/* * The display tree is at the center of attention in Fitz. * The tree and most of its minor nodes. * Paths and text nodes are found elsewhere. * Resources used are also found elsewhere. */ typedef struct fz_tree_s fz_tree; typedef struct fz_node_s fz_node; struct fz_tree_s { int refs; fz_node *root; fz_node *head; }; /* tree operations */ fz_error *fz_newtree(fz_tree **treep); fz_tree *fz_keeptree(fz_tree *tree); void fz_droptree(fz_tree *tree); fz_rect fz_boundtree(fz_tree *tree, fz_matrix ctm); void fz_debugtree(fz_tree *tree); void fz_insertnodefirst(fz_node *parent, fz_node *child); void fz_insertnodelast(fz_node *parent, fz_node *child); void fz_insertnodeafter(fz_node *prev, fz_node *child); void fz_removenode(fz_node *child); fz_error *fz_optimizetree(fz_tree *tree); /* node types */ typedef struct fz_transformnode_s fz_transformnode; typedef struct fz_overnode_s fz_overnode; typedef struct fz_masknode_s fz_masknode; typedef struct fz_blendnode_s fz_blendnode; typedef struct fz_pathnode_s fz_pathnode; typedef struct fz_textnode_s fz_textnode; typedef struct fz_colornode_s fz_colornode; typedef struct fz_imagenode_s fz_imagenode; typedef struct fz_shadenode_s fz_shadenode; typedef struct fz_linknode_s fz_linknode; typedef struct fz_metanode_s fz_metanode; typedef enum fz_nodekind_e { FZ_NTRANSFORM, FZ_NOVER, FZ_NMASK, FZ_NBLEND, FZ_NPATH, FZ_NTEXT, FZ_NCOLOR, FZ_NIMAGE, FZ_NSHADE, FZ_NLINK, FZ_NMETA } fz_nodekind; typedef enum fz_blendkind_e { /* PDF 1.4 -- standard separable */ FZ_BNORMAL, FZ_BMULTIPLY, FZ_BSCREEN, FZ_BOVERLAY, FZ_BDARKEN, FZ_BLIGHTEN, FZ_BCOLORDODGE, FZ_BCOLORBURN, FZ_BHARDLIGHT, FZ_BSOFTLIGHT, FZ_BDIFFERENCE, FZ_BEXCLUSION, /* PDF 1.4 -- standard non-separable */ FZ_BHUE, FZ_BSATURATION, FZ_BCOLOR, FZ_BLUMINOSITY, FZ_BOVERPRINT, FZ_BRASTEROP } fz_blendkind; struct fz_node_s { fz_nodekind kind; fz_node *parent; fz_node *first; fz_node *last; fz_node *next; }; struct fz_transformnode_s { fz_node super; fz_matrix m; }; struct fz_overnode_s { fz_node super; }; struct fz_masknode_s { fz_node super; }; struct fz_blendnode_s { fz_node super; fz_colorspace *cs; fz_blendkind mode; int isolated; int knockout; }; struct fz_colornode_s { fz_node super; fz_colorspace *cs; int n; float samples[FZ_FLEX]; }; struct fz_linknode_s { fz_node super; fz_tree *tree; }; struct fz_metanode_s { fz_node super; void *name; void *dict; }; struct fz_imagenode_s { fz_node super; fz_image *image; }; struct fz_shadenode_s { fz_node super; fz_shade *shade; }; /* common to all nodes */ void fz_initnode(fz_node *node, fz_nodekind kind); fz_rect fz_boundnode(fz_node *node, fz_matrix ctm); void fz_dropnode(fz_node *node); /* branch nodes */ fz_error *fz_newmetanode(fz_node **nodep, void *name, void *dict); fz_error *fz_newovernode(fz_node **nodep); fz_error *fz_newmasknode(fz_node **nodep); fz_error *fz_newblendnode(fz_node **nodep, fz_colorspace *cs, fz_blendkind b, int k, int i); fz_error *fz_newtransformnode(fz_node **nodep, fz_matrix m); int fz_istransformnode(fz_node *node); int fz_isovernode(fz_node *node); int fz_ismasknode(fz_node *node); int fz_isblendnode(fz_node *node); int fz_ismetanode(fz_node *node); /* leaf nodes */ fz_error *fz_newlinknode(fz_node **nodep, fz_tree *subtree); fz_error *fz_newcolornode(fz_node **nodep, fz_colorspace *cs, int n, float *v); fz_error *fz_newimagenode(fz_node **nodep, fz_image *image); fz_error *fz_newshadenode(fz_node **nodep, fz_shade *shade); int fz_islinknode(fz_node *node); int fz_iscolornode(fz_node *node); int fz_ispathnode(fz_node *node); int fz_istextnode(fz_node *node); int fz_isimagenode(fz_node *node); int fz_isshadenode(fz_node *node);