#include "fitz.h"

/* divide and floor towards -inf */
static inline int fz_idiv(int a, int b)
	return a < 0 ? (a - b + 1) / b : a / b;

enum { HSCALE = 17, VSCALE = 15, SF = 1 };

 * Global Edge List -- list of straight path segments for scan conversion
 * Stepping along the edges is with bresenham's line algorithm.
 * See Mike Abrash -- Graphics Programming Black Book (notably chapter 40)

fz_gel *
	fz_gel *gel;

	gel = fz_malloc(sizeof(fz_gel));
	gel->cap = 512;
	gel->len = 0;
	gel->edges = fz_malloc(sizeof(fz_edge) * gel->cap);

	gel->clip.x0 = gel->clip.y0 = INT_MAX;
	gel->clip.x1 = gel->clip.y1 = INT_MIN;

	gel->bbox.x0 = gel->bbox.y0 = INT_MAX;
	gel->bbox.x1 = gel->bbox.y1 = INT_MIN;

	return gel;

fz_resetgel(fz_gel *gel, fz_bbox clip)
	if (fz_isinfiniterect(clip))
		gel->clip.x0 = gel->clip.y0 = INT_MAX;
		gel->clip.x1 = gel->clip.y1 = INT_MIN;
	else {
		gel->clip.x0 = clip.x0 * HSCALE;
		gel->clip.x1 = clip.x1 * HSCALE;
		gel->clip.y0 = clip.y0 * VSCALE;
		gel->clip.y1 = clip.y1 * VSCALE;

	gel->bbox.x0 = gel->bbox.y0 = INT_MAX;
	gel->bbox.x1 = gel->bbox.y1 = INT_MIN;

	gel->len = 0;

fz_freegel(fz_gel *gel)

fz_boundgel(fz_gel *gel)
	fz_bbox bbox;
	bbox.x0 = fz_idiv(gel->bbox.x0, HSCALE);
	bbox.y0 = fz_idiv(gel->bbox.y0, VSCALE);
	bbox.x1 = fz_idiv(gel->bbox.x1, HSCALE) + 1;
	bbox.y1 = fz_idiv(gel->bbox.y1, VSCALE) + 1;
	return bbox;


#define cliplerpy(v,m,x0,y0,x1,y1,t) cliplerpx(v,m,y0,x0,y1,x1,t)

static int
cliplerpx(int val, int m, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int *out)
	int v0out = m ? x0 > val : x0 < val;
	int v1out = m ? x1 > val : x1 < val;

	if (v0out + v1out == 0)
		return INSIDE;

	if (v0out + v1out == 2)
		return OUTSIDE;

	if (v1out)
		*out = y0 + (y1 - y0) * (val - x0) / (x1 - x0);
		return LEAVE;

		*out = y1 + (y0 - y1) * (val - x1) / (x0 - x1);
		return ENTER;

fz_insertgel(fz_gel *gel, float fx0, float fy0, float fx1, float fy1)
	fz_edge *edge;
	int dx, dy;
	int winding;
	int width;
	int tmp;
	int v;
	int d;

	int x0 = floorf(fx0 * HSCALE);
	int y0 = floorf(fy0 * VSCALE);
	int x1 = floorf(fx1 * HSCALE);
	int y1 = floorf(fy1 * VSCALE);

	d = cliplerpy(gel->clip.y0, 0, x0, y0, x1, y1, &v);
	if (d == OUTSIDE) return;
	if (d == LEAVE) { y1 = gel->clip.y0; x1 = v; }
	if (d == ENTER) { y0 = gel->clip.y0; x0 = v; }

	d = cliplerpy(gel->clip.y1, 1, x0, y0, x1, y1, &v);
	if (d == OUTSIDE) return;
	if (d == LEAVE) { y1 = gel->clip.y1; x1 = v; }
	if (d == ENTER) { y0 = gel->clip.y1; x0 = v; }

	if (y0 == y1)

	if (y0 > y1) {
		winding = -1;
		tmp = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = tmp;
		tmp = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = tmp;
		winding = 1;

	if (x0 < gel->bbox.x0) gel->bbox.x0 = x0;
	if (x0 > gel->bbox.x1) gel->bbox.x1 = x0;
	if (x1 < gel->bbox.x0) gel->bbox.x0 = x1;
	if (x1 > gel->bbox.x1) gel->bbox.x1 = x1;

