#ifndef FITZ_H
#define FITZ_H

	Include the standard libc headers.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>	/* INT_MAX & co */
#include <float.h> /* FLT_EPSILON, FLT_MAX & co */
#include <fcntl.h> /* O_RDONLY & co */
#include <time.h>

#include <setjmp.h>

#include "memento.h"

#ifdef __APPLE__
#elif defined(__unix)

#ifdef __ANDROID__
#include <android/log.h>
#define LOG_TAG "libmupdf"
#define LOGI(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,LOG_TAG,__VA_ARGS__)
#define LOGE(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR,LOG_TAG,__VA_ARGS__)
#define LOGI(...) do {} while(0)
#define LOGE(...) do {} while(0)

#define nelem(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))

	Some differences in libc can be smoothed over

#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Microsoft Visual C */

#pragma warning( disable: 4244 ) /* conversion from X to Y, possible loss of data */
#pragma warning( disable: 4996 ) /* The POSIX name for this item is deprecated */
#pragma warning( disable: 4996 ) /* This function or variable may be unsafe */

#include <io.h>

int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz);

#define snprintf _snprintf
#define isnan _isnan
#define hypotf _hypotf

#define fopen fopen_utf8

FILE *fopen_utf8(const char *name, const char *mode);

#else /* Unix or close enough */

#include <unistd.h>

#ifndef O_BINARY
#define O_BINARY 0



#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846

#ifndef M_SQRT2
#define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880

	Variadic macros, inline and restrict keywords

	inline is standard in C++, so don't touch the definition in this case.
	For some compilers we can enable it within C too.

#ifndef __cplusplus
#if __STDC_VERSION__ == 199901L /* C99 */
#elif _MSC_VER >= 1500 /* MSVC 9 or newer */
#define inline __inline
#elif __GNUC__ >= 3 /* GCC 3 or newer */
#define inline __inline
#else /* Unknown or ancient */
#define inline

	restrict is standard in C99, but not in all C++ compilers. Enable
	where possible, disable if in doubt.
#if __STDC_VERSION__ == 199901L /* C99 */
#elif _MSC_VER >= 1500 /* MSVC 9 or newer */
#define restrict __restrict
#elif __GNUC__ >= 3 /* GCC 3 or newer */
#define restrict __restrict
#else /* Unknown or ancient */
#define restrict

/* noreturn is a GCC extension */
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define FZ_NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn))

	GCC can do type checking of printf strings

#ifndef __printflike
#if __GNUC__ > 2 || __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7
#define __printflike(fmtarg, firstvararg) \
	__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, fmtarg, firstvararg)))
#define __printflike(fmtarg, firstvararg)

	Shut the compiler up about unused variables
#define UNUSED(x) do { x = x; } while (0)

	Some standard math functions, done as static inlines for speed.
	People with compilers that do not adequately implement inlines may
	like to reimplement these using macros.
static inline float fz_abs(float f)
	return (f < 0 ? -f : f);

static inline int fz_absi(int i)
	return (i < 0 ? -i : i);

static inline float fz_min(float a, float b)
	return (a < b ? a : b);

static inline int fz_mini(int a, int b)
	return (a < b ? a : b);

static inline float fz_max(float a, float b)
	return (a > b ? a : b);

static inline int fz_maxi(int a, int b)
	return (a > b ? a : b);

static inline float fz_clamp(float f, float min, float max)
	return (f > min ? (f < max ? f : max) : min);

static inline int fz_clampi(int i, int min, int max)
	return (i > min ? (i < max ? i : max) : min);

static inline double fz_clampd(double d, double min, double max)
	return (d > min ? (d < max ? d : max) : min);

static inline void *fz_clampp(void *p, void *min, void *max)
	return (p > min ? (p < max ? p : max) : min);

#define DIV_BY_ZERO(a, b, min, max) (((a) < 0) ^ ((b) < 0) ? (min) : (max))


typedef struct fz_alloc_context_s fz_alloc_context;
typedef struct fz_error_context_s fz_error_context;
typedef struct fz_id_context_s fz_id_context;
typedef struct fz_warn_context_s fz_warn_context;
typedef struct fz_font_context_s fz_font_context;
typedef struct fz_aa_context_s fz_aa_context;
typedef struct fz_locks_context_s fz_locks_context;
typedef struct fz_store_s fz_store;
typedef struct fz_glyph_cache_s fz_glyph_cache;
typedef struct fz_context_s fz_context;

struct fz_alloc_context_s
	void *user;
	void *(*malloc)(void *, unsigned int);
	void *(*realloc)(void *, void *, unsigned int);
	void (*free)(void *, void *);

	Where possible (i.e. on platforms on which they are provided), use
	sigsetjmp/siglongjmp in preference to setjmp/longjmp. We don't alter
	signal handlers within mupdf, so there is no need for us to
	store/restore them - hence we use the non-restoring variants. This
	makes a large speed difference on MacOSX (and probably other
	platforms too.
#define fz_setjmp(BUF) sigsetjmp(BUF, 0)
#define fz_longjmp(BUF,VAL) siglongjmp(BUF, VAL)
#define fz_jmp_buf sigjmp_buf
#define fz_setjmp(BUF) setjmp(BUF)
#define fz_longjmp(BUF,VAL) longjmp(BUF,VAL)
#define fz_jmp_buf jmp_buf

struct fz_error_context_s
	int top;
	struct {
		int code;
		fz_jmp_buf buffer;
	} stack[256];
	char message[256];

void fz_var_imp(void *);
#define fz_var(var) fz_var_imp((void *)&(var))

	Exception macro definitions. Just treat these as a black box - pay no
	attention to the man behind the curtain.

#define fz_try(ctx) \
	if (fz_push_try(ctx->error) && \
		((ctx->error->stack[ctx->error->top].code = fz_setjmp(ctx->error->stack[ctx->error->top].buffer)) == 0))\
	{ do {

#define fz_always(ctx) \
		} while (0); \
	} \
	if (ctx->error->stack[ctx->error->top].code < 3) \
	{ \
		ctx->error->stack[ctx->error->top].code++; \
		do { \

#define fz_catch(ctx) \
		} while(0); \
	} \
	if (ctx->error->stack[ctx->error->top--].code > 1)

int fz_push_try(fz_error_context *ex);
void fz_throw(fz_context *, const char *, ...) __printflike(2, 3) FZ_NORETURN;
void fz_rethrow(fz_context *) FZ_NORETURN;
void fz_warn(fz_context *ctx, const char *fmt, ...) __printflike(2, 3);
const char *fz_caught(fz_context *ctx);

	fz_flush_warnings: Flush any repeated warnings.

	Repeated warnings are buffered, counted and eventually printed
	along with the number of repetitions. Call fz_flush_warnings
	to force printing of the latest buffered warning and the
	number of repetitions, for example to make sure that all
	warnings are printed before exiting an application.

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_flush_warnings(fz_context *ctx);

struct fz_context_s
	fz_alloc_context *alloc;
	fz_locks_context *locks;
	fz_id_context *id;
	fz_error_context *error;
	fz_warn_context *warn;
	fz_font_context *font;
	fz_aa_context *aa;
	fz_store *store;
	fz_glyph_cache *glyph_cache;

	Specifies the maximum size in bytes of the resource store in
	fz_context. Given as argument to fz_new_context.

	FZ_STORE_UNLIMITED: Let resource store grow unbounded.

	FZ_STORE_DEFAULT: A reasonable upper bound on the size, for
	devices that are not memory constrained.
enum {
	FZ_STORE_DEFAULT = 256 << 20,

	fz_new_context: Allocate context containing global state.

	The global state contains an exception stack, resource store,
	etc. Most functions in MuPDF take a context argument to be
	able to reference the global state. See fz_free_context for
	freeing an allocated context.

	alloc: Supply a custom memory allocator through a set of
	function pointers. Set to NULL for the standard library
	allocator. The context will keep the allocator pointer, so the
	data it points to must not be modified or freed during the
	lifetime of the context.

	locks: Supply a set of locks and functions to lock/unlock
	them, intended for multi-threaded applications. Set to NULL
	when using MuPDF in a single-threaded applications. The
	context will keep the locks pointer, so the data it points to
	must not be modified or freed during the lifetime of the

	max_store: Maximum size in bytes of the resource store, before
	it will start evicting cached resources such as fonts and
	images. FZ_STORE_UNLIMITED can be used if a hard limit is not
	desired. Use FZ_STORE_DEFAULT to get a reasonable size.

	Does not throw exceptions, but may return NULL.
fz_context *fz_new_context(fz_alloc_context *alloc, fz_locks_context *locks, unsigned int max_store);

	fz_clone_context: Make a clone of an existing context.

	This function is meant to be used in multi-threaded
	applications where each thread requires its own context, yet
	parts of the global state, for example caching, is shared.

	ctx: Context obtained from fz_new_context to make a copy of.
	ctx must have had locks and lock/functions setup when created.
	The two contexts will share the memory allocator, resource
	store, locks and lock/unlock functions. They will each have
	their own exception stacks though.

	Does not throw exception, but may return NULL.
fz_context *fz_clone_context(fz_context *ctx);

	fz_free_context: Free a context and its global state.

	The context and all of its global state is freed, and any
	buffered warnings are flushed (see fz_flush_warnings). If NULL
	is passed in nothing will happen.

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_free_context(fz_context *ctx);

	fz_aa_level: Get the number of bits of antialiasing we are
	using. Between 0 and 8.
int fz_aa_level(fz_context *ctx);

	fz_set_aa_level: Set the number of bits of antialiasing we should use.

	bits: The number of bits of antialiasing to use (values are clamped
	to within the 0 to 8 range).
void fz_set_aa_level(fz_context *ctx, int bits);

	Locking functions

	MuPDF is kept deliberately free of any knowledge of particular
	threading systems. As such, in order for safe multi-threaded
	operation, we rely on callbacks to client provided functions.

