/* * Resources and other graphics related objects. */ typedef struct fz_pixmap_s fz_pixmap; typedef struct fz_colorspace_s fz_colorspace; typedef struct fz_path_s fz_path; typedef struct fz_text_s fz_text; typedef struct fz_font_s fz_font; typedef struct fz_shade_s fz_shade; typedef struct fz_strokestate_s fz_strokestate; enum { FZ_MAXCOLORS = 32 }; typedef enum fz_blendkind_e { /* PDF 1.4 -- standard separable */ FZ_BNORMAL, FZ_BMULTIPLY, FZ_BSCREEN, FZ_BOVERLAY, FZ_BDARKEN, FZ_BLIGHTEN, FZ_BCOLORDODGE, FZ_BCOLORBURN, FZ_BHARDLIGHT, FZ_BSOFTLIGHT, FZ_BDIFFERENCE, FZ_BEXCLUSION, /* PDF 1.4 -- standard non-separable */ FZ_BHUE, FZ_BSATURATION, FZ_BCOLOR, FZ_BLUMINOSITY } fz_blendkind; /* pixmaps have n components per pixel. the first is always alpha. premultiplied alpha when rendering, but non-premultiplied for colorspace conversions and rescaling. */ extern fz_colorspace *pdf_devicegray; extern fz_colorspace *pdf_devicergb; extern fz_colorspace *pdf_devicecmyk; extern fz_colorspace *pdf_devicelab; extern fz_colorspace *pdf_devicepattern; struct fz_pixmap_s { int refs; int x, y, w, h, n; fz_colorspace *colorspace; unsigned char *samples; }; fz_pixmap * fz_newpixmapwithrect(fz_colorspace *, fz_bbox bbox); fz_pixmap * fz_newpixmap(fz_colorspace *, int x, int y, int w, int h); fz_pixmap *fz_keeppixmap(fz_pixmap *map); void fz_droppixmap(fz_pixmap *map); void fz_debugpixmap(fz_pixmap *map, char *prefix); void fz_clearpixmap(fz_pixmap *map, unsigned char value); fz_pixmap * fz_scalepixmap(fz_pixmap *src, int xdenom, int ydenom); /* * The device interface. */ typedef struct fz_device_s fz_device; struct fz_device_s { void *user; void (*freeuser)(void *); void (*fillpath)(void *, fz_path *, int evenodd, fz_matrix, fz_colorspace *, float *color, float alpha); void (*strokepath)(void *, fz_path *, fz_strokestate *, fz_matrix, fz_colorspace *, float *color, float alpha); void (*clippath)(void *, fz_path *, int evenodd, fz_matrix); void (*clipstrokepath)(void *, fz_path *, fz_strokestate *, fz_matrix); void (*filltext)(void *, fz_text *, fz_matrix, fz_colorspace *, float *color, float alpha); void (*stroketext)(void *, fz_text *, fz_strokestate *, fz_matrix, fz_colorspace *, float *color, float alpha); void (*cliptext)(void *, fz_text *, fz_matrix); void (*clipstroketext)(void *, fz_text *, fz_strokestate *, fz_matrix); void (*ignoretext)(void *, fz_text *, fz_matrix); void (*fillshade)(void *, fz_shade *shd, fz_matrix ctm); void (*fillimage)(void *, fz_pixmap *img, fz_matrix ctm); void (*fillimagemask)(void *, fz_pixmap *img, fz_matrix ctm, fz_colorspace *, float *color, float alpha); void (*clipimagemask)(void *, fz_pixmap *img, fz_matrix ctm); void (*popclip)(void *); }; fz_device *fz_newdevice(void *user); void fz_freedevice(fz_device *dev); fz_device *fz_newtracedevice(void); /* Text extraction device */ typedef struct fz_textspan_s fz_textspan; typedef struct fz_textchar_s fz_textchar; struct fz_textchar_s { int c; fz_bbox bbox; }; struct fz_textspan_s { fz_font *font; float size; int len, cap; fz_textchar *text; fz_textspan *next; int eol; }; fz_textspan * fz_newtextspan(void); void