#include "fitz-internal.h" #define LINE_DIST 0.9f #define SPACE_DIST 0.2f #define SPACE_MAX_DIST 0.8f #define PARAGRAPH_DIST 0.5f #define MY_EPSILON 0.001f #define SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET 0.2f #define SUPERSCRIPT_OFFSET -0.2f #undef DEBUG_SPANS #undef DEBUG_INTERNALS #undef DEBUG_LINE_HEIGHTS #undef DEBUG_MASKS #undef DEBUG_ALIGN #undef DEBUG_INDENTS #undef SPOT_LINE_NUMBERS #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include FT_ADVANCES_H typedef struct fz_text_device_s fz_text_device; typedef struct span_soup_s span_soup; struct fz_text_device_s { fz_text_sheet *sheet; fz_text_page *page; span_soup *spans; fz_text_span *cur_span; int lastchar; }; static fz_rect * add_point_to_rect(fz_rect *a, const fz_point *p) { if (p->x < a->x0) a->x0 = p->x; if (p->x > a->x1) a->x1 = p->x; if (p->y < a->y0) a->y0 = p->y; if (p->y > a->y1) a->y1 = p->y; return a; } fz_rect * fz_text_char_bbox(fz_rect *bbox, fz_text_span *span, int i) { fz_point a, d; const fz_point *max; fz_text_char *ch; if (!span || i >= span->len) { *bbox = fz_empty_rect; } ch = &span->text[i]; if (i == span->len-1) max = &span->max; else max = &span->text[i+1].p; a.x = 0; a.y = span->ascender_max; fz_transform_vector(&a, &span->transform); d.x = 0; d.y = span->descender_min; fz_transform_vector(&d, &span->transform); bbox->x0 = bbox->x1 = ch->p.x + a.x; bbox->y0 = bbox->y1 = ch->p.y + a.y; a.x += max->x; a.y += max->y; add_point_to_rect(bbox, &a); a.x = ch->p.x + d.x; a.y = ch->p.y + d.y; add_point_to_rect(bbox, &a); a.x = max->x + d.x; a.y = max->y + d.y; add_point_to_rect(bbox, &a); return bbox; } static void add_bbox_to_span(fz_text_span *span) { fz_point a, d; fz_rect *bbox = &span->bbox; if (!span) return; a.x = 0; a.y = span->ascender_max; fz_transform_vector(&a, &span->transform); d.x = 0; d.y = span->descender_min; fz_transform_vector(&d, &span->transform); bbox->x0 = bbox->x1 = span->min.x + a.x; bbox->y0 = bbox->y1 = span->min.y + a.y; a.x += span->max.x; a.y += span->max.y; add_point_to_rect(bbox, &a); a.x = span->min.x + d.x; a.y = span->min.y + d.y; add_point_to_rect(bbox, &a); a.x = span->max.x + d.x; a.y = span->max.y + d.y; add_point_to_rect(bbox, &a); } struct span_soup_s { fz_context *ctx; int len, cap; fz_text_span **spans; }; static span_soup * new_span_soup(fz_context *ctx) { span_soup *soup = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, span_soup); soup->ctx = ctx; soup->len = 0; soup->cap = 0; soup->spans = NULL; return soup; } static void free_span_soup(span_soup *soup) { int i; if (soup == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < soup->len; i++) { fz_free(soup->ctx, soup->spans[i]); } fz_free(soup->ctx, soup->spans); fz_free(soup->ctx, soup); } static void add_span_to_soup(span_soup *soup, fz_text_span *span) { if (span == NULL) return; if (soup->len == soup->cap) { int newcap = (soup->cap ? soup->cap * 2 : 16); soup->spans = fz_resize_array(soup->ctx, soup->spans, newcap, sizeof(*soup->spans)); soup->cap = newcap; } add_bbox_to_span(span); soup->spans[soup->len++] = span; } static fz_text_line * push_span(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_device *tdev, fz_text_span *span, int new_line, float distance) { fz_text_line *line; fz_text_block *block; fz_text_page *page = tdev->page; int prev_not_text = 0; if (page->len == 0 || page->blocks[page->len-1].type != FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_TEXT) prev_not_text = 1; if (new_line || prev_not_text) { float size = fz_matrix_expansion(&span->transform); /* So, a new line. Part of the same block or not? */ if (distance == 0 || distance > size * 1.5 || distance < -size * PARAGRAPH_DIST || page->len == 0 || prev_not_text) { /* New block */ if (page->len == page->cap) { int newcap = (page->cap ? page->cap*2 : 4); page->blocks = fz_resize_array(ctx, page->blocks, newcap, sizeof(*page->blocks)); page->cap = newcap; } block = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, fz_text_block); page->blocks[page->len].type = FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_TEXT; page->blocks[page->len].u.text = block; block->cap = 0; block->len = 0; block->lines = 0; block->bbox = fz_empty_rect; page->len++; distance = 0; } /* New line */ block = page->blocks[page->len-1].u.text; if (block->len == block->cap) { int newcap = (block->cap ? block->cap*2 : 4); block->lines = fz_resize_array(ctx, block->lines, newcap, sizeof(*block->lines)); block->cap = newcap; } block->lines[block->len].cap = 0; block->lines[block->len].len = 0; block->lines[block->len].spans = NULL; block->lines[block->len].distance = distance; block->lines[block->len].bbox = fz_empty_rect; block->len++; } /* Find last line and append to it */ block = page->blocks[page->len-1].u.text; line = &block->lines[block->len-1]; if (line->len == line->cap) { int newcap = (line->cap ? line->cap*2 : 4); line->spans = fz_resize_array(ctx, line->spans, newcap, sizeof(*line->spans)); line->cap = newcap; } fz_union_rect(&block->lines[block->len-1].bbox, &span->bbox); fz_union_rect(&block->bbox, &span->bbox); span->base_offset = (new_line ? 0 : distance); line->spans[line->len++] = span; return line; } #if defined(DEBUG_SPANS) || defined(DEBUG_ALIGN) || defined(DEBUG_INDENTS) static void dump_span(fz_text_span *s) { int i; for (i=0; i < s->len; i++) { printf("%c", s->text[i].c); } } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_ALIGN static void dump_line(fz_text_line *line) { int i; for (i=0; i < line->len; i++) { fz_text_span *s = line->spans[i]; if (s->spacing > 1) printf(" "); dump_span(s); } printf("\n"); } #endif static inline void normalise(fz_point *p) { float len = p->x * p->x + p->y * p->y; if (len != 0) { len = sqrtf(len); p->x /= len; p->y /= len; } } static void strain_soup(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_device *tdev) { span_soup *soup = tdev->spans; fz_text_line *last_line = NULL; fz_text_span *last_span = NULL; int span_num; /* Really dumb implementation to match what we had before */ for (span_num=0; span_num < soup->len; span_num++) { fz_text_span *span = soup->spans[span_num]; int new_line = 1; float distance = 0; float spacing = 0; soup->spans[span_num] = NULL; if (last_span) { /* If we have a last_span, we must have a last_line */ /* Do span and last_line share the same baseline? */ fz_point p, q, perp_r; float dot; float size = fz_matrix_expansion(&span->transform); #ifdef DEBUG_SPANS { printf("Comparing: \""); dump_span(last_span); printf("\" and \""); dump_span(span); printf("\"\n"); } #endif p.x = last_line->spans[0]->max.x - last_line->spans[0]->min.x; p.y = last_line->spans[0]->max.y - last_line->spans[0]->min.y; normalise(&p); q.x = span->max.x - span->min.x; q.y = span->max.y - span->min.y; normalise(&q); #ifdef DEBUG_SPANS printf("last_span=%g %g -> %g %g = %g %g\n", last_span->min.x, last_span->min.y, last_span->max.x, last_span->max.y, p.x, p.y); printf("span =%g %g -> %g %g = %g %g\n", span->min.x, span->min.y, span->max.x, span->max.y, q.x, q.y); #endif perp_r.y = last_line->spans[0]->min.x - span->min.x; perp_r.x = -(last_line->spans[0]->min.y - span->min.y); /* Check if p and q are parallel. If so, then this * line is parallel with the last one. */ dot = p.x * q.x + p.y * q.y; if (fabsf(dot) > 0.9995) { /* If we take the dot product of normalised(p) and * perp(r), we get the perpendicular distance from * one line to the next (assuming they are parallel). */ distance = p.x * perp_r.x + p.y * perp_r.y; /* We allow 'small' distances of baseline changes * to cope with super/subscript. FIXME: We should * gather subscript/superscript information here. */ new_line = (fabsf(distance) > size * LINE_DIST); } else { new_line = 1; distance = 0; } if (!new_line) { fz_point delta; delta.x = span->min.x - last_span->max.x; delta.y = span->min.y - last_span->max.y; spacing = (p.x * delta.x + p.y * delta.y); spacing = fabsf(spacing); /* Only allow changes in baseline (subscript/superscript etc) * when the spacing is small. */ if (spacing * fabsf(distance) > size * LINE_DIST && fabsf(distance) > size * 0.1f) { new_line = 1; distance = 0; spacing = 0; } else { spacing /= size * SPACE_DIST; /* Apply the same logic here as when we're adding chars to build spans. */ if (spacing >= 1 && spacing < (SPACE_MAX_DIST/SPACE_DIST)) spacing = 1; } } #ifdef DEBUG_SPANS printf("dot=%g new_line=%d distance=%g size=%g spacing=%g\n", dot, new_line, distance, size, spacing); #endif } span->spacing = spacing; last_line = push_span(ctx, tdev, span, new_line, distance); last_span = span; } } fz_text_sheet * fz_new_text_sheet(fz_context *ctx) { fz_text_sheet *sheet = fz_malloc(ctx, sizeof *sheet); sheet->maxid = 0; sheet->style = NULL; return sheet; } void fz_free_text_sheet(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_sheet *sheet) { fz_text_style *style = sheet->style; while (style) { fz_text_style *next = style->next; fz_drop_font(ctx, style->font); fz_free(ctx, style); style = next; } fz_free(ctx, sheet); } static fz_text_style * fz_lookup_text_style_imp(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_sheet *sheet, float size, fz_font *font, int wmode, int script) { fz_text_style *style; for (style = sheet->style; style; style = style->next) { if (style->font == font && style->size == size && style->wmode == wmode && style->script == script) /* FIXME: others */ { return style; } } /* Better make a new one and add it to our list */ style = fz_malloc(ctx, sizeof *style); style->id = sheet->maxid++; style->font = fz_keep_font(ctx, font); style->size = size; style->wmode = wmode; style->script = script; style->next = sheet->style; sheet->style = style; return style; } static fz_text_style * fz_lookup_text_style(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_sheet *sheet, fz_text *text, const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_colorspace *colorspace, float *color, float alpha, fz_stroke_state *stroke) { float size = 1.0f; fz_font *font = text ? text->font : NULL; int wmode = text ? text->wmode : 0; if (ctm && text) { fz_matrix tm = text->trm; fz_matrix trm; tm.e = 0; tm.f = 0; fz_concat(&trm, &tm, ctm); size = fz_matrix_expansion(&trm); } return fz_lookup_text_style_imp(ctx, sheet, size, font, wmode, 0); } fz_text_page * fz_new_text_page(fz_context *ctx, const fz_rect *mediabox) { fz_text_page *page = fz_malloc(ctx, sizeof(*page)); page->mediabox = *mediabox; page->len = 0; page->cap = 0; page->blocks = NULL; return page; } static void fz_free_text_line_contents(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_line *line) { int span_num; for (span_num = 0; span_num < line->len; span_num++) { fz_text_span *span = line->spans[span_num]; fz_free(ctx, span->text); fz_free(ctx, span); } fz_free(ctx, line->spans); } static void fz_free_text_block(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_block *block) { fz_text_line *line; if (block == NULL) return; for (line = block->lines; line < block->lines + block->len; line++) fz_free_text_line_contents(ctx, line); fz_free(ctx, block->lines); } static void fz_free_image_block(fz_context *ctx, fz_image_block *block) { if (block == NULL) return; fz_drop_image(ctx, block->image); fz_drop_colorspace(ctx, block->cspace); } void fz_free_text_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_page *page) { fz_page_block *block; for (block = page->blocks; block < page->blocks + page->len; block++) { switch(block->type) { case FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_TEXT: fz_free_text_block(ctx, block->u.text); break; case FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_IMAGE: fz_free_image_block(ctx, block->u.image); break; } } fz_free(ctx, page->blocks); fz_free(ctx, page); } static fz_text_span * fz_new_text_span(fz_context *ctx, const fz_point *p, int wmode, const fz_matrix *trm) { fz_text_span *span = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, fz_text_span); span->ascender_max = 0; span->descender_min = 0; span->cap = 0; span->len = 0; span->min = *p; span->max = *p; span->wmode = wmode; span->transform.a = trm->a; span->transform.b = trm->b; span->transform.c = trm->c; span->transform.d = trm->d; span->transform.e = 0; span->transform.f = 0; span->text = NULL; return span; } static void add_char_to_span(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_span *span, int c, fz_point *p, fz_point *max, fz_text_style *style) { if (span->len == span->cap) { int newcap = (span->cap ? span->cap * 2 : 16); span->text = fz_resize_array(ctx, span->text, newcap, sizeof(fz_text_char)); span->cap = newcap; span->bbox = fz_empty_rect; } span->max = *max; if (style->ascender > span->ascender_max) span->ascender_max = style->ascender; if (style->descender < span->descender_min) span->descender_min = style->descender; span->text[span->len].c = c; span->text[span->len].p = *p; span->text[span->len].style = style; span->len++; } static void fz_add_text_char_imp(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_device *dev, fz_text_style *style, int c, fz_matrix *trm, float adv, int wmode) { int can_append = 1; int add_space = 0; fz_point dir, ndir, p, q; float size; fz_point delta; float spacing = 0; float base_offset = 0; if (wmode == 0) { dir.x = 1; dir.y = 0; } else { dir.x = 0; dir.y = 1; } fz_transform_vector(&dir, trm); ndir = dir; normalise(&ndir); /* dir = direction vector for motion. ndir = normalised(dir) */ size = fz_matrix_expansion(trm); if (dev->cur_span == NULL || trm->a != dev->cur_span->transform.a || trm->b != dev->cur_span->transform.b || trm->c != dev->cur_span->transform.c || trm->d != dev->cur_span->transform.d) { /* If the matrix has changed (or if we don't have a span at * all), then we can't append. */ #ifdef DEBUG_SPANS printf("Transform changed\n"); #endif can_append = 0; } else { /* Calculate how far we've moved since the end of the current * span. */ delta.x = trm->e - dev->cur_span->max.x; delta.y = trm->f - dev->cur_span->max.y; /* The transform has not changed, so we know we're in the same * direction. Calculate 2 distances; how far off the previous * baseline we are, together with how far along the baseline * we are from the expected position. */ spacing = ndir.x * delta.x + ndir.y * delta.y; base_offset = -ndir.y * delta.x + ndir.x * delta.y; spacing /= size * SPACE_DIST; spacing = fabsf(spacing); if (fabsf(base_offset) < size * 0.1) { /* Only a small amount off the baseline - we'll take this */ if (spacing < 1.0) { /* Motion is in line, and small. */ } else if (spacing >= 1 && spacing < (SPACE_MAX_DIST/SPACE_DIST)) { /* Motion is in line, but large enough * to warrant us adding a space */ if (dev->lastchar != ' ' && wmode == 0) add_space = 1; } else { /* Motion is in line, but too large - split to a new span */ can_append = 0; } } else { can_append = 0; spacing = 0; } } #ifdef DEBUG_SPANS printf("%c%c append=%d space=%d size=%g spacing=%g base_offset=%g\n", dev->lastchar, c, can_append, add_space, size, spacing, base_offset); #endif p.x = trm->e; p.y = trm->f; if (can_append == 0) { /* Start a new span */ add_span_to_soup(dev->spans, dev->cur_span); dev->cur_span = NULL; dev->cur_span = fz_new_text_span(ctx, &p, wmode, trm); dev->cur_span->spacing = 0; } if (add_space) { q.x = - 0.2f; q.y = 0; fz_transform_point(&q, trm); add_char_to_span(ctx, dev->cur_span, ' ', &p, &q, style); } /* Advance the matrix */ q.x = trm->e += adv * dir.x; q.y = trm->f += adv * dir.y; add_char_to_span(ctx, dev->cur_span, c, &p, &q, style); } static void fz_add_text_char(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_device *dev, fz_text_style *style, int c, fz_matrix *trm, float adv, int wmode) { switch (c) { case -1: /* ignore when one unicode character maps to multiple glyphs */ break; case 0xFB00: /* ff */ fz_add_text_char_imp(ctx, dev, style, 'f', trm, adv/2, wmode); fz_add_text_char_imp(ctx, dev, style, 'f', trm, adv/2, wmode); break; case 0xFB01: /* fi */ fz_add_text_char_imp(ctx, dev, style, 'f', trm, adv/2, wmode); fz_add_text_char_imp(ctx, dev, style, 'i', trm, adv/2, wmode); break; case 0xFB02: /* fl */ fz_add_text_char_imp(ctx, dev, style, 'f', trm, adv/2, wmode); fz_add_text_char_imp(ctx, dev, style, 