	A client is expected to provide FZ_LOCK_MAX number of mutexes,
	and a function to lock/unlock each of them. These may be
	recursive mutexes, but do not have to be.

	If a client does not intend to use multiple threads, then it
	may pass NULL instead of a lock structure.

	In order to avoid deadlocks, we have one simple rule
	internally as to how we use locks: We can never take lock n
	when we already hold any lock i, where 0 <= i <= n. In order
	to verify this, we have some debugging code, that can be
	enabled by defining FITZ_DEBUG_LOCKING.

struct fz_locks_context_s
	void *user;
	void (*lock)(void *user, int lock);
	void (*unlock)(void *user, int lock);

enum {

	Memory Allocation and Scavenging:

	All calls to MuPDFs allocator functions pass through to the
	underlying allocators passed in when the initial context is
	created, after locks are taken (using the supplied locking function)
	to ensure that only one thread at a time calls through.

	If the underlying allocator fails, MuPDF attempts to make room for
	the allocation by evicting elements from the store, then retrying.

	Any call to allocate may then result in several calls to the underlying
	allocator, and result in elements that are only referred to by the
	store being freed.

	fz_malloc: Allocate a block of memory (with scavenging)

	size: The number of bytes to allocate.

	Returns a pointer to the allocated block. May return NULL if size is
	0. Throws exception on failure to allocate.
void *fz_malloc(fz_context *ctx, unsigned int size);

	fz_calloc: Allocate a zeroed block of memory (with scavenging)

	count: The number of objects to allocate space for.

	size: The size (in bytes) of each object.

	Returns a pointer to the allocated block. May return NULL if size
	and/or count are 0. Throws exception on failure to allocate.
void *fz_calloc(fz_context *ctx, unsigned int count, unsigned int size);

	fz_malloc_struct: Allocate storage for a structure (with scavenging),
	clear it, and (in Memento builds) tag the pointer as belonging to a
	struct of this type.

	CTX: The context.

	STRUCT: The structure type.

	Returns a pointer to allocated (and cleared) structure. Throws
	exception on failure to allocate.
#define fz_malloc_struct(CTX, STRUCT) \
	((STRUCT *)Memento_label(fz_calloc(CTX,1,sizeof(STRUCT)), #STRUCT))

	fz_malloc_array: Allocate a block of (non zeroed) memory (with
	scavenging). Equivalent to fz_calloc without the memory clearing.

	count: The number of objects to allocate space for.

	size: The size (in bytes) of each object.

	Returns a pointer to the allocated block. May return NULL if size
	and/or count are 0. Throws exception on failure to allocate.
void *fz_malloc_array(fz_context *ctx, unsigned int count, unsigned int size);

	fz_resize_array: Resize a block of memory (with scavenging).

	p: The existing block to resize

	count: The number of objects to resize to.

	size: The size (in bytes) of each object.

	Returns a pointer to the resized block. May return NULL if size
	and/or count are 0. Throws exception on failure to resize (original
	block is left unchanged).
void *fz_resize_array(fz_context *ctx, void *p, unsigned int count, unsigned int size);

	fz_strdup: Duplicate a C string (with scavenging)

	s: The string to duplicate.

	Returns a pointer to a duplicated string. Throws exception on failure
	to allocate.
char *fz_strdup(fz_context *ctx, const char *s);

	fz_free: Frees an allocation.

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_free(fz_context *ctx, void *p);

	fz_malloc_no_throw: Allocate a block of memory (with scavenging)

	size: The number of bytes to allocate.

	Returns a pointer to the allocated block. May return NULL if size is
	0. Returns NULL on failure to allocate.
void *fz_malloc_no_throw(fz_context *ctx, unsigned int size);

	fz_calloc_no_throw: Allocate a zeroed block of memory (with scavenging)

	count: The number of objects to allocate space for.

	size: The size (in bytes) of each object.

	Returns a pointer to the allocated block. May return NULL if size
	and/or count are 0. Returns NULL on failure to allocate.
void *fz_calloc_no_throw(fz_context *ctx, unsigned int count, unsigned int size);

	fz_malloc_array_no_throw: Allocate a block of (non zeroed) memory
	(with scavenging). Equivalent to fz_calloc_no_throw without the
	memory clearing.

	count: The number of objects to allocate space for.

	size: The size (in bytes) of each object.

	Returns a pointer to the allocated block. May return NULL if size
	and/or count are 0. Returns NULL on failure to allocate.
void *fz_malloc_array_no_throw(fz_context *ctx, unsigned int count, unsigned int size);

	fz_resize_array_no_throw: Resize a block of memory (with scavenging).

	p: The existing block to resize

	count: The number of objects to resize to.

	size: The size (in bytes) of each object.

	Returns a pointer to the resized block. May return NULL if size
	and/or count are 0. Returns NULL on failure to resize (original
	block is left unchanged).
void *fz_resize_array_no_throw(fz_context *ctx, void *p, unsigned int count, unsigned int size);

	fz_strdup_no_throw: Duplicate a C string (with scavenging)

	s: The string to duplicate.

	Returns a pointer to a duplicated string. Returns NULL on failure
	to allocate.
char *fz_strdup_no_throw(fz_context *ctx, const char *s);

	Safe string functions
	fz_strsep: Given a pointer to a C string (or a pointer to NULL) break
	it at the first occurence of a delimiter char (from a given set).

	stringp: Pointer to a C string pointer (or NULL). Updated on exit to
	point to the first char of the string after the delimiter that was
	found. The string pointed to by stringp will be corrupted by this
	call (as the found delimiter will be overwritten by 0).

	delim: A C string of acceptable delimiter characters.

	Returns a pointer to a C string containing the chars of stringp up
	to the first delimiter char (or the end of the string), or NULL.
char *fz_strsep(char **stringp, const char *delim);

	fz_strlcpy: Copy at most n-1 chars of a string into a destination
	buffer with null termination, returning the real length of the
	initial string (excluding terminator).

	dst: Destination buffer, at least n bytes long.

	src: C string (non-NULL).

	n: Size of dst buffer in bytes.

	Returns the length (excluding terminator) of src.
int fz_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, int n);

	fz_strlcat: Concatenate 2 strings, with a maximum length.

	dst: pointer to first string in a buffer of n bytes.

	src: pointer to string to concatenate.

	n: Size (in bytes) of buffer that dst is in.

	Returns the real length that a concatenated dst + src would have been
	(not including terminator).
int fz_strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, int n);

	fz_chartorune: UTF8 decode a single rune from a sequence of chars.

	rune: Pointer to an int to assign the decoded 'rune' to.

	str: Pointer to a UTF8 encoded string.

	Returns the number of bytes consumed. Does not throw exceptions.
int fz_chartorune(int *rune, const char *str);

	fz_runetochar: UTF8 encode a rune to a sequence of chars.

	str: Pointer to a place to put the UTF8 encoded character.

	rune: Pointer to a 'rune'.

	Returns the number of bytes the rune took to output. Does not throw
int fz_runetochar(char *str, int rune);

	fz_runelen: Count how many chars are required to represent a rune.

	rune: The rune to encode.

	Returns the number of bytes required to represent this run in UTF8.
int fz_runelen(int rune);

	fz_gen_id: Generate an id (guaranteed unique within this family of
int fz_gen_id(fz_context *ctx);

	getopt: Simple functions/variables for use in tools.
extern int fz_getopt(int nargc, char * const *nargv, const char *ostr);
extern int fz_optind;
extern char *fz_optarg;

	XML document model

typedef struct fz_xml_s fz_xml;

	fz_parse_xml: Parse a zero-terminated string into a tree of xml nodes.
fz_xml *fz_parse_xml(fz_context *ctx, unsigned char *buf, int len);

	fz_xml_next: Return next sibling of XML node.
fz_xml *fz_xml_next(fz_xml *item);

	fz_xml_down: Return first child of XML node.
fz_xml *fz_xml_down(fz_xml *item);

	fz_xml_tag: Return tag of XML node. Return the empty string for text nodes.
char *fz_xml_tag(fz_xml *item);

	fz_xml_att: Return the value of an attribute of an XML node.
	NULL if the attribute doesn't exist.
char *fz_xml_att(fz_xml *item, const char *att);

	fz_xml_text: Return the text content of an XML node.
	NULL if the node is a tag.
char *fz_xml_text(fz_xml *item);

	fz_free_xml: Free the XML node and all its children and siblings.
void fz_free_xml(fz_context *doc, fz_xml *item);

	fz_detach_xml: Detach a node from the tree, unlinking it from its parent.
void fz_detach_xml(fz_xml *node);

	fz_debug_xml: Pretty-print an XML tree to stdout.
void fz_debug_xml(fz_xml *item, int level);

	fz_point is a point in a two-dimensional space.
typedef struct fz_point_s fz_point;
struct fz_point_s
	float x, y;

	fz_rect is a rectangle represented by two diagonally opposite
	corners at arbitrary coordinates.

	Rectangles are always axis-aligned with the X- and Y- axes.
	The relationship between the coordinates are that x0 <= x1 and
	y0 <= y1 in all cases except for infinte rectangles. The area
	of a rectangle is defined as (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0). If either
	x0 > x1 or y0 > y1 is true for a given rectangle then it is
	defined to be infinite.

	To check for empty or infinite rectangles use fz_is_empty_rect
	and fz_is_infinite_rect.

	x0, y0: The top left corner.

	x1, y1: The botton right corner.
typedef struct fz_rect_s fz_rect;
struct fz_rect_s
	float x0, y0;
	float x1, y1;

	fz_rect_min: get the minimum point from a rectangle as an fz_point.
static inline fz_point *fz_rect_min(fz_rect *f)
	return (fz_point *)(void *)&f->x0;

	fz_rect_max: get the maximum point from a rectangle as an fz_point.
static inline fz_point *fz_rect_max(fz_rect *f)
	return (fz_point *)(void *)&f->x1;

	fz_irect is a rectangle using integers instead of floats.

