd = ybc + ycd; xabcd = xabc + xbcd; yabcd = yabc + ybcd; xab *= 0.5f; yab *= 0.5f; xbc *= 0.5f; ybc *= 0.5f; xcd *= 0.5f; ycd *= 0.5f; xabc *= 0.25f; yabc *= 0.25f; xbcd *= 0.25f; ybcd *= 0.25f; xabcd *= 0.125f; yabcd *= 0.125f; bezier(gel, ctm, flatness, xa, ya, xab, yab, xabc, yabc, xabcd, yabcd, depth + 1); bezier(gel, ctm, flatness, xabcd, yabcd, xbcd, ybcd, xcd, ycd, xd, yd, depth + 1); } void fz_flatten_fill_path(fz_gel *gel, fz_path *path, fz_matrix ctm, float flatness) { float x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3; float cx = 0; float cy = 0; float bx = 0; float by = 0; int i = 0; while (i < path->len) { switch (path->items[i++].k) { case FZ_MOVETO: /* implicit closepath before moveto */ if (i && (cx != bx || cy != by)) line(gel, &ctm, cx, cy, bx, by); x1 = path->items[i++].v; y1 = path->items[i++].v; cx = bx = x1; cy = by = y1; break; case FZ_LINETO: x1 = path->items[i++].v; y1 = path->items[i++].v; line(gel, &ctm, cx, cy, x1, y1); cx = x1; cy = y1; break; case FZ_CURVETO: x1 = path->items[i++].v; y1 = path->items[i++].v; x2 = path->items[i++].v; y2 = path->items[i++].v; x3 = path->items[i++].v; y3 = path->items[i++].v; bezier(gel, &ctm, flatness, cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, 0); cx = x3; cy = y3; break; case FZ_CLOSE_PATH: line(gel, &ctm, cx, cy, bx, by); cx = bx; cy = by; break; } } if (i && (cx != bx || cy != by)) line(gel, &ctm, cx, cy, bx, by); } struct sctx { fz_gel *gel; fz_matrix *ctm; float flatness; int linejoin; float linewidth; float miterlimit; fz_point beg[2]; fz_point seg[2]; int sn, bn; int dot; int from_bezier; float *dash_list; float dash_phase; int dash_len; int toggle, cap; int offset; float phase; fz_point cur; }; static void fz_add_line(struct sctx *s, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) { float tx0 = s->ctm->a * x0 + s->ctm->c * y0 + s->ctm->e; float ty0 = s->ctm->b * x0 + s->ctm->d * y0 + s->ctm->f; float tx1 = s->ctm->a * x1 + s->ctm->c * y1 + s->ctm->e; float ty1 = s->ctm->b * x1 + s->ctm->d * y1 + s->ctm->f; fz_insert_gel(s->gel, tx0, ty0, tx1, ty1); } static void fz_add_arc(struct sctx *s, float xc, float yc, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) { float th0, th1, r; float theta; float ox, oy, nx, ny; int n, i; r = fabsf(s->linewidth); theta = 2 * (float)M_SQRT2 * sqrtf(s->flatness / r); th0 = atan2f(y0, x0); th1 = atan2f(y1, x1); if (r > 0) { if (th0 < th1) th0 += (float)M_PI * 2; n = ceilf((th0 - th1) / theta); } else { if (th1 < th0) th1 += (float)M_PI * 2; n = ceilf((th1 - th0) / theta); } ox = x0; oy = y0; for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { theta = th0 + (th1 - th0) * i / n; nx = cosf(theta) * r; ny = sinf(theta) * r; fz_add_line(s, xc + ox, yc + oy, xc + nx, yc + ny); ox = nx; oy = ny; } fz_add_line(s, xc + ox, yc + oy, xc + x1, yc + y1); } static void fz_add_line_stroke(struct sctx *s, fz_point a, fz_point b) { float dx = b.x - a.x; float dy = b.y - a.y; float scale = s->linewidth / sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy); float dlx = dy * scale; float dly = -dx * scale; fz_add_line(s, a.x - dlx, a.y - dly, b.x - dlx, b.y - dly); fz_add_line(s, b.x + dlx, b.y + dly, a.x + dlx, a.y + dly); } static void fz_add_line_join(struct sctx *s, fz_point a, fz_point b, fz_point c, int join_under) { float miterlimit = s->miterlimit; float linewidth = s->linewidth; fz_linejoin linejoin = s->linejoin; float dx0, dy0; float dx1, dy1; float dlx0, dly0; float dlx1, dly1; float dmx, dmy; float dmr2; float scale; float cross; float len0, len1; dx0 = b.x - a.x; dy0 = b.y - a.y; dx1 = c.x - b.x; dy1 = c.y - b.y; cross = dx1 * dy0 - dx0 * dy1; /* Ensure that cross >= 0 */ if (cross < 0) { float tmp; tmp = dx1; dx1 = -dx0; dx0 = -tmp; tmp = dy1; dy1 = -dy0; dy0 = -tmp; cross = -cross; } len0 = dx0 * dx0 + dy0 * dy0; if (len0 < FLT_EPSILON) linejoin = FZ_LINEJOIN_BEVEL; len1 = dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1; if (len1 < FLT_EPSILON) linejoin = FZ_LINEJOIN_BEVEL; scale = linewidth / sqrtf(len0); dlx0 = dy0 * scale; dly0 = -dx0 * scale; scale = linewidth / sqrtf(len1); dlx1 = dy1 * scale; dly1 = -dx1 * scale; dmx = (dlx0 + dlx1) * 0.5f; dmy = (dly0 + dly1) * 0.5f; dmr2 = dmx * dmx + dmy * dmy; if (cross * cross < FLT_EPSILON && dx0 * dx1 + dy0 * dy1 >= 0) linejoin = FZ_LINEJOIN_BEVEL; if (join_under) { fz_add_line(s, b.x + dlx1, b.y + dly1, b.x + dlx0, b.y + dly0); } else { fz_add_line(s, b.x + dlx1, b.y + dly1, b.x, b.y); fz_add_line(s, b.x, b.y, b.x + dlx0, b.y + dly0); } /* XPS miter joins are clipped at miterlength, rather than simply * being converted to bevelled joins. */ if (linejoin == FZ_LINEJOIN_MITER_XPS) { if (cross == 0) linejoin = FZ_LINEJOIN_BEVEL; else if (dmr2 * miterlimit * miterlimit >= linewidth * linewidth) linejoin = FZ_LINEJOIN_MITER; else { float k, t0x, t0y, t1x, t1y; scale = linewidth * linewidth / dmr2; dmx *= scale; dmy *= scale; k = (scale - linewidth * miterlimit / sqrtf(dmr2)) / (scale - 1); t0x = b.x - dmx + k * (dmx - dlx0); t0y = b.y - dmy + k * (dmy - dly0); t1x = b.x - dmx + k * (dmx - dlx1); t1y = b.y - dmy + k * (dmy - dly1); fz_add_line(s, b.x - dlx0, b.y - dly0, t0x, t0y); fz_add_line(s, t0x, t0y, t1x, t1y); fz_add_line(s, t1x, t1y, b.x - dlx1, b.y - dly1); } } else if (linejoin == FZ_LINEJOIN_MITER) if (dmr2 * miterlimit * miterlimit < linewidth * linewidth) linejoin = FZ_LINEJOIN_BEVEL; if (linejoin == FZ_LINEJOIN_MITER) { scale = linewidth * linewidth / dmr2; dmx *= scale; dmy *= scale; fz_add_line(s, b.x - dlx0, b.y - dly0, b.x - dmx, b.y - dmy); fz_add_line(s, b.x - dmx, b.y - dmy, b.x - dlx1, b.y - dly1); } if (linejoin == FZ_LINEJOIN_BEVEL) { fz_add_line(s, b.x - dlx0, b.y - dly0, b.x - dlx1, b.y - dly1); } if (linejoin == FZ_LINEJOIN_ROUND) { fz_add_arc(s, b.x, b.y, -dlx0, -dly0, -dlx1, -dly1); } } static void fz_add_line_cap(struct sctx *s, fz_point a, fz_point b, fz_linecap linecap) { float flatness = s->flatness; float linewidth = s->linewidth; float dx = b.x - a.x; float dy = b.y - a.y; float scale = linewidth / sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy); float dlx = dy * scale; float dly = -dx * scale; if (linecap == FZ_LINECAP_BUTT) fz_add_line(s, b.x - dlx, b.y - dly, b.x + dlx, b.y + dly); if (linecap == FZ_LINECAP_ROUND) { int i; int n = ceilf((float)M_PI / (2.0f * (float)M_SQRT2 * sqrtf(flatness / linewidth))); float ox = b.x - dlx; float oy = b.y - dly; for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { float theta = (float)M_PI * i / n; float cth = cosf(theta); float sth = sinf(theta); float nx = b.x - dlx * cth - dly * sth; float ny = b.y - dly * cth + dlx * sth; fz_add_line(s, ox, oy, nx, ny); ox = nx; oy = ny; } fz_add_line(s, ox, oy, b.x + dlx, b.y + dly); } if (linecap == FZ_LINECAP_SQUARE) { fz_add_line(s, b.x - dlx, b.y - dly, b.x - dlx - dly, b.y - dly + dlx); fz_add_line(s, b.x - dlx - dly, b.y - dly + dlx, b.x + dlx - dly, b.y + dly + dlx); fz_add_line(s, b.x + dlx - dly, b.y + dly + dlx, b.x + dlx, b.y + dly); } if (linecap == FZ_LINECAP_TRIANGLE) { float mx = -dly; float my = dlx; fz_add_line(s, b.x - dlx, b.y - dly, b.x + mx, b.y + my); fz_add_line(s, b.x + mx, b.y + my, b.x + dlx, b.y + dly); } } static void fz_add_line_dot(struct sctx *s, fz_point a) { float flatness = s->flatness; float linewidth = s->linewidth; int n = ceilf((float)M_PI / ((float)M_SQRT2 * sqrtf(flatness / linewidth))); float ox = a.x - linewidth; float oy = a.y; int i; for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { float theta = (float)M_PI * 2 * i / n; float cth = cosf(theta); float sth = sinf(theta); float nx = a.x - cth * linewidth; float ny = a.y + sth * linewidth; fz_add_line(s, ox, oy, nx, ny); ox = nx; oy = ny; } fz_add_line(s, ox, oy, a.x - linewidth, a.y); } static void fz_stroke_flush(struct sctx *s, fz_linecap start_cap, fz_linecap end_cap) { if (s->sn == 2) { fz_add_line_cap(s, s->beg[1], s->beg[0], start_cap); fz_add_line_cap(s, s->seg[0], s->seg[1], end_cap); } else if (s->dot) { fz_add_line_dot(s, s->beg[0]); } } static void fz_stroke_moveto(struct sctx *s, fz_point cur) { s->seg[0] = cur; s->beg[0] = cur; s->sn = 1; s->bn = 1; s->dot = 0; s->from_bezier = 0; } static void fz_stroke_lineto(struct sctx *s, fz_point cur, int from_bezier) { float dx = cur.x - s->seg[s->sn-1].x; float dy = cur.y - s->seg[s->sn-1].y; if (dx * dx + dy * dy < FLT_EPSILON) { if (s->cap == FZ_LINECAP_ROUND || s->dash_list) s->dot = 1; return; } fz_add_line_stroke(s, s->seg[s->sn-1], cur); if (s->sn == 2) { fz_add_line_join(s, s->seg[0], s->seg[1], cur, s->from_bezier & from_bezier); s->seg[0] = s->seg[1]; s->seg[1] = cur; } s->from_bezier = from_bezier; if (s->sn == 1) s->seg[s->sn++] = cur; if (s->bn == 1) s->beg[s->bn++] = cur; } static void fz_stroke_closepath(struct sctx *s) { if (s->sn == 2) { fz_stroke_lineto(s, s->beg[0], 0); if (s->seg[1].x == s->beg[0].x && s->seg[1].y == s->beg[0].y) fz_add_line_join(s, s->seg[0], s->beg[0], s->beg[1], 0); else fz_add_line_join(s, s->seg[1], s->beg[0], s->beg[1], 0); } else if (s->dot) { fz_add_line_dot(s, s->beg[0]); } s->seg[0] = s->beg[0]; s->bn = 1; s->sn = 1; s->dot = 0; s->from_bezier = 0; } static void fz_stroke_bezier(struct sctx *s, float xa, float ya, float xb, float yb, float xc, float yc, float xd, float yd, int depth) { float dmax; float xab, yab; float xbc, ybc; float