'l', trm, adv/2, wmode); break; case 0xFB03: /* ffi */ fz_add_text_char_imp(ctx, dev, style, 'f', trm, adv/3, wmode); fz_add_text_char_imp(ctx, dev, style, 'f', trm, adv/3, wmode); fz_add_text_char_imp(ctx, dev, style, 'i', trm, adv/3, wmode); break; case 0xFB04: /* ffl */ fz_add_text_char_imp(ctx, dev, style, 'f', trm, adv/3, wmode); fz_add_text_char_imp(ctx, dev, style, 'f', trm, adv/3, wmode); fz_add_text_char_imp(ctx, dev, style, 'l', trm, adv/3, wmode); break; case 0xFB05: /* long st */ case 0xFB06: /* st */ fz_add_text_char_imp(ctx, dev, style, 's', trm, adv/2, wmode); fz_add_text_char_imp(ctx, dev, style, 't', trm, adv/2, wmode); break; default: fz_add_text_char_imp(ctx, dev, style, c, trm, adv, wmode); break; } } static void fz_text_extract(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_device *dev, fz_text *text, const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_text_style *style) { fz_font *font = text->font; FT_Face face = font->ft_face; fz_matrix tm = text->trm; fz_matrix trm; float adv; float ascender = 1; float descender = 0; int multi; int i, j, err; if (text->len == 0) return; if (font->ft_face) { fz_lock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE); err = FT_Set_Char_Size(font->ft_face, 64, 64, 72, 72); if (err) fz_warn(ctx, "freetype set character size: %s", ft_error_string(err)); ascender = (float)face->ascender / face->units_per_EM; descender = (float)face->descender / face->units_per_EM; fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE); } else if (font->t3procs && !fz_is_empty_rect(&font->bbox)) { ascender = font->bbox.y1; descender = font->bbox.y0; } style->ascender = ascender; style->descender = descender; tm.e = 0; tm.f = 0; fz_concat(&trm, &tm, ctm); for (i = 0; i < text->len; i++) { /* Calculate new pen location and delta */ tm.e = text->items[i].x; tm.f = text->items[i].y; fz_concat(&trm, &tm, ctm); /* Calculate bounding box and new pen position based on font metrics */ if (font->ft_face) { FT_Fixed ftadv = 0; int mask = FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP | FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING | FT_LOAD_IGNORE_TRANSFORM; /* TODO: freetype returns broken vertical metrics */ /* if (text->wmode) mask |= FT_LOAD_VERTICAL_LAYOUT; */ fz_lock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE); err = FT_Set_Char_Size(font->ft_face, 64, 64, 72, 72); if (err) fz_warn(ctx, "freetype set character size: %s", ft_error_string(err)); FT_Get_Advance(font->ft_face, text->items[i].gid, mask, &ftadv); adv = ftadv / 65536.0f; fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE); } else { adv = font->t3widths[text->items[i].gid]; } /* Check for one glyph to many char mapping */ for (j = i + 1; j < text->len; j++) if (text->items[j].gid >= 0) break; multi = j - i; if (multi == 1) { fz_add_text_char(ctx, dev, style, text->items[i].ucs, &trm, adv, text->wmode); } else { for (j = 0; j < multi; j++) { fz_add_text_char(ctx, dev, style, text->items[i + j].ucs, &trm, adv/multi, text->wmode); } i += j - 1; } dev->lastchar = text->items[i].ucs; } } static void fz_text_fill_text(fz_device *dev, fz_text *text, const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_colorspace *colorspace, float *color, float alpha) { fz_text_device *tdev = dev->user; fz_text_style *style; style = fz_lookup_text_style(dev->ctx, tdev->sheet, text, ctm, colorspace, color, alpha, NULL); fz_text_extract(dev->ctx, tdev, text, ctm, style); } static void fz_text_stroke_text(fz_device *dev, fz_text *text, fz_stroke_state *stroke, const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_colorspace *colorspace, float *color, float alpha) { fz_text_device *tdev = dev->user; fz_text_style *style; style = fz_lookup_text_style(dev->ctx, tdev->sheet, text, ctm, colorspace, color, alpha, stroke); fz_text_extract(dev->ctx, tdev, text, ctm, style); } static void fz_text_clip_text(fz_device *dev, fz_text *text, const fz_matrix *ctm, int accumulate) { fz_text_device *tdev = dev->user; fz_text_style *style; style = fz_lookup_text_style(dev->ctx, tdev->sheet, text, ctm, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); fz_text_extract(dev->ctx, tdev, text, ctm, style); } static void fz_text_clip_stroke_text(fz_device *dev, fz_text *text, fz_stroke_state *stroke, const fz_matrix *ctm) { fz_text_device *tdev = dev->user; fz_text_style *style; style = fz_lookup_text_style(dev->ctx, tdev->sheet, text, ctm, NULL, NULL, 0, stroke); fz_text_extract(dev->ctx, tdev, text, ctm, style); } static void fz_text_ignore_text(fz_device *dev, fz_text *text, const fz_matrix *ctm) { fz_text_device *tdev = dev->user; fz_text_style *style; style = fz_lookup_text_style(dev->ctx, tdev->sheet, text, ctm, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); fz_text_extract(dev->ctx, tdev, text, ctm, style); } static void fz_text_fill_image_mask(fz_device *dev, fz_image *img, const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_colorspace *cspace, float *color, float alpha) { fz_text_device *tdev = dev->user; fz_text_page *page = tdev->page; fz_image_block *block; fz_context *ctx = dev->ctx; /* If the alpha is less than 50% then it's probably a watermark or * effect or something. Skip it */ if (alpha < 0.5) return; /* New block */ if (page->len == page->cap) { int newcap = (page->cap ? page->cap*2 : 4); page->blocks = fz_resize_array(ctx, page->blocks, newcap, sizeof(*page->blocks)); page->cap = newcap; } block = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, fz_image_block); page->blocks[page->len].type = FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_IMAGE; page->blocks[page->len].u.image = block; block->image = fz_keep_image(ctx, img); block->cspace = fz_keep_colorspace(ctx, cspace); if (cspace) memcpy(block->colors, color, sizeof(block->colors[0])*cspace->n); page->len++; } static void fz_text_fill_image(fz_device *dev, fz_image *img, const fz_matrix *ctm, float alpha) { fz_text_fill_image_mask(dev, img, ctm, NULL, NULL, alpha); } static void fz_text_free_user(fz_device *dev) { fz_context *ctx = dev->ctx; fz_text_device *tdev = dev->user; add_span_to_soup(tdev->spans, tdev->cur_span); tdev->cur_span = NULL; strain_soup(ctx, tdev); free_span_soup(tdev->spans); /* TODO: smart sorting of blocks in reading order */ /* TODO: unicode NFC normalization */ /* TODO: bidi logical reordering */ fz_free(dev->ctx, tdev); } fz_device * fz_new_text_device(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_sheet *sheet, fz_text_page *page) { fz_device *dev; fz_text_device *tdev = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, fz_text_device); tdev->sheet = sheet; tdev->page = page; tdev->spans = new_span_soup(ctx); tdev->cur_span = NULL; tdev->lastchar = ' '; dev = fz_new_device(ctx, tdev); dev->hints = FZ_IGNORE_IMAGE | FZ_IGNORE_SHADE; dev->free_user = fz_text_free_user; dev->fill_text = fz_text_fill_text; dev->stroke_text = fz_text_stroke_text; dev->clip_text = fz_text_clip_text; dev->clip_stroke_text = fz_text_clip_stroke_text; dev->ignore_text = fz_text_ignore_text; dev->fill_image = fz_text_fill_image; dev->fill_image_mask = fz_text_fill_image_mask; return dev; } void fz_enable_device_hints(fz_device *dev, int hints) { dev->hints |= hints; } void fz_disable_device_hints(fz_device *dev, int hints) { dev->hints &= ~hints; } /* XML, HTML and plain-text output */ static int font_is_bold(fz_font *font) { FT_Face face = font->ft_face; if (face && (face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD)) return 1; if (strstr(font->name, "Bold")) return 1; return 0; } static int font_is_italic(fz_font *font) { FT_Face face = font->ft_face; if (face && (face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC)) return 1; if (strstr(font->name, "Italic") || strstr(font->name, "Oblique")) return 1; return 0; } static void fz_print_style_begin(fz_output *out, fz_text_style *style) { int script = style->script; fz_printf(out, "", style->id); while (script-- > 0) fz_printf(out, ""); while (++script < 0) fz_printf(out, ""); } static void fz_print_style_end(fz_output *out, fz_text_style *style) { int script = style->script; while (script-- > 0) fz_printf(out, ""); while (++script < 0) fz_printf(out, ""); fz_printf(out, ""); } static void fz_print_style(fz_output *out, fz_text_style *style) { char *s = strchr(style->font->name, '+'); s = s ? s + 1 : style->font->name; fz_printf(out, "span.s%d{font-family:\"%s\";font-size:%gpt;", style->id, s, style->size); if (font_is_italic(style->font)) fz_printf(out, "font-style:italic;"); if (font_is_bold(style->font)) fz_printf(out, "font-weight:bold;"); fz_printf(out, "}\n"); } void fz_print_text_sheet(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, fz_text_sheet *sheet) { fz_text_style *style; for (style = sheet->style; style; style = style->next) fz_print_style(out, style); } static void send_data_base64(fz_output *out, fz_buffer *buffer) { int i, len; static const char set[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; len = buffer->len/3; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { int c = buffer->data[3*i]; int d = buffer->data[3*i+1]; int e = buffer->data[3*i+2]; if ((i & 15) == 0) fz_printf(out, "\n"); fz_printf(out, "%c%c%c%c", set[c>>2], set[((c&3)<<4)|(d>>4)], set[((d&15)<<2)|(e>>6)], set[e & 63]); } i *= 3; switch (buffer->len-i) { case 2: { int c = buffer->data[i]; int d = buffer->data[i+1]; fz_printf(out, "%c%c%c=", set[c>>2], set[((c&3)<<4)|(d>>4)], set[((d&15)<<2)]); break; } case 1: { int c = buffer->data[i]; fz_printf(out, "%c%c==", set[c>>2], set[(c&3)<<4]); break; } default: case 0: break; } } void fz_print_text_page_html(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, fz_text_page *page) { int block_n, line_n, span_n, ch_n; fz_text_style *style = NULL; fz_text_line *line; void *last_region = NULL; fz_printf(out, "
\n"); for (block_n = 0; block_n < page->len; block_n++) { switch(page->blocks[block_n].type) { case FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_TEXT: { fz_text_block * block = page->blocks[block_n].u.text; fz_printf(out, "

\n"); for (line_n = 0; line_n < block->len; line_n++) { int lastcol=-1; line = &block->lines[line_n]; style = NULL; if (line->region != last_region) { if (last_region) fz_printf(out, "

"); fz_printf(out, "
"); last_region = line->region; } fz_printf(out, "
region) fz_printf(out, " region=\"%x\"", line->region); #endif fz_printf(out, ">"); for (span_n = 0; span_n < line->len; span_n++) { fz_text_span *span = line->spans[span_n]; float size = fz_matrix_expansion(&span->transform); float base_offset = span->base_offset / size; if (lastcol != span->column) { if (lastcol >= 0) { fz_printf(out, "
"); } /* If we skipped any columns then output some spacer spans */ while (lastcol < span->column-1) { fz_printf(out, "
"); lastcol++; } lastcol++; /* Now output the span to contain this entire column */ fz_printf(out, "
len; sn++) { if (line->spans[sn]->column != lastcol) break; } fz_printf(out, "width:%g%%;align:%s", span->column_width, (span->align == 0 ? "left" : (span->align == 1 ? "center" : "right"))); } if (span->indent > 1) fz_printf(out, ";padding-left:1em;text-indent:-1em"); if (span->indent < -1) fz_printf(out, ";text-indent:1em"); fz_printf(out, "\">"); } #ifdef DEBUG_INTERNALS fz_printf(out, "column) fz_printf(out, " col=\"%x\"", span->column); fz_printf(out, ">"); #endif if (span->spacing >= 1) fz_printf(out, " "); if (base_offset > SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET) fz_printf(out, ""); else if (base_offset < SUPERSCRIPT_OFFSET) fz_printf(out, ""); for (ch_n = 0; ch_n < span->len; ch_n++) { fz_text_char *ch = &span->text[ch_n]; if (style != ch->style) { if (style) fz_print_style_end(out, style); fz_print_style_begin(out, ch->style); style = ch->style; } if (ch->c == '<') fz_printf(out, "<"); else if (ch->c == '>') fz_printf(out, ">"); else if (ch->c == '&') fz_printf(out, "&"); else if (ch->c >= 32 && ch->c <= 127) fz_printf(out, "%c", ch->c); else fz_printf(out, "&#x%x;", ch->c); } if (style) { fz_print_style_end(out, style); style = NULL; } if (base_offset > SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET) fz_printf(out, ""); else if (base_offset < SUPERSCRIPT_OFFSET) fz_printf(out, ""); #ifdef DEBUG_INTERNALS fz_printf(out, ""); #endif } /* Close our floating span */ fz_printf(out, "
"); /* Close the line */ fz_printf(out, "
"); fz_printf(out, "\n"); } /* Close the metaline */ fz_printf(out, "
"); last_region = NULL; fz_printf(out, "

\n"); break; } case FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_IMAGE: { fz_image_block *image = page->blocks[block_n].u.image; fz_printf(out, "image->w, image->image->h); switch (image->image->buffer == NULL ? FZ_IMAGE_JPX : image->image->buffer->params.type) { case FZ_IMAGE_JPEG: fz_printf(out, "image/jpeg;base64,"); send_data_base64(out, image->image->buffer->buffer); break; case FZ_IMAGE_PNG: fz_printf(out, "image/png;base64,"); send_data_base64(out, image->image->buffer->buffer); break; default: { fz_pixmap *pix = fz_image_get_pixmap(ctx, image->image, image->image->w, image->image->h); fz_buffer *buf = fz_new_buffer(ctx, 1024); fz_output *out2 = fz_new_output_buffer(ctx, buf); fz_output_pixmap_to_png(ctx, pix, out2, 0); fz_close_output(out2); fz_printf(out, "image/png;base64,"); send_data_base64(out, buf); fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); break; } } fz_printf(out, "\">\n"); break; } } } fz_printf(out, "\n"); } void fz_print_text_page_xml(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, fz_text_page *page) { int block_n; fz_printf(out, "\n"); for (block_n = 0; block_n < page->len; block_n++) { switch(page->blocks[block_n].type) { case FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_TEXT: { fz_text_block *block = page->blocks[block_n].u.text; fz_text_line *line; char *s; fz_printf(out, "\n", block->bbox.x0, block->bbox.y0, block->bbox.x1, block->bbox.y1); for (line = block->lines; line < block->lines + block->len; line++) { int span_num; fz_printf(out, "\n", line->bbox.x0, line->bbox.y0, line->bbox.x1, line->bbox.y1); for (span_num = 0; span_num < line->len; span_num++) { fz_text_span *span = line->spans[span_num]; fz_text_style *style = NULL; int char_num; for (char_num = 0; char_num < span->len; char_num++) { fz_text_char *ch = &span->text[char_num]; if (ch->style != style) { if (style) { fz_printf(out, "\n"); } style = ch->style; s = strchr(style->font->name, '+'); s = s ? s + 1 : style->font->name; fz_printf(out, "\n", span->bbox.x0, span->bbox.y0, span->bbox.x1, span->bbox.y1, s, style->size); } { fz_rect rect; fz_text_char_bbox(&rect, span, char_num); fz_printf(out, "p.x, ch->p.y); } switch (ch->c) { case '<': fz_printf(out, "<"); break; case '>': fz_printf(out, ">"); break; case '&': fz_printf(out, "&"); break; case '"': fz_printf(out, """); break; case '\'': fz_printf(out, "'"); break; default: if (ch->c >= 32 && ch->c <= 127) fz_printf(out, "%c", ch->c); else fz_printf(out, "&#x%x;", ch->c); break; } fz_printf(out, "\"/>\n"); } if (style) fz_printf(out, "\n"); } fz_printf(out, "\n"); } fz_printf(out, "\n"); break; } case FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_IMAGE: { break; } } } fz_printf(out, "\n"); } void fz_print_text_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, fz_text_page *page) { int block_n; for (block_n = 0; block_n < page->len; block_n++) { switch(page->blocks[block_n].type) { case FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_TEXT: { fz_text_block *block = page->blocks[block_n].u.text; fz_text_line *line; fz_text_char *ch; char utf[10]; int i, n; for (line = block->lines; line < block->lines + block->len; line++) { int span_num; for (span_num = 0; span_num < line->len; span_num++) { fz_text_span *span = line->spans[span_num]; for (ch = span->text; ch < span->text + span->len; ch++) { n = fz_runetochar(utf, ch->c); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) fz_printf(out, "%c", utf[i]); } } fz_printf(out, "\n"); } fz_printf(out, "\n"); break; } case FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_IMAGE: break; } } } typedef struct line_height_s { float