	It's used in the draw device and for pixmap dimensions.
typedef struct fz_irect_s fz_irect;
struct fz_irect_s
	int x0, y0;
	int x1, y1;

	A rectangle with sides of length one.

	The bottom left corner is at (0, 0) and the top right corner
	is at (1, 1).
extern const fz_rect fz_unit_rect;

	An empty rectangle with an area equal to zero.

	Both the top left and bottom right corner are at (0, 0).
extern const fz_rect fz_empty_rect;
extern const fz_irect fz_empty_irect;

	An infinite rectangle with negative area.

	The corner (x0, y0) is at (1, 1) while the corner (x1, y1) is
	at (-1, -1).
extern const fz_rect fz_infinite_rect;
extern const fz_irect fz_infinite_irect;

	fz_is_empty_rect: Check if rectangle is empty.

	An empty rectangle is defined as one whose area is zero.
static inline int
fz_is_empty_rect(const fz_rect *r)
	return ((r)->x0 == (r)->x1 || (r)->y0 == (r)->y1);

static inline int
fz_is_empty_irect(const fz_irect *r)
	return ((r)->x0 == (r)->x1 || (r)->y0 == (r)->y1);

	fz_is_infinite: Check if rectangle is infinite.

	An infinite rectangle is defined as one where either of the
	two relationships between corner coordinates are not true.
static inline int
fz_is_infinite_rect(const fz_rect *r)
	return ((r)->x0 > (r)->x1 || (r)->y0 > (r)->y1);

static inline int
fz_is_infinite_irect(const fz_irect *r)
	return ((r)->x0 > (r)->x1 || (r)->y0 > (r)->y1);

	fz_matrix is a a row-major 3x3 matrix used for representing
	transformations of coordinates throughout MuPDF.

	Since all points reside in a two-dimensional space, one vector
	is always a constant unit vector; hence only some elements may
	vary in a matrix. Below is how the elements map between
	different representations.

	/ a b 0 \
	| c d 0 | normally represented as [ a b c d e f ].
	\ e f 1 /
typedef struct fz_matrix_s fz_matrix;
struct fz_matrix_s
	float a, b, c, d, e, f;

	fz_identity: Identity transform matrix.
extern const fz_matrix fz_identity;

static inline fz_matrix *fz_copy_matrix(fz_matrix *restrict m, const fz_matrix *restrict s)
	*m = *s;
	return m;

	fz_concat: Multiply two matrices.

	The order of the two matrices are important since matrix
	multiplication is not commutative.

	Returns result.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_matrix *fz_concat(fz_matrix *result, const fz_matrix *left, const fz_matrix *right);

	fz_scale: Create a scaling matrix.

	The returned matrix is of the form [ sx 0 0 sy 0 0 ].

	m: Pointer to the matrix to populate

	sx, sy: Scaling factors along the X- and Y-axes. A scaling
	factor of 1.0 will not cause any scaling along the relevant

	Returns m.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_matrix *fz_scale(fz_matrix *m, float sx, float sy);

	fz_pre_scale: Scale a matrix by premultiplication.

	m: Pointer to the matrix to scale

	sx, sy: Scaling factors along the X- and Y-axes. A scaling
	factor of 1.0 will not cause any scaling along the relevant

	Returns m (updated).

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_matrix *fz_pre_scale(fz_matrix *m, float sx, float sy);

	fz_shear: Create a shearing matrix.

	The returned matrix is of the form [ 1 sy sx 1 0 0 ].

	m: pointer to place to store returned matrix

	sx, sy: Shearing factors. A shearing factor of 0.0 will not
	cause any shearing along the relevant axis.

	Returns m.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_matrix *fz_shear(fz_matrix *m, float sx, float sy);

	fz_pre_shear: Premultiply a matrix with a shearing matrix.

	The shearing matrix is of the form [ 1 sy sx 1 0 0 ].

	m: pointer to matrix to premultiply

	sx, sy: Shearing factors. A shearing factor of 0.0 will not
	cause any shearing along the relevant axis.

	Returns m (updated).

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_matrix *fz_pre_shear(fz_matrix *m, float sx, float sy);

	fz_rotate: Create a rotation matrix.

	The returned matrix is of the form
	[ cos(deg) sin(deg) -sin(deg) cos(deg) 0 0 ].

	m: Pointer to place to store matrix

	degrees: Degrees of counter clockwise rotation. Values less
	than zero and greater than 360 are handled as expected.

	Returns m.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_matrix *fz_rotate(fz_matrix *m, float degrees);

	fz_pre_rotate: Rotate a transformation by premultiplying.

	The premultiplied matrix is of the form
	[ cos(deg) sin(deg) -sin(deg) cos(deg) 0 0 ].

	m: Pointer to matrix to premultiply.

	degrees: Degrees of counter clockwise rotation. Values less
	than zero and greater than 360 are handled as expected.

	Returns m (updated).

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_matrix *fz_pre_rotate(fz_matrix *m, float degrees);

	fz_translate: Create a translation matrix.

	The returned matrix is of the form [ 1 0 0 1 tx ty ].

	m: A place to store the created matrix.

	tx, ty: Translation distances along the X- and Y-axes. A
	translation of 0 will not cause any translation along the
	relevant axis.

	Returns m.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_matrix *fz_translate(fz_matrix *m, float tx, float ty);

	fz_pre_translate: Translate a matrix by premultiplication.

	m: The matrix to translate

	tx, ty: Translation distances along the X- and Y-axes. A
	translation of 0 will not cause any translation along the
	relevant axis.

	Returns m.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_matrix *fz_pre_translate(fz_matrix *m, float tx, float ty);

	fz_invert_matrix: Create an inverse matrix.

	inverse: Place to store inverse matrix.

	matrix: Matrix to invert. A degenerate matrix, where the
	determinant is equal to zero, can not be inverted and the
	original matrix is returned instead.

	Returns inverse.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_matrix *fz_invert_matrix(fz_matrix *inverse, const fz_matrix *matrix);

	fz_is_rectilinear: Check if a transformation is rectilinear.

	Rectilinear means that no shearing is present and that any
	rotations present are a multiple of 90 degrees. Usually this
	is used to make sure that axis-aligned rectangles before the
	transformation are still axis-aligned rectangles afterwards.

	Does not throw exceptions.
int fz_is_rectilinear(const fz_matrix *m);

	fz_matrix_expansion: Calculate average scaling factor of matrix.
float fz_matrix_expansion(const fz_matrix *m); /* sumatrapdf */

	fz_intersect_rect: Compute intersection of two rectangles.

	Given two rectangles, update the first to be the smallest
	axis-aligned rectangle that covers the area covered by both
	given rectangles. If either rectangle is empty then the
	intersection is also empty. If either rectangle is infinite
	then the intersection is simply the non-infinite rectangle.
	Should both rectangles be infinite, then the intersection is
	also infinite.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_rect *fz_intersect_rect(fz_rect *restrict a, const fz_rect *restrict b);

	fz_intersect_irect: Compute intersection of two bounding boxes.

	Similar to fz_intersect_rect but operates on two bounding
	boxes instead of two rectangles.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_irect *fz_intersect_irect(fz_irect *restrict a, const fz_irect *restrict b);

	fz_union_rect: Compute union of two rectangles.

	Given two rectangles, update the first to be the smallest
	axis-aligned rectangle that encompasses both given rectangles.
	If either rectangle is infinite then the union is also infinite.
	If either rectangle is empty then the union is simply the
	non-empty rectangle. Should both rectangles be empty, then the
	union is also empty.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_rect *fz_union_rect(fz_rect *restrict a, const fz_rect *restrict b);

	fz_irect_from_rect: Convert a rect into the minimal bounding box
	that covers the rectangle.

	bbox: Place to store the returned bbox.

	rect: The rectangle to convert to a bbox.

	Coordinates in a bounding box are integers, so rounding of the
	rects coordinates takes place. The top left corner is rounded
	upwards and left while the bottom right corner is rounded
	downwards and to the right.

	Returns bbox (updated).

	Does not throw exceptions.

fz_irect *fz_irect_from_rect(fz_irect *restrict bbox, const fz_rect *restrict rect);

	fz_round_rect: Round rectangle coordinates.

	Coordinates in a bounding box are integers, so rounding of the
	rects coordinates takes place. The top left corner is rounded
	upwards and left while the bottom right corner is rounded
	downwards and to the right.

	This differs from fz_irect_from_rect, in that fz_irect_from_rect
	slavishly follows the numbers (i.e any slight over/under calculations
	can cause whole extra pixels to be added). fz_round_rect
	allows for a small amount of rounding error when calculating
	the bbox.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_irect *fz_round_rect(fz_irect *restrict bbox, const fz_rect *restrict rect);

	fz_rect_from_irect: Convert a bbox into a rect.

	For our purposes, a rect can represent all the values we meet in
	a bbox, so nothing can go wrong.

	rect: A place to store the generated rectangle.

	bbox: The bbox to convert.

	Returns rect (updated).

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_rect *fz_rect_from_irect(fz_rect *restrict rect, const fz_irect *restrict bbox);

	fz_expand_rect: Expand a bbox by a given amount in all directions.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_rect *fz_expand_rect(fz_rect *b, float expand);

	fz_include_point_in_rect: Expand a bbox to include a given point.
	To create a rectangle that encompasses a sequence of points, the
	rectangle must first be set to be the empty rectangle at one of
	the points before including the others.
fz_rect *fz_include_point_in_rect(fz_rect *r, const fz_point *p);

	fz_translate_irect: Translate bounding box.

	Translate a bbox by a given x and y offset. Allows for overflow.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_irect *fz_translate_irect(fz_irect *a, int xoff, int yoff);

	fz_transform_point: Apply a transformation to a point.

	transform: Transformation matrix to apply. See fz_concat,
	fz_scale, fz_rotate and fz_translate for how to create a

	point: Pointer to point to update.

