#include "fitz_base.h" #include "fitz_tree.h" fz_error fz_newpathnode(fz_pathnode **pathp) { fz_pathnode *path; path = *pathp = fz_malloc(sizeof(fz_pathnode)); if (!path) return fz_rethrow(-1, "out of memory"); fz_initnode((fz_node*)path, FZ_NPATH); path->paint = FZ_FILL; path->linecap = 0; path->linejoin = 0; path->linewidth = 1.0; path->miterlimit = 10.0; path->dash = nil; path->len = 0; path->cap = 0; path->els = nil; return fz_okay; } fz_error fz_clonepathnode(fz_pathnode **pathp, fz_pathnode *oldpath) { fz_pathnode *path; path = *pathp = fz_malloc(sizeof(fz_pathnode)); if (!path) return fz_rethrow(-1, "out of memory"); fz_initnode((fz_node*)path, FZ_NPATH); path->paint = FZ_FILL; path->linecap = 0; path->linejoin = 0; path->linewidth = 1.0; path->miterlimit = 10.0; path->dash = nil; path->len = oldpath->len; path->cap = oldpath->len; path->els = fz_malloc(sizeof (fz_pathel) * path->len); if (!path->els) { fz_free(path); return fz_rethrow(-1, "out of memory"); } memcpy(path->els, oldpath->els, sizeof(fz_pathel) * path->len); return fz_okay; } void fz_droppathnode(fz_pathnode *node) { fz_free(node->dash); fz_free(node->els); } static fz_error growpath(fz_pathnode *path, int n) { int newcap; fz_pathel *newels; while (path->len + n > path->cap) { newcap = path->cap + 36; newels = fz_realloc(path->els, sizeof (fz_pathel) * newcap); if (!newels) return fz_rethrow(-1, "out of memory"); path->cap = newcap; path->els = newels; } return fz_okay; } fz_error fz_moveto(fz_pathnode *path, float x, float y) { if (growpath(path, 3) != fz_okay) return fz_rethrow(-1, "out of memory"); path->els[path->len++].k = FZ_MOVETO; path->els[path->len++].v = x; path->els[path->len++].v = y; return fz_okay; } fz_error fz_lineto(fz_pathnode *path, float x, float y) { if (path->len == 0) return fz_throw("no current point"); if (growpath(path, 3) != fz_okay) return fz_rethrow(-1, "out of memory"); path->els[path->len++].k = FZ_LINETO; path->els[path->len++].v = x; path->els[path->len++].v = y; return fz_okay; } fz_error fz_curveto(fz_pathnode *path, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) { if (path->len == 0) return fz_throw("no current point"); if (growpath(path, 7) != fz_okay) return fz_rethrow(-1, "out of memory"); path->els[path->len++].k = FZ_CURVETO; path->els[path->len++].v = x1; path->els[path->len++].v = y1; path->els[path->len++].v = x2; path->els[path->len++].v = y2; path->els[path->len++].v = x3; path->els[path->len++].v = y3; return fz_okay; } fz_error fz_curvetov(fz_pathnode *path, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) { float x1 = path->els[path->len-2].v; float y1 = path->els[path->len-1].v; return fz_curveto(path, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); } fz_error fz_curvetoy(fz_pathnode *path, float x1, float y1, float x3, float y3) { return fz_curveto(path, x1, y1, x3, y3, x3, y3); } fz_error fz_closepath(fz_pathnode *path) { if (path->len == 0) { fz_warn("tried to close an empty path"); return fz_okay; } if (growpath(path, 1) != fz_okay) return fz_rethrow(-1, "out of memory"); path->els[path->len++].k = FZ_CLOSEPATH; return fz_okay; } fz_error fz_endpath(fz_pathnode *path, fz_pathkind paint, fz_stroke *stroke, fz_dash *dash) { path->paint = paint; path->dash = dash; if (stroke) { path->linecap = stroke->linecap; path->linejoin = stroke->linejoin; path->linewidth = stroke->linewidth; path->miterlimit = stroke->miterlimit; } return fz_okay; } static inline fz_rect boundexpand(fz_rect r, fz_point p) { if (p.x < r.x0) r.x0 = p.x; if (p.y < r.y0) r.y0 = p.y; if (p.x > r.x1) r.x1 = p.x; if (p.y > r.y1) r.y1 = p.y; return r; } fz_rect fz_boundpathnode(fz_pathnode *path, fz_matrix ctm) { fz_point p; fz_rect r = fz_emptyrect; int i = 0; if (path->len) { p.x = path->els[1].v; p.y = path->els[2].v; p = fz_transformpoint(ctm, p); r.x0 = r.x1 = p.x; r.y0 = r.y1 = p.y; } while (i < path->len) { switch (path->els[i++].k) { case FZ_CURVETO: p.x = path->els[i++].v; p.y = path->els[i++].v; r = boundexpand(r, fz_transformpoint(ctm, p)); p.x = path->els[i++].v; p.y = path->els[i++].v; r = boundexpand(r, fz_transformpoint(ctm, p)); case FZ_MOVETO: case FZ_LINETO: p.x = path->els[i++].v; p.y = path->els[i++].v; r = boundexpand(r, fz_transformpoint(ctm, p)); break; case FZ_CLOSEPATH: break; } } if (path->paint == FZ_STROKE) { float miterlength = sin(path->miterlimit / 2.0); float linewidth = path->linewidth; float expand = MAX(miterlength, linewidth) / 2.0; r.x0 -= expand; r.y0 -= expand; r.x1 += expand; r.y1 += expand; } return r; } void fz_printpathnode(fz_pathnode *path, int indent) { float x, y; int i = 0; int n; while (i < path->len) { for (n = 0; n < indent; n++) putchar(' '); switch (path->els[i++].k) { case FZ_MOVETO: x = path->els[i++].v; y = path->els[i++].v; printf("%g %g m\n", x, y); break; case FZ_LINETO: x = path->els[i++].v; y = path->els[i++].v; printf("%g %g l\n", x, y); break; case FZ_CURVETO: x = path->els[i++].v; y = path->els[i++].v; printf("%g %g ", x, y); x = path->els[i++].v; y = path->els[i++].v; printf("%g %g ", x, y); x = path->els[i++].v; y = path->els[i++].v; printf("%g %g c\n", x, y); break; case FZ_CLOSEPATH: printf("h\n"); } } for (n = 0; n < indent; n++) putchar(' '); switch (path->paint) { case FZ_STROKE: printf("S\n"); break; case FZ_FILL: printf("f\n"); break; case FZ_EOFILL: printf("f*\n"); break; } } void fz_debugpathnode(fz_pathnode *path, int indent) { float x, y; int i = 0; int n; while (i < path->len) { for (n = 0; n < indent; n++) putchar(' '); switch (path->els[i++].k) { case FZ_MOVETO: x = path->els[i++].v; y = path->els[i++].v; printf("<moveto x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\" />\n", x, y); break; case FZ_LINETO: x = path->els[i++].v; y = path->els[i++].v; printf("<lineto x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\" />\n", x, y); break; case FZ_CURVETO: x = path->els[i++].v; y = path->els[i++].v; printf("<curveto x1=\"%g\" y1=\"%g\" ", x, y); x = path->els[i++].v; y = path->els[i++].v; printf("x2=\"%g\" y2=\"%g\" ", x, y); x = path->els[i++].v; y = path->els[i++].v; printf("x3=\"%g\" y3=\"%g\" />\n", x, y); break; case FZ_CLOSEPATH: printf("<closepath />\n"); } } } fz_error fz_newdash(fz_dash **dashp, float phase, int len, float *array) { fz_dash *dash; int i; dash = *dashp = fz_malloc(sizeof(fz_dash) + sizeof(float) * len); if (!dash) return fz_rethrow(-1, "out of memory"); dash->len = len; dash->phase = phase; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) dash->array[i] = array[i]; return fz_okay; } void fz_dropdash(fz_dash *dash) { fz_free(dash); }