xcd, ycd; float xabc, yabc; float xbcd, ybcd; float xabcd, yabcd; /* termination check */ dmax = ABS(xa - xb); dmax = MAX(dmax, ABS(ya - yb)); dmax = MAX(dmax, ABS(xd - xc)); dmax = MAX(dmax, ABS(yd - yc)); if (dmax < s->flatness || depth >= MAX_DEPTH) { fz_point p; p.x = xd; p.y = yd; fz_stroke_lineto(s, p, 1); return; } xab = xa + xb; yab = ya + yb; xbc = xb + xc; ybc = yb + yc; xcd = xc + xd; ycd = yc + yd; xabc = xab + xbc; yabc = yab + ybc; xbcd = xbc + xcd; ybcd = ybc + ycd; xabcd = xabc + xbcd; yabcd = yabc + ybcd; xab *= 0.5f; yab *= 0.5f; xbc *= 0.5f; ybc *= 0.5f; xcd *= 0.5f; ycd *= 0.5f; xabc *= 0.25f; yabc *= 0.25f; xbcd *= 0.25f; ybcd *= 0.25f; xabcd *= 0.125f; yabcd *= 0.125f; fz_stroke_bezier(s, xa, ya, xab, yab, xabc, yabc, xabcd, yabcd, depth + 1); fz_stroke_bezier(s, xabcd, yabcd, xbcd, ybcd, xcd, ycd, xd, yd, depth + 1); } void fz_flatten_stroke_path(fz_gel *gel, fz_path *path, fz_stroke_state *stroke, fz_matrix ctm, float flatness, float linewidth) { struct sctx s; fz_point p0, p1, p2, p3; int i; s.gel = gel; s.ctm = &ctm; s.flatness = flatness; s.linejoin = stroke->linejoin; s.linewidth = linewidth * 0.5f; /* hairlines use a different value from the path value */ s.miterlimit = stroke->miterlimit; s.sn = 0; s.bn = 0; s.dot = 0; s.dash_list = NULL; s.dash_phase = 0; s.dash_len = 0; s.toggle = 0; s.offset = 0; s.phase = 0; s.cap = stroke->start_cap; i = 0; if (path->len > 0 && path->items[0].k != FZ_MOVETO) return; p0.x = p0.y = 0; while (i < path->len) { switch (path->items[i++].k) { case FZ_MOVETO: p1.x = path->items[i++].v; p1.y = path->items[i++].v; fz_stroke_flush(&s, stroke->start_cap, stroke->end_cap); fz_stroke_moveto(&s, p1); p0 = p1; break; case FZ_LINETO: p1.x = path->items[i++].v; p1.y = path->items[i++].v; fz_stroke_lineto(&s, p1, 0); p0 = p1; break; case FZ_CURVETO: p1.x = path->items[i++].v; p1.y = path->items[i++].v; p2.x = path->items[i++].v; p2.y = path->items[i++].v; p3.x = path->items[i++].v; p3.y = path->items[i++].v; fz_stroke_bezier(&s, p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y, 0); p0 = p3; break; case FZ_CLOSE_PATH: fz_stroke_closepath(&s); break; } } fz_stroke_flush(&s, stroke->start_cap, stroke->end_cap); } static void fz_dash_moveto(struct sctx *s, fz_point a, fz_linecap start_cap, fz_linecap end_cap) { s->toggle = 1; s->offset = 0; s->phase = s->dash_phase; while (s->phase >= s->dash_list[s->offset]) { s->toggle = !s->toggle; s->phase -= s->dash_list[s->offset]; s->offset ++; if (s->offset == s->dash_len) s->offset = 0; } s->cur = a; if (s->toggle) { fz_stroke_flush(s, s->cap, end_cap); s->cap = start_cap; fz_stroke_moveto(s, a); } } static void fz_dash_lineto(struct sctx *s, fz_point b, int dash_cap, int from_bezier) { float dx, dy; float total, used, ratio; fz_point a; fz_point m; a = s->cur; dx = b.x - a.x; dy = b.y - a.y; total = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy); used = 0; while (total - used > s->dash_list[s->offset] - s->phase) { used += s->dash_list[s->offset] - s->phase; ratio = used / total; m.x = a.x + ratio * dx; m.y = a.y + ratio * dy; if (s->toggle) { fz_stroke_lineto(s, m, from_bezier); } else { fz_stroke_flush(s, s->cap, dash_cap); s->cap = dash_cap; fz_stroke_moveto(s, m); } s->toggle = !s->toggle; s->phase = 0; s->offset ++; if (s->offset == s->dash_len) s->offset = 0; } s->phase += total - used; s->cur = b; if (s->toggle) { fz_stroke_lineto(s, b, from_bezier); } } static void fz_dash_bezier(struct sctx *s, float xa, float ya, float xb, float yb, float xc, float yc, float xd, float yd, int depth, int dash_cap) { float dmax; float xab, yab; float xbc, ybc; float xcd, ycd; float xabc, yabc; float xbcd, ybcd; float xabcd, yabcd; /* termination check */ dmax = ABS(xa - xb); dmax = MAX(dmax, ABS(ya - yb)); dmax = MAX(dmax, ABS(xd - xc)); dmax = MAX(dmax, ABS(yd - yc)); if (dmax < s->flatness || depth >= MAX_DEPTH) { fz_point p; p.x = xd; p.y = yd; fz_dash_lineto(s, p, dash_cap, 1); return; } xab = xa + xb; yab = ya + yb; xbc = xb + xc; ybc = yb + yc; xcd = xc + xd; ycd = yc + yd; xabc = xab + xbc; yabc = yab + ybc; xbcd = xbc + xcd; ybcd = ybc + ycd; xabcd = xabc + xbcd; yabcd = yabc + ybcd; xab *= 0.5f; yab *= 0.5f; xbc *= 0.5f; ybc *= 0.5f; xcd *= 0.5f; ycd *= 0.5f; xabc *= 0.25f; yabc *= 0.25f; xbcd *= 0.25f; ybcd *= 0.25f; xabcd *= 0.125f; yabcd *= 0.125f; fz_dash_bezier(s, xa, ya, xab, yab, xabc, yabc, xabcd, yabcd, depth + 1, dash_cap); fz_dash_bezier(s, xabcd, yabcd, xbcd, ybcd, xcd, ycd, xd, yd, depth + 1, dash_cap); } void fz_flatten_dash_path(fz_gel *gel, fz_path *path, fz_stroke_state *stroke, fz_matrix ctm, float flatness, float linewidth) { struct sctx s; fz_point p0, p1, p2, p3, beg; float phase_len, max_expand; int i; s.gel = gel; s.ctm = &ctm; s.flatness = flatness; s.linejoin = stroke->linejoin; s.linewidth = linewidth * 0.5f; s.miterlimit = stroke->miterlimit; s.sn = 0; s.bn = 0; s.dot = 0; s.dash_list = stroke->dash_list; s.dash_phase = stroke->dash_phase; s.dash_len = stroke->dash_len; s.toggle = 0; s.offset = 0; s.phase = 0; s.cap = stroke->start_cap; if (path->len > 0 && path->items[0].k != FZ_MOVETO) return; phase_len = 0; for (i = 0; i < stroke->dash_len; i++) phase_len += stroke->dash_list[i]; max_expand = MAX(MAX(fabs(ctm.a),fabs(ctm.b)),MAX(fabs(ctm.c),fabs(ctm.d))); if (phase_len < 0.01f || phase_len * max_expand < 0.5f) { fz_flatten_stroke_path(gel, path, stroke, ctm, flatness, linewidth); return; } p0.x = p0.y = 0; i = 0; while (i < path->len) { switch (path->items[i++].k) { case FZ_MOVETO: p1.x = path->items[i++].v; p1.y = path->items[i++].v; fz_dash_moveto(&s, p1, stroke->start_cap, stroke->end_cap); beg = p0 = p1; break; case FZ_LINETO: p1.x = path->items[i++].v; p1.y = path->items[i++].v; fz_dash_lineto(&s, p1, stroke->dash_cap, 0); p0 = p1; break; case FZ_CURVETO: p1.x = path->items[i++].v; p1.y = path->items[i++].v; p2.x = path->items[i++].v; p2.y = path->items[i++].v; p3.x = path->items[i++].v; p3.y = path->items[i++].v; fz_dash_bezier(&s, p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y, 0, stroke->dash_cap); p0 = p3; break; case FZ_CLOSE_PATH: fz_dash_lineto(&s, beg, stroke->dash_cap, 0); p0 = p1 = beg; break; } } fz_stroke_flush(&s, s.cap, stroke->end_cap); }