	Returns transform (unchanged).

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_point *fz_transform_point(fz_point *restrict point, const fz_matrix *restrict transform);

	fz_transform_vector: Apply a transformation to a vector.

	transform: Transformation matrix to apply. See fz_concat,
	fz_scale and fz_rotate for how to create a matrix. Any
	translation will be ignored.

	vector: Pointer to vector to update.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_point *fz_transform_vector(fz_point *restrict vector, const fz_matrix *restrict transform);

	fz_transform_rect: Apply a transform to a rectangle.

	After the four corner points of the axis-aligned rectangle
	have been transformed it may not longer be axis-aligned. So a
	new axis-aligned rectangle is created covering at least the
	area of the transformed rectangle.

	transform: Transformation matrix to apply. See fz_concat,
	fz_scale and fz_rotate for how to create a matrix.

	rect: Rectangle to be transformed. The two special cases
	fz_empty_rect and fz_infinite_rect, may be used but are
	returned unchanged as expected.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_rect *fz_transform_rect(fz_rect *restrict rect, const fz_matrix *restrict transform);

	fz_buffer is a wrapper around a dynamically allocated array of bytes.

	Buffers have a capacity (the number of bytes storage immediately
	available) and a current size.
typedef struct fz_buffer_s fz_buffer;

	fz_keep_buffer: Increment the reference count for a buffer.

	buf: The buffer to increment the reference count for.

	Returns a pointer to the buffer. Does not throw exceptions.
fz_buffer *fz_keep_buffer(fz_context *ctx, fz_buffer *buf);

	fz_drop_buffer: Decrement the reference count for a buffer.

	buf: The buffer to decrement the reference count for.
void fz_drop_buffer(fz_context *ctx, fz_buffer *buf);

	fz_buffer_storage: Retrieve information on the storage currently used
	by a buffer.

	data: Pointer to place to retrieve data pointer.

	Returns length of stream.
int fz_buffer_storage(fz_context *ctx, fz_buffer *buf, unsigned char **data);

	fz_stream is a buffered reader capable of seeking in both

	Streams are reference counted, so references must be dropped
	by a call to fz_close.

	Only the data between rp and wp is valid.
typedef struct fz_stream_s fz_stream;

	fz_open_file: Open the named file and wrap it in a stream.

	filename: Path to a file. On non-Windows machines the filename should
	be exactly as it would be passed to open(2). On Windows machines, the
	path should be UTF-8 encoded so that non-ASCII characters can be
	represented. Other platforms do the encoding as standard anyway (and
	in most cases, particularly for MacOS and Linux, the encoding they
	use is UTF-8 anyway).
fz_stream *fz_open_file(fz_context *ctx, const char *filename);

	fz_open_file_w: Open the named file and wrap it in a stream.

	This function is only available when compiling for Win32.

	filename: Wide character path to the file as it would be given
	to _wopen().
fz_stream *fz_open_file_w(fz_context *ctx, const wchar_t *filename);

	fz_open_fd: Wrap an open file descriptor in a stream.

	file: An open file descriptor supporting bidirectional
	seeking. The stream will take ownership of the file
	descriptor, so it may not be modified or closed after the call
	to fz_open_fd. When the stream is closed it will also close
	the file descriptor.
fz_stream *fz_open_fd(fz_context *ctx, int file);

	fz_open_memory: Open a block of memory as a stream.

	data: Pointer to start of data block. Ownership of the data block is
	NOT passed in.

	len: Number of bytes in data block.

	Returns pointer to newly created stream. May throw exceptions on
	failure to allocate.
fz_stream *fz_open_memory(fz_context *ctx, unsigned char *data, int len);

	fz_open_buffer: Open a buffer as a stream.

	buf: The buffer to open. Ownership of the buffer is NOT passed in
	(this function takes it's own reference).

	Returns pointer to newly created stream. May throw exceptions on
	failure to allocate.
fz_stream *fz_open_buffer(fz_context *ctx, fz_buffer *buf);

	fz_close: Close an open stream.

	Drops a reference for the stream. Once no references remain
	the stream will be closed, as will any file descriptor the
	stream is using.

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_close(fz_stream *stm);

	fz_tell: return the current reading position within a stream
int fz_tell(fz_stream *stm);

	fz_seek: Seek within a stream.

	stm: The stream to seek within.

	offset: The offset to seek to.

	whence: From where the offset is measured (see fseek).
void fz_seek(fz_stream *stm, int offset, int whence);

	fz_read: Read from a stream into a given data block.

	stm: The stream to read from.

	data: The data block to read into.

	len: The length of the data block (in bytes).

	Returns the number of bytes read. May throw exceptions.
int fz_read(fz_stream *stm, unsigned char *data, int len);

	fz_read_all: Read all of a stream into a buffer.

	stm: The stream to read from

	initial: Suggested initial size for the buffer.

	Returns a buffer created from reading from the stream. May throw
	exceptions on failure to allocate.
fz_buffer *fz_read_all(fz_stream *stm, int initial);

	Bitmaps have 1 bit per component. Only used for creating halftoned
	versions of contone buffers, and saving out. Samples are stored msb
	first, akin to pbms.
typedef struct fz_bitmap_s fz_bitmap;

	fz_keep_bitmap: Take a reference to a bitmap.

	bit: The bitmap to increment the reference for.

	Returns bit. Does not throw exceptions.
fz_bitmap *fz_keep_bitmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_bitmap *bit);

	fz_drop_bitmap: Drop a reference and free a bitmap.

	Decrement the reference count for the bitmap. When no
	references remain the pixmap will be freed.

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_drop_bitmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_bitmap *bit);

	An fz_colorspace object represents an abstract colorspace. While
	this should be treated as a black box by callers of the library at
	this stage, know that it encapsulates knowledge of how to convert
	colors to and from the colorspace, any lookup tables generated, the
	number of components in the colorspace etc.
typedef struct fz_colorspace_s fz_colorspace;

	fz_find_device_colorspace: Find a standard colorspace based upon
	it's name.
fz_colorspace *fz_find_device_colorspace(fz_context *ctx, char *name);

	fz_colorspace_is_indexed: Return true, iff a given colorspace is
int fz_colorspace_is_indexed(fz_colorspace *cs);

	fz_device_gray: Abstract colorspace representing device specific
extern fz_colorspace *fz_device_gray;

	fz_device_rgb: Abstract colorspace representing device specific
extern fz_colorspace *fz_device_rgb;

	fz_device_bgr: Abstract colorspace representing device specific
extern fz_colorspace *fz_device_bgr;

	fz_device_cmyk: Abstract colorspace representing device specific
extern fz_colorspace *fz_device_cmyk;

	Pixmaps represent a set of pixels for a 2 dimensional region of a
	plane. Each pixel has n components per pixel, the last of which is
	always alpha. The data is in premultiplied alpha when rendering, but
	non-premultiplied for colorspace conversions and rescaling.
typedef struct fz_pixmap_s fz_pixmap;

	fz_pixmap_bbox: Return the bounding box for a pixmap.
fz_irect *fz_pixmap_bbox(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix, fz_irect *bbox);

	fz_pixmap_width: Return the width of the pixmap in pixels.
int fz_pixmap_width(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix);

	fz_pixmap_height: Return the height of the pixmap in pixels.
int fz_pixmap_height(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix);

	fz_new_pixmap: Create a new pixmap, with it's origin at (0,0)

	cs: The colorspace to use for the pixmap, or NULL for an alpha

	w: The width of the pixmap (in pixels)

	h: The height of the pixmap (in pixels)

	Returns a pointer to the new pixmap. Throws exception on failure to
fz_pixmap *fz_new_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_colorspace *cs, int w, int h);

	fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox: Create a pixmap of a given size,
	location and pixel format.

	The bounding box specifies the size of the created pixmap and
	where it will be located. The colorspace determines the number
	of components per pixel. Alpha is always present. Pixmaps are
	reference counted, so drop references using fz_drop_pixmap.

	colorspace: Colorspace format used for the created pixmap. The
	pixmap will keep a reference to the colorspace.

	bbox: Bounding box specifying location/size of created pixmap.

	Returns a pointer to the new pixmap. Throws exception on failure to
fz_pixmap *fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(fz_context *ctx, fz_colorspace *colorspace, const fz_irect *bbox);

	fz_new_pixmap_with_data: Create a new pixmap, with it's origin at
	(0,0) using the supplied data block.

	cs: The colorspace to use for the pixmap, or NULL for an alpha

	w: The width of the pixmap (in pixels)

	h: The height of the pixmap (in pixels)

	samples: The data block to keep the samples in.

	Returns a pointer to the new pixmap. Throws exception on failure to
fz_pixmap *fz_new_pixmap_with_data(fz_context *ctx, fz_colorspace *colorspace, int w, int h, unsigned char *samples);

	fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox_and_data: Create a pixmap of a given size,
	location and pixel format, using the supplied data block.

	The bounding box specifies the size of the created pixmap and
	where it will be located. The colorspace determines the number
	of components per pixel. Alpha is always present. Pixmaps are
	reference counted, so drop references using fz_drop_pixmap.

	colorspace: Colorspace format used for the created pixmap. The
	pixmap will keep a reference to the colorspace.

	bbox: Bounding box specifying location/size of created pixmap.

	samples: The data block to keep the samples in.

	Returns a pointer to the new pixmap. Throws exception on failure to
fz_pixmap *fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox_and_data(fz_context *ctx, fz_colorspace *colorspace, const fz_irect *rect, unsigned char *samples);

	fz_keep_pixmap: Take a reference to a pixmap.

	pix: The pixmap to increment the reference for.

	Returns pix. Does not throw exceptions.
fz_pixmap *fz_keep_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix);

	fz_drop_pixmap: Drop a reference and free a pixmap.

	Decrement the reference count for the pixmap. When no
	references remain the pixmap will be freed.