	if (y0 < gel->bbox.y0) gel->bbox.y0 = y0;
	if (y1 > gel->bbox.y1) gel->bbox.y1 = y1;

	if (gel->len + 1 == gel->cap) {
		gel->cap = gel->cap + 512;
		gel->edges = fz_realloc(gel->edges, sizeof(fz_edge) * gel->cap);

	edge = &gel->edges[gel->len++];

	dy = y1 - y0;
	dx = x1 - x0;
	width = dx < 0 ? -dx : dx;

	edge->xdir = dx > 0 ? 1 : -1;
	edge->ydir = winding;
	edge->x = x0;
	edge->y = y0;
	edge->h = dy;
	edge->adjdown = dy;

	/* initial error term going l->r and r->l */
	if (dx >= 0)
		edge->e = 0;
		edge->e = -dy + 1;

	/* y-major edge */
	if (dy >= width) {
		edge->xmove = 0;
		edge->adjup = width;

	/* x-major edge */
	else {
		edge->xmove = (width / dy) * edge->xdir;
		edge->adjup = width % dy;

fz_sortgel(fz_gel *gel)
	fz_edge *a = gel->edges;
	int n = gel->len;

	int h, i, k;
	fz_edge t;

	h = 1;
	if (n < 14) {
		h = 1;
	else {
		while (h < n)
			h = 3 * h + 1;
		h /= 3;
		h /= 3;

	while (h > 0)
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			t = a[i];
			k = i - h;
			/* TODO: sort on y major, x minor */
			while (k >= 0 && a[k].y > t.y) {
				a[k + h] = a[k];
				k -= h;
			a[k + h] = t;

		h /= 3;

fz_isrectgel(fz_gel *gel)
	/* a rectangular path is converted into two vertical edges of identical height */
	if (gel->len == 2)
		fz_edge *a = gel->edges + 0;
		fz_edge *b = gel->edges + 1;
		return a->y == b->y && a->h == b->h &&
			a->xmove == 0 && a->adjup == 0 &&
			b->xmove == 0 && b->adjup == 0;
	return 0;

 * Active Edge List -- keep track of active edges while sweeping

fz_ael *
	fz_ael *ael;
	ael = fz_malloc(sizeof(fz_ael));
	ael->cap = 64;
	ael->len = 0;
	ael->edges = fz_malloc(sizeof(fz_edge*) * ael->cap);
	return ael;

fz_freeael(fz_ael *ael)

static inline void
sortael(fz_edge **a, int n)
	int h, i, k;
	fz_edge *t;

	h = 1;
	if (n < 14) {
		h = 1;
	else {
		while (h < n)
			h = 3 * h + 1;
		h /= 3;
		h /= 3;

	while (h > 0)
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			t = a[i];
			k = i - h;
			while (k >= 0 && a[k]->x > t->x) {
				a[k + h] = a[k];
				k -= h;
			a[k + h] = t;

		h /= 3;

static fz_error
insertael(fz_ael *ael, fz_gel *gel, int y, int *e)
	/* insert edges that start here */
	while (*e < gel->len && gel->edges[*e].y == y) {
		if (ael->len + 1 == ael->cap) {
			int newcap = ael->cap + 64;
			fz_edge **newedges = fz_realloc(ael->edges, sizeof(fz_edge*) * newcap);
			ael->edges = newedges;
			ael->cap = newcap;
		ael->edges[ael->len++] = &gel->edges[(*e)++];

	/* shell-sort the edges by increasing x */
	sortael(ael->edges, ael->len);

	return fz_okay;

static void
advanceael(fz_ael *ael)
	fz_edge *edge;
	int i = 0;

	while (i < ael->len)
		edge = ael->edges[i];

		edge->h --;

		/* terminator! */
		if (edge->h == 0) {
			ael->edges[i] = ael->edges[--ael->len];

		else {
			edge->x += edge->xmove;
			edge->e += edge->adjup;
			if (edge->e > 0) {
				edge->x += edge->xdir;
				edge->e -= edge->adjdown;
			i ++;

 * Scan convert

static inline void
addspan(unsigned char *list, int x0, int x1, int xofs)
	int x0pix, x0sub;
	int x1pix, x1sub;

	if (x0 == x1)

