#include "fitz.h" #define noNEAREST typedef unsigned char byte; /* Sample image and clamp to edge */ static inline byte getmask(byte *s, int w, int h, int u, int v) { if (u < 0) u = 0; if (v < 0) v = 0; if (u >= w) u = w - 1; if (v >= h) v = h - 1; return s[w * v + u]; } static inline byte * getga(byte *s, int w, int h, int u, int v) { if (u < 0) u = 0; if (v < 0) v = 0; if (u >= w) u = w - 1; if (v >= h) v = h - 1; return s + ((w * v + u) << 1); } static inline byte * getrgba(byte *s, int w, int h, int u, int v) { if (u < 0) u = 0; if (v < 0) v = 0; if (u >= w) u = w - 1; if (v >= h) v = h - 1; return s + ((w * v + u) << 2); } static inline int getcolor(byte *s, int w, int h, int n, int u, int v, int k) { if (u < 0) u = 0; if (v < 0) v = 0; if (u >= w) u = w - 1; if (v >= h) v = h - 1; return s[w * v * n + u + k]; } /* Bi-linear interpolation of sample */ static inline int lerp(int a, int b, int t) { return a + (((b - a) * t) >> 16); } static inline void lerpga(byte *dst, byte *a, byte *b, int t) { dst[0] = lerp(a[0], b[0], t); dst[1] = lerp(a[1], b[1], t); } static inline void lerprgba(byte *dst, byte *a, byte *b, int t) { dst[0] = lerp(a[0], b[0], t); dst[1] = lerp(a[1], b[1], t); dst[2] = lerp(a[2], b[2], t); dst[3] = lerp(a[3], b[3], t); } static inline int samplemask(byte *s, int w, int h, int u, int v) { #ifdef NEAREST return getmask(s, w, h, u >> 16, v >> 16); #else int ui = u >> 16; int vi = v >> 16; int ud = u & 0xFFFF; int vd = v & 0xFFFF; int a = getmask(s, w, h, ui, vi); int b = getmask(s, w, h, ui+1, vi); int c = getmask(s, w, h, ui, vi+1); int d = getmask(s, w, h, ui+1, vi+1); int ab = lerp(a, b, ud); int cd = lerp(c, d, ud); return lerp(ab, cd, vd); #endif } static inline void samplega(byte *s, int w, int h, int u, int v, int *gout, int *aout) { #ifdef NEAREST byte *ga = getga(s, w, h, u >> 16, v >> 16); *gout = ga[0]; *aout = ga[1]; #else byte ab[2]; byte cd[2]; byte abcd[2]; int ui = u >> 16; int vi = v >> 16; int ud = u & 0xFFFF; int vd = v & 0xFFFF; byte *a = getga(s, w, h, ui, vi); byte *b = getga(s, w, h, ui+1, vi); byte *c = getga(s, w, h, ui, vi+1); byte *d = getga(s, w, h, ui+1, vi+1); lerpga(ab, a, b, ud); lerpga(cd, c, d, ud); lerpga(abcd, ab, cd, vd); *gout = abcd[0]; *aout = abcd[1]; #endif } static inline void samplergba(byte *s, int w, int h, int u, int v, int *rout, int *gout, int *bout, int *aout) { #ifdef NEAREST byte *rgba = getrgba(s, w, h, u >> 16, v >> 16); *rout = rgba[0]; *gout = rgba[1]; *bout = rgba[2]; *aout = rgba[3]; #else byte ab[4]; byte cd[4]; byte abcd[4]; int ui = u >> 16; int vi = v >> 16; int ud = u & 0xFFFF; int vd = v & 0xFFFF; byte *a = getrgba(s, w, h, ui, vi); byte *b = getrgba(s, w, h, ui+1, vi); byte *c = getrgba(s, w, h, ui, vi+1); byte *d = getrgba(s, w, h, ui+1, vi+1); lerprgba(ab, a, b, ud); lerprgba(cd, c, d, ud); lerprgba(abcd, ab, cd, vd); *rout = abcd[0]; *gout = abcd[1]; *bout = abcd[2]; *aout = abcd[3]; #endif } static inline void samplecolor(byte *s, int w, int h, int n, int u, int v, byte *out) { #ifdef NEAREST int k; for (k = 0; k < n; k++) out[k] = getcolor(s, w, h, n, u >> 16, v >> 16, k); #else int ui = u >> 16; int vi = v >> 16; int ud = u & 0xFFFF; int vd = v & 0xFFFF; int k; for (k = 0; k < n; k++) { int a = getcolor(s, w, h, n, ui, vi, k); int b = getcolor(s, w, h, n, ui+1, vi, k); int c = getcolor(s, w, h, n, ui, vi+1, k); int d = getcolor(s, w, h, n, ui+1, vi+1, k); int ab = lerp(a, b, ud); int cd = lerp(c, d, ud); out[k] = lerp(ab, cd, vd); } #endif } /* Blend source image scanline over destination */ #define INSIDEU u >= 0 && u <= (sw << 16) #define INSIDEV v >= 0 && v <= (sh << 16) #define INSIDE INSIDEU && INSIDEV static inline void fz_blendscan1(unsigned char *dp, unsigned char *sp, int sw, int