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_drop_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix);

	fz_pixmap_colorspace: Return the colorspace of a pixmap

	Returns colorspace. Does not throw exceptions.
fz_colorspace *fz_pixmap_colorspace(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix);

	fz_pixmap_components: Return the number of components in a pixmap.

	Returns the number of components. Does not throw exceptions.
int fz_pixmap_components(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix);

	fz_pixmap_samples: Returns a pointer to the pixel data of a pixmap.

	Returns the pointer. Does not throw exceptions.
unsigned char *fz_pixmap_samples(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix);

	fz_clear_pixmap_with_value: Clears a pixmap with the given value.

	pix: The pixmap to clear.

	value: Values in the range 0 to 255 are valid. Each component
	sample for each pixel in the pixmap will be set to this value,
	while alpha will always be set to 255 (non-transparent).

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix, int value);

	fz_clear_pixmap_with_value: Clears a subrect of a pixmap with the given value.

	pix: The pixmap to clear.

	value: Values in the range 0 to 255 are valid. Each component
	sample for each pixel in the pixmap will be set to this value,
	while alpha will always be set to 255 (non-transparent).

	r: the rectangle.

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_clear_pixmap_rect_with_value(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix, int value, const fz_irect *r);

	fz_clear_pixmap_with_value: Sets all components (including alpha) of
	all pixels in a pixmap to 0.

	pix: The pixmap to clear.

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_clear_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix);

	fz_invert_pixmap: Invert all the pixels in a pixmap. All components
	of all pixels are inverted (except alpha, which is unchanged).

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_invert_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix);

	fz_invert_pixmap: Invert all the pixels in a given rectangle of a
	pixmap. All components of all pixels in the rectangle are inverted
	(except alpha, which is unchanged).

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_invert_pixmap_rect(fz_pixmap *image, const fz_irect *rect);

	fz_gamma_pixmap: Apply gamma correction to a pixmap. All components
	of all pixels are modified (except alpha, which is unchanged).

	gamma: The gamma value to apply; 1.0 for no change.

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_gamma_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix, float gamma);

	fz_unmultiply_pixmap: Convert a pixmap from premultiplied to
	non-premultiplied format.

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_unmultiply_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix);

	fz_convert_pixmap: Convert from one pixmap to another (assumed to be
	the same size, but possibly with a different colorspace).

	dst: the source pixmap.

	src: the destination pixmap.
void fz_convert_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *dst, fz_pixmap *src);

	fz_write_pixmap: Save a pixmap out.

	name: The prefix for the name of the pixmap. The pixmap will be saved
	as "name.png" if the pixmap is RGB or Greyscale, "name.pam" otherwise.

	rgb: If non zero, the pixmap is converted to rgb (if possible) before
void fz_write_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *img, char *name, int rgb);

	fz_write_pnm: Save a pixmap as a pnm

	filename: The filename to save as (including extension).
void fz_write_pnm(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pixmap, char *filename);

	fz_write_pam: Save a pixmap as a pam

	filename: The filename to save as (including extension).
void fz_write_pam(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pixmap, char *filename, int savealpha);

	fz_write_png: Save a pixmap as a png

	filename: The filename to save as (including extension).
void fz_write_png(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pixmap, char *filename, int savealpha);

	fz_write_pbm: Save a bitmap as a pbm

	filename: The filename to save as (including extension).
void fz_write_pbm(fz_context *ctx, fz_bitmap *bitmap, char *filename);

	fz_md5_pixmap: Return the md5 digest for a pixmap

	filename: The filename to save as (including extension).
void fz_md5_pixmap(fz_pixmap *pixmap, unsigned char digest[16]);

	Images are storable objects from which we can obtain fz_pixmaps.
	These may be implemented as simple wrappers around a pixmap, or as
	more complex things that decode at different subsample settings on
typedef struct fz_image_s fz_image;

	fz_image_to_pixmap: Called to get a handle to a pixmap from an image.

	image: The image to retrieve a pixmap from.

	w: The desired width (in pixels). This may be completely ignored, but
	may serve as an indication of a suitable subsample factor to use for
	image types that support this.

	h: The desired height (in pixels). This may be completely ignored, but
	may serve as an indication of a suitable subsample factor to use for
	image types that support this.

	Returns a non NULL pixmap pointer. May throw exceptions.
fz_pixmap *fz_image_to_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_image *image, int w, int h);

	fz_drop_image: Drop a reference to an image.

	image: The image to drop a reference to.
void fz_drop_image(fz_context *ctx, fz_image *image);

	fz_keep_image: Increment the reference count of an image.

	image: The image to take a reference to.

	Returns a pointer to the image.
fz_image *fz_keep_image(fz_context *ctx, fz_image *image);

	A halftone is a set of threshold tiles, one per component. Each
	threshold tile is a pixmap, possibly of varying sizes and phases.
	Currently, we only provide one 'default' halftone tile for operating
	on 1 component plus alpha pixmaps (where the alpha is ignored). This
	is signified by an fz_halftone pointer to NULL.
typedef struct fz_halftone_s fz_halftone;

	fz_halftone_pixmap: Make a bitmap from a pixmap and a halftone.

	pix: The pixmap to generate from. Currently must be a single color
	component + alpha (where the alpha is assumed to be solid).

	ht: The halftone to use. NULL implies the default halftone.

	Returns the resultant bitmap. Throws exceptions in the case of
	failure to allocate.
fz_bitmap *fz_halftone_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix, fz_halftone *ht);

	An abstract font handle. Currently there are no public API functions
	for handling these.
typedef struct fz_font_s fz_font;

	The different format handlers (pdf, xps etc) interpret pages to a
	device. These devices can then process the stream of calls they
	recieve in various ways:
		The trace device outputs debugging information for the calls.
		The draw device will render them.
		The list device stores them in a list to play back later.
		The text device performs text extraction and searching.
		The bbox device calculates the bounding box for the page.
	Other devices can (and will) be written in future.
typedef struct fz_device_s fz_device;

	fz_free_device: Free a devices of any type and its resources.
void fz_free_device(fz_device *dev);

	fz_new_trace_device: Create a device to print a debug trace of
	all device calls.
fz_device *fz_new_trace_device(fz_context *ctx);

	fz_new_bbox_device: Create a device to compute the bounding
	box of all marks on a page.

	The returned bounding box will be the union of all bounding
	boxes of all objects on a page.
fz_device *fz_new_bbox_device(fz_context *ctx, fz_rect *rectp);

	fz_new_draw_device: Create a device to draw on a pixmap.

	dest: Target pixmap for the draw device. See fz_new_pixmap*
	for how to obtain a pixmap. The pixmap is not cleared by the
	draw device, see fz_clear_pixmap* for how to clear it prior to
	calling fz_new_draw_device. Free the device by calling
fz_device *fz_new_draw_device(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *dest);

	fz_new_draw_device_with_bbox: Create a device to draw on a pixmap.

	dest: Target pixmap for the draw device. See fz_new_pixmap*
	for how to obtain a pixmap. The pixmap is not cleared by the
	draw device, see fz_clear_pixmap* for how to clear it prior to
	calling fz_new_draw_device. Free the device by calling

	clip: Bounding box to restrict any marking operations of the
	draw device.
fz_device *fz_new_draw_device_with_bbox(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *dest, const fz_irect *clip);

	Text extraction device: Used for searching, format conversion etc.

	(In development - Subject to change in future versions)

typedef struct fz_text_style_s fz_text_style;
typedef struct fz_text_char_s fz_text_char;
typedef struct fz_text_span_s fz_text_span;
typedef struct fz_text_line_s fz_text_line;
typedef struct fz_text_block_s fz_text_block;

typedef struct fz_text_sheet_s fz_text_sheet;
typedef struct fz_text_page_s fz_text_page;

	fz_text_sheet: A text sheet contains a list of distinct text styles
	used on a page (or a series of pages).
struct fz_text_sheet_s
	int maxid;
	fz_text_style *style;

	fz_text_style: A text style contains details of a distinct text style
	used on a page.
struct fz_text_style_s
	fz_text_style *next;
	int id;
	fz_font *font;
	float size;
	int wmode;
	int script;
	float ascender;
	float descender;
	/* etc... */

	fz_text_page: A text page is a list of blocks of text, together with
	an overall bounding box.
struct fz_text_page_s
	fz_rect mediabox;
	int len, cap;
	fz_text_block *blocks;

	fz_text_block: A text block is a list of lines of text. In typical
	cases this may correspond to a paragraph or a column of text. A
	collection of blocks makes up a page.
struct fz_text_block_s
	fz_rect bbox;
	int len, cap;
	fz_text_line *lines;

	fz_text_line: A text line is a list of text spans, with the same
	baseline. In typical cases this should correspond (as expected) to
	complete lines of text. A collection of lines makes up a block.
struct fz_text_line_s
	int len, cap;
	fz_text_span **spans;

	/* Cached information */
	float distance; /* Perpendicular distance from previous line */
	fz_rect bbox;
	void *region; /* Opaque value for matching line masks */

	fz_text_span: A text span is a list of characters that share a common
	baseline/transformation. In typical cases a single span may be enough
	to represent a complete line. In cases where the text has big gaps in
	it (perhaps as it crosses columns or tables), a line may be represented
	by multiple spans.
struct fz_text_span_s
	int len, cap;
	fz_text_char *text;
	fz_point min; /* Device space */
	fz_point max; /* Device space */
	int wmode; /* 0 for horizontal, 1 for vertical */
	fz_matrix transform; /* e and f are always 0 here */
	float ascender_max; /* Document space */
	float descender_min; /* Document space */
	fz_rect bbox; /* Device space */

	/* Cached information */
	float base_offset; /* Perpendicular distance from baseline of line */
	float spacing; /* Distance along baseline from previous span in this line (or 0 if first) */
	int column; /* If non zero, the column that it's in */
	float column_width; /* Percentage */
	int align; /* 0 = left, 1 = centre, 2 = right */
	float indent; /* The indent position for this column. */

	fz_text_char: A text char is a unicode character, the style in which
	is appears, and the point at which it is positioned. Transform
	(and hence bbox) information is given by the enclosing span.
struct fz_text_char_s
	fz_point p; /* Device space */
	int c;
	fz_text_style *style;

typedef struct fz_char_and_box_s fz_char_and_box;

struct fz_char_and_box_s
	int c;
	fz_rect bbox;

fz_char_and_box *fz_text_char_at(fz_char_and_box *cab, fz_text_page *page, int idx);

	fz_text_char_bbox: Return the bbox of a text char. Calculated from
	the supplied enclosing span.

	bbox: A place to store the bbox

	span: The enclosing span

	idx: The index of the char within the span

	Returns bbox (updated)

	Does not throw exceptions
fz_rect *fz_text_char_bbox(fz_rect *bbox, fz_text_span *span, int idx);

	fz_new_text_device: Create a device to extract the text on a page.