height; int count; fz_text_style *style; } line_height; typedef struct line_heights_s { fz_context *ctx; int cap; int len; line_height *lh; } line_heights; static line_heights * new_line_heights(fz_context *ctx) { line_heights *lh = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, line_heights); lh->ctx = ctx; return lh; } static void free_line_heights(line_heights *lh) { if (!lh) return; fz_free(lh->ctx, lh->lh); fz_free(lh->ctx, lh); } static void insert_line_height(line_heights *lh, fz_text_style *style, float height) { int i; #ifdef DEBUG_LINE_HEIGHTS printf("style=%x height=%g\n", style, height); #endif /* If we have one already, add it in */ for (i=0; i < lh->cap; i++) { /* Match if we are within 5% */ if (lh->lh[i].style == style && lh->lh[i].height * 0.95 <= height && lh->lh[i].height * 1.05 >= height) { /* Ensure that the average height is correct */ lh->lh[i].height = (lh->lh[i].height * lh->lh[i].count + height) / (lh->lh[i].count+1); lh->lh[i].count++; return; } } /* Otherwise extend (if required) and add it */ if (lh->cap == lh->len) { int newcap = (lh->cap ? lh->cap * 2 : 4); lh->lh = fz_resize_array(lh->ctx, lh->lh, newcap, sizeof(line_height)); lh->cap = newcap; } lh->lh[lh->len].count = 1; lh->lh[lh->len].height = height; lh->lh[lh->len].style = style; lh->len++; } static void cull_line_heights(line_heights *lh) { int i, j, k; #ifdef DEBUG_LINE_HEIGHTS printf("Before culling:\n"); for (i = 0; i < lh->len; i++) { fz_text_style *style = lh->lh[i].style; printf("style=%x height=%g count=%d\n", style, lh->lh[i].height, lh->lh[i].count); } #endif for (i = 0; i < lh->len; i++) { fz_text_style *style = lh->lh[i].style; int count = lh->lh[i].count; int max = i; /* Find the max for this style */ for (j = i+1; j < lh->len; j++) { if (lh->lh[j].style == style && lh->lh[j].count > count) { max = j; count = lh->lh[j].count; } } /* Destroy all the ones other than the max */ if (max != i) { lh->lh[i].count = count; lh->lh[i].height = lh->lh[max].height; lh->lh[max].count = 0; } j = i+1; for (k = j; k < lh->len; k++) { if (lh->lh[k].style != style) lh->lh[j++] = lh->lh[k]; } lh->len = j; } #ifdef DEBUG_LINE_HEIGHTS printf("After culling:\n"); for (i = 0; i < lh->len; i++) { fz_text_style *style = lh->lh[i].style; printf("style=%x height=%g count=%d\n", style, lh->lh[i].height, lh->lh[i].count); } #endif } static float line_height_for_style(line_heights *lh, fz_text_style *style) { int i; for (i=0; i < lh->len; i++) { if (lh->lh[i].style == style) return lh->lh[i].height; } return 0.0; /* Never reached */ } static void split_block(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_page *page, int block_num, int linenum) { int split_len; fz_text_block *block, *block2; if (page->len == page->cap) { int new_cap = fz_maxi(16, page->cap * 2); page->blocks = fz_resize_array(ctx, page->blocks, new_cap, sizeof(*page->blocks)); page->cap = new_cap; } memmove(page->blocks+block_num+1, page->blocks+block_num, (page->len - block_num)*sizeof(*page->blocks)); page->len++; block2 = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, fz_text_block); block = page->blocks[block_num].u.text; page->blocks[block_num+1].type = FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_TEXT; page->blocks[block_num+1].u.text = block2; split_len = block->len - linenum; block2->bbox = block->bbox; /* FIXME! */ block2->cap = 0; block2->len = 0; block2->lines = NULL; block2->lines = fz_malloc_array(ctx, split_len, sizeof(fz_text_line)); block2->cap = block2->len; block2->len = split_len; block->len = linenum; memcpy(block2->lines, block->lines + linenum, split_len * sizeof(fz_text_line)); block2->lines[0].distance = 0; } static inline int is_unicode_wspace(int c) { return (c == 9 || /* TAB */ c == 0x0a || /* HT */ c == 0x0b || /* LF */ c == 0x0c || /* VT */ c == 0x0d || /* FF */ c == 0x20 || /* CR */ c == 0x85 || /* NEL */ c == 0xA0 || /* No break space */ c == 0x1680 || /* Ogham space mark */ c == 0x180E || /* Mongolian Vowel Separator */ c == 0x2000 || /* En quad */ c == 0x2001 || /* Em quad */ c == 0x2002 || /* En space */ c == 0x2003 || /* Em space */ c == 0x2004 || /* Three-per-Em space */ c == 0x2005 || /* Four-per-Em space */ c == 0x2006 || /* Five-per-Em space */ c == 0x2007 || /* Figure space */ c == 0x2008 || /* Punctuation space */ c == 0x2009 || /* Thin space */ c == 0x200A || /* Hair space */ c == 0x2028 || /* Line separator */ c == 0x2029 || /* Paragraph separator */ c == 0x202F || /* Narrow no-break space */ c == 0x205F || /* Medium mathematical space */ c == 0x3000); /* Ideographic space */ } static inline int is_unicode_bullet(int c) { /* The last 2 aren't strictly bullets, but will do for our usage here */ return (c == 0x2022 || /* Bullet */ c == 0x2023 || /* Triangular bullet */ c == 0x25e6 || /* White bullet */ c == 0x2043 || /* Hyphen bullet */ c == 0x2219 || /* Bullet operator */ c == 149 || /* Ascii bullet */ c == '*'); } static inline int is_number(int c) { return ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c == '.')); } static inline int is_latin_char(int c) { return ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')); } static inline int is_roman(int c) { return (c == 'i' || c == 'I' || c == 'v' || c == 'V' || c == 'x' || c == 'X' || c == 'l' || c == 'L' || c == 'c' || c == 'C' || c == 'm' || c == 'M'); } static int is_list_entry(fz_text_span *span, int *char_num_ptr, int span_num) { int char_num; fz_text_char *chr; /* First, skip over any whitespace */ for (char_num = 0; char_num < span->len; char_num++) { chr = &span->text[char_num]; if (!is_unicode_wspace(chr->c)) break; } *char_num_ptr = char_num; if (span_num != 0 || char_num >= span->len) return 0; /* Now we check for various special cases, which we consider to mean * that this is probably a list entry and therefore should always count * as a separate paragraph (and hence not be entered in the line height * table). */ chr = &span->text[char_num]; /* Is the first char on the line, a bullet point? */ if (is_unicode_bullet(chr->c)) return 1; #ifdef SPOT_LINE_NUMBERS /* Is the entire first span a number? Or does it start with a number * followed by ) or : ? Allow to involve single latin chars too. */ if (is_number(chr->c) || is_latin_char(chr->c)) { int cn = char_num; int met_char = is_latin_char(chr->c); for (cn = char_num+1; cn < span->len; cn++) { fz_text_char *chr2 = &span->text[cn]; if (is_latin_char(chr2->c) && !met_char) { met_char = 1; continue; } met_char = 0; if (!is_number(chr2->c) && !is_unicode_wspace(chr2->c)) break; else if (chr2->c == ')' || chr2->c == ':') { cn = span->len; break; } } if (cn == span->len) return 1; } /* Is the entire first span a roman numeral? Or does it start with * a roman numeral followed by ) or : ? */ if (is_roman(chr->c)) { int cn = char_num; for (cn = char_num+1; cn < span->len; cn++) { fz_text_char *chr2 = &span->text[cn]; if (!is_roman(chr2->c) && !is_unicode_wspace(chr2->c)) break; else if (chr2->c == ')' || chr2->c == ':') { cn = span->len; break; } } if (cn == span->len) return 1; } #endif return 0; } typedef struct region_masks_s region_masks; typedef struct region_mask_s region_mask; typedef struct region_s region; struct region_s { float start; float stop; float ave_start; float ave_stop; int align; float colw; }; struct region_mask_s { fz_context *ctx; int freq; fz_point blv; int cap; int len; float size; region *mask; }; struct region_masks_s { fz_context *ctx; int cap; int len; region_mask **mask; }; static region_masks * new_region_masks(fz_context *ctx) { region_masks *rms = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, region_masks); rms->ctx = ctx; rms->cap = 0; rms->len = 0; rms->mask = NULL; return rms; } static void free_region_mask(region_mask *rm) { if (!rm) return; fz_free(rm->ctx, rm->mask); fz_free(rm->ctx, rm); } static void free_region_masks(region_masks *rms) { int i; if (!rms) return; for (i=0; i < rms->len; i++) { free_region_mask(rms->mask[i]); } fz_free(rms->ctx, rms->mask); fz_free(rms->ctx, rms); } static int region_masks_mergeable(const region_mask *rm1, const region_mask *rm2, float *score) { int i1, i2; int count = 0; *score = 0; if (fabsf(rm1->blv.x-rm2->blv.x) >= MY_EPSILON || fabsf(rm1->blv.y-rm2->blv.y) >= MY_EPSILON) return 0; for (i1 = 0, i2 = 0; i1 < rm1->len && i2 < rm2->len; ) { if (rm1->mask[i1].stop < rm2->mask[i2].start) { /* rm1's region is entirely before rm2's */ *score += rm1->mask[i1].stop - rm1->mask[i1].start; i1++; } else if (rm1->mask[i1].start > rm2->mask[i2].stop) { /* rm2's region is entirely before rm1's */ *score += rm2->mask[i2].stop - rm2->mask[i2].start; i2++; } else { float lscore, rscore; if (rm1->mask[i1].start < rm2->mask[i2].start) { if (i2 > 0 && rm2->mask[i2-1].stop >= rm1->mask[i1].start) return 0; /* Not compatible */ lscore = rm2->mask[i2].start - rm1->mask[i1].start; } else { if (i1 > 0 && rm1->mask[i1-1].stop >= rm2->mask[i2].start) return 0; /* Not compatible */ lscore = rm1->mask[i1].start - rm2->mask[i2].start; } if (rm1->mask[i1].stop > rm2->mask[i2].stop) { if (i2+1 < rm2->len && rm2->mask[i2+1].start <= rm1->mask[i1].stop) return 0; /* Not compatible */ rscore = rm1->mask[i1].stop - rm2->mask[i2].stop; } else { if (i1+1 < rm1->len && rm1->mask[i1+1].start <= rm2->mask[i2].stop) return 0; /* Not compatible */ rscore = rm2->mask[i2].stop - rm1->mask[i1].stop; } /* In order to allow a region to merge, either the * left, the right, or the centre must agree */ if (lscore < 1) { if (rscore < 1) { rscore = 0; } lscore = 0; } else if (rscore < 1) { rscore = 0; } else { /* Neither Left or right agree. Does the centre? */ float ave1 = rm1->mask[i1].start + rm1->mask[i1].stop; float ave2 = rm2->mask[i2].start + rm2->mask[i2].stop; if (fabsf(ave1-ave2) > 1) { /* Nothing agrees, so don't merge */ return 0; } lscore = 0; rscore = 0; } *score += lscore + rscore; /* These two regions could be merged */ i1++; i2++; } count++; } count += rm1->len-i1 + rm2->len-i2; return count; } static int region_mask_matches(const region_mask *rm1, const region_mask *rm2, float *score) { int i1, i2; int close = 1; *score = 0; if (fabsf(rm1->blv.x-rm2->blv.x) >= MY_EPSILON || fabsf(rm1->blv.y-rm2->blv.y) >= MY_EPSILON) return 0; for (i1 = 0, i2 = 0; i1 < rm1->len && i2 < rm2->len; ) { if (rm1->mask[i1].stop < rm2->mask[i2].start) { /* rm1's region is entirely before rm2's */ *score += rm1->mask[i1].stop - rm1->mask[i1].start; i1++; } else if (rm1->mask[i1].start > rm2->mask[i2].stop) { /* Not compatible */ return 0; } else { float lscore, rscore; if (rm1->mask[i1].start > rm2->mask[i2].start) { /* Not compatible */ return 0; } if (rm1->mask[i1].stop < rm2->mask[i2].stop) { /* Not compatible */ return 0; } lscore = rm2->mask[i2].start - rm1->mask[i1].start; rscore = rm1->mask[i1].stop - rm2->mask[i2].stop; if (lscore < 1) { if (rscore < 1) close++; close++; } else if (rscore < 1) close++; else if (fabsf(lscore - rscore) < 1) { lscore = fabsf(lscore-rscore); rscore = 0; close++; } *score += lscore + rscore; i1++; i2++; } } if (i1 < rm1->len) { /* Still more to go in rm1 */ if (rm1->mask[i1].start < rm2->mask[rm2->len-1].stop) return 0; } else if (i2 < rm2->len) { /* Still more to go in rm2 */ if (rm2->mask[i2].start < rm1->mask[rm1->len-1].stop) return 0; } return close; } static void region_mask_merge(region_mask *rm1, const region_mask *rm2, int newlen) { int o, i1, i2; /* First, ensure that rm1 is long enough */ if (rm1->cap < newlen) { int newcap = rm1->cap ? rm1->cap : 2; do { newcap *= 2; } while (newcap < newlen); rm1->mask = fz_resize_array(rm1->ctx, rm1->mask, newcap, sizeof(*rm1->mask)); rm1->cap = newcap; } /* Now run backwards along rm1, filling it out with the merged regions */ for (o = newlen-1, i1 = rm1->len-1, i2 = rm2->len-1; o >= 0; o--) { /* So we read from i1 and i2 and store in o */ if (i1 < 0) { /* Just copy i2 */ rm1->mask[o] = rm2->mask[i2]; i2--; } else if (i2 < 0) { /* Just copy i1 */ rm1->mask[o] = rm1->mask[i1]; i1--; } else if (rm1->mask[i1].stop < rm2->mask[i2].start) { /* rm1's region is entirely before rm2's - copy rm2's */ rm1->mask[o] = rm2->mask[i2]; i2--; } else if (rm2->mask[i2].stop < rm1->mask[i1].start) { /* rm2's region is entirely before rm1's - copy rm1's */ rm1->mask[o] = rm1->mask[i1]; i1--; } else { /* We must be merging */ rm1->mask[o].ave_start = (rm1->mask[i1].start * rm1->freq + rm2->mask[i2].start * rm2->freq)/(rm1->freq + rm2->freq); rm1->mask[o].ave_stop = (rm1->mask[i1].stop * rm1->freq + rm2->mask[i2].stop * rm2->freq)/(rm1->freq + rm2->freq); rm1->mask[o].start = fz_min(rm1->mask[i1].start, rm2->mask[i2].start); rm1->mask[o].stop = fz_max(rm1->mask[i1].stop, rm2->mask[i2].stop); i1--; i2--; } } rm1->freq += rm2->freq; rm1->len = newlen; } static region_mask *region_masks_match(const region_masks *rms, const region_mask *rm, fz_text_line *line, region_mask *prev_match) { int i; float best_score = 9999999; float score; int best = -1; int best_count = 0; /* If the 'previous match' matches, use it regardless. */ if (prev_match && region_mask_matches(prev_match, rm, &score)) { return prev_match; } /* Run through and find the 'most compatible' region mask. We are * guaranteed that there will always be at least one compatible one! */ for (i=0; i < rms->len; i++) { int count = region_mask_matches(rms->mask[i], rm, &score); if (count > best_count || (count == best_count && (score < best_score || best == -1))) { best = i; best_score = score; best_count = count; } } assert(best >= 0 && best < rms->len); /* So we have the matching mask. */ return rms->mask[best]; } #ifdef DEBUG_MASKS static void dump_region_mask(const region_mask *rm) { int j; for (j = 0; j < rm->len; j++) { printf("%g->%g ", rm->mask[j].start, rm->mask[j].stop); } printf("* %d\n", rm->freq); } static void dump_region_masks(const region_masks *rms) { int i; for (i = 0; i < rms->len; i++) { region_mask *rm = rms->mask[i]; dump_region_mask(rm); } } #endif static void region_masks_add(region_masks *rms, region_mask *rm) { /* Add rm to rms */ if (rms->len == rms->cap) { int newcap = (rms->cap ? rms->cap * 2 : 4); rms->mask = fz_resize_array(rms->ctx, rms->mask, newcap, sizeof(*rms->mask)); rms->cap = newcap; } rms->mask[rms->len] = rm; rms->len++; } static void region_masks_sort(region_masks *rms) { int i, j; /* First calculate sizes */ for (i=0; i < rms->len; i++) { region_mask *rm = rms->mask[i]; float size = 0; for (j=0; j < rm->len; j++) { size += rm->mask[j].stop - rm->mask[j].start; } rm->size = size; } /* Now, sort on size */ /* FIXME: bubble sort - use heapsort for efficiency */ for (i=0; i < rms->len-1; i++) { for (j=i+1; j < rms->len; j++) { if (rms->mask[i]->size < rms->mask[j]->size) { region_mask *tmp = rms->mask[i]; rms->mask[i] = rms->mask[j]; rms->mask[j] = tmp; } } } } static void region_masks_merge(region_masks *rms, region_mask *rm) { int i; float best_score = 9999999; float score; int best = -1; int best_count = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_MASKS printf("\nAdding:\n"); dump_region_mask(rm); printf("To:\n"); dump_region_masks(rms); #endif for (i=0; i < rms->len; i++) { int count = region_masks_mergeable(rms->mask[i], rm, &score); if (count && (score < best_score || best == -1)) { best = i; best_count = count; best_score = score; } } if (best != -1) { region_mask_merge(rms->mask[best], rm, best_count); #ifdef DEBUG_MASKS printf("Merges to give:\n"); dump_region_masks(rms); #endif free_region_mask(rm); return; } region_masks_add(rms, rm); #ifdef DEBUG_MASKS printf("Adding new one to give:\n"); dump_region_masks(rms); #endif } static region_mask * new_region_mask(fz_context *ctx, const fz_point *blv) { region_mask *rm = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, region_mask); rm->ctx = ctx; rm->freq = 1; rm->blv = *blv; rm->cap = 0; rm->len = 0; rm->mask = NULL; return rm; } static void region_mask_project(const region_mask *rm, const fz_point *min, const fz_point *max, float *start, float *end) { /* We project min and max down onto the blv */ float s = min->x * rm->blv.x + min->y * rm->blv.y; float e = max->x * rm->blv.x + max->y * rm->blv.y; if (s > e) { *start = e; *end = s; } else { *start = s; *end = e; } } static