fz_freetextspan(fz_textspan *line); void fz_debugtextspan(fz_textspan *line); void fz_debugtextspanxml(fz_textspan *span); fz_device *fz_newtextdevice(fz_textspan *text); /* Display list device -- record and play back device commands. */ typedef struct fz_displaylist_s fz_displaylist; typedef struct fz_displaynode_s fz_displaynode; typedef enum fz_displaycommand_e { FZ_CMDFILLPATH, FZ_CMDSTROKEPATH, FZ_CMDCLIPPATH, FZ_CMDCLIPSTROKEPATH, FZ_CMDFILLTEXT, FZ_CMDSTROKETEXT, FZ_CMDCLIPTEXT, FZ_CMDCLIPSTROKETEXT, FZ_CMDIGNORETEXT, FZ_CMDFILLSHADE, FZ_CMDFILLIMAGE, FZ_CMDFILLIMAGEMASK, FZ_CMDCLIPIMAGEMASK, FZ_CMDPOPCLIP, } fz_displaycommand; struct fz_displaylist_s { fz_displaynode *first; fz_displaynode *last; }; struct fz_displaynode_s { fz_displaycommand cmd; fz_displaynode *next; union { fz_path *path; fz_text *text; fz_shade *shade; fz_pixmap *image; } item; fz_strokestate *stroke; int evenodd; fz_matrix ctm; fz_colorspace *colorspace; float alpha; float color[FZ_MAXCOLORS]; }; fz_displaylist *fz_newdisplaylist(void); void fz_freedisplaylist(fz_displaylist *list); fz_device *fz_newlistdevice(fz_displaylist *list); void fz_executedisplaylist(fz_displaylist *list, fz_device *dev, fz_matrix ctm); /* * Vector path buffer. * It can be stroked and dashed, or be filled. * It has a fill rule (nonzero or evenodd). * * When rendering, they are flattened, stroked and dashed straight * into the Global Edge List. */ typedef union fz_pathel_s fz_pathel; typedef enum fz_pathelkind_e { FZ_MOVETO, FZ_LINETO, FZ_CURVETO, FZ_CLOSEPATH } fz_pathelkind; union fz_pathel_s { fz_pathelkind k; float v; }; struct fz_strokestate_s { int linecap; int linejoin; float linewidth; float miterlimit; float dashphase; int dashlen; float dashlist[32]; }; struct fz_path_s { int len, cap; fz_pathel *els; }; fz_path *fz_newpath(void); void fz_moveto(fz_path*, float x, float y); void fz_lineto(fz_path*, float x, float y); void fz_curveto(fz_path*, float, float, float, float, float, float); void fz_curvetov(fz_path*, float, float, float, float); void fz_curvetoy(fz_path*, float, float, float, float); void fz_closepath(fz_path*); void fz_freepath(fz_path *path); fz_path *fz_clonepath(fz_path *old); fz_rect fz_boundpath(fz_path *path, fz_strokestate *stroke, fz_matrix ctm); void fz_debugpath(fz_path *, int indent); /* * Text buffer. * * The trm field contains the a, b, c and d coefficients. * The e and f coefficients come from the individual elements, * together they form the transform matrix for the glyph. * * Glyphs are referenced by glyph ID. * The Unicode text equivalent is kept in a separate array * with indexes into the glyph array. */ typedef struct fz_textel_s fz_textel; struct fz_textel_s { float x, y; int gid; int ucs; }; struct fz_text_s { fz_font *font; fz_matrix trm; int len, cap; fz_textel *els; }; fz_text * fz_newtext(fz_font *face); void fz_addtext(fz_text *text, int gid, int ucs, float x, float y); void fz_endtext(fz_text *text); void fz_freetext(fz_text *text); void fz_debugtext(fz_text*, int indent); fz_rect fz_boundtext(fz_text *text, fz_matrix ctm); fz_text *fz_clonetext(fz_text *old); /* * Colorspace resources. * * TODO: use lcms */ struct fz_colorspace_s { int refs; char name[16]; int n; void (*convpixmap)(fz_colorspace *ss, fz_pixmap *sp, fz_colorspace *ds, fz_pixmap *dp); void (*convcolor)(fz_colorspace *ss, float *sv, fz_colorspace *ds, float *dv); void (*toxyz)(fz_colorspace *, float *src, float *xyz); void (*fromxyz)(fz_colorspace *, float *xyz, float *dst); void (*freefunc)(fz_colorspace *); }; fz_colorspace *fz_keepcolorspace(fz_colorspace *cs); void fz_dropcolorspace(fz_colorspace *cs); void fz_convertcolor(fz_colorspace *srcs, float *srcv, fz_colorspace *dsts, float *dstv); void fz_convertpixmap(fz_colorspace *srcs, fz_pixmap *srcv, fz_colorspace *dsts, fz_pixmap *dstv); void fz_stdconvcolor(fz_colorspace *srcs, float *srcv, fz_colorspace *dsts, float *dstv); void fz_stdconvpixmap(fz_colorspace *srcs, fz_pixmap *srcv, fz_colorspace *dsts, fz_pixmap *dstv); /* * Fonts. * * Fonts come in three variants: * Regular fonts are handled by FreeType. * Type 3 fonts have callbacks to the interpreter. * Substitute fonts are a thin wrapper over a regular font that adjusts metrics. */ char *ft_errorstring(int err); struct fz_font_s { int refs; char name[32]; void *ftface; /* has an FT_Face if used */ int ftsubstitute; /* ... substitute metrics */ int fthint; /* ... force hinting for DynaLab fonts */ fz_matrix t3matrix; fz_obj *t3resources; fz_buffer **t3procs; /* has 256 entries if used */ float *t3widths; /* has 256 entries if used */ void *t3xref; /* a pdf_xref for the callback */ fz_error (*t3runcontentstream)(fz_device *dev, fz_matrix ctm, struct pdf_xref_s *xref, fz_obj *resources, fz_buffer *contents); fz_rect bbox; /* substitute metrics */ int widthcount; int *widthtable; }; fz_error fz_newfreetypefont(fz_font **fontp, char *name, int substitute); fz_error fz_loadfreetypefontfile(fz_font *font, char *path, int index); fz_error fz_loadfreetypefontbuffer(fz_font *font, unsigned char *data, int len, int index); fz_font * fz_newtype3font(char *name, fz_matrix matrix); fz_error fz_newfontfrombuffer(fz_font **fontp, unsigned char *data, int len, int index); fz_error fz_newfontfromfile(fz_font **fontp, char *path, int index); fz_font * fz_keepfont(fz_font *font); void fz_dropfont(fz_font *font); void fz_debugfont(fz_font *font); void fz_setfontbbox(fz_font *font, float xmin, float ymin, float xmax, float ymax); /* * The shading code is in rough shape but the general architecture is sound. */ struct fz_shade_s { int refs; fz_rect bbox; /* can be fz_infiniterect */ fz_colorspace *cs; fz_matrix matrix; /* matrix from pattern dict */ int usebackground; /* background color for fills but not 'sh' */ float background[FZ_MAXCOLORS]; int usefunction; float function[256][FZ_MAXCOLORS]; int meshlen; int meshcap; float *mesh; /* [x y t] or [x y c1 ... cn] * 3 * meshlen */ }; fz_shade *fz_keepshade(fz_shade *shade); void fz_dropshade(fz_shade *shade); void fz_debugshade(fz_shade *shade); fz_rect fz_boundshade(fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm); void fz_rendershade(fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm, fz_pixmap *dst);