	Gather and sort the text on a page into spans of uniform style,
	arranged into lines and blocks by reading order. The reading order
	is determined by various heuristics, so may not be accurate.

	sheet: The text sheet to which styles should be added. This can
	either be a newly created (empty) text sheet, or one containing
	styles from a previous text device. The same sheet cannot be used
	in multiple threads simultaneously.

	page: The text page to which content should be added. This will
	usually be a newly created (empty) text page, but it can be one
	containing data already (for example when merging multiple pages, or
fz_device *fz_new_text_device(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_sheet *sheet, fz_text_page *page);

	fz_new_text_sheet: Create an empty style sheet.

	The style sheet is filled out by the text device, creating
	one style for each unique font, color, size combination that
	is used.
fz_text_sheet *fz_new_text_sheet(fz_context *ctx);
void fz_free_text_sheet(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_sheet *sheet);

	fz_new_text_page: Create an empty text page.

	The text page is filled out by the text device to contain the blocks,
	lines and spans of text on the page.
fz_text_page *fz_new_text_page(fz_context *ctx, const fz_rect *mediabox);
void fz_free_text_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_page *page);

void fz_text_analysis(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_sheet *sheet, fz_text_page *page);

typedef struct fz_output_s fz_output;

struct fz_output_s
	fz_context *ctx;
	void *opaque;
	int (*printf)(fz_output *, const char *, va_list ap);
	void (*close)(fz_output *);

fz_output *fz_new_output_file(fz_context *, FILE *);

fz_output *fz_new_output_buffer(fz_context *, fz_buffer *);

int fz_printf(fz_output *, const char *, ...);

	fz_close_output: Close a previously opened fz_output stream.

	Note: whether or not this closes the underlying output method is
	method dependent. FILE * streams created by fz_new_output_file are
	NOT closed.
void fz_close_output(fz_output *);

	fz_print_text_sheet: Output a text sheet to a file as CSS.
void fz_print_text_sheet(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, fz_text_sheet *sheet);

	fz_print_text_page_html: Output a page to a file in HTML format.
void fz_print_text_page_html(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, fz_text_page *page);

	fz_print_text_page_xml: Output a page to a file in XML format.
void fz_print_text_page_xml(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, fz_text_page *page);

	fz_print_text_page: Output a page to a file in UTF-8 format.
void fz_print_text_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, fz_text_page *page);

	fz_search_text_page: Search for occurrence of 'needle' in text page.

	Return the number of hits and store hit bboxes in the passed in array.

	NOTE: This is an experimental interface and subject to change without notice.
int fz_search_text_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_page *text, char *needle, fz_rect *hit_bbox, int hit_max);

	fz_highlight_selection: Return a list of rectangles to highlight given a selection rectangle.

	NOTE: This is an experimental interface and subject to change without notice.
int fz_highlight_selection(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_page *page, fz_rect rect, fz_rect *hit_bbox, int hit_max);

	fz_copy_selection: Return a newly allocated UTF-8 string with the text for a given selection rectangle.

	NOTE: This is an experimental interface and subject to change without notice.
char *fz_copy_selection(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_page *page, fz_rect rect);

	Cookie support - simple communication channel between app/library.

typedef struct fz_cookie_s fz_cookie;

	Provide two-way communication between application and library.
	Intended for multi-threaded applications where one thread is
	rendering pages and another thread wants read progress
	feedback or abort a job that takes a long time to finish. The
	communication is unsynchronized without locking.

	abort: The appliation should set this field to 0 before
	calling fz_run_page to render a page. At any point when the
	page is being rendered the application my set this field to 1
	which will cause the rendering to finish soon. This field is
	checked periodically when the page is rendered, but exactly
	when is not known, therefore there is no upper bound on
	exactly when the the rendering will abort. If the application
	did not provide a set of locks to fz_new_context, it must also
	await the completion of fz_run_page before issuing another
	call to fz_run_page. Note that once the application has set
	this field to 1 after it called fz_run_page it may not change
	the value again.

	progress: Communicates rendering progress back to the
	application and is read only. Increments as a page is being
	rendered. The value starts out at 0 and is limited to less
	than or equal to progress_max, unless progress_max is -1.

	progress_max: Communicates the known upper bound of rendering
	back to the application and is read only. The maximum value
	that the progress field may take. If there is no known upper
	bound on how long the rendering may take this value is -1 and
	progress is not limited. Note that the value of progress_max
	may change from -1 to a positive value once an upper bound is
	known, so take this into consideration when comparing the
	value of progress to that of progress_max.

	errors: count of errors during current rendering.
struct fz_cookie_s
	int abort;
	int progress;
	int progress_max; /* -1 for unknown */
	int errors;

	Display list device -- record and play back device commands.

	fz_display_list is a list containing drawing commands (text,
	images, etc.). The intent is two-fold: as a caching-mechanism
	to reduce parsing of a page, and to be used as a data
	structure in multi-threading where one thread parses the page
	and another renders pages.

	Create a displaylist with fz_new_display_list, hand it over to
	fz_new_list_device to have it populated, and later replay the
	list (once or many times) by calling fz_run_display_list. When
	the list is no longer needed free it with fz_free_display_list.
typedef struct fz_display_list_s fz_display_list;

	fz_new_display_list: Create an empty display list.

	A display list contains drawing commands (text, images, etc.).
	Use fz_new_list_device for populating the list.
fz_display_list *fz_new_display_list(fz_context *ctx);

	fz_new_list_device: Create a rendering device for a display list.

	When the device is rendering a page it will populate the
	display list with drawing commsnds (text, images, etc.). The
	display list can later be reused to render a page many times
	without having to re-interpret the page from the document file
	for each rendering. Once the device is no longer needed, free
	it with fz_free_device.

	list: A display list that the list device takes ownership of.
fz_device *fz_new_list_device(fz_context *ctx, fz_display_list *list);

	fz_run_display_list: (Re)-run a display list through a device.

	list: A display list, created by fz_new_display_list and
	populated with objects from a page by running fz_run_page on a
	device obtained from fz_new_list_device.

	dev: Device obtained from fz_new_*_device.

	ctm: Transform to apply to display list contents. May include
	for example scaling and rotation, see fz_scale, fz_rotate and
	fz_concat. Set to fz_identity if no transformation is desired.

	area: Only the part of the contents of the display list
	visible within this area will be considered when the list is
	run through the device. This does not imply for tile objects
	contained in the display list.

	cookie: Communication mechanism between caller and library
	running the page. Intended for multi-threaded applications,
	while single-threaded applications set cookie to NULL. The
	caller may abort an ongoing page run. Cookie also communicates
	progress information back to the caller. The fields inside
	cookie are continually updated while the page is being run.
void fz_run_display_list(fz_display_list *list, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *ctm, const fz_rect *area, fz_cookie *cookie);

	fz_free_display_list: Frees a display list.

	list: Display list to be freed. Any objects put into the
	display list by a list device will also be freed.

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_free_display_list(fz_context *ctx, fz_display_list *list);


	NOTE: The link destination struct is scheduled for imminent change!
	Use at your own peril.

typedef struct fz_link_s fz_link;

typedef struct fz_link_dest_s fz_link_dest;

typedef enum fz_link_kind_e
} fz_link_kind;

enum {
	fz_link_flag_l_valid = 1, /* lt.x is valid */
	fz_link_flag_t_valid = 2, /* lt.y is valid */
	fz_link_flag_r_valid = 4, /* rb.x is valid */
	fz_link_flag_b_valid = 8, /* rb.y is valid */
	fz_link_flag_fit_h = 16, /* Fit horizontally */
	fz_link_flag_fit_v = 32, /* Fit vertically */
	fz_link_flag_r_is_zoom = 64 /* rb.x is actually a zoom figure */

	fz_link_dest: This structure represents the destination of
	an fz_link; this may be a page to display, a new file to open,
	a javascript action to perform, etc.

	kind: This identifies the kind of link destination. Different
	kinds use different sections of the union.


		gotor.page: The target page number to move to (0 being the
		first page in the document).

		gotor.flags: A bitfield consisting of fz_link_flag_*
		describing the validity and meaning of the different parts
		of gotor.lr and gotor.rb. Link destinations are constructed
		(as far as possible) so that lt and rb can be treated as a
		bounding box, though the validity flags indicate which of the
		values was actually specified in the file.

		gotor.lt: The top left corner of the destination bounding box.

		gotor.rb: The bottom right corner of the destination bounding
		box. If fz_link_flag_r_is_zoom is set, then the r figure
		should actually be interpretted as a zoom ratio.

		gotor.file_spec: If set, this destination should cause a new
		file to be opened; this field holds a pointer to a remote
		file specification (UTF-8). Always NULL in the FZ_LINK_GOTO

		gotor.new_window: If true, the destination should open in a
		new window.


		uri.uri: A UTF-8 encoded URI to launch.

		uri.is_map: If true, the x and y coords (as ints, in user
		space) should be appended to the URI before launch.


		launch.file_spec: A UTF-8 file specification to launch.

		launch.new_window: If true, the destination should be launched
		in a new window.


		named.named: The named action to perform. Likely to be
		client specific.
struct fz_link_dest_s
	fz_link_kind kind;
			int page;
			int flags;
			fz_point lt;
			fz_point rb;
			char *file_spec;
			int new_window;
			char *uri;
			int is_map;
			char *file_spec;
			int new_window;
			char *named;

	fz_link is a list of interactive links on a page.