void region_mask_add(region_mask *rm, const fz_point *min, const fz_point *max) { float start, end; int i, j; region_mask_project(rm, min, max, &start, &end); /* Now add start/end into our region list. Typically we will be adding * to the end of the region list, so search from there backwards. */ for (i = rm->len; i > 0;) { if (start > rm->mask[i-1].stop) break; i--; } /* So we know that our interval can only affect list items >= i. * We know that start is after our previous end. */ if (i == rm->len || end < rm->mask[i].start) { /* Insert new one. No overlap. No merging */ if (rm->len == rm->cap) { int newcap = (rm->cap ? rm->cap * 2 : 4); rm->mask = fz_resize_array(rm->ctx, rm->mask, newcap, sizeof(*rm->mask)); rm->cap = newcap; } if (rm->len > i) memmove(&rm->mask[i+1], &rm->mask[i], (rm->len - i) * sizeof(*rm->mask)); rm->mask[i].ave_start = start; rm->mask[i].ave_stop = end; rm->mask[i].start = start; rm->mask[i].stop = end; rm->len++; } else { /* Extend current one down. */ rm->mask[i].ave_start = start; rm->mask[i].start = start; if (rm->mask[i].stop < end) { rm->mask[i].stop = end; rm->mask[i].ave_stop = end; /* Our region may now extend upwards too far */ i++; j = i; while (j < rm->len && rm->mask[j].start <= end) { rm->mask[i-1].stop = end = rm->mask[j].stop; j++; } if (i != j) { /* Move everything from j down to i */ while (j < rm->len) { rm->mask[i++] = rm->mask[j++]; } } rm->len -= j-i; } } } static int region_mask_column(region_mask *rm, const fz_point *min, const fz_point *max, int *align, float *colw, float *left_) { float start, end, left, right; int i; region_mask_project(rm, min, max, &start, &end); for (i = 0; i < rm->len; i++) { /* The use of MY_EPSILON here is because we might be matching * start/end values calculated with slightly different blv's */ if (rm->mask[i].start - MY_EPSILON <= start && rm->mask[i].stop + MY_EPSILON >= end) break; } if (i >= rm->len) { *align = 0; *colw = 0; return 0; } left = start - rm->mask[i].start; right = rm->mask[i].stop - end; if (left < 1 && right < 1) *align = rm->mask[i].align; else if (left*2 <= right) *align = 0; /* Left */ else if (right * 2 < left) *align = 2; /* Right */ else *align = 1; *left_ = left; *colw = rm->mask[i].colw; return i; } static void region_mask_alignment(region_mask *rm) { int i; float width = 0; for (i = 0; i < rm->len; i++) { width += rm->mask[i].stop - rm->mask[i].start; } for (i = 0; i < rm->len; i++) { region *r = &rm->mask[i]; float left = r->ave_start - r->start; float right = r->stop - r->ave_stop; if (left*2 <= right) r->align = 0; /* Left */ else if (right * 2 < left) r->align = 2; /* Right */ else r->align = 1; r->colw = 100 * (rm->mask[i].stop - rm->mask[i].start) / width; } } static void region_masks_alignment(region_masks *rms) { int i; for (i = 0; i < rms->len; i++) { region_mask_alignment(rms->mask[i]); } } static int is_unicode_hyphen(int c) { /* We omit 0x2011 (Non breaking hyphen) and 0x2043 (Hyphen Bullet) * from this list. */ return (c == '-' || c == 0x2010 || /* Hyphen */ c == 0x002d || /* Hyphen-Minus */ c == 0x00ad || /* Soft hyphen */ c == 0x058a || /* Armenian Hyphen */ c == 0x1400 || /* Canadian Syllabive Hyphen */ c == 0x1806); /* Mongolian Todo soft hyphen */ } static int is_unicode_hyphenatable(int c) { /* This is a pretty ad-hoc collection. It may need tuning. */ return ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 0x00c0 && c <= 0x00d6) || (c >= 0x00d8 && c <= 0x00f6) || (c >= 0x00f8 && c <= 0x02af) || (c >= 0x1d00 && c <= 0x1dbf) || (c >= 0x1e00 && c <= 0x1eff) || (c >= 0x2c60 && c <= 0x2c7f) || (c >= 0xa722 && c <= 0xa78e) || (c >= 0xa790 && c <= 0xa793) || (c >= 0xa7a8 && c <= 0xa7af) || (c >= 0xfb00 && c <= 0xfb07) || (c >= 0xff21 && c <= 0xff3a) || (c >= 0xff41 && c <= 0xff5a)); } static void dehyphenate(fz_text_span *s1, fz_text_span *s2) { int i; for (i = s1->len-1; i > 0; i--) if (!is_unicode_wspace(s1->text[i].c)) break; /* Can't leave an empty span. */ if (i == 0) return; if (!is_unicode_hyphen(s1->text[i].c)) return; if (!is_unicode_hyphenatable(s1->text[i-1].c)) return; if (!is_unicode_hyphenatable(s2->text[0].c)) return; s1->len = i; s2->spacing = 0; } void fz_text_analysis(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_sheet *sheet, fz_text_page *page) { fz_text_line *line; line_heights *lh; region_masks *rms; int block_num; /* Simple paragraph analysis; look for the most common 'inter line' * spacing. This will be assumed to be our line spacing. Anything * more than 25% wider than this will be assumed to be a paragraph * space. */ /* Step 1: Gather the line height information */ lh = new_line_heights(ctx); for (block_num = 0; block_num < page->len; block_num++) { fz_text_block *block; if (page->blocks[block_num].type != FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_TEXT) continue; block = page->blocks[block_num].u.text; for (line = block->lines; line < block->lines + block->len; line++) { /* For every style in the line, add lineheight to the * record for that style. FIXME: This is a nasty n^2 * algorithm at the moment. */ int span_num; fz_text_style *style = NULL; if (line->distance == 0) continue; for (span_num = 0; span_num < line->len; span_num++) { fz_text_span *span = line->spans[span_num]; int char_num; if (is_list_entry(span, &char_num, span_num)) goto list_entry; for (; char_num < span->len; char_num++) { fz_text_char *chr = &span->text[char_num]; /* Ignore any whitespace chars */ if (is_unicode_wspace(chr->c)) continue; if (chr->style != style) { /* Have we had this style before? */ int match = 0; int span_num2; for (span_num2 = 0; span_num2 < span_num; span_num2++) { fz_text_span *span2 = line->spans[span_num2]; int char_num2; for (char_num2 = 0; char_num2 < span2->len; char_num2++) { fz_text_char *chr2 = &span2->text[char_num2]; if (chr2->style == chr->style) { match = 1; break; } } } if (char_num > 0 && match == 0) { fz_text_span *span2 = line->spans[span_num]; int char_num2; for (char_num2 = 0; char_num2 < char_num; char_num2++) { fz_text_char *chr2 = &span2->text[char_num2]; if (chr2->style == chr->style) { match = 1; break; } } } if (match == 0) insert_line_height(lh, chr->style, line->distance); style = chr->style; } } list_entry: {} } } } /* Step 2: Find the most popular line height for each style */ cull_line_heights(lh); /* Step 3: Run through the blocks, breaking each block into two if * the line height isn't right. */ for (block_num = 0; block_num < page->len; block_num++) { int line_num; fz_text_block *block; if (page->blocks[block_num].type != FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_TEXT) continue; block = page->blocks[block_num].u.text; for (line_num = 0; line_num < block->len; line_num++) { /* For every style in the line, check to see if lineheight * is correct for that style. FIXME: We check each style * more than once, currently. */ int span_num; int ok = 0; /* -1 = early exit, split now. 0 = split. 