#include /* TODO: complete rewrite with error checking and use fitz memctx */ /* so to use a global_ctx, you run your global data through a normal ctx then call jbig2_make_global_ctx with the normal context that does the (currently null) conversion make_global_ctx after i fed it all the global stream data? maskros: yes and you pass the new global ctx object to jbig2_ctx_new() when you +create the per-page ctx */ #ifdef WIN32 /* Microsoft Visual C+*/ typedef signed char int8_t; typedef short int int16_t; typedef int int32_t; typedef __int64 int64_t; typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef unsigned short int uint16_t; typedef unsigned int uint32_t; #else #include #endif #include typedef struct fz_jbig2d_s fz_jbig2d; struct fz_jbig2d_s { fz_filter super; Jbig2Ctx *ctx; Jbig2GlobalCtx *gctx; Jbig2Image *page; int idx; }; fz_error * fz_newjbig2d(fz_filter **fp, fz_obj *params) { FZ_NEWFILTER(fz_jbig2d, d, jbig2d); d->ctx = jbig2_ctx_new(nil, JBIG2_OPTIONS_EMBEDDED, nil, nil, nil); d->page = nil; d->idx = 0; return nil; } void fz_dropjbig2d(fz_filter *filter) { fz_jbig2d *d = (fz_jbig2d*)filter; jbig2_ctx_free(d->ctx); } fz_error * fz_setjbig2dglobalstream(fz_filter *filter, unsigned char *buf, int len) { fz_jbig2d *d = (fz_jbig2d*)filter; jbig2_data_in(d->ctx, buf, len); d->gctx = jbig2_make_global_ctx(d->ctx); d->ctx = jbig2_ctx_new(nil, JBIG2_OPTIONS_EMBEDDED, d->gctx, nil, nil); return nil; } fz_error * fz_processjbig2d(fz_filter *filter, fz_buffer *in, fz_buffer *out) { fz_jbig2d *d = (fz_jbig2d*)filter; int len; int i; while (1) { if (in->rp == in->wp) { if (!in->eof) return fz_ioneedin; if (!d->page) { jbig2_complete_page(d->ctx); d->page = jbig2_page_out(d->ctx); } if (out->wp == out->ep) return fz_ioneedout; len = out->ep - out->wp; if (d->idx + len > d->page->height * d->page->stride) len = d->page->height * d->page->stride - d->idx; /* XXX memcpy(out->wp, d->page->data + d->idx, len); */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) out->wp[i] = ~ d->page->data[d->idx + i]; out->wp += len; d->idx += len; if (d->idx == d->page->height * d->page->stride) { jbig2_release_page(d->ctx, d->page); out->eof = 1; return fz_iodone; } } else { len = in->wp - in->rp; jbig2_data_in(d->ctx, in->rp, len); in->rp += len; } } }