	There is no relation between the order of the links in the
	list and the order they appear on the page. The list of links
	for a given page can be obtained from fz_load_links.

	A link is reference counted. Dropping a reference to a link is
	done by calling fz_drop_link.

	rect: The hot zone. The area that can be clicked in
	untransformed coordinates.

	dest: Link destinations come in two forms: Page and area that
	an application should display when this link is activated. Or
	as an URI that can be given to a browser.

	next: A pointer to the next link on the same page.
struct fz_link_s
	int refs;
	fz_rect rect;
	fz_link_dest dest;
	fz_link *next;

fz_link *fz_new_link(fz_context *ctx, const fz_rect *bbox, fz_link_dest dest);
fz_link *fz_keep_link(fz_context *ctx, fz_link *link);

	fz_drop_link: Drop and free a list of links.

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_drop_link(fz_context *ctx, fz_link *link);

void fz_free_link_dest(fz_context *ctx, fz_link_dest *dest);

/* Outline */

typedef struct fz_outline_s fz_outline;

	fz_outline is a tree of the outline of a document (also known
	as table of contents).

	title: Title of outline item using UTF-8 encoding. May be NULL
	if the outline item has no text string.

	dest: Destination in the document to be displayed when this
	outline item is activated. May be FZ_LINK_NONE if the outline
	item does not have a destination.

	next: The next outline item at the same level as this outline
	item. May be NULL if no more outline items exist at this level.

	down: The outline items immediate children in the hierarchy.
	May be NULL if no children exist.
struct fz_outline_s
	char *title;
	fz_link_dest dest;
	fz_outline *next;
	fz_outline *down;

	fz_print_outline_xml: Dump the given outlines as (pseudo) XML.

	out: The file handle to output to.

	outline: The outlines to output.
void fz_print_outline_xml(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, fz_outline *outline);

	fz_print_outline: Dump the given outlines to as text.

	out: The file handle to output to.

	outline: The outlines to output.
void fz_print_outline(fz_context *ctx, fz_output *out, fz_outline *outline);

	fz_free_outline: Free hierarchical outline.

	Free an outline obtained from fz_load_outline.

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_free_outline(fz_context *ctx, fz_outline *outline);

/* Transition support */
typedef struct fz_transition_s fz_transition;

enum {
	FZ_TRANSITION_NONE = 0, /* aka 'R' or 'REPLACE' */

struct fz_transition_s
	int type;
	float duration; /* Effect duration (seconds) */

	/* Parameters controlling the effect */
	int vertical; /* 0 or 1 */
	int outwards; /* 0 or 1 */
	int direction; /* Degrees */
	/* Potentially more to come */

	/* State variables for use of the transition code */
	int state0;
	int state1;

	fz_generate_transition: Generate a frame of a transition.

	tpix: Target pixmap
	opix: Old pixmap
	npix: New pixmap
	time: Position within the transition (0 to 256)
	trans: Transition details

	Returns 1 if successfully generated a frame.
int fz_generate_transition(fz_pixmap *tpix, fz_pixmap *opix, fz_pixmap *npix, int time, fz_transition *trans);

	Document interface
typedef struct fz_document_s fz_document;
typedef struct fz_page_s fz_page;

	fz_open_document: Open a PDF, XPS or CBZ document.

	Open a document file and read its basic structure so pages and
	objects can be located. MuPDF will try to repair broken
	documents (without actually changing the file contents).

	The returned fz_document is used when calling most other
	document related functions. Note that it wraps the context, so
	those functions implicitly can access the global state in

	filename: a path to a file as it would be given to open(2).
fz_document *fz_open_document(fz_context *ctx, const char *filename);

	fz_open_document_with_stream: Open a PDF, XPS or CBZ document.

	Open a document using the specified stream object rather than
	opening a file on disk.

	magic: a string used to detect document type; either a file name or mime-type.
fz_document *fz_open_document_with_stream(fz_context *ctx, const char *magic, fz_stream *stream);

	fz_close_document: Close and free an open document.

	The resource store in the context associated with fz_document
	is emptied, and any allocations for the document are freed.

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_close_document(fz_document *doc);

	fz_needs_password: Check if a document is encrypted with a
	non-blank password.

	Does not throw exceptions.
int fz_needs_password(fz_document *doc);

	fz_authenticate_password: Test if the given password can
	decrypt the document.

	password: The password string to be checked. Some document
	specifications do not specify any particular text encoding, so
	neither do we.

	Does not throw exceptions.
int fz_authenticate_password(fz_document *doc, char *password);

	fz_load_outline: Load the hierarchical document outline.

	Should be freed by fz_free_outline.
fz_outline *fz_load_outline(fz_document *doc);

	fz_count_pages: Return the number of pages in document

	May return 0 for documents with no pages.
int fz_count_pages(fz_document *doc);

	fz_load_page: Load a page.

	After fz_load_page is it possible to retrieve the size of the
	page using fz_bound_page, or to render the page using
	fz_run_page_*. Free the page by calling fz_free_page.

	number: page number, 0 is the first page of the document.
fz_page *fz_load_page(fz_document *doc, int number);

	fz_load_links: Load the list of links for a page.

	Returns a linked list of all the links on the page, each with
	its clickable region and link destination. Each link is
	reference counted so drop and free the list of links by
	calling fz_drop_link on the pointer return from fz_load_links.

	page: Page obtained from fz_load_page.
fz_link *fz_load_links(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page);

	fz_bound_page: Determine the size of a page at 72 dpi.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_rect *fz_bound_page(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page, fz_rect *rect);

	fz_annot: opaque pointer to annotation details.
typedef struct fz_annot_s fz_annot;

typedef enum
} fz_annot_type;

	fz_get_annot_type: return the type of an annotation
fz_annot_type fz_get_annot_type(fz_annot *annot);

	fz_first_annot: Return a pointer to the first annotation on a page.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_annot *fz_first_annot(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page);

	fz_next_annot: Return a pointer to the next annotation on a page.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_annot *fz_next_annot(fz_document *doc, fz_annot *annot);

	fz_bound_annot: Return the bounding rectangle of the annotation.

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_rect *fz_bound_annot(fz_document *doc, fz_annot *annot, fz_rect *rect);

	fz_run_page: Run a page through a device.

	page: Page obtained from fz_load_page.

	dev: Device obtained from fz_new_*_device.

	transform: Transform to apply to page. May include for example
	scaling and rotation, see fz_scale, fz_rotate and fz_concat.
	Set to fz_identity if no transformation is desired.

	cookie: Communication mechanism between caller and library
	rendering the page. Intended for multi-threaded applications,
	while single-threaded applications set cookie to NULL. The
	caller may abort an ongoing rendering of a page. Cookie also
	communicates progress information back to the caller. The
	fields inside cookie are continually updated while the page is
void fz_run_page(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *transform, fz_cookie *cookie);

	fz_run_page_contents: Run a page through a device. Just the main
	page content, without the annotations, if any.

	page: Page obtained from fz_load_page.

	dev: Device obtained from fz_new_*_device.

	transform: Transform to apply to page. May include for example
	scaling and rotation, see fz_scale, fz_rotate and fz_concat.
	Set to fz_identity if no transformation is desired.

	cookie: Communication mechanism between caller and library
	rendering the page. Intended for multi-threaded applications,
	while single-threaded applications set cookie to NULL. The
	caller may abort an ongoing rendering of a page. Cookie also
	communicates progress information back to the caller. The
	fields inside cookie are continually updated while the page is
void fz_run_page_contents(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *transform, fz_cookie *cookie);

	fz_run_annot: Run an annotation through a device.

	page: Page obtained from fz_load_page.

	annot: an annotation.

	dev: Device obtained from fz_new_*_device.

	transform: Transform to apply to page. May include for example
	scaling and rotation, see fz_scale, fz_rotate and fz_concat.
	Set to fz_identity if no transformation is desired.

	cookie: Communication mechanism between caller and library
	rendering the page. Intended for multi-threaded applications,
	while single-threaded applications set cookie to NULL. The
	caller may abort an ongoing rendering of a page. Cookie also
	communicates progress information back to the caller. The
	fields inside cookie are continually updated while the page is
void fz_run_annot(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page, fz_annot *annot, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *transform, fz_cookie *cookie);

	fz_free_page: Free a loaded page.

	Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_free_page(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page);

	fz_meta: Perform a meta operation on a document.

	(In development - Subject to change in future versions)

	Meta operations provide a way to perform format specific
	operations on a document. The meta operation scheme is
	designed to be extensible so that new features can be
	transparently added in later versions of the library.

	doc: The document on which to perform the meta operation.

	key: The meta operation to try. If a particular operation
	is unsupported on a given document, the function will return

	ptr: An operation dependent (possibly NULL) pointer.

	size: An operation dependent integer. Often this will
	be the size of the block pointed to by ptr, but not always.

	Returns an operation dependent value; FZ_META_UNKNOWN_KEY
	always means "unknown operation for this document". In general
	FZ_META_OK should be used to indicate successful operation.
int fz_meta(fz_document *doc, int key, void *ptr, int size);

	FZ_META_OK = 0,

		ptr: Pointer to block (uninitialised on entry)
		size: Size of block (at least 64 bytes)
		Returns: Document format as a brief text string.
		All formats should support this.

		ptr: Pointer to block (uninitialised on entry)
		size: Size of block (at least 64 bytes)
		Returns: Encryption info as a brief text string.

		ptr: NULL
		size: Which permission to check
		Returns: 1 if permitted, 0 otherwise.


		ptr: Pointer to block. First entry in the block is
		a pointer to a UTF8 string to lookup. The rest of the
		block is uninitialised on entry.
		size: size of the block in bytes.
		Returns: 0 if not found. 1 if found. The string
		result is copied into the block (truncated to size
		and NULL terminated)


	fz_page_presentation: Get the presentation details for a given page.

	duration: NULL, or a pointer to a place to set the page duration in
	seconds. (Will be set to 0 if unspecified).