1 = don't split. */ fz_text_style *style = NULL; line = &block->lines[line_num]; if (line->distance == 0) continue; #ifdef DEBUG_LINE_HEIGHTS printf("line height=%g nspans=%d\n", line->distance, line->len); #endif for (span_num = 0; span_num < line->len; span_num++) { fz_text_span *span = line->spans[span_num]; int char_num; if (is_list_entry(span, &char_num, span_num)) goto force_paragraph; /* Now we do the rest of the line */ for (; char_num < span->len; char_num++) { fz_text_char *chr = &span->text[char_num]; /* Ignore any whitespace chars */ if (is_unicode_wspace(chr->c)) continue; if (chr->style != style) { float proper_step = line_height_for_style(lh, chr->style); if (proper_step * 0.95 <= line->distance && line->distance <= proper_step * 1.05) { ok = 1; break; } style = chr->style; } } if (ok) break; } if (!ok) { force_paragraph: split_block(ctx, page, block_num, line_num); break; } } } free_line_heights(lh); /* Simple line region analysis: * For each line: * form a list of 'start/stop' points (henceforth a 'region mask') * find the normalised baseline vector for the line. * Store the region mask and baseline vector. * Collate lines that have compatible region masks and identical * baseline vectors. * If the collated masks are column-like, then split into columns. * Otherwise split into tables. */ rms = new_region_masks(ctx); /* Step 1: Form the region masks and store them into a list with the * normalised baseline vectors. */ for (block_num = 0; block_num < page->len; block_num++) { fz_text_block *block; if (page->blocks[block_num].type != FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_TEXT) continue; block = page->blocks[block_num].u.text; for (line = block->lines; line < block->lines + block->len; line++) { fz_point blv; region_mask *rm; int span_num; #ifdef DEBUG_MASKS printf("Line: "); dump_line(line); #endif blv = line->spans[0]->max; blv.x -= line->spans[0]->min.x; blv.y -= line->spans[0]->min.y; normalise(&blv); rm = new_region_mask(ctx, &blv); for (span_num = 0; span_num < line->len; span_num++) { fz_text_span *span = line->spans[span_num]; fz_point *region_min = &span->min; fz_point *region_max = &span->max; /* Treat adjacent spans as one big region */ while (span_num+1 < line->len && line->spans[span_num+1]->spacing < 1.5) { span_num++; span = line->spans[span_num]; region_max = &span->max; } region_mask_add(rm, region_min, region_max); } #ifdef DEBUG_MASKS dump_region_mask(rm); #endif region_masks_add(rms, rm); } } /* Step 2: Sort the region_masks by size of masked region */ region_masks_sort(rms); #ifdef DEBUG_MASKS printf("Sorted list of regions:\n"); dump_region_masks(rms); #endif /* Step 3: Merge the region masks where possible (large ones first) */ { int i; region_masks *rms2; rms2 = new_region_masks(ctx); for (i=0; i < rms->len; i++) { region_mask *rm = rms->mask[i]; rms->mask[i] = NULL; region_masks_merge(rms2, rm); } free_region_masks(rms); rms = rms2; } #ifdef DEBUG_MASKS printf("Merged list of regions:\n"); dump_region_masks(rms); #endif /* Step 4: Figure out alignment */ region_masks_alignment(rms); /* Step 5: At this point, we should probably look at the region masks * to try to guess which ones represent columns on the page. With our * current code, we could only get blocks of lines that span 2 or more * columns if the PDF producer wrote text out horizontally across 2 * or more columns, and we've never seen that (yet!). So we skip this * step for now. */ /* Step 6: Run through the lines again, deciding which ones fit into * which region mask. */ { region_mask *prev_match = NULL; for (block_num = 0; block_num < page->len; block_num++) { fz_text_block *block; if (page->blocks[block_num].type != FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_TEXT) continue; block = page->blocks[block_num].u.text; for (line = block->lines; line < block->lines + block->len; line++) { fz_point blv; region_mask *rm; int span_num; region_mask *match; blv = line->spans[0]->max; blv.x -= line->spans[0]->min.x; blv.y -= line->spans[0]->min.y; normalise(&blv); #ifdef DEBUG_MASKS dump_line(line); #endif rm = new_region_mask(ctx, &blv); for (span_num = 0; span_num < line->len; span_num++) { fz_text_span *span = line->spans[span_num]; fz_point *region_min = &span->min; fz_point *region_max = &span->max; /* Treat adjacent spans as one big region */ while (span_num+1 < line->len && line->spans[span_num+1]->spacing < 1.5) { span_num++; span = line->spans[span_num]; region_max = &span->max; } region_mask_add(rm, region_min, region_max); } #ifdef DEBUG_MASKS printf("Mask: "); dump_region_mask(rm); #endif match = region_masks_match(rms, rm, line, prev_match); prev_match = match; #ifdef DEBUG_MASKS printf("Matches: "); dump_region_mask(match); #endif free_region_mask(rm); for (span_num = 0; span_num < line->len; ) { fz_text_span *span = line->spans[span_num]; fz_point *region_min = &span->min; fz_point *region_max = &span->max; int sn; int col, align; float colw, left; /* Treat adjacent spans as one big region */ #ifdef DEBUG_ALIGN dump_span(line->spans[span_num]); #endif for (sn = span_num+1; sn < line->len && line->spans[sn]->spacing < 1.5; sn++) { region_max = &line->spans[sn]->max; #ifdef DEBUG_ALIGN dump_span(line->spans[sn]); #endif } col = region_mask_column(match, region_min, region_max, &align, &colw, &left); #ifdef DEBUG_ALIGN printf(" = col%d colw=%g align=%d\n", col, colw, align); #endif do { line->spans[span_num]->column = col; line->spans[span_num]->align = align; line->spans[span_num]->indent = left; line->spans[span_num]->column_width = colw; span_num++; } while (span_num < sn); } line->region = match; } } free_region_masks(rms); } /* Step 7: Collate lines within a block that share the same region * mask. */ for (block_num = 0; block_num < page->len; block_num++) { int line_num; int prev_line_num; int last_from = -1; fz_text_block *block; if (page->blocks[block_num].type != FZ_PAGE_BLOCK_TEXT) continue; block = page->blocks[block_num].u.text; /* First merge lines. This may leave empty lines behind. */ for (prev_line_num = 0, line_num = 1; line_num < block->len; line_num++) { fz_text_line *prev_line; line = &block->lines[line_num]; if (line->len == 0) continue; prev_line = &block->lines[prev_line_num]; if (prev_line->region == line->region) { int in1, in2, newlen, i, col; float indent; /* We only merge lines if the second line * only uses 1 of the columns. */ col = line->spans[0]->column; /* Copy the left value for the first span * in the first column in this line forward * for all the rest of the spans in the same * column. */ indent = line->spans[0]->indent; for (i = 1; i < line->len; i++) { if (col != line->spans[i]->column) break; line->spans[i]->indent = indent; } if (i != line->len) { prev_line_num = line_num; continue; } /* Merge line into prev_line */ newlen = prev_line->len + line->len; if (newlen > prev_line->cap) { int newcap = prev_line->cap ? prev_line->cap : 2; do { newcap *= 2; } while (newcap < newlen); prev_line->spans = fz_resize_array(ctx, prev_line->spans, newcap, sizeof(*prev_line->spans)); prev_line->cap = newcap; } in1 = prev_line->len-1; in2 = line->len-1; prev_line->len = newlen; for (; in1 >= 0 || in2 >= 0; ) { newlen--; if (in1 < 0 || (in2 >= 0 && line->spans[in2]->column >= prev_line->spans[in1]->column)) { prev_line->spans[newlen] = line->spans[in2]; in2--; last_from = 1; } else { prev_line->spans[newlen] = prev_line->spans[in1]; in1--; if (last_from == 1) { prev_line->spans[newlen+1]->spacing = 1; dehyphenate(prev_line->spans[newlen], prev_line->spans[newlen+1]); last_from = 0; } } } /* Leave line empty */ line->len = 0; } else prev_line_num = line_num; } /* Now get rid of the empty lines */ for (prev_line_num = 0, line_num = 0; line_num < block->len; line_num++) { line = &block->lines[line_num]; if (line->len == 0) fz_free(ctx, line->spans); else block->lines[prev_line_num++] = *line; } block->len = prev_line_num; /* Now try to spot indents */ for (line_num = 0; line_num < block->len; line_num++) { int span_num, sn, col; line = &block->lines[line_num]; /* Run through the spans... */ span_num = 0; { float indent = 0; /* For each set of spans that share the same * column... */ col = line->spans[span_num]->column; #ifdef DEBUG_INDENTS printf("Indent %g: ", line->spans[span_num]->indent); dump_span(line->spans[span_num]); printf("\n"); #endif /* find the average indent of all but the first.. */ for (sn = span_num+1; sn < line->len && line->spans[sn]->column == col; sn++) { #ifdef DEBUG_INDENTS printf("Indent %g: ", line->spans[sn]->indent); dump_span(line->spans[sn]); printf("\n"); #endif indent += line->spans[sn]->indent; line->spans[sn]->indent = 0; } if (sn > span_num+1) indent /= sn-(span_num+1); /* And compare this indent with the first one... */ #ifdef DEBUG_INDENTS printf("Average indent %g ", indent); #endif indent -= line->spans[span_num]->indent; #ifdef DEBUG_INDENTS printf("delta %g ", indent); #endif if (fabsf(indent) < 1) { /* No indent worth speaking of */ indent = 0; } #ifdef DEBUG_INDENTS printf("recorded %g\n", indent); #endif line->spans[span_num]->indent = indent; span_num = sn; } for (; span_num < line->len; span_num++) { line->spans[span_num]->indent = 0; } } } }