sh, int u, int v, int fa, int fb, int w) { while (w--) { if (INSIDE) { int a = samplemask(sp, sw, sh, u, v); dp[0] = a + fz_mul255(dp[0], 255 - a); } dp ++; u += fa; v += fb; } } static inline void fz_blendscan2(unsigned char *dp, unsigned char *sp, int sw, int sh, int u, int v, int fa, int fb, int w) { while (w--) { if (INSIDE) { int g, a, t; samplega(sp, sw, sh, u, v, &g, &a); t = 255 - a; dp[0] = g + fz_mul255(dp[0], t); dp[1] = a + fz_mul255(dp[1], t); } dp += 2; u += fa; v += fb; } } static inline void fz_blendscan4(unsigned char *dp, unsigned char *sp, int sw, int sh, int u, int v, int fa, int fb, int w) { while (w--) { if (INSIDE) { int r, g, b, a, t; samplergba(sp, sw, sh, u, v, &r, &g, &b, &a); t = 255 - a; dp[0] = r + fz_mul255(dp[0], t); dp[1] = g + fz_mul255(dp[1], t); dp[2] = b + fz_mul255(dp[2], t); dp[3] = a + fz_mul255(dp[3], t); } dp += 4; u += fa; v += fb; } } static inline void fz_blendscan(unsigned char *dp, unsigned char *sp, int sw, int sh, int u, int v, int fa, int fb, int w, int n) { while (w--) { if (INSIDE) { unsigned char color[FZ_MAXCOLORS+1]; int k, t; samplecolor(sp, sw, sh, n, u, v, color); t = 255 - color[n-1]; for (k = 0; k < n; k++) dp[k] = color[k] + fz_mul255(dp[k], t); } dp += n; u += fa; v += fb; } } /* Blend non-premultiplied color in image mask over destination */ static inline void fz_blendscanwithcolor(unsigned char *dp, unsigned char *sp, int sw, int sh, int u, int v, int fa, int fb, int w, int n, unsigned char *color) { int sa = color[n-1]; while (w--) { if (INSIDE) { int ma = samplemask(sp, sw, sh, u, v); int masa = fz_mul255(sa, ma); int t = 255 - masa; int k; for (k = 0; k < n; k++) dp[k] = fz_mul255(color[k], ma) + fz_mul255(dp[k], t); } dp += n; u += fa; v += fb; } } /* Draw an image with an affine transform on destination */ static inline float roundup(float x) { return (x < 0) ? floorf(x) : ceilf(x); } static void fz_blendimageimp(fz_pixmap *dst, fz_bbox scissor, fz_pixmap *img, fz_matrix ctm, unsigned char *color) { unsigned char *dp, *sp; int u, v, fa, fb, fc, fd; int x, y, w, h; int sw, sh, n; fz_matrix inv; fz_bbox bbox; /* grid fit the image */ if (fz_isrectilinear(ctm)) { ctm.a = roundup(ctm.a); ctm.b = roundup(ctm.b); ctm.c = roundup(ctm.c); ctm.d = roundup(ctm.d); ctm.e = floorf(ctm.e) + 0.5f; ctm.f = floorf(ctm.f) + 0.5f; } bbox = fz_roundrect(fz_transformrect(ctm, fz_unitrect)); bbox = fz_intersectbbox(bbox, scissor); x = bbox.x0; y = bbox.y0; w = bbox.x1 - bbox.x0; h = bbox.y1 - bbox.y0; /* map from screen space (x,y) to image space (u,v) */ inv = fz_scale(1.0f / img->w, -1.0f / img->h); inv = fz_concat(inv, fz_translate(0, 1)); inv = fz_concat(inv, ctm); inv = fz_invertmatrix(inv); fa = inv.a * 65536; fb = inv.b * 65536; fc = inv.c * 65536; fd = inv.d * 65536; u = (fa * x) + (fc * y) + inv.e * 65536; v = (fb * x) + (fd * y) + inv.f * 65536; dp = dst->samples + ((y - dst->y) * dst->w + (x - dst->x)) * dst->n; n = dst->n; sp = img->samples; sw = img->w; sh = img->h; while (h--) { if (color) { fz_blendscanwithcolor(dp, sp, sw, sh, u, v, fa, fb, w, n, color); } else { switch (n) { case 1: fz_blendscan1(dp, sp, sw, sh, u, v, fa, fb, w); break; case 2: fz_blendscan2(dp, sp, sw, sh, u, v, fa, fb, w); break; case 4: fz_blendscan4(dp, sp, sw, sh, u, v, fa, fb, w); break; default: fz_blendscan(dp, sp, sw, sh, u, v, fa, fb, w, n); break; } } dp += dst->w * n; u += fc; v += fd; } } void fz_blendimagewithcolor(fz_pixmap *dst, fz_bbox scissor, fz_pixmap *img, fz_matrix ctm, unsigned char *color) { assert(img->n == 1); fz_blendimageimp(dst, scissor, img, ctm, color); } void fz_blendimage(fz_pixmap *dst, fz_bbox scissor, fz_pixmap *img, fz_matrix ctm) { assert(dst->n == img->n); fz_blendimageimp(dst, scissor, img, ctm, nil); }