	Returns: a pointer to a transition structure, or NULL if there isn't

	Does not throw exceptions.
fz_transition *fz_page_presentation(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page, float *duration);

/* Interactive features */

/* Types of widget */

/* Types of text widget content */

/* Types of UI event */

/* Types of pointer event */

	Interface supported by some types of documents,
	via which interactions (such as filling in forms)
	can be achieved.
typedef struct fz_interactive_s fz_interactive;

	UI events that can be passed to an interactive document.
typedef struct fz_ui_event_s
	int etype;
			int ptype;
			fz_point pt;
		} pointer;
	} event;
} fz_ui_event;

	Widgets that may appear in PDF forms
typedef struct fz_widget_s fz_widget;

	Obtain an interface for interaction from a document.
	For document types that don't support interaction, NULL
	is returned.
fz_interactive *fz_interact(fz_document *doc);

	Determine whether changes have been made since the
	document was opened or last saved.
int fz_has_unsaved_changes(fz_interactive *idoc);

	fz_pass_event: Pass a UI event to an interactive

	Returns a boolean indication of whether the ui_event was
	handled. Example of use for the return value: when considering
	passing the events that make up a drag, if the down event isn't
	accepted then don't send the move events or the up event.
int fz_pass_event(fz_interactive *idoc, fz_page *page, fz_ui_event *ui_event);

	fz_update_page: update a page for the sake of changes caused by a call
	to fz_pass_event. fz_update_page regenerates any appearance streams that
	are out of date, checks for cases where different appearance streams
	should be selected because of state changes, and records internally
	each annotation that has changed appearance. The list of chagned annotations
	is then available via fz_poll_changed_annotation. Note that a call to
	fz_pass_event for one page may lead to changes on any other, so an app
	should call fz_update_page for every page it currently displays. Also
	it is important that the fz_page object is the one used to last render
	the page. If instead the app were to drop the page and reload it then
	a call to fz_update_page would not reliably be able to report all changed
void fz_update_page(fz_interactive *idoc, fz_page *page);

	fz_poll_changed_annot: enumerate the changed annotations recoreded
	by a call to fz_update_page.
fz_annot *fz_poll_changed_annot(fz_interactive *idoc, fz_page *page);

	fz_init_ui_pointer_event: Set up a pointer event
void fz_init_ui_pointer_event(fz_ui_event *event, int type, float x, float y);

	fz_focused_widget: returns the currently focussed widget

	Widgets can become focussed as a result of passing in ui events.
	NULL is returned if there is no currently focussed widget. An
	app may wish to create a native representative of the focussed
	widget, e.g., to collect the text for a text widget, rather than
	routing key strokes through fz_pass_event.
fz_widget *fz_focused_widget(fz_interactive *idoc);

	fz_first_widget: get first widget when enumerating
fz_widget *fz_first_widget(fz_interactive *idoc, fz_page *page);

	fz_next_widget: get next widget when enumerating
fz_widget *fz_next_widget(fz_interactive *idoc, fz_widget *previous);

	fz_widget_get_type: find out the type of a widget.

	The type determines what widget subclass the widget
	can safely be cast to.
int fz_widget_get_type(fz_widget *widget);

	fz_bound_widget: get the bounding box of a widget.
fz_rect *fz_bound_widget(fz_widget *widget, fz_rect *);

	fz_text_widget_text: Get the text currently displayed in
	a text widget.
char *fz_text_widget_text(fz_interactive *idoc, fz_widget *tw);

	fz_widget_text_max_len: get the maximum number of
	characters permitted in a text widget
int fz_text_widget_max_len(fz_interactive *idoc, fz_widget *tw);

	fz_text_widget_content_type: get the type of content
	required by a text widget
int fz_text_widget_content_type(fz_interactive *idoc, fz_widget *tw);

	fz_text_widget_set_text: Update the text of a text widget.
	The text is first validated and accepted only if it passes. The
	function returns whether validation passed.
int fz_text_widget_set_text(fz_interactive *idoc, fz_widget *tw, char *text);

	fz_choice_widget_options: get the list of options for a list
	box or combo box. Returns the number of options and fills in their
	names within the supplied array. Should first be called with a
	NULL array to find out how big the array should be.
int fz_choice_widget_options(fz_interactive *idoc, fz_widget *tw, char *opts[]);

	fz_choice_widget_is_multiselect: returns whether a list box or
	combo box supports selection of multiple options
int fz_choice_widget_is_multiselect(fz_interactive *idoc, fz_widget *tw);

	fz_choice_widget_value: get the value of a choice widget.
	Returns the number of options curently selected and fills in
	the supplied array with their strings. Should first be called
	with NULL as the array to find out how big the array need to
	be. The filled in elements should not be freed by the caller.
int fz_choice_widget_value(fz_interactive *idoc, fz_widget *tw, char *opts[]);

	fz_widget_set_value: set the value of a choice widget. The
	caller should pass the number of options selected and an
	array of their names
void fz_choice_widget_set_value(fz_interactive *idoc, fz_widget *tw, int n, char *opts[]);

	Document events: the objects via which MuPDF informs the calling app
	of occurrences emanating from the document, possibly from user interaction
	or javascript execution. MuPDF informs the app of document events via a

	Document event structures are mostly opaque to the app. Only the type
	is visible to the app.
typedef struct fz_doc_event_s fz_doc_event;

struct fz_doc_event_s
	int type;

	The various types of document events

	fz_doc_event_cb: the type of function via which the app receives
	document events.
typedef void (fz_doc_event_cb)(fz_doc_event *event, void *data);

	fz_set_doc_event_callback: set the function via which to receive
	document events.
void fz_set_doc_event_callback(fz_interactive *idoc, fz_doc_event_cb *fn, void *data);

	fz_alert_event: details of an alert event. In response the app should
	display an alert dialog with the bittons specified by "button_type_group".
	If "check_box_message" is non-NULL, a checkbox should be displayed in
	the lower-left corned along with the messsage.

	"finally_checked" and "button_pressed" should be set by the app
	before returning from the callback. "finally_checked" need be set
	only if "check_box_message" is non-NULL.
typedef struct
	char *message;
	int icon_type;
	int button_group_type;
	char *title;
	char *check_box_message;
	int initially_checked;
	int finally_checked;
	int button_pressed;
} fz_alert_event;

/* Possible values of icon_type */

/* Possible values of button_group_type */

/* Possible values of button_pressed */

	fz_access_alert_event: access the details of an alert event
	The returned pointer and all the data referred to by the
	structire are owned by mupdf and need not be freed by the
fz_alert_event *fz_access_alert_event(fz_doc_event *event);

	fz_access_exec_menu_item_event: access the details of am execMenuItem
	event, which consists of just the name of the menu item
char *fz_access_exec_menu_item_event(fz_doc_event *event);

	fz_submit_event: details of a submit event. The app should submit
	the specified data to the specified url. "get" determines whether
	to use the GET or POST method.
typedef struct
	char *url;
	char *data;
	int data_len;
	int get;
} fz_submit_event;

	fz_access_submit_event: access the details of a submit event
	The returned pointer and all data referred to by the structure are
	owned by mupdf and need not be freed by the caller.
fz_submit_event *fz_access_submit_event(fz_doc_event *event);

	fz_launch_url_event: details of a launch-url event. The app should
	open the url, either in a new frame or in the current window.
typedef struct
	char *url;
	int new_frame;
} fz_launch_url_event;

	fz_access_launch_url_event: access the details of a launch-url
	event. The returned pointer and all data referred to by the structure
	are owned by mupdf and need not be freed by the caller.
fz_launch_url_event *fz_access_launch_url_event(fz_doc_event *event);

	fz_mail_doc_event: details of a mail_doc event. The app should save
	the current state of the document and email it using the specified
typedef struct
	int ask_user;
	char *to;
	char *cc;
	char *bcc;
	char *subject;
	char *message;
} fz_mail_doc_event;

	fz_acccess_mail_doc_event: access the details of a mail-doc event.
fz_mail_doc_event *fz_access_mail_doc_event(fz_doc_event *event);

	fz_javascript_supported: test whether a version of mupdf with
	a javascript engine is in use.
int fz_javascript_supported(void);

typedef struct fz_write_options_s fz_write_options;

	In calls to fz_write, the following options structure can be used
	to control aspects of the writing process. This structure may grow
	in future, and should be zero-filled to allow forwards compatiblity.
struct fz_write_options_s
	int do_ascii; /* If non-zero then attempt (where possible) to make
				the output ascii. */
	int do_expand; /* Bitflags; each non zero bit indicates an aspect
				of the file that should be 'expanded' on
				writing. */
	int do_garbage; /* If non-zero then attempt (where possible) to
				garbage collect the file before writing. */
	int do_linear; /* If non-zero then write linearised. */
	int continue_on_error; /* If non-zero, errors are (optionally)
					counted and writing continues. */
	int *errors; /* Pointer to a place to store a count of errors */

/*	An enumeration of bitflags to use in the above 'do_expand' field of
	fz_expand_images = 1,
	fz_expand_fonts = 2,
	fz_expand_all = -1

	fz_write: Write a document out.

	(In development - Subject to change in future versions)

	Save a copy of the current document in its original format.
	Internally the document may change.

	doc: The document to save.

	filename: The filename to save to.

	opts: NULL, or a pointer to an options structure.

	May throw exceptions.
void fz_write_document(fz_document *doc, char *filename, fz_write_options *opts);