	/* x between 0 and width of bbox */
	x0 -= xofs;
	x1 -= xofs;

	x0pix = x0 / HSCALE;
	x0sub = x0 % HSCALE;
	x1pix = x1 / HSCALE;
	x1sub = x1 % HSCALE;

	if (x0pix == x1pix)
		list[x0pix] += x1sub - x0sub;
		list[x0pix+1] += x0sub - x1sub;

		list[x0pix] += HSCALE - x0sub;
		list[x0pix+1] += x0sub;
		list[x1pix] += x1sub - HSCALE;
		list[x1pix+1] += -x1sub;

static inline void
nonzerowinding(fz_ael *ael, unsigned char *list, int xofs)
	int winding = 0;
	int x = 0;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < ael->len; i++)
		if (!winding && (winding + ael->edges[i]->ydir))
			x = ael->edges[i]->x;
		if (winding && !(winding + ael->edges[i]->ydir))
			addspan(list, x, ael->edges[i]->x, xofs);
		winding += ael->edges[i]->ydir;

static inline void
evenodd(fz_ael *ael, unsigned char *list, int xofs)
	int even = 0;
	int x = 0;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < ael->len; i++)
		if (!even)
			x = ael->edges[i]->x;
			addspan(list, x, ael->edges[i]->x, xofs);
		even = !even;

static inline void toalpha(unsigned char *list, int n)
	int d = 0;
	while (n--)
		d += *list;
		*list++ = d;

static inline void blit(fz_pixmap *pix, int x, int y,
	unsigned char *list, int skipx, int len,
	unsigned char *argb, fz_pixmap *image, fz_matrix *invmat)
	unsigned char *dst;
	unsigned char cov;

	dst = pix->samples + ( (y - pix->y) * pix->w + (x - pix->x) ) * pix->n;
	cov = 0;

	while (skipx--)
		cov += *list;
		*list = 0;

	if (image)
		int u = (invmat->a * (x + 0.5f) + invmat->c * (y + 0.5f) + invmat->e) * 65536;
		int v = (invmat->b * (x + 0.5f) + invmat->d * (y + 0.5f) + invmat->f) * 65536;
		int fa = invmat->a * 65536;
		int fb = invmat->b * 65536;
		if (argb)
			fz_img_w4i1o4(argb, list, cov, len, dst, image, u, v, fa, fb);
		else if (image->colorspace)
			fz_img_4o4(list, cov, len, dst, image, u, v, fa, fb);
			fz_img_1o1(list, cov, len, dst, image, u, v, fa, fb);
		if (argb)
			fz_path_w4i1o4(argb, list, cov, len, dst);
			fz_path_1o1(list, cov, len, dst);

fz_scanconvert(fz_gel *gel, fz_ael *ael, int eofill, fz_bbox clip,
	fz_pixmap *pix, unsigned char *argb, fz_pixmap *image, fz_matrix *invmat)
	fz_error error;
	unsigned char *deltas;
	int y, e;
	int yd, yc;

	int xmin = fz_idiv(gel->bbox.x0, HSCALE);
	int xmax = fz_idiv(gel->bbox.x1, HSCALE) + 1;

	int xofs = xmin * HSCALE;

	int skipx = clip.x0 - xmin;
	int clipn = clip.x1 - clip.x0;

	assert(clip.x0 >= xmin);
	assert(clip.x1 <= xmax);

	if (gel->len == 0)
		return fz_okay;

	deltas = fz_malloc(xmax - xmin + 1);
	memset(deltas, 0, xmax - xmin + 1);

	e = 0;
	y = gel->edges[0].y;
	yc = fz_idiv(y, VSCALE);
	yd = yc;

	while (ael->len > 0 || e < gel->len)
		yc = fz_idiv(y, VSCALE);
		if (yc != yd)
			if (yd >= clip.y0 && yd < clip.y1)
				blit(pix, xmin + skipx, yd, deltas, skipx, clipn, argb, image, invmat);
		yd = yc;

		error = insertael(ael, gel, y, &e);
		if (error) {
			return error;

		if (yd >= clip.y0 && yd < clip.y1)
			if (eofill)
				evenodd(ael, deltas, xofs);
				nonzerowinding(ael, deltas, xofs);


		if (ael->len > 0)
			y ++;
		else if (e < gel->len)
			y = gel->edges[e].y;

	if (yd >= clip.y0 && yd < clip.y1)
		blit(pix, xmin + skipx, yd, deltas, skipx, clipn, argb, image, invmat);

	return fz_okay;